View Full Version : Coming Back // Server Pop

12-06-08, 09:08
Its been a very long time since i've played Neocron and after many other crappy mmos, gonna give Neocron another shot. I used to play in beta then on the live Pluto server many moons ago, im sure alot has changed since then but thats ok. My question is this, which server has the most population?

12-06-08, 09:17
Get on Terra, theres active clans, regular OP fights, and regular PvP. People are usually more than glad to show you the ropes and help you get started. Theres been a recent influx of new players, so you won't be alone ;)

I'll see you in game.

PS (well actually I won't see you in game cause PayPal is being gay still... hopefully it will be fixed soon)

12-06-08, 11:02
Cool ill give Terra a shot then. Ty for the infos.

12-06-08, 11:29
Whats your name in game Deno? I could use some refreshing and catching up from the in-game scene, my in-game name is DruDown. Any help would be awesome for me, gotta break out of the 3 year rust haha, thx.

12-06-08, 11:32
Basically, if german is your first language, Mars or Mercury are options (although merc is pretty dead). If anything else is your first language, Terra is the only real choice.

Check out The THN (http://www.techhaven.org) for game info.

12-06-08, 12:03
Good to hear your coming to terra. As was said, if german is your first language then the german server would be better, but in my opinion I would just go Terra, as your english is very good (are you german? I thought you were a native english speaker lol). Most international people are on it, and its got the biggest population (usually double any other server at peak). If the paypal issue is fixed soon i'll hopefully be able to help you out ingame. My main char is Drakor Trent, and he'll be more than happy to show you the ropes and give you a quick refresher on the ins and outs of NC. I also got a constructer who can sort you out with new weapons and stuff if you need them ;)

See you in game!

12-06-08, 13:20
Any idea what faction you're going to be? afaik if you're City Admin you can just join CAT and we'll help you

12-06-08, 13:27
I know i'm biased but I would say Tangent Technologies. Its the biggest pro faction and has the most active clans (afaik). Also on the other hand, you could start off as ProtoPharma, as their epic reward (the PPR) is very useful and valuable. You could then switch to TT once you finished the epic.

12-06-08, 14:34
I know i'm biased but I would say Tangent Technologies. Its the biggest pro faction and has the most active clans (afaik). Also on the other hand, you could start off as ProtoPharma, as their epic reward (the PPR) is very useful and valuable. You could then switch to TT once you finished the epic.

Might i suggest any faction other than TT :) with everyone drifting that way..... what other faction will be left to fight against!

12-06-08, 21:53
Oh man see, I had no idea there was even rewards or anything for going a certain faction lol. I just did what from what I remembered, that is going City Admin and doing the missions in the sewers killing rats and flies haha. Im sure there are some guides on where to go level and how now isnt there? Im going Tank, heavy combat Cused Soul wep (if that thing still exists lol).

13-06-08, 16:40
Very good choice ;) thats exactly what my main char does too. The CS is a very nice weapon still and rocks at pvp. Yeh there are rewards for factions that you do at lvl 45 (you can start doing the mission chain much lower though iirc) It's just useful starting out as certain factions to get their rewards, as some have very useful ones that you will probably need to buy anyway (well mainly just protopharma tbh). And a few things in NC have never changed - you will spend the first few levels in the sewers ;) Anyway good luck, and hope to see you ingame soon.

13-06-08, 16:46
there's a whole lot of information on the wiki: http://wiki.techhaven.org so you can check that out, but generally asking in the help channel will give you some good starting points. btw, a very fast way of leveling which i found is:

straight to aggie cellars with aggie missions (the hard lvl in citycomm) in p1 (ask ingame, some1 will show you, my alts are in sig)
then at str 24 and some vhc which you can find out at techhaven.org, you ask some1 to give u a terminator quad, which will allow you to level at a tremendous rate up till about rank 30, after which you can choose for either vehicle lvling or just getting proper guns to lvl some more at the military base.

This allowed me to become rank 45 in under 3 days.