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View Full Version : Attn: Terra in bad shape

28-04-08, 12:31
Taking hours to zone.
Constant sync errors.
etc.. etc..

28-04-08, 13:46
Taking hours to zone.
Constant sync errors.
etc.. etc..

More hardware issues? or just a crap ISP?

28-04-08, 13:48
same here im fine if i stand still in p1 but if i move or use the city com or go to zone im fucked

28-04-08, 13:56
Is anyone looking into this please??
Game virtually unplayable !!


28-04-08, 14:11
Investigation ongoing.


/edit - I'm experiencing problems also.

/edit2 - word from the GMs is that there are no problems where they are - where are you physically located? OMG ASL?!1

William Antrim
28-04-08, 16:10
It says Uk, Essex in his profile... so I would hazard a guess that he might be somewhere in Essex.... perhaps.

28-04-08, 16:11
Investigation ongoing.


/edit - I'm experiencing problems also.

/edit2 - word from the GMs is that there are no problems where they are - where are you physically located? OMG ASL?!1

24/M/DK ... will you buy me dinner now? <3 :p

28-04-08, 16:13
It says Uk, Essex in his profile... so I would hazard a guess that he might be somewhere in Essex.... perhaps.

Well guessed :)

Chelmsford more specifically if that helps.

28-04-08, 16:52
We were experiencing all kinds of sync problems last night, I havent yet logged in today. last night = 8 hrs ago.

28-04-08, 17:35
Things look to be ok now (I just checked again). Nothing was tweaked to my knowledge, but I suspect it was a location-related issue.

What's it like to you guys? Oh, and naimex, we can't afford dinner - it all goes to the hamster. ;)


28-04-08, 18:52
Things look to be ok now (I just checked again). Nothing was tweaked to my knowledge, but I suspect it was a location-related issue.

What's it like to you guys? Oh, and naimex, we can't afford dinner - it all goes to the hamster. ;)


i think someone needs to give those hamsters some loving ;)

28-04-08, 19:14
i think someone needs to give those hamsters some loving ;)

Cue, Cracker. :lol:

28-04-08, 23:57
Fetch the tube, I'll prepare my anus :cool:

Mr Kot
29-04-08, 00:19
Poor Lemmiwinks :(

29-04-08, 02:02
Fetch the tube, I'll prepare my anus :cool:

29-04-08, 08:01
I have had similar problems on Mars for a week now. Lots of sync with no money / no SL or partial Investory/Gogo. Relog a few times sorts this out.
I am trying to remember what changed on my PC. hmm.

29-04-08, 10:57
Slloooooowwwwwwww syncs again this morning... :(

Was ok again last night. Certainly nothing has changed on my side of things.
Unless it's related to my ISP (Sky) which i doubt as other surfin seemed wizzy as it should be !!??

Is the speed driven by hampsters in one of those wheel things attached to some kind of dynamo?
Maybe it needs a rest and is knackered or something? Try getting one of those new steroid pumped up hampsters they are much better,... but they die suddenly from heart attacks ! Small price I say.

29-04-08, 12:58
Investigation ongoing.


/edit - I'm experiencing problems also.

/edit2 - word from the GMs is that there are no problems where they are - where are you physically located? OMG ASL?!1

I have had a few bad zoning experiences today 29/04/2008 10.00 - 12.00 location Brighton - UK It is zoning me to other random places, peoples apartments, sewers, black dragon HQ, Tangent HQ - Died there, my cars arent spawning, having loads of issues with this i have done defrag etc etc shut down anti virus and also zonealarm and still no joy so know it isnt my pc playing up... Possible to maybe reboot server??? Sometimes that solves technical issues and if it dont just shoot the hamster

29-04-08, 15:07
WTF!!! :wtf:

29-04-08, 15:07
title says it all.

29-04-08, 15:08
WTF!!! :wtf:

sup 13:07 terra down posting buddy.

29-04-08, 15:09
My thread was the first one. :P

29-04-08, 15:09
this calls for another hamster me thinks.

29-04-08, 15:09
me > you tbh. :p

29-04-08, 15:10
me > you tbh. :p

My thread has more words, more effort expended - is therefore better.

29-04-08, 15:16
You just made a reference to your thread title.
I made a cool thread title "Terra down" and in my post i was wondering about it.

Therefore my Thread is better, because of the "wtf" which brings the questions "why, how etc." in it. :p

29-04-08, 15:19
You just made a reference to your thread title.
I made a cool thread title "Terra down" and in my post i was wondering about it.

Therefore my Thread is better, because of the "wtf" which brings the questions "why, how etc." in it. :p

Ah, but it references the thread title which has a question mark - also making the thread one of confusion and, ideally, answers.

Ultimately I think this will turn into a Coke v. Pepsi style argument: wholly dependant on taste.

My choice, of course, tastes better.

/edit back up with no explantion, hooray. Good to see things haven't changed.

29-04-08, 15:30
ok guys.. one word..


29-04-08, 15:32
It's had a hefty kick. Try it now.

29-04-08, 18:48
Poor Lemmiwinks :(

Hahahahaha, nasty episode. Wrong on so many levels. :wtf:

29-04-08, 18:53
this calls for another hamster me thinks.

i think its time for a dog or a cat :angel:

29-04-08, 20:20
i think its time for a dog or a cat :angel:

They just dont generate the same amount of power...

You have to remember that hamsters are natural static generators.

