View Full Version : [ot] Arrrggh Get To The Choppaaa!!!...

19-03-08, 20:27
lol soz im pissed up atm and all of us jst watched predator and omg how mint is that saying from arne :D anyone else got any fucking film catchphrases that make them wanna yell it in random peoples faces in the street? haha
Love it!

19-03-08, 20:43


love it. IT crowd.

19-03-08, 21:01
Not sure if it's from a film but I find myself saying under my breath "how conveeeenient" constantly. Stuff tends to make too much sense to me. :/

For example I was wondering about a thing that happened a while ago and a fucking bird chirped words at me when I went for a smoke that somewhat explained it. wtf.

19-03-08, 21:08
haha keep off the crystal meth.

19-03-08, 21:13
I gotta try that stuff. ;)

edit: In another 'how convenient' moment.. I know exactly where to get it too.

edit2: And my new char sig is creeping me out... it's like they are hypnotized or something. O_o

Bob Arctor
19-03-08, 21:27
Check out the Predator Rap (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovi-djkUgd0)

William Antrim
20-03-08, 18:51
I love the Tombstone quotes and also Terminator 2, the Sarah Connor soliloquoy to the camera when she falls asleep and dreams she got nuked.

That is one of the greatest pieces of cinematography of all time.

also I'd love to be able to reel off Jack Nicholsons speech in the courtroom in A Few Good Men because that shit gives me goosebumps EVERY time I watch it. In a strange way I find that it talks to my soul.

20-03-08, 19:50
"If the shit fits, wear it."

One of the characters in the Blues Brothers band. I find myself saying it at work when people moan about their lot in life. And no, I don't work for the samaritans, I tried but they talked me out of it.

20-03-08, 22:44
I don't know what we're yelling about!!!
Legandary :D

oh and
Shake & Bake

20-03-08, 23:22
also I'd love to be able to reel off Jack Nicholsons speech in the courtroom in A Few Good Men because that shit gives me goosebumps EVERY time I watch it. In a strange way I find that it talks to my soul.

Old but meh, maybe you've not seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P2Fz3tZhYk

20-03-08, 23:32
There is one Arnie one I was very fond of.. "Ah think ahve got a tumah!"

21-03-08, 00:54
Never rub another mans rhubarb! - Jack Nicholson, Batman.

You make me wish I had 3 hands. - Benny the cab driver/traitor, Total Recall.

Yippee-ki-yay, m o t h e r f u c k e r! - John McClane, Die Hard films.

You must do what you feel is right of course. - Obi Wan Kenobi, A New Hope (Just cos its funny to say to people when you're trying to get your own way).

edit/ Why the hell aren't we allowed to swear on the forum anymore!? It's really annoying putting spaces in all the swearwords!

21-03-08, 00:59


edit: weird. :confused:

22-03-08, 00:14
Anyone got some Poltergeist quotes? I need one. :rolleyes:

Changed my desktop background and the floor lamp behind me is on, I got this on my second monitor:

22-03-08, 02:30
"Hey man, you're bleeding"

"I ain't got time to bleed"

22-03-08, 05:32
"Hey man, you're bleeding"

"I ain't got time to bleed"

*sniff* *sniff*

I smell Predator, and the big spitting cowboy dude with the chaingun :p

Speedgun gatling for the win! :p


A quote huh..

"We didn't land on sherwood forest, sherwood forest landed on us"

^^--- Got to hurt if you think about it really...

Doc Holliday
22-03-08, 12:20
*sniff* *sniff*

I smell Predator, and the big spitting cowboy dude with the chaingun :p

Speedgun gatling for the win! :p


A quote huh..

"We didn't land on sherwood forest, sherwood forest landed on us"

^^--- Got to hurt if you think about it really...

jesse ventura. blaine was his character name

"This shit'll make you a GODDAMN SEXUAL TYRANNOSAUR..... LIKE MEEEE!!"

The black dude had the minigun if i remember right. not carl weathers the other guy.

22-03-08, 12:28
jesse ventura. blaine was his character name

"This shit'll make you a GODDAMN SEXUAL TYRANNOSAUR..... LIKE MEEEE!!"

The black dude had the minigun if i remember right. not carl weathers the other guy.


Mac the black dude, picked up the minigun and cut down the entire forest when the predator shot its big blue bolt of molten flesh through the stomach of blaine if youre certain that was his name.

But it was the spitting guy that had it up until then.

22-03-08, 12:51

Mac the black dude, picked up the minigun and cut down the entire forest when the predator shot its big blue bolt of molten flesh through the stomach of blaine if youre certain that was his name.

But it was the spitting guy that had it up until then.

Yeah, that's how I remember it too, though it's been a few years now. All Mac did up to that point was rub a disposable razor across his face. And I'm also pretty sure Blaine was his name. Mac went a bit psychotic after that.
"I see you mother fucker, I seeee you".

Doc Holliday
22-03-08, 13:23
Yeah, that's how I remember it too, though it's been a few years now. All Mac did up to that point was rub a disposable razor across his face. And I'm also pretty sure Blaine was his name. Mac went a bit psychotic after that.
"I see you mother fucker, I seeee you".

right yea sorry guys. one of my mates here is an expert on the film ;)

so mac grabs the gun. thats where the "Your hit man, your bleeding!" piece comes from.


24-03-08, 15:35
'You are the greatest player I have ever seen. Besides my self, practicing in front of a mirror... which I do... everyday... in the nude'

Balls Of Fury :D

William Antrim
25-03-08, 12:14
Got time to duck!

Billy is by far the best character in the Predator films. Much tougher than Blaine or Mac. (yes Jesse Ventura is called Blaine as I named my original tank after him but changed it later).

Jodo: Loved the Total Recall quote, that scene is awesome! I love the one with the merc who grabs Arnie by the collar = "You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here!" and his reply is cool as ice.

Good film. The book is good too.