View Full Version : Leveling with a team

27-12-08, 12:50
Hey all and Merry Christmas.

I just joined a team in MB bunker and started blasting away with my rifle, after about 20 minutes I realised I had recieved about 30% of the XP I would normally be getting, so I know there's something wrong with my party.

I was just wondering how combat levels effect groups and leveling? I had a quick scan of the forum but didn't find anything relevent.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

27-12-08, 13:12
it gos on ur combat rank yes if the person u are teamed with is red to you it means he is far to high to lvl with if its gray then the person is to low to lvl with but if hes green it should be ok.

But it could be the other guy was not attacking anything so u are shooting and and getting the xp but its getting split up for both of u.

27-12-08, 14:20
Whats all this colouring stuff with teams? Is the new? I suspect I missed something in a patch note over the past few years :(

29-12-08, 03:59
In a Team take care your Combat rank is about the same.

Stick together. XP "exchange" has problems over distance/.

Droners can be pretty great or horrible for teamlvling.

If somebody is just AFK leave the team. (but everybody has to go to pee sometimes^^)

I didnt know peeps still lvl at the bunker. Never been there in ages^^

29-12-08, 15:35
Whats all this colouring stuff with teams? Is the new? I suspect I missed something in a patch note over the past few years :(

nah its old, very old.

its just the combat rank colors.

you know tri-stars, double stars, stars, chevrons, or whatever you have.

they change color depending on "threat to your current combat rank"

30-12-08, 18:40
Oh that. I thought the thread was referring to something specifically displayed whilst teamed.

03-01-09, 19:59
it gos on ur combat rank yes if the person u are teamed with is red to you it means he is far to high to lvl with if its gray then the person is to low to lvl with but if hes green it should be ok.

But it could be the other guy was not attacking anything so u are shooting and and getting the xp but its getting split up for both of u.

so we experimented and find out the following results:

Tank alone in Regant boss room, 4 mios Constitution XP...

Tank with PPU (10 in CR difference), 1 mio Constitution XP...

Had the same result over the other lvl places...

So if u aren t a ppu, better level alone... Something in Team XP totally screwed up atm....

04-01-09, 01:38
so we experimented and find out the following results:

Tank alone in Regant boss room, 4 mios Constitution XP...

Tank with PPU (10 in CR difference), 1 mio Constitution XP...

Had the same result over the other lvl places...

So if u aren t a ppu, better level alone... Something in Team XP totally screwed up atm....

I thought I noticed something wrong with it a couple of nights ago, we were out in a group, 2 PEs, and Spy and a Tank, all very close levels and we weren't getting sod all...thought my memory might have just been a little fuzzy on how team XP worked tho, it has been a while lol ;)

09-01-09, 11:37
had the experience as well with apu alone and ppu/apu teamed..

apu alone: 4.4 mios PSI xp

apu/ppu teamed: both get 'almost" 1 mios PSI xp...

so better be alone 2 lvl...

how great is that tbh???

THX kk :)

Kalonji Faya
09-01-09, 12:58
thats right, team XP should have a bonus, not a malus :(


09-01-09, 14:05
Considering mobs were made more difficult to kill over a year ago, this is a problem.

Levelling with a team should be rewarded!

09-01-09, 16:10
Considering mobs were made more difficult to kill over a year ago, this is a problem.

Levelling with a team should be rewarded!

If the mobs are harder, wouldn't it be even more spectacular for those that could solo them?

So they should still be rewarded for being good enough to solo them when they are harder than before, right?

I mean, I can clearly see what you mean, but if you change the perspective to this, wouldn't that make an equal amount of sense? or is it just me being weird again.

Kalonji Faya
09-01-09, 17:32
one thing not to remember : ok when teamed XP is split on team members when you kill a mob, but killing the mob is faster, so finally the xp rate is about the same I think ...


09-01-09, 20:44
one thing not to remember : ok when teamed XP is split on team members when you kill a mob, but killing the mob is faster, so finally the xp rate is about the same I think ...


if u are a APU teamed with the PPU then the xp will be less cos the PPU isnt doing any damage to the mob so the APU is doing all the work

09-01-09, 22:15
so the APU is doing all the work
Now, Now Napper! The PPU does a LOT of work to keep that weak bloody APU alive, but true, does not contribute to XP.

09-01-09, 23:05
PPU does acttually produce a small aount of XP.
Most memorable demonstrattion of that was when, stood in an op before a fight, healed a spy. He levelled his int as a result of team XP.
Also capped my spies Psi by healing random passers by in TH while waiting for pokes.