View Full Version : [OT] Magic! - Call Of Duty :D

15-11-08, 21:22
Dear call of duty gamers,
As all of you noticed, the main server is down. Because of the amount of online players, the main server has crashed. The backups that we created were corrupt and wouldnt be usefull.
Its very shamefull that this is happening at the launch of the greatest game of the year.
The time estimating for back online will be between 6-10 days.
We cannot garantee this will be the precise date of going online but we make sure our gamers will be satisfied again.

On behave on the treyach team,

Bernd van Luijtelaar

Something happened with the patching + like posted above they could not handle the pressure of the Profiles and acounts (who are attached to the Master Server)


Mighty Max
15-11-08, 21:25
Wrong game for the forums?

15-11-08, 22:35
And they don't store profiles AFAIK, at least not in COD4. I could not play with my unlocked weapons when I installed the game on my laptop one day even though I used the same nick as before.

16-11-08, 23:30
And they don't store profiles AFAIK, at least not in COD4. I could not play with my unlocked weapons when I installed the game on my laptop one day even though I used the same nick as before.

just copy your profile from the folder u first installed and played it, that should do the trick, the profiles are stored playerside

and cod5 sucks btw, treyarch sucks, infinty ward ftw

17-11-08, 14:46
I lewl'd when I thought of someone falling for that hoax.

17-11-08, 14:49
cod4 > all

17-11-08, 17:17
I tried COD5 on the xbox, didn't look that great :(. I loved the dogs but that's the only thing I loved about that game :P.

18-11-08, 08:01
I think I speak for 90% of the people here when I say, "who cares?"