View Full Version : Another server merge thread

19-02-08, 00:35
I do understand that there is a language barrier, but more population equals more fun. I'm sure there have been other threads like this but just bringing this back up. What are the complications? People are saying Terra is dying, but other servers are OP'ing more and doing better so why not? We could have populations above 20% for once again.

19-02-08, 01:17
the only server merge thats ever gonna happen is people from one server moving to another by their OWN. and since most people dont wanna redo everything again i dont think thats gonna happen sadly.

19-02-08, 01:24
And as always the answer from me is no. My reasons can be found in the other 1,000 threads on the same issue.

19-02-08, 01:33
This is a quote from a similar thread from March 2007.

Some time ago we have already decided against a server merge, as well as a character transfer, as the technical realisation is very complicated and could lead to many unforeseen problems. The character data is linked together at many points and a merge or transfer would mean that large parts of the character data (apartements, items, etc.) could not be transferred, which effectively would mean an item wipe.

Our position has not changed concerning this matter, for that reason a server merge or charactertransfer will not be made available.
This was the official response to this issue when it was last raised.


Lula Lovelips
19-02-08, 02:18
[ edited ]

19-02-08, 10:48
A server merge would do more harm than good, and KK have already said an outright NO.

Doc Holliday
19-02-08, 12:16
and the thread therefore should get closed :)

William Antrim
19-02-08, 13:40
Some people should use the search function before posting some things like this.

In another forum I go to regularly they have a "group" for people who repost things that have already been said a bazillion times. Its a no new threads group and it works wonders for keeping these things from being repeated. Admittedly there are many more members on that forum than here but it is perhaps something to think about.

Or just sticky a few of the "common" questions and their responses at the top of the announcements thread perhaps?

For example = NO there will not be a server merge.

= No we have not stopped working on NC

= No we cannot fix the clipping problem without redesigning the engine.

= No this is not likely to happen before black prophecy is launched.

= Yes you should come back and play nc if youre here asking, it already means you want to but youre just waiting for the ego rub. (Sex is always better when there is foreplay along with it)

(had to end on a lighter note)

19-02-08, 15:18
If people wanted to "merge" why dont they simply start new characters on Terra,Mars,Mercuary? Maybe because they don't want to?

The community can "merge" without anyhelp from KK thus the community does not want a merge end-o-story

19-02-08, 15:40
There are already a Mars clan settling in on terra, hopefully more will turn up...

Doc Holliday
19-02-08, 15:52
and we should help them set up. i spoke to gamefreak last night who said hes moving and lookin for pvp stuff to get established. cut them some slack and we all win in the end.

19-02-08, 16:00
Why merge servers? Just make a hardcore PvP server and everyone will migrate there any way.. lol ahhh the debate lives on...

19-02-08, 16:27
that alrdy happened making a hardcore pvp server and it went empty in no time :p

19-02-08, 16:52
maybe cuz there was 4 other servers lol... which is for a game of this calibre is ludacrous. 2 servers sweet. language? shit, some games have japanese, uganda, english, korean, antartic all on one server.. Or my thoery is it was a bit too late... :/

19-02-08, 17:15
maybe cuz there was 4 other servers lol... which is for a game of this calibre is ludacrous. 2 servers sweet. language? shit, some games have japanese, uganda, english, korean, antartic all on one server.. Or my thoery is it was a bit too late... :/

Nothing's too late, but it ain't going to happen...

The last PvP server was made by substituing the french server for the PvP server.... The worst descision ever made...

(not that I hate playing with the french, but the fact that I would have hated to be in their situation)

Yeah we would as a community, need to pull together to make such an idea possible for the Mars citizens, but theres a strang chance they won't want to move. But those that do move, should be helped as much as possible... But unfortunatly some existing terra players might take advantage of leveling/cash/items wanting to be donated so unfortunatly makes me reluctant to help people only die to the fact you don't know if they are genuine.

19-02-08, 17:24
i think your right man, infact thats a bit out of order.. But all this is late talk, KK decided what they did and anything changed after that is a bit in-decisive. They should have known to start with 2 servers and then increase more as the population rised.

19-02-08, 17:58
You know as a newbie what I have noticed is that this game was not designed with a large population in mind. The dungeons get overcrowded with only 3 people as it becomes impossible to have any mobs left to kill when a higher level comes in and clears the dungeon to camp for something.

Until thats fixed I don't think merging the servers would ever be a good idea.

19-02-08, 18:51
You know as a newbie what I have noticed is that this game was not designed with a large population in mind.

Quite true, actually it's at the same time the cause of Neocron's failure and the reason why its few players love the game so much ... As a small scale MMO, the players are far more linked together and the community is very strong.

However I do not really agree that it should have started with only 2 servers ... Venus and its great community in terms of roleplaying wouldn't have existed ... ;)

19-02-08, 18:54
I think the PVP server would have been better if that had added the thing that they made for the Test Server, where you could talk to an NPC to get cashes and then buy anything you need from right there, including levelling pills.

19-02-08, 22:34
You know as a newbie what I have noticed is that this game was not designed with a large population in mind. The dungeons get overcrowded with only 3 people as it becomes impossible to have any mobs left to kill when a higher level comes in and clears the dungeon to camp for something.

Until thats fixed I don't think merging the servers would ever be a good idea.

Pretty much everyone on an existing server are capped... And I can think of so many different places to level for each milestone :D

Lack of dungeons are not the problem.