View Full Version : Ok here it is! - What did you ask for?

08-06-08, 22:01
Had to be done :)

What items did you ask for?

I got 2 WOC 3 PA's, ion cannon and SH.

and you? :D

A BIG Thank you to the GM's for a mind numbing job!

08-06-08, 22:06
Aye, Thank you again too all the sexy GM's :D

I asked for an Ion Rifle, SH, FF chip and a Gold PA (how many times is that one gonna come up? lol)

08-06-08, 23:06
Aye, Thank you again too all the sexy GM's :D

I asked for an Ion Rifle, SH, FF chip and a Gold PA (how many times is that one gonna come up? lol)

probably in 9 out of 10 cases.

just out of curiosity... if woc 3 pa, which is a gm spawn only item is available.... wouldnt that by definition mean that zargerus belts and that special silent hunter ammo, spirit rounds or something would also be, along with the copbot rifles and babe suits ...

i know the thread said you couldnt ask for those, but in all technicality... a gm spawned item is a gm spawned item, and unless there by some magical phenomenon has been implemented a way to naturally get a woc 3 power armor, then that would be in the same department of stuff as the other items...

So, why exactly is the woc 3 pa allowed as a reward, when the other items... arent ?

Just out of curiosity.

08-06-08, 23:06
Gold PA is going to be as common as PA at this rate :(

08-06-08, 23:22
I've seen about 3 ppl actually using gold pa in P2... never saw that before.

08-06-08, 23:27
Ok I'm going to keep a few of my awards a little secret, as the compensation isn't completely over. ;)

WoC3 Monk PA (APU)
MC5 Balistic CPU
Freedom Fighter CPU
WoC1 Monk PA (PPU)
Ion Cannon

That leaves 4 items for you to guess what I asked for.

P.S.On Mercury I've asked for 6 Revelers :D

08-06-08, 23:53
I havn't actually received anything as of yet, because of my busy schedule :cool: too much working... :(

But one thing I will ask for a is a 5 slot all arti stilletto, just because there rele isn't nething i really need :D

16-06-08, 20:17
Well, as everyone is asking, here are a few statistics I've compiled from records so far:

2 weeks since the compensation effort started, we have compensated 1688 characters (and counting :p) over 3 servers.

408 Gold WoC PAs have been given away, of which the most popular has been the Heavy Combatsuit - 110 of the buggers to be precise.

159 Ionic weapons, just over 46% of them being cannons.

96 Freedom fighter CPUs have been requested. Very popular these, compared to the 83 MC5s given out, the most popular being the Ballistic CPU. Tank-o-cron, anyone?

Of the rare tech drop weapons, the most popular is - you guessed it - the CS. 79 given away. The next most popular rare is the Disruptor.

57 WoC disks, 31 Copbot trophies, 22 gold cups, 13 Cavespider trophies and a partridge in a pear tree :p

and the least popular item... only 2 Dimension Splitters. How times have changed.

16-06-08, 20:40
I know you all promised that this would have no effect on the game economy in the future? but are yous fucking serious? In many ways its also very unfair. New players are gonna be second class citizens, as everyone whos played beforehand will have their fking WoC 3 PAs, and their 5 slot CS's and their golden fucking rolex watches and shit. It seems great that we all got our 5 slotted weapons now, and our 'baddass' WoC 3 Pa's, but whats the point if every Tom, Dick and Harry also has one. In fact they prolly got two. In my opinion this compensation may very well have ruined the in game economy forever. What are yous gonna do for events now? I mean the only things that are still rare now are ARS's and babesuits and zargerus belts and that sorta shit, but they are fking useless and no one has them. No but seriously, can any GM give me a reasonable explanation as to how this compensation event wont only 1. fuck up the game economy, which is already fucked up pretty bad, and 2. create a sort of divide between old players and new players, most of whom will never be as materially wealthy as the old school players. All I can say to reakktor is - start work on those fucking WoC 5 PAs!

17-06-08, 00:10
Well, as everyone is asking, here are a few statistics I've compiled from records so far:

2 weeks since the compensation effort started, we have compensated 1688 characters (and counting :p) over 3 servers.

408 Gold WoC PAs have been given away, of which the most popular has been the Heavy Combatsuit - 110 of the buggers to be precise.

