View Full Version : [OT] Writer's block? (Epic post)

08-09-08, 17:41
Hi all,

First of all, let me start by saying, by NO means is this an attempt at an ego boost, in any way. I have come to trust and respect the level of maturity of the majority of the Neocron community over the past few years, which is the reason for my asking for your opinion of my work.

I was inspired to start writing a novel after the Nostalgia Contest, of which I shared first place with Brammers. I am currently 28,720 words in (Thank you 'wordcount'!), and I haven't told any of my friends/family or girlfriend that I'm writing it. I want to suprise them with the end result, should I decide to finish it. :)

So, the reason for my post:

The following in an extract from the Prologue of my novel. Before I carry on down this incredibly long, windy and mentally challenging path, I'd like to know if all this hard work really is worth it. I'd really appreciate it if you could give your honest opinions on whether or not the writing is;

a) Believable
b) Any good
c) Immersive enough
d) Utterly shocking/Piss poor/deluded

Any feedback, positive or negative would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

.........................Then, a SMASH against the door… then another… and with the third, the door flung open, hurling the bulky locking mechanism across the room and under the bed.

There was a brief instance of silence.

Through what was left of the doorway, bounced a small, round container, metallic in sound. Before either of us had the opportunity to find cover, what turned out to be a military grade Flash Grenade erupted, into a screen of blinding white.
In desperation, I attempted to rub the pain away from my eyes. I was barely able to make out Mia’s silhouette, as she fired off two rounds from the barrel of the shotgun.

With only partial vision, I was able to make out the Sergeant as he entered the room. He was stocky in build, rigged up in – judging by the way it flickered blue – what appeared to be V-Spec armour. He was holding a Military grade Kalashnikov, which he pointed in the direction of the woman I loved.

Before a moment had passed, my vision still impaired, he let off three bursts of the Kalashnikov. Round after round was emptied into Mia’s unclothed back, the flesh being torn away by the bullets from his rifle.
A lump the size of a meteor hit the back of my throat, as Mia turned to face me. Blood trickled from her mouth, and the exit wounds in her breasts. She looked at me, her mouth fixed open from shock, and fell swiftly to her knees. She moved her mouth, as if to utter her last words, but before she was given the chance, the bulky sergeant let off a single round, to the centre of her forehead. She collapsed, face down, into a pond of crimson.

The lump in my throat began to swell, as my heart pounded with a rhythmic thudding. My right hand squeezed the mould-gripped handle of the blade I had picked from the sink. I could literally pin point the exact moment that the adrenaline surged from the depths of my brain, through my veins, and into my fingertips. I was completely under the rule of my twisted emotion. My mind quickly assessed the situation. I counted three. Three armed officers, abundantly armoured in full V-Spec. They hadn’t spotted me. I had the advantage.

Without hesitation, without reason, I threw myself behind the trailing officers, and thrust the knife through the side of the officer to my left’s neck. He yelped as the blade pierced skin, then muscle – and halted against the bone beneath. Then, with one swift motion, I retracted the blade, and instantly mirrored the stabbing motion into the neck of the trailing officer to my right. Simultaneously, they dropped like moths in a fire.
I had him now.
Before the broadened bull of a sergeant could turn himself 180 degrees, I brutally smashed the handle of the blade into the back of his skull, with such a level of force that I felt it give a little with the impact.
He fell to the floor like a plane crash, and let out a sound comparable to a piglet at birth.

I gave him a moment to come round from the blow, creeping towards him. Fuelled by rage, I demanded:

There was a brief pause, as the sergeant began to slowly scramble to his knees.

“Fuck…you” the sergeant murmered through closed teeth.

