View Full Version : [OT] The Dark Knight

25-07-08, 22:26
Saw it today...

Was a little dissapointed.

It does not deserve the hype and praise it is getting. Granted it is a good film, but it was lacking in places, which made the film enjoyable but not as much as it could be. It was like drinking a nice glass of punch and afterward a mate tells you someone spat in the punch. It was nice punch but you've also drunk spittle.

I'll try and keep this spoiler free.

The Good

* Ledger was good. Nay, great! Very good role and very creepy. Shame we wont be seeing anymore of him.

*The action and CGI was good. I like.

* Was 2 and half hours which in my case was my moneys worth. Probably a mixed blessing if you think too little happens in the 2 and a half hours or if you can't stand long movies.

The Bad

* Plot gets hazey and hard to follow at times and just seems to feature unecessary bits of sub plot or plot that is less developed.

* Considering the film is about Batman we don't get much of him. Quite sparse. Which is a shame.

* Christian Bale's Batman voice. He uses a very hammed up, gruff voice which does not suit him and sounds crap. We had a small taster of it in Batman Begins but it is used in excess in this.

* There is another bad guy other than the Joker in this film which is familiar to fans. And that's what it feels like; a villain thrown in for the fans. As such I felt this one was rushed and not well developed at all. Seemed like they needed an extra baddie in the last half hour or so of the film. It reminded me of Venom in the shit-fest that was Spider-man 3.

Go see the film by all means. Its good. Just not perfect. Don't read too much into the hype. Not the best film ever.

26-07-08, 00:20
The vast majority of the world definitely disagrees with you. (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_dark_knight/)

Went to the midnight showing here and it was a blast.

Dribble Joy
26-07-08, 00:39
I was going to go see it tomo, but then I decided to go to London for a night of drunken activities.

I shall see it on Sunday.....

26-07-08, 02:15
I thought they did a good job with that second villain. It was kind of surprising how well they put him in there in my opinion. I didn't even know that they were going to incorporate him into it that much, I assumed that they were just going to set him up for the next movie. That and how they tied it in with the Joker was pretty good too.

26-07-08, 02:39
I'm sorry but I thought the film was fucking shite! It didn't even feel like a semi-Batman film to me, I feel that film wud of been better structured completely originally without the whole batman polava...

Tho The Joker was very well played in the film I thought

26-07-08, 06:26
I went to see it with really, really high expectations (after hearing all of the praise for it) and let me just say it surpassed all of my expectations!! The joker is the perfect villain, and although the movie was a little confusing in the beginning (as they set up all of the plots) everything was tied in very well. Best movie ever tbh :D

26-07-08, 11:14
I thought it was good too, was kinda surprised though when they did that thing in the end, then what i thought was gonna happen next movie sort of got ruined.

But I guess that just leaves more excitement about the next one :D

26-07-08, 13:10
Director has expressed he might not make another film. However, the hollywood money hungry executives will make him make one.

The film was good, it was just ruined by a few things. Can anyone honestly say the Batman voice was good and suited him? Really?

Anyone who disagrees with me...well, I'll show them how to make a pencil disappear.

26-07-08, 15:30
The batman voice was a bit shit, i must agree i just think he had his collar a little too tight :p either that or he drank cigarette ash and gravel while he put the batsuit on.

I laughed quite hard during the chase with the bike when he managed to perform the best turn around ever - people looked at me funny :(

The film was awesome though, i shall certainly be getting this on DVD when it arrives and might find an excuse to go see it on the big screen again as Ledger's performance was great as the Joker.

26-07-08, 20:25
This film rocked, Heath Ledger stole the movie with him as the joker. didnt think he was going to be as good as he was.

@HDemon: aye the voice was abit crap, but it was the only let down.

SiL ..:..

27-07-08, 00:08
Yeah, I must agree that the Batman voice was annoying. But the Joker was perfect.

27-07-08, 11:28
None of the Batmen voices have lived up to our hopes of a brooding vigilante stalker IMO. His voice is a big deal cos it's the only personal thing about him that the criminal element ever experience, so it can't just sound like someones everyday voice.

27-07-08, 13:00
The voice of the animated batman was pretty cool IMO

27-07-08, 19:22
His voice is a big deal cos it's the only personal thing about him that the criminal element ever experience

Poison Ivy experienced more than his voice, so did Cat Woman........ooooh Michelle Pfeiffer in Black PVC :)

Not seen this one yet, but looking forward to doing so next week.

27-07-08, 22:49
Never in my life would I ever think that I would say (type) these words. "I wish Heath Ledger was alive." Being as skeptical as I am, I figured this movie would suck and Heath's performance would be donkey balls. I've never been so happy to be proven wrong.

27-07-08, 23:51
It was good, but imo the joker made the movie. Two-face was set up well, but it seems they tried to put too much into the movie and ended up giving him a rather minor role.