159 Ionic weapons, just over 46% of them being cannons.

96 Freedom fighter CPUs have been requested. Very popular these, compared to the 83 MC5s given out, the most popular being the Ballistic CPU. Tank-o-cron, anyone?

Of the rare tech drop weapons, the most popular is - you guessed it - the CS. 79 given away. The next most popular rare is the Disruptor.

57 WoC disks, 31 Copbot trophies, 22 gold cups, 13 Cavespider trophies and a partridge in a pear tree :p

and the least popular item... only 2 Dimension Splitters. How times have changed.

Nice info Hoder :)

17-06-08, 03:05
One day I will get around to emailing you hoder, so I can get my items, I've been very busy lately and havent had the time to coordinate with the Euro GM times, which brings me to a question. One of my accounts has now run out, it was active and I was paying for it durring the 8 days NC was offline, do I still receive compensation for this account? I am not going to reactivate it.

Dribble Joy
17-06-08, 04:41
zargerus belts and that special silent hunter ammo, spirit rounds or something would also be, along with the copbot rifles and babe suits
All of which are not reguarly obtainable items. It was stated that you could only ask for items that you can currently obtain ingame either from a run/drop or from a GM.

For example I cheakily asked for a larent mod, but wasn't suprised when Hoder told me to foxtrot oscar.

Incidentally, I didn't ask for either a cup or WoC PA, since I want to 'earn' those in the usual way.
I got a 5 slot SH for Hack, a 5 slot ion pistol, copbot trophy and cave spider trophy for DJ

17-06-08, 06:36
Got meself the following

5 slot ionic cannon
5 slot ionic rifle
5 slot pain easer
CM resistor
5 slot Cursed Soul
SL fix

17-06-08, 11:19
Did any1 else ask for a tl92 pulselaser pistol? I love those guns so I thought best to get one to hug and kiss at night

17-06-08, 11:34
Interesting stats there. I wonder out of the 408 gold woc PA's how many can be used by the characters who got them. I'm sure the grind to WoC3 will take a while.

I think KK should make the Gold WOC pa a quest, in which you have to have WOC3 to start it. :p

17-06-08, 12:35
I got the usual tbh, an ion cannon and the woc 3 PA. But I got soullight amnesty for my tank and sympathy amnesty for my spy - stuff money cant buy. Im pretty happy as it would prolly have taken me days of idling or whatnot to get that soullight up from -98 or whatever. The ion cannons are gonna be worth tones in the future, as they are one of a kind versions. Lets just hope the economy wont be as fucked as Im betting it will be.

17-06-08, 13:38
I got the usual tbh, an ion cannon and the woc 3 PA. But I got soullight amnesty for my tank and sympathy amnesty for my spy - stuff money cant buy. Im pretty happy as it would prolly have taken me days of idling or whatnot to get that soullight up from -98 or whatever. The ion cannons are gonna be worth tones in the future, as they are one of a kind versions. Lets just hope the economy wont be as fucked as Im betting it will be.

The symp issue would take a while ill admit... but to get from -100sl to -30sl could be fixed within 2hrs possibly 1hr depending on how lucky you are with citycom missions. (and yes i have used this method numberous times on my pe and tank)

With 46% of the 160 ion weps given out being ion cannons i honestly cant imagine them being worth too much :confused: but either way you look at it the economy is gonna be fucked so i guess were just gonna have to deal with it like everything else :p

Im just waiting for the day when they bring out the new woc pa tbh... Red and gold just like iron man :D :D :D

/edit I got:

Ion pistols x4
5slot dissy
5slot SH
WoC 3 pistol spy pa
WoC 3 rifle spy pa
WoC 3 ppu pa
WoC 3 pistol pe pa
WoC 3 hc tank pa


The spy pa's will be the first to get used up i think ;)

17-06-08, 13:43
Yeh apparantly 170 ion weapons were handed out. I still havent heard any feedback from a GM on what they think about the effect this will have on the economy. They promise us it won't affect it long term, but I beg to differ. Lets just hope they start getting creative with the event rewards. That was a good idea getting that tl 92 laser pistol andy ^. If i'd thought of that I might have done the same. Tbh I wish they would just make a cool WoC 5 PA or sommin. They could make it like dark green with bright blue stripes or sommin, with like a dark purple visor. Wait thats starting to sound like power rangers or somthing. Anyway, get started on those WoC 5 PAs anyhow. Has anyone actually noticed a big increase in people wearing WoC 3 PAs? I can't really imagine many people having WoC 3 really. My tank has the xp i think, just need the disks now.