I caught a glimpse of Mia as she lay, still warm, with a hole through her skull. With every ounce of strength, I lunged the thick black boot of my right foot into the sergeant’s bloody, wincing mouth. He grimaced from the unbearable pain, and rolled over onto his back. It landed hard against the wooden floor.
I stepped in a little closer to him, gritting my teeth, and pressed the very tip of the blood-stained blade to the throat of the struggling sergeant. Through his eyes, I saw his fear. For close to a nano-second, I felt mercy. It was, however, short-lived, due to the over-powering image of my murdered lover. My sense of reason dissolved into the handle of the blade I had gripped so tightly, and my knuckles turned to white. I slowly pushed the blade into the side of his throat, and precisely dragged it from right…to left. As the sergeant gasped, and attempted to utter something with his last breath, the sirens in the distance drew nearer.

Then, it hit me.
Like a brick to the face, it hit me.

I immediately released the blade, which fell to the floor with a ‘Chink’. My mind erratically jumped between emotions almost randomly.
Sadness, fear, remorse, anger.
I dropped to my knees over Mia’s corpse, head held in my hands. I felt the warmth of a tear trickle down my face, and behind me, I heard a barrage of footsteps and voices from the stairwell in the hall. The sirens now surrounded me.

I snatched Mia’s hand from the puddle of black-red that it lay in, and held it to my face. Fear, then anger – flashed before me once more, until… nothing. As the footsteps echoed up the stairwell in the hallway, nearer, and nearer, all I felt now, was emptiness.

With a frozen gaze, I stared out of the window in front of me, now cradling Mia’s lifeless head in my arms. The officers had reached the room.

“Don’t you fucking move, son.”
One officer bellowed as five or more entered the room.
I remained still. Perfectly still, perfectly silent.

The lead officer re-positioned himself between me and the window ahead of me. He was a tall figure, with almost skeletal features, staring down at me from above. The unmistakeable sensation of an ice-cold DNA scanner, pressed against the back of my neck from an officer to my rear. It sent a shiver up my spine.
The skeletal official leaned over the scanner, and nodded once to the officer holding it. In a calm, eloquent manner, he stated................................

So, that's it. That really is pretty much a random section of the novel. Most of it is action filled - and it's set in a futuristic Britain. Some of the technology and twists I've created are things I've wanted to see in books for as long as I remember. I am enjoying writing it - but if it's attrocious, then I see no point in continuing it. So... opinions please :)

Thanks again!

awkward silence
08-09-08, 18:51
Your grammar is good, language quite vibrant but it lacks a certain...

The story felt quite unimaginative at first glance. For instance i didnt feel the pain. That dude was too objective. Put yourself in your characters shoes. If you want it to feel shattering and angry you have to be able to express it.

Theres talent. Write. Start with short stories. Dont worry about writing a novel before youre absolutely certain that the rest of the world can fuck off and die. There is a lot of competition. And most importantly... find your own style. Theres a saying... "...everything has been written, just write it better."


08-09-08, 19:43
i agree 100% with awk. good choice of words, and passable style. the problem with that part lies imo a.) with the identification of the main character, who comes off a bit unbelievable. too less emotion, too cold. that scene alone, where his lover is murdered, could have been WAY longer in parts of emotion, even if its just the description of the total absence of it (e.g. through shock); and b.) personally (and this is really just a matter of taste) i think the action-sequences were a bit too cumbersome, too long. not the description of them, not the portion they take in the story, but i think it would do them good to trim them down, to lend them a faster read. best examples would be, i think, tom wolf, chuck paulahniuk, william gibson - that would fit the setting, in my book.

but you're on the right way, when i write, it often takes me 3 or 4 drafts of certain parts of my stories, to get them to feel right for me. i can just give you the advice, write as much as you can, and when you experience a block, pause - reread it, change the parts you consider worse than others, give it other people to read, but as a whole - not just tiny portions, because the connections to the other parts is what influences the overall of the story greatly, if you ask me.

my 2 cents...

08-09-08, 19:47
looked like the beginning of frozen carbon.

which is not bad, the writing style is a bit the same, so check more of those books. This could have been an excerpt from a professional book, but the most important thing for a novel is the suspense and plot, and this part doesn't really show any of that, it's just action, so post some part of the plot/reflection of a character, instead of just a reaction in a situation.

what i noticed mostly is the alternating rythm, non-rythm of writing, try to be either gritty and emotional in writing, or write in a rythm, but the sentences didn't seem to fit together at all times.

