View Full Version : [Terra] Woc 3 PPU pa

16-01-08, 15:19
Rite, yet another WOC 3 pa request.... wats it gonna take for me to get my mits on one of these? :D

16-01-08, 15:47
An actual in game quest, not some stupid (very rare) GM event...

Have the mission be very, very difficult, and have it take a very long time to complete, almost like getting a woc disk or the XP.

16-01-08, 16:33
Getting WoC1 PA is bad enough, so keeping in tradition, maybe make it that you need 6 WoC disks to get the PA.

As for getting hold of a WoC3 PPU PA one, I only know 1 or 2 people on Terra who have one.

16-01-08, 16:44
and one or two of these persons might be in r2k....
as seen here (http://www.r2k-ua.net/?p=33)

16-01-08, 16:52
An actual in game quest, not some stupid (very rare) GM event...

Have the mission be very, very difficult, and have it take a very long time to complete, almost like getting a woc disk or the XP.

yeh i agree with this... make it waay longer than the new woc weapon missions (which take pretty long as it it) Yes its cool to be able to sit around collecting stacks of junk to use at auctions to buy em, but it seems a little silly really. After all, we need harder stuff... the stuff we got atm is pretty damn easy with exception to some parts of the woc missions :p

16-01-08, 23:42
While we're at it, how about woc pa2?

18-01-08, 12:42
While we're at it, how about woc pa2?

hmm sounds sexeh, black pa with red lines (as apposed to silver/white) would look damn sexy on a pe, not sure bout other classes tho. I think that the gold PA should be woc 5 and be from these events and auctions. The Woc 3 pa should be one u obtain by running a really hard mission.

Also, is WoC3 610mill? i keep hearing different things from different people

18-01-08, 14:41
Yes it 610mil. You can get the next WOC level with about 3 mil less XP, since any level at 100 is just over 157mil XP, not 160mil.

WOC 1 = 260 mil (+100mil on top of your main skill at level 100)
WOC 2 = 410 mil (+150mil on top of WOC1)
WOC 3 = 610 mil (+200mil on top of WOC2)
WOC 4 = 860 mil (+250mil on top of WOC3)
WOC 5 = 1160 mil (+300mil on top of WOC4)