17-06-08, 13:43
Let's ask a more interesting question:
What did you ask for thinking you were being clever, only to be told "no"
Holy Catharsis Sanctum (sorry, not normally obtainable)
Large/level 2 Outzone appartment (sorry, no key exists, although the zone does)
Larent Barrel (sorry, not normally obtainable
Tigers Blood (sorry, not normally available, also a little wasteful don't you think?

Pretty sure I missed something obviously interesting and obscvure enough to maybe get away with.

As for the economy, already bust really. The vast majority of people who still play have been playing enough to have either bought, built or been given from many, many quitters all the items they need. Macroers and sploiters have pumped the economy full of a huge excess of cash. Honestly, I'd have liked some stuff that wasn' normally obtainable to be given, but oh well.

17-06-08, 13:51
Yeh I see what your saying about the average player already having everything he/she needs, but tbh you would feel pretty shit to be a new player ;). TBH im ok with giving out the WoC 3 PAs cause most of the fuckers cant even use them, but I just hope at least that they make a new 'rare/hard to get' item and make that the new event reward. It is nice having somthing in game that very few other people have. On the other hand, the way it used to be with the WoC 3 PAs was kind of unfair. Well not really unfair, in fact it was totally fair, but all the large clans made a combined effort to basically outbid anyone in the GM auctions. At least now the average person can have the option of wearing woc 3 PA. Personally though I would advise reakktor not to repeat this in the future. In my opinion it was pretty short sighted, but I guess their hands were tied, with all the screaming neocrack fans abusing them to fix the server problem. I would have just paid some hobo to model a few random things then just pass them of as limited edition items, and throw them at everyone.

17-06-08, 14:13
One of my accounts has now run out, it was active and I was paying for it durring the 8 days NC was offline, do I still receive compensation for this account? I am not going to reactivate it.Yes. The account was paid for during the time in question, so you deserve something for it.

It was stated that you could only ask for items that you can currently obtain ingame either from a run/drop or from a GM.

For example I cheakily asked for a larent mod, but wasn't suprised when Hoder told me to foxtrot oscar.It was stated that you could only ask for items normally obtainable ingame in addition to woc 3 PAs, copbot trophies, cavespider trophies and the bronze / silver / gold cups. This means that GM spawn only items are generally prohibited with the exception of the small list above.

As for the economy, already bust really. Macroers and sploiters have pumped the economy full of a huge excess of cash. This excess cash massively inflated the price of many things. So now that the market has had a large influx of items, this should go a good way to deflating those prices.

The naysayers think this is bad for the economy, but the items count now goes some way to balancing out the inflated money count. The WoC PAs may be more abundant now, but that is the end of it. This is a one time activity, so as more new players join these PAs will still become rarer in proportion to the population.

17-06-08, 14:25
I thought this would fuck over the economy too. Imagine you just made a rare 4 slotted gun. Ordinarily you would get a good price for it, sure it's not 5 slotted but you know there would be a buyer. You try and sell it. You would get a lot of people saying they have one and it's 5 slotted.

You would be hard pressed to sell it because

a) Every fucker has this rare gun

b) It's not as good as everyone else's

You would find a seller but they would offer a much lower price than if the market hadn't been flooded with the gun. Not only have you spent hours gathering parts, making a few rares that were slotted or up to scratch, but now you have to sell at a lower price. You spent hours crafting to be out done by a load of people waiting in a line to be handed for free the perfect gun. These people can also sell their rare for a much higher price than yours.

In some way this compensation has made things a bit difficult for crafters.

