View Full Version : [Terra] WTB NCPD resistor

04-01-08, 08:55
I'll pay whatever.

Yes, I'm still running the mission, but I only have one char that can do it, and I need 2 of the chips. :)

04-01-08, 13:49
Weird. I can make a setup with 5 less health (actual health not hlt), 10 less ath (but 3 more agil) and the same resists with a damn moveon (actually higher frc/prc from the moveon's tra bonus)

I still want the thing tho so keep the replies coming! Ehm. :p

edit: Nevermind, I'm doing that then, and I'll have an ncpd from the quest. Close plz.

05-01-08, 02:26
In case no one believes me (though I'm sure that really no one cares :lol: ) here are the 2 mini sheets. The only thing different is skillpoint distro and the cpu swap. 2 drugs on both ofc. No shields or psi buffs.

NCPD resistor:


05-01-08, 19:41
your xrr and poi on the moveon setup is less? if you compensated that then the ncpd one would have more hp :P interesting to know tho.. also would've been better if you included the con setup instead of the dex ;]

06-01-08, 02:02
You mean in the little side sheet? Dunno how to do that, I thought it just used a macro to pick out the relevant skills to show. The resi is less because of 8 less ath instead of 10 less ath, otherwise it would be exactly the same. :o

Basically, the setups are almost identical, the moveon setup has more prc (respeced tra to have 66 in both setups) Still the MOVEON is epic and used to be awesome, now it's the same as a mini resistor. Lame. But at least I can use it.