View Full Version : [OT] The end of the world 2012 ?

01-08-08, 02:40
I can't help being attracted to this Man's rather insane seeming videos, but I'm starting to believe them.

Planet X-


I'm not going to say more, i'd like your comments about this.
But i'm worried about what could be approaching in 4 years time :(


ps. any questions on what "Nibiru" from the bible actually is, wikipedia is your friend ;)


01-08-08, 05:53
I'm also very interested in these videos and theorys. Ive watched them all. And lots of them do say 2012. But don't waste the rest of your time worrying about it.

01-08-08, 06:13
I called bs once he equated blue to cold to water.

Watched his other vid, makes less sense. Guy needs to sleep tbh.

EDIT: A bit of poking around (not really) revealed that it is a image made up of both radio and xray pictures separated by several years to determine the things growth. :p

01-08-08, 11:58
In my opinion, that first video is pure scaremongering stemming from a religious objective.

It refers to a "white dwarf" which is blue "which is cooler and likely to be made from water..." wtf? Any astronomer knows that a star appearing blue (within the range of the visible light spectrum) is due to doppler shift. An xray photograph would not resolve visible colours this way, certainly not showing up water as "blue". The image is actually a composite (http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/2008/g19/more.html) from two images, one radio image and one xray which have been given a false colour. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_colour)

Feel free to discuss astronomy and celestial bodies, but please keep religion and scaremongering out of this thread or it will be closed.

01-08-08, 12:07
Who really gives a shit Nobby?

Your world, like mine, could end tomorrow; just enjoy what you have as you nor i know when it will all be gone.

01-08-08, 12:14
Who really gives a shit Nobby?

Your world, like mine, could end tomorrow; just enjoy what you have as you nor i know when it will all be gone.

I'm still young, forced with the unpleasure of having to go to college, by the time i finish Uni to lead the life i've wanted, it could be finished :p

so is this planet X coming closer?

I've already seen videos with what claim you can already see its "tail"
yet other's say its just lens flare on the videos and pictures.


01-08-08, 12:30
You need to relax fella :D what could you possible do if it was? why worry yourself? Global warming, terrorists, judgement day, flying planets.....ALL out of yours or my control.

Lets just hope the end of the world comes before the end of NC as you all won;t have anything left to do anyways!!:lol:

Mighty Max
01-08-08, 13:04
Great comedy show

01-08-08, 13:07
Fuck the idiot who made that video. I'm not even going to bother watching it after reading some of the replies there. End of earth has been mentioned a million times now at different dates and the apocalypse has never happened.

01-08-08, 13:10

love shit like this always makes me smile....

one thing every one forgets :P it realy dun matter
wtf the futer holds you may never see it you could
get hit by a buss or somin tomoro an that would be
it :P

thanx for the chuckle guys :)

01-08-08, 13:37
Why are you worried anyway? If the world ends it's not as if you're missing out on anything or leaving anyone behind...

01-08-08, 13:46
calm down guys we got plenty of time playing nc<3

01-08-08, 16:18
Not watched the videos, but I've heard of this date before. Isn't it to do with the cycles of the ancient Mayan or Sumerian calendars or something? (If this was explained in the links then ignore me)

And like Hoder said, no religion or politics. :angel:

01-08-08, 16:24
And like Hoder said, no religion or politics. :angel:

Praise be to Lodar!

Now gimme virgins...

Oh wait there's plenty on the neocron forums.


Yeah I went there. :rolleyes:

2012 is when the Myan calendar stops. Although with most dooms day prophecies they tend to not come to fruition. Remeber there were people saying 500 hundred years ago the world was going to end, and yet here we are, still breathing and saying the worlds gonna end.

01-08-08, 16:55
Since we're on the subject of the end of the world:

The LHC at the CERN Labs is supposed to start up on the 7th of August this year (next Thursday), and if any of those scaremongering dipshits are to believed, the Black Holes the LHC creates will be the end of us all. So screw 2012, 2008 is where its at folks!