17-06-08, 14:44
Yeh I totally agree. One aspect of neocron that always was, i thought, a strong point, was the rarity of items. For example, if you had a 5 slot weapon, you really did feel it was somthing special. I remember the first time I built a 5 slotter, you really felt some satisfaction, and most old players can remember what their first 5 slot weapon was. Now 0 slots are prolly more fucking rare than 5 slots. I mean, this was probably great for someone who was maybe a very casual player, and never really had a chance of being able to build/buy a 5 slot, as they now have it, and it gives them practical benefits, but to the rest of the population who see a 5 slot as somthing rare (and not just simply a better gun) it has just spoiled that. I used to be pretty proud of my collection of 5 slot weapons, but now it just seems pointless. It sounds selfish and kind of vain, but people only bought 5 slots purely for the rarity factor, and the feeling of accomplishment you get from having the best possible version of a gun. I just hope that over the months (years maybe if neocron doesnt die) that this will not vastly effect the economy, but in my opinion it has caused irreperable damage. I really dont feel like playing my constructor much anymore. What excitement is there in paying tonnes for a set of parts and then hoping to build a 5 slot weapon, if everybody already has one for them and their pet goldfish.

Dribble Joy
17-06-08, 15:35
Lower slot weapons will sell, though they generally do so as leveling weapons.

As to the number of 5 slotters around, yes there are more, but this current number is mostly due to the drop rate before the previous patch. I can't even imagine how many I collected down in regants. Half way through I stopped selling them and hoarded them. I filled 45 cabs, with some stacking as much as 10. I alone probably injected over 8000 techs into the economy.

With the drop rate down to a level more or less what it was in NC1, rares will become harder to obtain.

That reminds me, anyone want to buy about 200 techs? I still have loads of unressed ones in one of my apts.

17-06-08, 15:47
I might be interested, Ill give you a shout on vent later ;P Yeh I guess your right, the lower drop rate will prolly in the longterm balance out the huge influx of weapons from the comp event. But those 5 slotter sint gonna just dissappear. I hope the number of new player joining will stay high and then it won't be so much of a worry.

17-06-08, 15:59
Economy has been jaded for a long time. We need an economist!

New players do have it okay. A lot of people do want the high end slotted stuff, but for a noob leveling they can usually find quite a bit of good surplus leveling weapons that are free.

I'm concerned about the high end players. The ones concerned with pvp and the best setups. They have a lot of disposable income, can outbid poorer players, get the best guns, implants and in some sense can buy influence. NC becomes less about skill and more about credits. Some players have an absurd amount of money and have some banked away into a clan. Could that money not be donated to poor players?

One possible way is to use that money to destroy the economy. Buy up all techs and stock pile them. Do the same with WoC disks. An extreme I doubt will happen - but it is possible.

17-06-08, 16:08
Yeh if a few of us grouped together it wouldn't be impossible for us to completely wreck the economy, or as you suggested give to noobs. IMO though free handouts ruin the game. You know that feeling you used to get when u were a kid playing some game, and you couldnt quite complete it so you cheated? And remember the sort of feeling you got when you did complete it with the use of cheats... It just somehow wasn't that satisfying was it? Well thats kinda the way I think a lot of people are feeling like now. Whats the point in an MMO RPG if you just get given the stuff your meant to work for. I think part of the fun of NC has always been the saving up for stuff and making goals to buy stuff. I remember the days when I used to go and hunt aggies and collect the bones. I was able to save up for hoverbike in a day or so. And it really felt good when you finally walked to the shop and bought it. Now when it comes to finally getting that 5 slot weapon, the feelings even better. Since you can't technically complete the game most people nearly have subconscious ideas of what completing it is. Whether that be, complete all epics, or as for a lot, getting that 5 slot weapon you always dreamed of. I just think that we should sort of safeguard the economy of NC.

17-06-08, 17:13
Tigers Blood (sorry, not normally available, also a little wasteful don't you think?

I think I have one of those on Terra.

Its the one that did + something to M-C. Would you like to buy it and trade it from me? Its pretty rare... ;P

PM me if you want to.

17-06-08, 17:53
I thought this would fuck over the economy too. Imagine you just made a rare 4 slotted gun. Ordinarily you would get a good price for it, sure it's not 5 slotted but you know there would be a buyer. You try and sell it. You would get a lot of people saying they have one and it's 5 slotted.

Considering this...

Of the rare tech drop weapons, the most popular is - you guessed it - the CS. 79 given away. The next most popular rare is the Disruptor.