08-09-08, 20:12
That dude was too objective. Put yourself in your characters shoes. If you want it to feel shattering and angry you have to be able to express it.

I think that's what I'm lacking.

My problem being - I have thought up what I consider to be a great story, with a great twist, and an entertaining plot... The problem is, the main character is nothing like me, and I've written 28000 words in the first person. I realised THIS far in that I should have perhaps written it in the third person.
As a result, I've hit a dead end to a degree. I don't associate with the main character enough to write from his perspective.

I had an idea for a slightly different story - from a character that's a hell of a lot more like me. I'm half tempted to start again, from scratch.

Anyway, thanks for the tips so far guys - appreciated. :)

08-09-08, 20:14
looked like the beginning of frozen carbon.

I haven't actually read that! Who's it by?

I can't find it on amazon!

08-09-08, 21:39
sorry, meant altered carbon, by richard morgan

08-09-08, 22:14
I've heard that the best way to write about something is to experience it yourself.
It may be beneficial for you to commit vengeful murder.

08-09-08, 22:18
The skeletal official leaned over the scanner, and nodded once to the officer holding it. In a calm, eloquent manner, he stated................................

There was me getting into it then, and then I realise it's the Prologue. Very good so far, I'm already wanting to read more!

It's difficult sometimes to write in the 3rd person, when it's about you. One way that helped me in the past, is to try and think how another person would see you. (Like a Girlfriend or close friend)

But if you already written a lot of it in 1st person, why not stick with what you done, and make sure you have a good intro after your Prologue, even if it's something like "Hi I'm Loki...yeah you probably seen me sitting in the same seat everyday in CoDee's sushi bar." and talk about your average day... I'm sure Loki average day turns into a less than average day later on in the story. ;)

Good luck with the rest of the story, it's looking good.

awkward silence
09-09-08, 09:02
I stay away from third person. Cant make it work as well. First person writing on the other hand brings a lot of grasp and it feels very personal.

I also stay away from women (especially in first person) as much as possible since i know fuck all what they think.

Its an excuse if the character is nothing like you. Pretend. Dont put the character in your shoes... you go in his. You can cheat and use real people. For instance, i wrote a play in which i took one of my friends pretty much as is and put her on the pages (didnt even bother to change the name but a few letters). Then i had the main character (who was extremely like myself) sleep with her.

She thinks i was projecting what i feel about her in reality put it in the play. In other words she thinks i want to sleep with her. She is wrong, definitely, however not entirely. I must say i have been intrigued ever since.

Its all about putting yourself on the line. Its a sick game. When you play make sure you got a computer handy... or p n' p.

Now S.T.F.U and go pretend your wife is dead

Doc Holliday
09-09-08, 11:31
well i quite liked it. the only flaw and you already atested to this is that its in 1st person.

no one plays nc in 1st. dont write in first.

on the other hand the talented half of the family at writing might well want to have a butchers. i will point him in this direction :)

09-09-08, 12:32
Now S.T.F.U and go pretend your wife is dead

I've never quoted anyone in my sig... but if I was going to... You would be the NUMBER ONE contender :lol:

09-09-08, 14:16
It did read well and while some of it is nicely detailed, I think you have overlooked some details in other areas. Remember your readers will try to imagine what is going on so it has to be beliveable.

I wondered how you had not been noticed, this didn't make sense as neither of you had time to find cover: try to describe more of the scene in the room, prehaps after the event as you are in shock and prehaps surveying the scene as to what to do next.

I wondered how she was shot in the back, why not the front?: so explain something like you both turned away as a result of the flash, which is why this occured.

10-09-08, 07:45
Not sure really.. the emotion is fine and expressed through the actions of realisation of whats just happened (girlfriend)