View Full Version : Who likes Star Wars - Check out the new film trailer

Road runner
14-05-08, 13:23
Well that got your attention.

If you don't already know it there is a new star wars film coming out - but its computer graphics. Looks really cool still.


Reckon it will be good?

14-05-08, 13:41
Looks very nice!

14-05-08, 14:11
hmmmmmm..... Could be tempted, been a while since i watched a cartoon other than the one's my kids watch!

15-05-08, 02:55
Yeah, I watched that a few days ago after reading about it in Empire magazine. Looks quite cool but while the Clone troopers are drawn well, I don't like the artwork for the other characters. There's quite a few films I'll be wanting to watch this summer, I like the possibilities of "Outpost" and also, "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie.

15-05-08, 09:44
Looks cool but I wish it was more realistic graphics rather than the cartoonic look, it kinda puts me off :(

Jason Parker
15-05-08, 10:47
I like that cartoonic look a lot. I liked the style of The Clone Wars TV Series even better. All the new Star Wars stuff coming in the next time, shows that Mr. Lucas still has a lot of Stories to tell... well and a lot of money to earn.

17-05-08, 12:18
I'm not impressed.

The cartoony look just feels spoilt and crap.


I wouldn't have minded so much if it was CGI

Road runner
17-05-08, 14:05
It is CGI!

I had to look up its meaning but it is computer generated imagery.

Dribble Joy
17-05-08, 14:25
Unsure as of yet. May see it when it comes out.

17-05-08, 15:32
i really liked the clone wars cartoon minis a full film of that stuff would rock the house

17-05-08, 20:48
you should see the tv show that they are trying to pull out. The pilot is not finished, but they should leave it to us real film makers than a bunch of rich pricks trying to push it out.

17-05-08, 21:14
i once liked star wars, then george lucas pissed on it with episode 1-3 :mad:

19-05-08, 14:36
looks very nice.CGI for change