View Full Version : [OT] Telepathy Story Ch2

18-12-07, 13:23
(I figured I would keep posting it up as I write it, so on with chapter 2!)

Clarion Bell


"Hands strain in steel bands
As the black sands blow skywards
And steel hands break free
For last stands in the shadowlands"

Crystal pauses for a second..

*what is happening to my hand now?*
*things are getting weird, dear*
*I don't need your comments, but thanks just the same*


Crystal shakes her hand a little, "Good back to normal."
"What does that feel like anyways?" asks Warren.
"Really weird," replies Crystal, "like my hand is just a lump of flesh."
"And it can happen anywhere on your body?" queries Warren.
"Yes," states Crystal.
"I'm glad I'm not you," responds Warren.
"I'll bet you are."

*strikedown forcing*
*let me get this one*


*that is such a cool trick, Crystal*
*I know*
*you really must try harder to teach us how to do that*
*I'm doing my best*

Crystal has found a way to not only fight off intrusions, but to completely destroy their integrity, leaving the stream as if it was never touched in the first place. It's a new technique in telepathic warfare that no one ever considered before and now Crystal is the center of a huge undertaking to find out how she does it, and then to teach it to the top telewarriors. The hope is that she is not simply a genetic freak..

*breakfind muddle*
*more confusion intrusions, great*
*blackunder strainfind*
*get that one please I'll get the muddle*

Bok de Cod *BOOM!*

*thanks Crystal*
*no problem*

"Are you guys busy?" asks Cherie.
Crystal looks over, "nah it's pretty quiet today."
"Oh good," says Cherie, "I need some help with something."
"Go ahead," replies Crystal.
"A construct got into me yesterday," says Cherie wearily, "and now I can't see it anymore."
"I need you to dig it out please," asks Cherie.
"Gladly," consoles Crystal.

*infind mindwind*
*underfind sadblind*
*findintegral chase mind*
*I think I see it*
*yes that's it*
*strikemind crushweep*

Din Gon!
*tunnelmind outside*
*that should do it*

"Yes," says Cherie happily, "that got it!"
"Thank you so much, Crystal," effuses Cherie.
"No problem at all," smiles Crystal.
"I have to go to work now," smiles Cherie, "I'll find you later."
"Certainly," says Crystal.
Warren observes, "you're very good at what you do, Crystal."
"Thanks Warren."

*blockmind turbulent*
*mindwind afterunder*


"Crystal, can I ask you something?" says Warren quietly.
"Anything," replies Crystal.
"Do you feel emotions?" asks Warren.
"Sometimes," says Crystal, "but mostly everything is cold and clear."
"You know you're kind of scary, right?" says Warren, "I mean, I know you are incredibly caring, but it's hard to see how or why."
"I'm aware that I'm strange," says Crystal, "yes."

*chasemind blackness*
*oh no you don't!*


*stopdown stealmind*

Bok de Cod *BOOM!*

*thanks, Warren*
*no problem, that one got close*
*yes it did*
*you don't feel fear either do you?*
*no, I don't*

Crystal stretches out on the couch and says, "I'm almost bored."
"I can imagine," replies Warren, "want to go do something?"
"Maybe," ponders Crystal, "wait until Fariq gets here, then I'll see."
"Ok," says Warren.

Fariq isn't nearly as good as Crystal, but he can work alone because he is incredibly fast at stopping intrusions, and loves an adrenaline rush. The employer was very wary of letting him work alone, but he proved in mutiple tests that he could defend the entire zone alone. While not as fast as the legend Desmond, his sheer enjoyment of fighting makes him Desmond's equal.

Crystal is another story altogether. Her skill is beyond measure, but her demeanor is almost that of a machine, so she is never allowed to work alone. She would be incredibly dangerous if she turned against the forces of order, and no one can tell if she would or will. Time will tell. For now she is the greatest asset to the smoothness of the thoughtstream that anyone knows of, and she demands nothing for her assistance. Many are waiting to see if she desires anything at all. In the realm of living things, she represents an emotionless ideal sought by every aspiring leader that ever lived.

