View Full Version : Vote... For Apus To Be Reborn

04-03-08, 21:10
COME on guys lets get some coments going to get kkk on the move to get apus sorted :lol:

04-03-08, 21:38

KK need to be on the move with ANYTHING!

It's March now and we have still had no annoucement or official aknowledgement of any future patches coming anytime soon.

Come on Guys any Info??

04-03-08, 22:01
*voting for KK to make some move about anything for NC!!!

William Antrim
04-03-08, 23:47
Theyre all getting ready for the piss up in Leeds.

onero S
05-03-08, 00:23

KK need to be on the move with ANYTHING!

It's March now and we have still had no annoucement or official aknowledgement of any future patches coming anytime soon.

Come on Guys any Info??


Its nice to see mod posts within 10 minutes of the how do you sleep thread being created, but no posts in topics like these.

05-03-08, 00:38
dude you got my support :p count my vote in

05-03-08, 00:50
All that needs to be said has been said a hundred times already in these forums - IT IS UPTO KK TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE US NOW.

on that note /votes for something to be done ;)

05-03-08, 01:02
Voted :D Now watch this thread get closed as spam =)

05-03-08, 04:34
Fuck the monks. They had their day. Fix the damn tanks first.

Asurmen Spec Op
05-03-08, 04:42
Fuck the monks. They had their day. Fix the damn tanks first.
/sign that shit

05-03-08, 05:32
I highly doubt that APU's need anything when they can kill my spy in less than 3-4 hits, with the max resists a pistol spy could get, and a couple drugs...

onero S
05-03-08, 07:09
I highly doubt that APU's need anything when they can kill my spy in less than 3-4 hits, with the max resists a pistol spy could get, and a couple drugs...


Max resists a pistol spy could get? are you serious?

Are you implying that apus do as much dmg at pistols? Again, are you serious?

I'm confused, we are talking about 2.2 here right? As in the game Neocron.

05-03-08, 07:21
As in the one you dont seem to be playing? Or maybe you just cant aim that swirley. Either way, they kill me in alot less than four hits -.- im lucky to survive two on my spy.

05-03-08, 08:04

Max resists a pistol spy could get? are you serious?

Are you implying that apus do as much dmg at pistols? Again, are you serious?

I'm confused, we are talking about 2.2 here right? As in the game Neocron.

Yes, Yes and Yes.

05-03-08, 09:49
lets not make them too powerful, i remeber i saw mart and alig use there monks ppu/apu to take on a whole mess of people and kill them im talking like 20(that was pre nc2). Buff em but don't let it get out of hand do it right.

05-03-08, 10:44
Come on KK give melee a boost!

05-03-08, 11:02
The APU thread brought some good ideas to light.

I'm more concerned about the complete lack of acknowledgement at the moment.

HOW are we not owed more communication by now?

05-03-08, 11:21
Voted :D Now watch this thread get closed as spam =)
Spam!? goddamnit joe i am spam, i eat spam im american, i dictate the spam around here POWA TO THE PEOPLE JOIN AFTER DARK!!!!!!
fuck the bullshit make apus viable i been waitin to lvl my apu

05-03-08, 11:25
now lemme rework what im saying, all classes but monks are great keep tank(aside from melee)spy/pe/ppu at what it is its all great the only class i see a probelm with is melee/ apu melee needs a dmg boost and apu all it needs is a freq boost which both i would imagine would not be hard for kk to implement now if im wrong correct me as im fairly wasted but im pretty sure im not

So KK boost melee dmg/apu freq kthx

05-03-08, 11:44
I agree Melee should get a boost (maybe they should do stacks among direct damages)

But about APU, actually, we are stuck with the whole Clip thing, they can bug into walls and pvP at the same time. Now it is sure happening in plaza2, I don't know about Outposts, but this is probably done there, too.

Actually APUs die very fast in Outposts, as they usually have the first focus. Anyway, I haven't met any good real APU in an Outpost fight and so again, I don't know if they are that bad.

