View Full Version : DoY Bots

11-01-09, 00:07
Few questions about the DoY bots, i.e., "DOY Artillery Unit MK II" "DOY Defence Unit" etc

First, what types of damage do they do? I know the Artillery units definitely do Fire damage, and probably something else too (maybe En, not sure), but they catch me on fire. The Defence or Scout unit.. can't remember.. adds Radiation stacks (and probably something else too but dunno). Can anyone clarify?

Second, do they have a damage type they are weak against?

Can they drop tech parts, implants, or anything besides the unique junk they drop? I've killed three so far and they all have only dropped their unique junk in random amounts, and nothing else so far.

Lastly, about their unique junk: Bio-based -master- OS, Nuclear energy reactor, Durable hi-precision parts, Mercury super processing unit. Are these unique junk used for ANYTHING at all? Usually I thought unique junk was used in some recycling recipes or whatever, like with Ancient Launcher Connectors you can use them for a couple things. Do these have any use at all? Or can you only sell them to YO's and recycle ammo with them?

Thanks!! :)

Dribble Joy
11-01-09, 02:07
Xray is the primary dmg type. They may do energy. If you're not logging info, add:


To the bottom of your neocron.ini file in the nc folder. Then in the logs folder go to the latest 'charname'.log file after you get hit. You should see something like the following:

Damage: 11.635 Target X-Ray HitZone 1 - Part 2
Damage: 8.653 (Reduction: 2.982 - 25.629 Percentage) - Damage reduced by player armor
Damage: 8.649 (Reduction: 2.987 - 25.668 Percentage) - Damage reduced by player skills
Results of this target: Damage 8.649 (Reduction: 2.987 - 25.668 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.800!

That will tell you what dmg type and amount.

The loot used to be for an old run to get the precursor to the Spy PA, it's pretty useless atm and I don't think they drop anything else.

11-01-09, 08:29
The Loot also used to be able to sell to a guy in TT HQ and make Loads of cash but i not sure if hes there anymore

11-01-09, 13:34
not sure about all the loot, but the loot from the doy units in the doy tunnels is still in use for recycling eyes. Check the talk page of the recycling article on the wiki. (wiki.techhaven.org)

12-01-09, 15:57
Dribble got it, Damage log is your friend :)

As for the junk, mainly recycle recipes, eyes, recordable discs etc.

Kalonji Faya
12-01-09, 17:44
Dribble got it, Damage log is your friend :)

As for the junk, mainly recycle recipes, eyes, recordable discs etc.

I never understood what recordable discs were used for ... any idea ?!

12-01-09, 19:15
You can also use the Doy Tunnel junk for recycling writable books.
They look like regualr disks but u can write a message on them and drop it with a friend or enemy

Example: Your assassination contract has been delivered

After u got killed by someone :D

Also link to recycle recipes: http://www.sheriff-hardy.de/recycling.htm

Even if Sheriff Hardy is no longer updated, the recycle recipes are still correct :angel:

12-01-09, 22:24
Thanks. Will try the dmg log. :)

Yes I noticed there are different DoY bots in the tunnels, and apparently those drop junk which is used in making implants. Although, my bad, I was referring only to the ones that roam around topside and they seem to only drop these four things: Bio-based -master- OS, Nuclear energy reactor, Durable hi-precision parts, Mercury super processing unit, none of which seem used in any recipes? So that unique junk is completely useless? (other than ammo cloning)

Doc Holliday
13-01-09, 11:28
sell it at yos. that works. you can make ok money too. if you have a gogu nearby.

13-01-09, 11:52
yeah the junk from the doy bots above ground is pretty useless, i cant remember in nc 1 if they used to drop techs, but i do remember going to esacdor oasis or somewhere near there and killing shit loads of doy bots there as there was good spawns there and selling the junk to the TT guy in the TT HQ. shame hes not around any more.