*blackmind crushkind*


"My god that was evil," curses Warren.
Crystal replies, "those ones are so satisfying to destroy."
"I would imagine," Warren says.
"Someday we will eradicate the hindrances," states Crystal.
"Yes someday," says Warren.


07-01-08, 11:56
The Turning


Crystal stands at Warren's door and mumbles, "This was a lovely evening, Warren. Thank you."
"I'll bet I enjoyed it more than you," smiles Warren.
"I doubt that." Crystal puts her arms around Warren and kisses him a last time before she leaves.
"I'll see you later, Warren," she smiles.
"Certainly," grins Warren.
Crystal turns and walks down the street towards her apartment complex on the north side of the shining city she helps protect. It is a clear night and the stars are brighter than usual. She is almost happy.



"Fuckheads," she mutters.

*blackwaver unkind*


"What the fuck?" shouts Crystal into the night air, "why would anyone think they can knock me out?"
Plato steps from behind a cab station and says, "You can't be trusted, Crystal."
"What the hell are you talking about?" asks Crystal.
"You are too close to the machines," replies Plato, "and soon you will become one."
"So what if I do?" asks Crystal, "it won't change my intentions."
"And what are your intentions?" queries Plato.
"To make the telepathic realm a realm of order," replies Crystal.
"To what end?" probes Plato, "Why are you doing this?"
"Because it should be done." states Crystal.



"FUCKING STOP IT!" yells Crystal.
"So you do get mad," grins Plato.
"Not really, I was emphasizing," states Crystal coldly.
"Emphasizing," ponders Plato, and looks down at his feet. Plato reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small pistol.
"Ok Plato what the hell are you doing?" says Crystal.
Plato points the gun at Crystal and says, "this needs to be done Crystal, I'm sorry."

Crystal jumps back but before she even settles she starts to slow down. She moves around a little moving her hands in a martial arts kind of way, but only barely, it looks like she is hardly moving at all. Plato's eyes go wide.

"Do you like that gun?" asks Crystal very slowly.
"It will serve it's purpose," stammers Plato.
"Then keep it."

Crystal exaggerates her movements a little but also starts moving even slower. Her right arm comes up so slowly and gradually her hand waves towards the hand Plato is holding the gun in. Plato screams. The gun starts to change shape a little and parts of Plato's hand start to move around it. The bones in his hand start audibly snapping and the gun becomes grafted into his arm.

"OH MY GOD FUCK NO!" screams Plato.

Crystal doesn't even respond. Now she is moving so slowly that a stranger happening upon the two of them would think her a statue unless he stuck around for a minute or two.

*darkblind findmind*
*not now munchkin*


Plato stops screaming for a moment and his eyes go even wider. Then he starts growling deeply and gnashing his teeth. He makes a sound like GRASH GRAGHGRA GARGH GRAH as he eats his lips and cheeks. Then one of his eyes sinks into his skull with a plucking sound. Seconds later he swallows, just as parts of his skull start caving in. He keeps swallowing as the horrific sounds of his head slowly imploding continue.

Finally he finishes. Crystal is truly motionless now. Plato, headless, breathes deeply, repeatedly, as if enjoying the fresh night air. Crystal slowly starts to move again and relaxes until she is just standing there, regarding her creation.

"Plato, you know I love you."
"I want you to go now and kill everyone you love," orders Crystal.
Headless Plato turns sharply and silently and heads down the street towards the suburb where his oldest son now lives. Crystal regards him walking away and sighs.
"I guess I'll be having a career change now," she frowns.

*findwhat wheremind*
*don't bother, he's gone*
*yes, now go away*
*you need to tell m....*


Crystal sighs again, "This is gonna be interesting."


19-01-08, 01:50
(one of many pauses)

I don't know what to tell anyone about the depth of my feeling. You can't stop me or alter me and that by itself is a universal truth. Everyone looks for universal truths, well you will find a little piece of it in me. I am a stupendous badass, but I also love everything so much I am going to die in an infinite pit of suffering.