Just by being a hamster they accumulate electricity through their fur.

In fact, recent studies have shown that hamsters have +10 to electricity.

29-04-08, 20:35
Possible cause of Terra being screwy = to much population

With the trickle of returning runners it has to be it? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

or could be the bloody GM's adding fences/boulders to places where we lvl yeah i know some have to happen due to exploits but talk about quick fix making some of the dungeons.....untidy to say the least :cool:

29-04-08, 20:55
or could be the bloody GM's adding fences/boulders to places where we lvl yeah i know some have to happen due to exploits but talk about quick fix making some of the dungeons.....untidy to say the least :cool:

with 10 to 100 people on, who seriously cares about leveling exploits?

29-04-08, 21:14
with 10 to 100 people on, who seriously cares about leveling exploits?

If they're not prevented from doing it they'll need to be banned for doing it which means even less players.

29-04-08, 21:44
If they're not prevented from doing it they'll need to be banned for doing it which means even less players.

Seriously though, in a game community where 99.999% of the players already have capped folks they level secondary/tertiary characters to fill a purpose (tradeskill) or pvp, why even bother attempting to make leveling difficult?

It's like putting a tourniquet on a dude that already bled out.

29-04-08, 22:44
Seriously though, in a game community where 99.999% of the players already have capped folks they level secondary/tertiary characters to fill a purpose (tradeskill) or pvp, why even bother attempting to make leveling difficult?

It's like putting a tourniquet on a dude that already bled out.
TBH! /signed.

p.s: poasting in epic thread

29-04-08, 22:45
Seriously though, in a game community where 99.999% of the players already have capped folks they level secondary/tertiary characters to fill a purpose (tradeskill) or pvp, why even bother attempting to make leveling difficult?

It's like putting a tourniquet on a dude that already bled out.


At the risk of mocking you :p

What use is it to resurrect a person, if he's so full of holes he'll die from them right away again ;)

29-04-08, 23:10
It's had a hefty kick. Try it now.

lol. everything aside, funny! gotta laugh..

either that or go mad in a super market with my CS !!!

29-04-08, 23:38
What use is it to resurrect a person, if he's so full of holes he'll die from them right away again ;)

So you can say you tried when you write his widow.


30-04-08, 00:48
Seriously though, in a game community where 99.999% of the players already have capped folks they level secondary/tertiary characters to fill a purpose (tradeskill) or pvp, why even bother attempting to make leveling difficult?

It's like putting a tourniquet on a dude that already bled out.

Yeah, why bother? Why bother having levelling at all? Why bother having points to spend, why not just make them all the same? Hey, why not all of us leave and play CS:S? :wtf:

Answer, cos we wanna fucking play Neocron. Any noobs that do come along aren't exactly going to be impressed if the game is allowed to slide further. We can't ask for the game to be changed so drastically that it's not even recognisable anymore, we may as well just go and play a game that is more to our liking. Subtle changes are fine, an overhaul is fine, but you can't just change huge blocks of the game.

30-04-08, 01:40
Yeah, why bother? Why bother having levelling at all? Why bother having points to spend, why not just make them all the same? Hey, why not all of us leave and play CS:S? :wtf:

O - ok.

Answer, cos we wanna fucking play Neocron. Any noobs that do come along aren't exactly going to be impressed if the game is allowed to slide further. We can't ask for the game to be changed so drastically that it's not even recognisable anymore, we may as well just go and play a game that is more to our liking. Subtle changes are fine, an overhaul is fine, but you can't just change huge blocks of the game.

No one, including me, is calling for an overhaul, just questioning why one should even bother preventing or punishing certain leveling exploits at this point. It's hard to imagine any sort of positive surge in population in the near future, so why make it hard for the people that are here now.

When some form of advertising or equivalent occurs (i.e. when that influx of new players comes, hypothetically), then the ghetto walls can come back up, that simple.

If you want to level without the use of those exploits, go for it, plenty of ways not to use them, but why punish ourselves with grinding numbers when we've already been punished with diminishing populations et al.

30-04-08, 10:29
I have had similar problems on Mars for a week now. Lots of sync with no money / no SL or partial Investory/Gogo. Relog a few times sorts this out.
I am trying to remember what changed on my PC. hmm.

I turned of the Comodo firewall and suddenly I had no sync problems whatsoever. I upgraded last week from one version to another. The f/w adds some overhead but more than I had expected. Using Windows Xp built-in crap f/w is fine and I don't really need one in the home as the Cisco PIX is fine and I only use WXP for running Neocron these days.

At least I have found my specific pc problem out.

30-04-08, 14:48
If you want to level without the use of those exploits, go for it, plenty of ways not to use them, but why punish ourselves with grinding numbers when we've already been punished with diminishing populations et al.

This is what Neocron is, if you don't want to play it then don't. Why is it punishing to anyone? That's what the game has always been, you may as well remove levelling altogether if you allow exploiting. KK would have an even worse reputation than it already has. Add the fact that it's really complete douchebags that exploit and we have a population nobody wants to interact with.
I am so against the idea, if indeed it can be labelled an idea, that I'd be ashamed to put my name to it, even an online one.

30-04-08, 17:14
Exploits are exploits and if you're caught you will be punished. That will never change. Now, no more discussion of exploits please - you know the rules.


30-04-08, 19:34
I still cant beleive people are being charged money for uber servers and leet customer service tbh.


30-04-08, 20:01
