View Full Version : Capping Drones

31-07-08, 23:33
Hey everyone.

I've returned to NC...after 4 years. I'm getting back into the swing of things.
Just got a few question about drones, they seem rather different.

Ok. I'd like to know what the capped % are for all the stats.

Also, I've read that tech combat influences stats. Just wondering what the cut-off point for that is. I've got 95 points in at the moment. Is it worth getting more? I've got it for stealth.. It's increased damage by a few % and aiming, and I think frequency.

I used to have just 89 will power as that didnt seem to effect %. But that seems to have changed. How much will power should I get?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

31-07-08, 23:39
use nskill to play around with the stats, search forums for a download link, think its in the pack thats in the community news forum

31-07-08, 23:41
go to the NSkill Forums (Forums (http://exl.nskill.co.uk)) The links and feedback are there...

Or alternatively you can get it from here... with all the other utilities made for and about Neocron.

uneX (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?p=2137064#post2137064)

01-08-08, 00:50
First off - except for frequency, cap is pretty much unatainable now.
Second: http://www.techhaven.org/resources/weapon-guides/2.2-weapon-skill-influence-guide.html - don' worry too much about what the numbers mean, just notice which skill effects what.

01-08-08, 12:17
As Cmaster stated caps are unatainable for damage.

When the game was "Rebalanced(tm)" they removed caps. So the old traditional way of pumping points till you hit the golden number is gone. Leaves us with not so many cookie cutter setups, which is a good thing.

Don't forget to get your drones Constructed as the RK'1000's a favourite for levelling will have a build cap of 99% not bad considering shop bought is around the 70% mark? (Can;t rememeber never buy them anymore)

01-08-08, 19:11
Right...Got some raptors built. I'm getting around 127% damage...I tested on some players and the damage is appauling!

I used to rape with the raptor! What the hell changed!? Can anyone tell me which drones are favoured for pvp?...Or shall I just start lomming to rifle...

01-08-08, 22:00
Ion drones are good for PvP but will let u find out the best one :cool:

rk1000 and particle nemesis oh and the punisher are good for pve