Info on the LHC itself. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider)

NY Times article on the LHC (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/15/science/15risk.html)

Sciencedaily.com Article (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/06/080627175348.htm)

Livescience.com Article (http://www.livescience.com/environment/060919_black_holes.html)

Personally, I tend to believe the guys who built the bloody thing. And if its all over on the 7th, I dont think anyone will notice, itll be over too fast.

01-08-08, 17:54
Since we're on the subject of the end of the world:

The LHC at the CERN Labs is supposed to start up on the 7th of August this year (next Thursday), and if any of those scaremongering dipshits are to believed, the Black Holes the LHC creates will be the end of us all. So screw 2012, 2008 is where its at folks!

Info on the LHC itself. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider)

NY Times article on the LHC (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/15/science/15risk.html)

Sciencedaily.com Article (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/06/080627175348.htm)

Livescience.com Article (http://www.livescience.com/environment/060919_black_holes.html)

Personally, I tend to believe the guys who built the bloody thing. And if its all over on the 7th, I dont think anyone will notice, itll be over too fast.

CERN actually did a feasibility study on whether the LHC would cause mini-black holes which would suck up the earth.... needless to say the study said it wouldn't!

There is no scientific basis for the video you have linked nobby, therefore IMHO its very very unlikely to happen.


01-08-08, 18:11
We get hit all the time with cosmic rays possessing more energy. We ain't dead yet. Scaremongerers really piss me off.


01-08-08, 20:43
CERN actually did a feasibility study on whether the LHC would cause mini-black holes which would suck up the earth.... needless to say the study said it wouldn't!

I'm sure they would admit that it would create black holes so they couldn't go through with it. :rolleyes:

No one knows what will happen untill it does.

01-08-08, 21:33
I was gonna create a thread about the LHC a while ago, can't remember why i didnt

Mighty Max
01-08-08, 21:36
No one knows what will happen untill it does.

For a desaster to happen mankind would need to be failed on two (so far as that is possible) proven and one theoretical concept.

If only one of a) relativity time diletation on gravitation b) uncertainity of complementary values in quantum scale c) Hawkins radiation is true, such a desaster is not possible

Because of the effects of a) the growth of a singularity of that size would be extremely slow (if b is false it would be infinite slow) or b) loosing mass due to tunneling faster than gaining mass due to gravitational effects or c) radiate out their mass at the high gravitational differences at the schwarzshield radius.

Nothing to worry.

And as Nid cited already, if such a collision would possibly caused such a desaster, it would already have happened in the ionosphere with protons from space colliding with hadrons from the ionosphere at much higher energies ....

We are still here ... so take a guess.

01-08-08, 21:43
Reading the NYC article, what did it mean about man-eating dragons? :o

01-08-08, 21:53
How many "End of the world" dates has been and gone already?
Millennium we supposed to have gone tits up but afaik we all here o_O

Interesting but it smells bad :angel:

I think we have a higher chance of being sucked into a black hole......enjoy

01-08-08, 22:12
I think we have a higher chance of being sucked into a black hole......enjoy

What you do in the redlight district is your own business :p

01-08-08, 22:28
A more interesting topic would be what would you do if the world really was going to end on *insert date*? :rolleyes:

Play Nc?
Chase little school boys on the way home?
Kick your boss in the balls?
Rub yourself in lemon icecream and run down the road nude?
Make love to your front door?

so many questions so little time... :wtf:

01-08-08, 22:34
All of the above.


01-08-08, 22:34
How many "End of the world" dates has been and gone already?
Millennium we supposed to have gone tits up but afaik we all here o_O

Interesting but it smells bad :angel:

I think we have a higher chance of being sucked into a black hole......enjoy

I can answer this :)


My philosophy teacher also confirmed this too

01-08-08, 22:36
I personally believe this is a road of rubbish..

01-08-08, 22:39
and why so?


I didn't believe in the bible code until I came downstairs to see the Madrid bombings on TV.

so i believe anything like this, no matter how hard to believe, is possible.