I wonder if anti-heals/shields nanites tools works ? Do they reduce the time of them, or is it supposed to delete them directly after injection ?

Those tools have been thought for the APU, and I have never seen them used.

05-03-08, 11:49
Now i dont know if nanite protection tools are usable for apus but they should be damnit, i hate apus to be honest they can do crazy dmg and make me cry but if i get literally 4-5 hit with my ion cannon or 2-3 hit with my dev they die, they need better defense plus the frequency on apus is bullshit. help a brotha out

05-03-08, 11:50
I agree Melee should get a boost (maybe they should do stacks among direct damages)

But about APU, actually, we are stuck with the whole Clip thing, they can bug into walls and pvP at the same time. Now it is sure happening in plaza2, I don't know about Outposts, but this is probably done there, too.

Actually APUs die very fast in Outposts, as they usually have the first focus. Anyway, I haven't met any good real APU in an Outpost fight and so again, I don't know if they are that bad.

I wonder if anti-heals/shields nanites tools works ? Do they reduce the time of them, or is it supposed to delete them directly after injection ?

Those tools have been thought for the APU, and I have never seen them used.

lmao excellent sig btw

05-03-08, 12:36
In every patch one of the chars get left be hide so if u just say apus need sorting out all you are going to get is apu being better then the rest then u will be writing about another char so why don't you say what need to happen to all 4 chars instead of doing one at a time.

William Antrim
05-03-08, 13:06
You guys need to sort your spies out if they die to two hits. Thats not the class at fault, thats the player.

Whats wrong with tanks?

Yes monks can use the basic heal nannite tool afaik but it is crap.

05-03-08, 13:17
You guys need to sort your spies out if they die to two hits. Thats not the class at fault, thats the player.

Whats wrong with tanks?

Yes monks can use the basic heal nannite tool afaik but it is crap.

I myself made my own spy setup with holo pa and nantites (bear in mind i suck with nanites) and i can take alot more than 2 shots from an APU.

8/10 the APU would always zone before me. APU's atm are ok for a support class to do a bit of damage dealing... aslong as they arent the main target then they can deal a fair share. When the apu becomes the primary target, thats when you realise that they aint all they should be :(

Apu's need a Freq boost (no defence boost cause they can do alrite with ppu buffs but just do too lil dmg to compete)
We all know Melee needs fixing! I miss bashing warbots to death aswell as PVP'n with it :(
Tanks i would say are reasonably balanced atm and i would say the same about spy's (even tho the HL and Dissy do sick dmg 8| )
Pe's are ok... :p

05-03-08, 15:23
Yeah Apocalypsox, if your spy dies in 2 hits then you gotta fuckin delete it right away cause you got a fuckin bad setup tbh.


05-03-08, 15:44
HOW are we not owed more communication by now?
Because ppl rant and rage.

Maybe they are still discussing ideas in the office. Just because you have heard nowt does not mean that nothing is happening. Neither should we expect the company to report back to us with the minuets of every meeting held.

Feedback is important, but with all businesses the departments involved go away and think about problems and issues before coming back with solutions and ideas.

Why are you all restless? Go out and pawn one another :)

05-03-08, 15:55
Whilst I appreciate your comments Zii, I run a business - and I bet we have as many staff as KK do. There aren't loads of departments, struggling to communicate with one another - there are a few people.

We wouldn't dream of leaving our paying customers out of the loop. It's bad business. As we said last time around, waiting for news of the patch - all they had to do was say "We are working on a patch, we'll announce a rough date of release when it is closer to completion".

Complete lack of communication is hardly 'Not contacting us with the minutes of every meeting held". We don't expect to know everything they're doing - just that they are doing something.

What I am saying isn't unfair to say - I like ReaKKtor - and I have respect for them. Their only major flaw is their communication with their community. Their PAYING customers.

William Antrim
05-03-08, 17:13
Coming to the end of Quarter 1 now also - End of March being the end of the first quarter and all that. One can reasonably expect at least SOME form of communication in that time.