I'm going to lift the world so high that for the rest of time humanity will be on the easy fall. You're going to love me after I die, even if you hate me now.

I don't know how I got this way. I think it was an accident. So you can call the one who saves you from Jesus the accident of Fate. I don't mind that at all. Actually I like it. All the better that that evil bastard was undone by an accident of genetics and fate. Fuck him and fuck you.

I'll be back. If I'm not then have a happy day. You bastards.

19-02-08, 18:52
Extant Laws


Crystal and Warren are in the hotel lobby where they work. It seems an illogical place to work but actually it is perfect, many disruptions come from visitors who are unfamiliar with the city's telepathic paradigm, the hotel is pretty central to the city, and most people are unaware of what work is being done there anyways.

"Did you hear what happened to Plato?" asks Warren.
"Yeah," mumbles Crystal, "it's pretty strange all right."
"People are talking about it, a few claim to have seen him." says Warren.
"People saw him?" queries Crystal.
"Yeah, why?" asks Warren.
"No reason."

*actionfind makeweak*
*tearing mindwind*
*over there*

Bok de Cod *BOOM!*

*darkmind inside*


*people are getting nasty*
*yeah what's with them today?*
*I think we know the answer to that*
*yeah you're right*
*breakblack crushmind*


"You seem dpressed today, Crystal," observes Warren.
"I'm not depressed," replies Crystal, "just pondering."
"Pondering what?" asks Warren.

Three men dressed in System Board suits enter the hotel lobby. One of them approaches Crystal and Warren while the other two stay at the doors.
"Crystal we would like you to come with us." says one.
Crystal sighs as Warren looks at them.
"It's just for some questions we would like to ask," says the man.
"Why?" asks Warren as Crystal glances at him.
Crystal responds, "could we do it here, I'm working and it's busy today."
"I'd rather not," says the man, "but I suppose this will have to do."

"gopeg mindhole"
"mindover donewith"


"Those were weird," says Crystal.
Warren just stares at Crystal wide eyes.
The man asks, "Do you know what happened to Plato, Crystal?"
"Yes I do," replies Crystal.
"Did you do that to him?" queries the man.
"Yes I did," answers Crystal.
"HOW?" asks the man.

Crystal stares at her feet for a second then looks at puzzled Warren. She turns to the man and says "I'm pregnant with Warren's child."
"You're what??" exclaims Warren, "That was three nights ago!"
The man says nothing.
"I was going to tell you Warren," explains Crystal, "But I never thought I would have kids, I thought I was too cold."
"No way, you're very kind," replies Warren.
"You really think so after what I did to Plato?" asks Crystal, puzzled.
"Plato was always on the edge, and a mean bastard to boot. I'm of the opinion he deserved it," says Warren.

The man interrupts, "So how did you do that Crystal?"
"Love did it sir," quietly says Crystal, "My baby wants to be born."
"Are you saying love gave you the power to crush someone's head?" exclaims the man.
"I suppose so," states Crystal, "Though to me it makes perfect sense."
"This is intolerable," mutters the man, "how can we NOT lock you up?"
"I won't do anything crazy sir," replies Crystal, "I don't think I could do it deliberately anyways, it was a reflex."
"Crushing someone's head was a reflex..." says the man, shaking his head.

*underkind trickblack*
*flowback change"

Bok de Cod *BOOM!*

You are unique among telewarriors, Crystal." says the man."
"Thank you," says Crystal.
"We have decided to let you work," states the man, "I'd advise you to not do that again.
"Yes sir," whispers Crystal.

*intomind confusionblind*


"We're going to leave now," states that man.
*and Crystal thanks for taking care of that bastard*
*no problem sir*

The men leave and Warren and Crystal are left there. They just stare into each others eyes, but not in the love way, they are just astounded by each other.


20-02-08, 17:57
That's Chapter 2 completed. It's short but I can't do anything about that. I'll keep paying attention and try to advance to completion when I can. I just have too much going on right now. I feel like life has utterly destroyed me.