Now I think that 79 is not a lot, and it's spread over 3 servers. What we don't know is how many per server. (I would be interested in how the items where spread over all 3 servers, than the totals for all 3 servers....Hoder any chance of breaking the stats down please if you got the time? :cool: )

But if you look at the figure of how many people comensated, and how many cursed souls there are, there is a 5% chance someone will have one, but since there isn't 1644 ever on a server, more like 100, that 5% starts to be dramically reduced to almost the same figure as the chances of constructing a 5 slot rare.

In other words, rares are still rare, and the rare trade isn't going buggered by this. It's also more likely that someone trying to claim there are lots of 5 slot rares is trying to get one cheap, as they dont have one.

However there is twice as much chance of you being killed by a Ion Cannon tank, than a Cursed Soul tank. :lol:

17-06-08, 23:46
I asked for sex.
They said no.
Then laughed.
I cried myself to sleep that night.

18-06-08, 00:02
I asked for sex.
They said no.
Then laughed.
I cried myself to sleep that night.
awww.. i was giving sex for free in addition to the items!

18-06-08, 07:16
I got the sex, much appreciated!

18-06-08, 10:14
Well, as everyone is asking, here are a few statistics I've compiled from records so far:

2 weeks since the compensation effort started, we have compensated 1688 characters (and counting :p) over 3 servers.

and the least popular item... only 2 Dimension Splitters. How times have changed.hey i got a S.T.O.R.M laser cannon and hurler knuckles :eek:

18-06-08, 12:08
hey i got a S.T.O.R.M laser cannon

Wish i had thought of that ;)


Apparently you werent the only one to have thought of it if the DS was the lowest 8|

18-06-08, 15:32
Me too :(

I used to have a scoped one... but lost it with -45 SL to a droner during 2.1 outside the entrance to NC Outzone Siubway :mad: Whoever he is, please could I have it back...

Regards, Mr.Elephant.

18-06-08, 21:53
awww.. i was giving sex for free in addition to the items!
damnit, no one told me :(

18-06-08, 22:34
Got myself on Mars (by trade for other server's compensations):

5 Slot Stabber Pulselaser Rifle (modded it to full artifact with LP, clearly beats Pain Easer and Terminator in DMG)

5 Slot Enhanced Plasma Rifle (also modded to full artifact with LP, also does decent dmg, in plain number it does the same DMG per shot as my artifact pain easer with higher freq, so also clearly beats Terminator and Pain Easer)

5 Slot Commando Sniper Rifle (full arti, LP, Silencer, nice for hunting Grims in H 12, and doing the first or first two shots from the distance in PvP)

I use those on my rifle Tank and I'm more than happy with them.

19-06-08, 20:54
I got a Woc3 Gold Pa for my spy
a gold woc 3 pa for my ppu
a 5 slot HVSR-90 Ronin Sniper Rifle
and a tl 150 artifact construct tool

and no I don't think it will ruin the economy
first of all because I intend on keeping all my items as goals to reach. plus I'm a crafter I would never buy something from other players when I can get it myself. as for the gold thing well ok so it's not so easy to get but you can if you go to events, which are never in my time zone so I don't feal bad about that. and not only that they only last for so long and then they die, you can't keep them repaired forever cause it goes down so I doubt that will hurt the economy.
Just my opinion :p

19-06-08, 22:15
I can't wait for like a few weeks or months when all those people who got WoC 3 PAs realise 610 million xp is frigging 610 million xp! If that doesnt make them realise, the fact they need 6 WoC disks might ;P I know WoC disks are cheap atm, but theres only so many to go around ;) I think it is good getting non rare items (or the ion cannon) as they are one off, and you will never see all arti ones again. One thing i noticed is that apparantly GM spawn items dont have a 'built by ****' on them. So you can easily spot if som1's earned their 5 slot or they just got it free with their happy meal ;P

20-06-08, 01:18
One thing i noticed is that apparantly GM spawn items dont have a 'built by ****' on them. So you can easily spot if som1's earned their 5 slot or they just got it free with their happy meal ;P

Nope, i still got an NC1 dissy that happens to be 5slot aswell as the other 5slot i got from compo ;)