01-08-08, 22:41
If it was true, surely our countries governments would be in the process to protect us from this :P

01-08-08, 22:46
They could well do secretly, to prevent panic among the people.
However, they could, just not?

One could argue they do not wish to live in a post-apoc fucked up planet

01-08-08, 22:48







I doubt it.

Mighty Max
01-08-08, 23:11
I didn't believe in the bible code until I came downstairs to see the Madrid bombings on TV.

so i believe anything like this, no matter how hard to believe, is possible.

You really do?

You could as well believe in the newspapers code, meaning that you can find the future in the newspaper as a pattern that matches the blackmailer's letter scenery. :lol:

Actually it's even worse then that if you imagine that the physical layout of the bible changes from one to the other ... hebräic words found in the combination of letters out of an english translation etc ...
It should come to one's mind that you can create any text from a combination of millions of letters in the bible in dozens of languages. Chosing so pinpointed texts as in horoscopes you can hint every and none event in the future with the same words.

The only thing that helps against such farmer-catcher is education.

02-08-08, 00:05
For a desaster to happen mankind would need to be failed on two (so far as that is possible) proven and one theoretical concept.

If only one of a) relativity time diletation on gravitation b) uncertainity of complementary values in quantum scale c) Hawkins radiation is true, such a desaster is not possible

Because of the effects of a) the growth of a singularity of that size would be extremely slow (if b is false it would be infinite slow) or b) loosing mass due to tunneling faster than gaining mass due to gravitational effects or c) radiate out their mass at the high gravitational differences at the schwarzshield radius.

Nothing to worry.

And as Nid cited already, if such a collision would possibly caused such a desaster, it would already have happened in the ionosphere with protons from space colliding with hadrons from the ionosphere at much higher energies ....

We are still here ... so take a guess.

lol i thought i was reasonably intelligent (university schooled), but i have no idea wtf ur saying :P

02-08-08, 02:33
I'm sure they would admit that it would create black holes so they couldn't go through with it. :rolleyes:

No one knows what will happen untill it does.

No scientist in their right mind would withhold information on a subject which would destroy the world, only to enable them to perform an experiment which would destroy the world. Before someone quotes the Manhattan project at me, don't :p That's what theorising is all about, to try to predict what may happen before the experimentation occurs. These high energy particle collisions have been theorised for a long time and lots of simulations performed to try to determine what will happen, I would guess that we have a good understanding of what could happen, probably not to a 100% certainty, but the chances of that 1% happening is remote. It's all down to the media scaremongering about science that no one within the media understands, what we don't understand we are afraid of by nature.

For a desaster to happen mankind would need to be failed on two (so far as that is possible) proven and one theoretical concept.

If only one of a) relativity time diletation on gravitation b) uncertainity of complementary values in quantum scale c) Hawkins radiation is true, such a desaster is not possible

Because of the effects of a) the growth of a singularity of that size would be extremely slow (if b is false it would be infinite slow) or b) loosing mass due to tunneling faster than gaining mass due to gravitational effects or c) radiate out their mass at the high gravitational differences at the schwarzshield radius.

Nothing to worry.

And as Nid cited already, if such a collision would possibly caused such a desaster, it would already have happened in the ionosphere with protons from space colliding with hadrons from the ionosphere at much higher energies ....

We are still here ... so take a guess.

<physics> I understood all of this, however your making the assumption that the mass which is absorbed by the black hole (singularity) will still obey the quantum laws (we know and love) to tunnel through the potential surrounding the singularity - although I'm not familiar with the quantum laws associated with Black holes.... </physics>

02-08-08, 12:16
A more interesting topic would be what would you do if the world really was going to end on *insert date*? :rolleyes:

Play Nc?
Chase little school boys on the way home?
Kick your boss in the balls?
Rub yourself in lemon icecream and run down the road nude?
Make love to your front door?

so many questions so little time... :wtf:

I read a book called "On The Beach" by Nevile Shute

Link:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Beach_(novel)

Basically after reading it I had a dream about what it would be like the final few days. Everyone just did all the things they enjoyed. I went for a bike ride, went to see my family and spent time with my girlfriend. Pretty much what I do now.

