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View Full Version : Idea: Apartment Music

02-02-08, 08:49
There is some great music in Neocron. Was just thinking how sick it'd be to be able to have that music play inside your apartment, clan HQ, or shop. The music could play from an apartment item you have to place like a jukebox. Then, the owner of the apartment could interact with the jukebox and choose which song he wants.

Also, the jukebox could start with one randomly chosen song, and you could have the other songs be attainable by other means. Like say,have each faction FSM have a different one. Or have a couple be drops from boss mobs. Others could be attained through recycling recipes.


02-02-08, 09:46
This thread is FTW!


Mighty Max
02-02-08, 09:48
(misread -> ignore me)

For "casual" music in apps:
Open the ini/bgmusic.ini

Create a new Section "[Set 0]" and put all the wished mp3's there

02-02-08, 13:49
It would be nice to be able to force all clients that load your application play a particular music file, so you could make a real filthy seedy apartment, then use that horrible techno music from MB 8)

02-02-08, 16:42
There is some great music in Neocron. Was just thinking how sick it'd be to be able to have that music play inside your apartment, clan HQ, or shop. The music could play from an apartment item you have to place like a jukebox. Then, the owner of the apartment could interact with the jukebox and choose which song he wants.

Also, the jukebox could start with one randomly chosen song, and you could have the other songs be attainable by other means. Like say,have each faction FSM have a different one. Or have a couple be drops from boss mobs. Others could be attained through recycling recipes.


Sweet i like, apart from the idea of songs coming from the remains of monsters :angel:

04-02-08, 20:16
(misread -> ignore me)

For "casual" music in apps:
Open the ini/bgmusic.ini

Create a new Section "[Set 0]" and put all the wished mp3's there
Hmm interesting, I will have to try that out.

04-02-08, 20:28
I fully endorse this idea. Also it would be nice for a in game radio so we can access internet radio - MxO has this and its badass.

04-02-08, 21:22
MxO is also the biggest failure in SOE's history.

04-02-08, 22:25
MxO is also the biggest failure in SOE's history.

Stay on topic Captain Obvious.

05-02-08, 14:45
i think this an ace idea but how hard would it be to implement?

Have you stuck this in the brainport thread thing?

05-02-08, 15:51
You could just download itunes or winamp and have awesome tunes whever you go in NC :D