View Full Version : It's Been A While...

17-12-07, 18:47
Wow, talk about a blast from the past coming here again, I like taking a look at forums and games I used to hang out on to see what has changed and who is still around. I managed to stumble upon Neocron when KK are giving out free game time, so I thought it would be rude not to see what the world is like.

Downloaded the latest version, patched and managed to work out my log in details. All my characters are still there I just have to work out where I had my skills invested and I can get on with exploring.

Right...off I go.

17-12-07, 18:48
Hello fellow Sheffielder ;)

I remember you well, however, I can't remember the name of your characters! O_o
Bloody stoner brain.

17-12-07, 18:51
Welcome Back!

17-12-07, 18:53
I have had many a character name, the main one was always Genty but in Neocron 2, I decided to kill everyone off and start again so I have 3 characters with odd names now.

*logs in to find names*

My other names are:

Sako Kansil
Jeff Stockard
Moe Mentum

So look out for me and give me help, Sako and Moe are pretty low level and Jeff actually has some skills! Woo.

17-12-07, 23:13
Just something that might help you re-spec: www.nskill.co.uk

And wb :)

17-12-07, 23:28
welcome back!

Doc Holliday
18-12-07, 17:34
welcome back genty. good to see that avatar again :)

18-12-07, 18:35
Heyas Genty. :)

18-12-07, 18:46
Hello again. :)


18-12-07, 18:49
Yo Genty. :)

19-12-07, 17:39
Nice to see a few familar faces are still around!

Not had a massive amount of time to play yet, so far I am a little disapointed, my oldish computer probably does not help the situation but even with a small amount of people on it feels laggy and slow the sync. Will have to get hunting to see what that's like these days.

EDIT: Is there an up to date item database? Things seemed to of changed a lot, especially implants.

19-12-07, 18:12

Item DB, mission guides, rares DB and more.

19-12-07, 18:32
Ahhh, that looks to be an excellent and detailed guide. Good to see.