View Full Version : [Terra] WTB NCPD Chip

26-08-08, 09:23
Mail me,

rex condo.

27-08-08, 15:04
mail me


27-08-08, 19:19
Mail me,

Barry White

27-08-08, 20:07
mailed ...

kanedex are you sure you spelled Barry White right cause its not mailing.

28-08-08, 16:13
mailed ...

kanedex are you sure you spelled Barry White right cause its not mailing.


06-09-08, 12:28
just for info, what do those ncpd implants sell for these days?
I'm currently making a new pro city PE to run the quest but if the price ain't too high to just buy one then i'll probably do that instead :)

06-09-08, 17:07
5mil or less

07-09-08, 06:02
The mission is absurdly easy compared to the ff mission. Just do the mission and save yourself the cash

07-09-08, 06:54
I happened to do the CM Chip mission the other day all u really need to do on that one is kill 25 WB's and then go to some doy tunnels and then kill some guy in pp3 very easy and u can use it in any Faction witch they must have changed at some point because when it first came out it was CM only but now u can have the PPR/NCPD/FF/CM Chips all in the same guy whatever faction the CM gives to Force as well i think something like +12.35 or something random like that

07-09-08, 06:56
The mission can only be done once per characters, and you have to nearly cap the character, so it's not easy to farm like epics. It's expensive for the same reason that the ppr is expensive; not because it's a hard mission or that it's really good, but because it's a mission that can only be done once per character and it's just useful enough to create a fairly high demand.

07-09-08, 07:41
The mission can only be done once per characters, and you have to nearly cap the character, so it's not easy to farm like epics. It's expensive for the same reason that the ppr is expensive; not because it's a hard mission or that it's really good, but because it's a mission that can only be done once per character and it's just useful enough to create a fairly high demand.

Once Per Toon does that go for all the Mini PPRs?

07-09-08, 15:41
Yep, but, if you're a total nerd like me and have 3 accounts full its hardly a problem xD