I'd watch it again. :D

28-07-08, 00:13
I think Ledger has been a great actor all along. I really liked the movies he performed in and sadly enough we won't see anymore of him, he was so young :(

Dribble Joy
28-07-08, 23:47
I liked. Though the batvoice did get a bit daft after a whille.

29-07-08, 01:08
The film was awesome, although I agree with everyone else here, bat voice was crap. I though he had a bad cold to start with.

Anyone seen the IMAX version? I've read they did shoot specially for IMAX. (Bit more here (http://www.studiodaily.com/filmandvideo/currentissue/9703.html) - may cotain spoliers!)

30-07-08, 10:09
He sounded like a heavy smoker lol, but the joker was awesome! Must see film all in all!

14-08-08, 01:43
I thought it was great. Christopher Nolan has a real knack for getting a semi-realistic, dark, and gritty take in the whole realm of Batman.

The first two with Michael Keaton were dark and, dare I say, gothic. Just the way Batman, in my opinion, should be portrayed. A seriously overboard and conveniently rich vigilante in a city nearly beyond any moral repair, who happens to crest the hero barrier. Then they went all comic/late '60s TV show. I can't completely blame Val and George for sucking - the writing and directing was cheesy and produced to please kids.

So when Batman Begins came out and it had a down-and-dirty take on the origin of "Batman" I thought they did a great job. When they ended it with radio chatter about a "Joker" and started the first movie with a Joker-related heist, it wasn't seamless, but it was still a great introduction.

The first movie did a lot of character background. A lot of plot foundation. I felt that because of that they were really able jump right into the thick of things in TDK because hey, you're supposed to have the general gist of the story by now.

Yes, Bale's Batman voice was a bit overdone in TDK. It was better in BB.

Yes, Ledger's performance was creepily incredible. An actor that can play the role he did in Brokeback Mountain then turn around and do this? It's like it's not even the same guy. And the writing for "Joker" - I love how he told different stories about his scars each time, but seemed dead serious about it each time. That alone added character depth without having to go into any backstory or scenes. It's not important, you know who he is now and that he's just definitely f'd up.

I didn't even realize that the actress for what's her name changed - Katie Holmes did such an UNmoving job in the first one, I didn't much care that character had changed. On the topic of recasting however, I hope they do NOT pull that with "Joker" in the future.

From what I've heard about TDK2, whatever it may be called, they're shooting for villians (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_villains) who have yet to make their big screen debut. Though who that really leaves, I don't know.

Maybe they'll try to instill FEAR into the hearts of viewers with the likes of...

Ben Stein as THE CALCULATOR (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculator_(comics))
Who was a real Batman villian... seriously??? Seriously. :lol:

14-08-08, 02:33
Ah the font!


14-08-08, 11:53
I went to see it on IMAX (there's one just in Bradford, and me + the girlfriend wanted to go to the media museum anyway). Very impressiive film, spectacuarly done. The IMAX just made some of the action and cityscape scenes filmed for the format all the more so.
It wasn't of course, a flawless movie despite being one of the best I have seen in a while. My main complaints would be these:
Batvoice - I found it hard to stop myself laughing, others in the cinema couldn't stop themselves.
Twists - so many of the things meant to be a shocking revelation you could see coming minutes off.
Length/pacing - the movie hits its climax, wraps up most of the threads. Then quickly picks a few undone again, and saunters down to its end, mostly repeating what we have alread seen (two more Joker plants a bomb somewhere bits with a twist, more protecting people in moving vehicles, etc)

Still, thoroughly enjoyed it.

18-08-08, 19:21
Oathypoo hated it, but he's jealous that I am a Christian Bale fan (since he was in Treasure Island and Newsies lol I'm ancient!), so I dunno if he was just being silly or if he really didn't like it :P I enjoyed it, but thought it started to drag a bit towards the end.

19-08-08, 08:31
The first time I saw it (in IMAX), it felt long, but was still good. There was so much to keep track of for so long...

The second time I saw it (regular theater), it felt faster and everything meshed better. When you know what happens, it makes it easier to watch. There's less you have to concentrate on and you can see the subtle foreshadowing.

If you didn't like it the first time, see it a second time.

19-08-08, 10:46
If you didn't like it the first time, see it a second time.

Do you work for warner brothers, legendary pictures or DC comics?

19-08-08, 18:08
Do you work for warner brothers, legendary pictures or DC comics?

No but Bugs Bunny gives him carrots every now and again ^^

19-08-08, 19:24
The film was perfect in everyway, apart from THE GAY BATMAN VOICE WTF IS THAT CUT IT OUT NOOOWWWW AND SUBTITLE. Anyway can't wait for it to come out in DOOH VEE DEEH, since its new "case" will be my DVD drive.