View Full Version : Something to do during the down time.

25-06-08, 19:31
Going to be bored come June 30th?
Go to your local book store and pick up The Electric Church, it's a cyber punk novel with all the grit and action you come to expect from plaza 2 pvp fights.


Really easy read, fast paced, great characters, etc.


It's a lot fucking better then signing up for Tabula Rasa.

25-06-08, 21:09
Or alternatively....Have i mentioned the WIKI (http://wiki.techhaven.org/Main_Page)which as ever, needs more input!

Visit the community portal HERE (http://wiki.techhaven.org/Neocron_Wiki:Community_Portal) for information on how you can help.

Share your knowledge :angel:

25-06-08, 21:31
Yes users could vandalize the wiki for entertainment, or read this great novel with a Neocron-ish feel.

Edit: does any one else have any other cyber punk recommendations besides the obvious? (snow crash!)

25-06-08, 22:25
Absolutely anything by Richard Morgan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Morgan_(author)). Anything.


25-06-08, 22:30
or this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revelation_Space), I'm not one for SF so perhaps people will think that's a weak book, or populist or whatever... but it's damned fine!

Or the wiki (http://wiki.techhaven.org)! It's as easy to use as making a reply to these posts, and far more constructive, and NC related! :angel:

Doc Holliday
25-06-08, 23:14
for the brits here peter hamilton is a fantastic sci fi author and his books are entertaining and immersive, even if a bit downright bizarre with some of the language used in them at times.

this does not include things like HAHAHA WTF LOLOLOLOL PWNED ZOMG FKING NOOBZ!!!11 thankfully ;)

25-06-08, 23:37
Im never bored. :)
A good book is 1984 from George Owell. Its a nice Story we've not so far away from. :)

25-06-08, 23:50
Did anyone mention that you can edit the wiki (http://wiki.techhaven.org/Main_Page) during the downtime?

26-06-08, 00:12
@Powerpunsh - if anyone here hasn't read 1984, you're right- it's a must.

@Neocron Wiki - if you guys spent half as much time editing it as you do randomly inserting comments about it into this thread, I'm sure your servers would be full. :angel:

@Nidhogg - I'm going to buy one of his books on Amazon, any recommendation for which one I should buy?

26-06-08, 00:12
Anything to suggest for a poor man who can't read? :( Nah i'm just too lazy to read books these days, but I did used to love reading non-fiction books when I was like 8, Damn, I was really sad...

26-06-08, 00:14
Anything to suggest for a poor man who can't read?

you could edit the wiki (http://wiki.techhaven.org/Main_Page)

26-06-08, 00:20
@Nidhogg - I'm going to buy one of his books on Amazon, any recommendation for which one I should buy?
Start with the Takeshi Kovacs series, but anything of his is good. I'll second the recommendation for Peter F. Hamilton - I'm reading one of his atm.


26-06-08, 00:26
Thanks, I'm going to pick one of them up.

For anyone else looking for a link to the first book in the series Nidhogg is talking about go here (http://www.amazon.com/Altered-Carbon-Takeshi-Kovacs-Novels/dp/0345457692/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1214432636&sr=1-8)

Dribble Joy
26-06-08, 00:56
Terry Pratchet (if you haven't allready), any of Iain Bank's books (though my favourite are the Culture ones). Also just read Vulcan 607 by Rowland White, which is good.

26-06-08, 01:00
Love it, I dont even have to remind people to edit the wiki (http://wiki.techhaven.org)! I will also third the recommendation to read Peter F. Hamilton - great books - most recently read the alchemist.


26-06-08, 18:27
best book - "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess. go read it. now.

26-06-08, 21:10
Best fucked up book is "The Wasp Factory" by Ian Banks.

Read it now you cock weasels!

27-06-08, 00:09
Iain M. Banks - wow.

I just ordered 'Altered Carbon' Nidd, on the recommendation of a friend!

EDIT - Didn't even read your post Hell Demon! :D

The Wasp Factory is incredible :)

27-06-08, 01:18
I was planning to play Mass Effect (Got it a day ago) during the downtime, but I think I may have to edit the wiki (http://wiki.techhaven.org)! during the downtime! :D

27-06-08, 03:28
I'm on the last chapter of Dan Brown's 'Angels and Demons' - good book tbh.
I refused to read his books during all the media hype, but they are really good.

Also started reading 'Heroes - Saving Charlie', a must for any Heroes fan!

Got a couple more the summer read;
Sean Williams' Astropolis Book 1: Saturn Returns
Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Which reminds me, I need to finish Snow Crash before I start on the others...

27-06-08, 10:20
Best fucked up book is "The Wasp Factory" by Ian Banks.

Read it now you cock weasels!
Ian Banks is Godlike (with a capital G). The Wasp Factory is great, but it stands alongside a whole flotilla of other great books (Walking On Glass is a standout, I seem to remember).

Having said that, personally I prefer his alter ego, Iain M. Banks, and especially the Culture novels.


27-06-08, 14:05

Read that as well. This book is more prevelant to our time then ever.

Edit- Been meaning to read some of Ian M Banks books. Don't know where to start though. I like the front cover art and I know Halo ripped some stuff off it. Bout it.

27-06-08, 14:32
Spares - from Michael Marshall Smith, great book, its like William Gibson would meet Terry Pratchett

27-06-08, 15:28

Read that as well. This book is more prevelant to our time then ever.

Edit- Been meaning to read some of Ian M Banks books. Don't know where to start though. I like the front cover art and I know Halo ripped some stuff off it. Bout it.

Start with the Reality Dysfunction trilogy - an amazing series of books (I think its actually known as the commonwealth saga)


27-06-08, 15:52
Try these fantastic reads by Louis De Bernieres

The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts
Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord
The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman
Capitan Corelli's Mandolin
Birds without Wings

Another good one I am reading at present by Bernard Lewis is:
What Went Wrong?: Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response

An excellent historical book.

Daemon Seed
27-06-08, 16:07

29-06-08, 21:23
I tried to knit with children but the needles kept on getting stuck in their eyes.