Nidd? Snowcrash? Hoder?

Gents? Any comment? This is not meant to flame or be rude in any way but the lack of ANYTHING being said to us since pre-xmas is a little worrying.

An update every three months or so is hardly asking the kings ransom in my opinion.

P.s for every one person who rants and rages in this forum there are ten more who can keep it in their pants. Noone at KK has ever pandered to the whin0rz, but when 95% of the people who are regular forum users ask for some form of update then I think it is only fair that their requests are at least politely acknowledged.

05-03-08, 17:22
Coming to the end of Quarter 1 now also - End of March being the end of the first quarter and all that. One can reasonably expect at least SOME form of communication in that time.

Nidd? Snowcrash? Hoder?

Gents? Any comment? This is not meant to flame or be rude in any way but the lack of ANYTHING being said to us since pre-xmas is a little worrying.

An update every three months or so is hardly asking the kings ransom in my opinion.

P.s for every one person who rants and rages in this forum there are ten more who can keep it in their pants. Noone at KK has ever pandered to the whin0rz, but when 95% of the people who are regular forum users ask for some form of update then I think it is only fair that their requests are at least politely acknowledged.

They probably all playing WoW :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-03-08, 17:48
Yeah Apocalypsox, if your spy dies in 2 hits then you gotta fuckin delete it right away cause you got a fuckin bad setup tbh.



that was a good one.

onero S
05-03-08, 21:45
As in the one you dont seem to be playing? Or maybe you just cant aim that swirley. Either way, they kill me in alot less than four hits -.- im lucky to survive two on my spy.

As said before, thats the setup, spys can get MUCH higher resists than apus can while still moving faster.

And I'm not playing my apu because I'm not currently playing any class, I've been on a month break due to collage stuff.

05-03-08, 22:20
Yeah Apocalypsox, if your spy dies in 2 hits then you gotta fuckin delete it right away cause you got a fuckin bad setup tbh.


nice one vegah and am loveing the topics that are being brought forward its fantastic but i agree that meele should get boost. A 8| nd the spys that die with 2 to 4 hits wat the fuck i play apu alll the time and most spys i pvp with take alot more then that sooo........ :eek:

05-03-08, 22:48
We don't expect to know everything they're doing - just that they are doing something.

We had a patch. The factions were changed and we were moved back to the pre-Dome locations. I thought that this was only couple of months ago?

Perhaps, I was pleased easil ? (retorical question) - (Too late - my other half says I am.)

Quickly reading the last post: I was swatted by a mêlée tank earlier!

Doc Holliday
05-03-08, 23:06
And I'm not playing my apu because I'm not currently playing any class, I've been on a month break due to collage stuff.

what are you making out of a collage? maybe you can do that with william at easter camp. take loki with you too :P

(sorry if this aint funny but it tickled me :P onero if you dont get it read the easter meet thread. it might make it clearer)

06-03-08, 01:33
As said before, thats the setup, spys can get MUCH higher resists than apus can while still moving faster.

And I'm not playing my apu because I'm not currently playing any class, I've been on a month break due to collage stuff.

Yeah, while Apus have three times the damage output. I dont care if i have 2% more resist in resist force or something, i still dont even have half of your damage as a spy.

ashley watts
06-03-08, 01:56
Fuck the monks. They had their day. Fix the damn tanks first.

Quote of the century =]

onero S
06-03-08, 02:24
Yeah, while Apus have three times the damage output. I dont care if i have 2% more resist in resist force or something, i still dont even have half of your damage as a spy.

Then you have perhaps the worst setup ever created.

Spys can match the dmg of apus with no issues,

in fact, with the current need to spec APUs for defense, spys outdmg them by quite a lot.

06-03-08, 11:08
Boost melee!

06-03-08, 12:53
Any vote or petition threads are unnecessary. Please use the Brainport thread (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=141298) for your ideas and suggestions.

Updates on the development progress can be obtained in the Reakktor Media Announcement forum (http://forum.neocron.com/forumdisplay.php?f=149) when available.