02-08-08, 12:34
We are all going to die sooner or later anyway.

Some people say Nostradamus saw throw the 1999 events, the 2001 events in the US, irak war, Madrid in 2004.

Thing is Nostradamus said the end of the world would occur in 2012 or 2017 (the sky will be red in the middle of the day and become darker and darker)

IMO if that ever happen that would be an insane waste because I do thing we are the only living intelligent beeing out-there !

Anyway as I always say : live strong, live well and catch every single moments you can with your family and friends ^^

02-08-08, 12:56
cool topic, loads of chances to get your own views out :)

Black holes:

Read this: Black holes on wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole#Effects_of_Falling_into_a_Black_Hole)

That hopefully helps explain how they work and some of the shit that can happen :)

End of the world, hmm i guess it depends on how you look at things.. I mean do you believe your in control of your own destiny? Or do you believe the human race as a whole is subject to interference from "outside" influence? Remember, that the media control what you see on a daily basis, things are changed and really your only ever receiving info that is vetted. Goverments do this to prevent panic i guess, look at all teh recent UFO sightings in the UK, they initially got alot of press particularly this event:Police Chase UFO (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/2160814/Police-chase-UFO-over-Cardiff.html) and a video of the event footage of police chase (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeYoRX-zIU0) I hoped there would be some more research fdone into this but as usual it all went quiet:)

My take on things is that at any point war could break out, we could face huge enviromental events, maybe an epidemic of some nasty virus all it takes is for those that are really in control to decide what happens and when :)

Asurmen Spec Op
02-08-08, 22:48
Without reading any of this thread, I will simply say: no
Ive heard this shit far too many times in my short life, and they have yet to right.
The Mayan Calander shit is bullocks, its like going from 9 -> 10 or 1999->2000(omg y2k omg omg omg omg omg omg computers).
If only unicode offered me more abilities to mock people... like a dunce hat char or something.

03-08-08, 00:13

Oh shiiii

No look, don't worry about it, its fear mongering or how ever they say it, imo 2012 is something more to do with change than with destruction.

03-08-08, 00:17
Without reading any of this thread, I will simply say: no
Ive heard this shit far too many times in my short life, and they have yet to right.
The Mayan Calander shit is bullocks, its like going from 9 -> 10 or 1999->2000(omg y2k omg omg omg omg omg omg computers).
If only unicode offered me more abilities to mock people... like a dunce hat char or something.

you're a nib


03-08-08, 00:18

Oh shiiii

No look, don't worry about it, its fear mongering or how ever they say it, imo 2012 is something more to do with change than with destruction.

jesus lol..

03-08-08, 00:18
loool i grew up n thundar :) stunnin

03-08-08, 00:19
Right watching this video now, who is this fucker? What the fuck does he know huh? Oh yeah hes read the bible, oh come on who wrote the flipping thing, think...

03-08-08, 00:30
oh come on who wrote the flipping thing, think...


I'm guessing Santa.

03-08-08, 00:34

I'm guessing Santa.

Nah the tooth fairy wrote it.

03-08-08, 00:51
In collaboration with the easter bunny!

It all makes sense now!

I bet if we youtube video about it peopel would understand the truth.

03-08-08, 01:01
Humm the easter bunny was eated sorry =/

03-08-08, 01:05
Sit and watch his other videos.

He's not one of those 100% RELIGIOUS EVERYTHING IS RIGHT people, he's scientific too !

How do you explain the Nephilim Giants on our Earth from the bible eh?

Their skelletons have all been found.

03-08-08, 01:18
Gorilla 199 is a douch bag.

Proof this guy can rant (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lBRn91AX4o&feature=related)

03-08-08, 02:10
I'd love to sit and have a cup of tea with mr gorilla himself ^^

I actually did ask him that once, however he was not impressed when i had that video, (helldemon's one) in my favourites and Gorilla never messaged me again :(

03-08-08, 02:56
I thought we'd drift into religion again.

People are going to get offended soon, so it's time to put this thread to bed.