View Full Version : [Terra] Recordable Disc question

Kalonji Faya
21-01-09, 17:28
Hi runners !

I was looking for the recipe of recordable disc on wiki.techaven.org, I found the materials I need, but still don't know what mobs loots those materials ...

could someone tell me what kind of mobs I should kill ? which sector / dungeon I should farm ?!

I need to recycle some for future mini events I'd like to make ^^

Materials I need are :

1x Ancient Launcher Connectors
2x Large Hydrolic Parts
1x Hardware based OS
1x energy generator
1x Defunct CopBot Ethic Chip

thanks for all the help or advice you can tell me ^^


21-01-09, 17:58
Materials I need are :

1x Ancient Launcher Connectors
2x Large Hydrolic Parts
1x Hardware based OS
1x energy generator
1x Defunct CopBot Ethic Chip

Ancient Launcher Connectors = uhm Hovereyes, Big Hovereyes and HoverStations iirc

Large Hyd part = Warbots,Ceres Lab mobs,Hoverbots

Hardware Based OS/Energy Gernator = all kind of Hoverbots
good places to hunt HoverBots Eyes and Sations are Gabanium Mine,F_08,G_09

Defunct CopBot Ethic Chip = all the CopBots in Gaia Mines
maybe Amok CopBots drop them too
that one CobBot at J_03 near the road should drop this chip also

Kalonji Faya
21-01-09, 18:00
cheeers garfield ^^

mmmh only med or high ranked mobs, that will be more challenging than I thought ^^


Sharper Blade
21-01-09, 18:58
In catlock bay the mobs in there drop launcher connections too i believe

Dribble Joy
21-01-09, 20:06
Red Point too.

21-01-09, 21:28
Future events? :D

Silenteye is curious!

Sharper Blade
22-01-09, 02:08
I'd like to see an event based on writeable discs scattered around boxes in nc or the wastes and if they a winner like one could say "You've won a bla bla bla" or "You've won an npc spawn of your choice in app" or something like that and you give it to a gm would be neat. I'm sure I'd make one that said "You've won beingwarped to zoneid 51 and gm powers on your tank" =]

Kalonji Faya
22-01-09, 10:12
Future events? :D

Silenteye is curious!

curiosity is necessary :D

I'll need help too, and don't worry I'll contact you :p
