View Full Version : So i renewed my subscription

06-08-08, 15:43
But im left in a bit of a pickle. I seem to have lost most of my implants. Luckily my SF and MC5 survived but they are rifle use and the only gun i have is a Judge, which I cant actually use anyway. Basically, I cant use anything i have left which isnt a lot.

And for some reason all my character looks exactly the same and are all classed as infiltrator psi monks. I have /60 PE (which is prod) along with a /40ish APU and SPY but on the loggin screen there is no portrait for either and like i say they are all Psi Monks?!

Anyone got any ideas?

06-08-08, 16:59
Transferred from Saturn? KK had some issues with database corruption, in fact my spy says its a psi monk also but his stats are all fine.

If it's only the login screen thats showing monks you'll be ok! some peoples' chars were wrecked on transfer, with no option but to strip items and delete char!

As for the Implants, All epic items were removed i.e. PPr or Move On so that might explain the gaps!

MC5 impants were split, in the balancing phase to both types of skill so for example the Old Herc is now a herc (melee) and a Balistic(Heavy).

we all got the herc, and for a short while could trade with GM's for the heavy chip if you wished. Long gone i am afraid, so you will have to trade or farm.

I would suggest you ask around on Help for the basic imps you will need for your class or here :) and then set about sourcing them! Most players will help get you back on your feet if you ask nicely :) I would but i'm not in game at moment trying to reactivate my account!!

Doc Holliday
06-08-08, 20:09
someone will cough up some stuff to help you. people whine too much about the pops not to help a returnee. if they dont they should be shot.

07-08-08, 12:22
OK chaps thanks a lot. It is just the login screen, I believe my old head (why does that sound funny) contained a moveon and ppr so yeah i guess that explains the gaps. not sure why i lost the eye and stuff though... ah well. So should i be looking for pistols or rifles. Im tempted rifle purely because of the fact i have a rifle SF and mc5 chip :/ but like i said i have an artefact judge so they dont really match up.

07-08-08, 14:17
I am not the best at PE setups but i would stick with Pistols, most the PE's i see use them. More choice than rifles afaik.

Check out this (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=142137) thread on PE setups and also scan the Character classes section, it's all changed since 2.2, so be aware that some of your thoughts around setups may now be well off.

It took a while for people to figure out the best setups, but Lom pills and neofrag are your friend;)

07-08-08, 21:13
Edit: Sorted that problem it seems.

On a side note, 2 FRE's! i thought they were extinct, this aint too good really is it lol

08-08-08, 18:37
they arent extinct. but some people have more fre's than others. it seems that nc is very picky about comp setups. some setups work for all games cept nc. others work very well with nc, but cant run other games. tis the luck of the draw me thinks :angel:

08-08-08, 18:53
Since i got a new Laptop with Vista i can safely say i have never had a FRE !! YAY on my old XP PC i used to get them loads :(

I do ocassionally synch out but then i got a shite connection anyways :p

09-08-08, 13:26
familiar name......who were your alts in neocron 1?

09-08-08, 14:31
familiar name......who were your alts in neocron 1?

if your asking me, i think we were in cobra and stuff like that.

search my posts and you replied before when i was gonna come back but only just got round to it