View Full Version : Neocron brainport: Your ideas, suggestions and wishes

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17-12-07, 15:01
This thread gives you a central point for your ideas, suggestions and wishes you would like to see realised in the future for Neocron. Please bear in mind that this a pure brainport and it does not automatically mean that the ideas, suggestions and wishes will be realised. We would like to see your feedback and take inspiration from it for our further development plans.

17-12-07, 15:25
Fantastic thread!!

One thing that has been sorely lacking is the old Brainport Forum.

for me? I want an under utilised area for pure tradskill.

Lets take the faction briefing centre (Think thats its name) in P1, no one really uses it and it would be a great place to gather and tradeskill.

It has lots of little rooms which could be renamed as Engineer dept, Research Dept , Repair Dept, Etc. so you could have a dedicated focal point other than P1 medicare. Why bother going there? Well it think it should have an OP bonus applied to it to entice people in :)

The idea needs a bit of work but i really think a dedicated place for the gathering of tradeskillers would be great, as player shops where dropped.

Throw in a couple of MOD sellers and we would be away!

P.S. is one thread going to work? could get a bit confudsing in here.

17-12-07, 15:31
Nice :)

Couple of things to chuck in for debate...

OP bonuses feeding back to faction HQs? (Obviously capped :p)

Job centre having missions for all factions that do not require positive symp for the faction (regular missions, not ones like the harassers!)

An advantage for using offensive implants equal to the defensive bonus a PPR gives as a fourth implant (basically, keep the dmg curve steep)

Third layer hacker magically appear in the OPs hacknet outpost sector

netcode optimisation :P

Defensive nanites duration extended

More objects that already exist in the gameworld available to purchase as furniture

Edit: Joe says (and I agree) more sectors in the wastes / islands (remove the invisible walls in the sea? :D)

/Edit 2 - some more

More low-level missions for new chars, a little more structure to their game to get them into the swing of things more. As discussed before, higher quality low level weps for sale (80 - 90%?)

17-12-07, 15:36

Melee WoC (TL 80 plz :D )

Trade Skiller PA

17-12-07, 15:38
Trade Skiller PA

Heaven.....Forget the WOC part though :p

17-12-07, 15:44
This is in no specific order.

(1) New ingame music.

(2) Netcode/lag issues improved or fixed.

(3) Wider range of higher end weapons from missions and rares (non woc)

(4) Being able to place temporary furnature in zones (for example shop stalls/deck chairs which dissapear if the owner gets up from the chair (( Maybe this requires INT WOC for tradeskilelrs to use )) )

(5) Be able to get more XP from tradeskilling

(6) For noobs, place book stores around NC which they can read, after reading the book, it dissapears and they gain XP with the skills the book concerns (They can only be used once per character)

(7) Ingame bounties on people's heads VIA citycom

(Runner A makes bounty mission : Kill runner **** and gives citycom money for their bounty reward (Whatever they might want). Runner B comes to citycom, pick the runner with a bounty, they get a mission and kill the person that has the bounty. *Mission successful* they go back to the citycom and claim their reward. If another runner gets the bounty before them, *Mission failed*)

17-12-07, 15:49
Edit: Joe says (and I agree) more sectors in the wastes / islands (remove the invisible walls in the sea? :D)

Urm basically the south west sea sectors having a small island located somewher with barkeepers and stuff (made a safe zone with a GR)

Yet it can be owned by a faction and all faction clan's benifit from this (via OP money gain)

Theres a flag in the center of the island thatshow's ownership. There is also zones where battles can be fought for ownership.

(Same as ops via hacknet and hacking?! or maybe mob killing)

17-12-07, 15:53
First off:
Regular content updates. Regardless of any big projects going on, can we at least have a new mission, or some other form of content added every 2 to 3 months?

http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=139253 (needs some review, but the point is still there).

Will post something more coherent later.

17-12-07, 16:01
First off:
Regular content updates. Regardless of any big projects going on, can we at least have a new mission, or some other form of content added every 2 to 3 months?

100% agree.

If we saw lots of small progresive steps in content it would keep most players busy and happy and hopefully prevent the population swings whilst waiting for or on release of a big patch.

one word - Retain

and Cmaster 2-3 months? i'm liking the 1-2 months :)

17-12-07, 16:07
1. Regular, small bugfix patches > huge patches every few months that break more than they actually fix

2. Fix the netcode

3. Fix the netcode

4. Fix the netcode

17-12-07, 16:12
100% agree.

If we saw lots of small progresive steps in content it would keep most players busy and happy and hopefully prevent the population swings whilst waiting for or on release of a big patch.

one word - Retain

and Cmaster 2-3 months? i'm liking the 1-2 months :)

BIG agree i always thought this was a problem.

Regular content patches :) .... A new mission, a new weapon or w/e... With a few bug fixes maybe, just some hot fixes.

The word "patch" and "content" keeps people playing

17-12-07, 16:24
WoC and Camo Melee PA have ATL malus removed

Melee WoC Weapons (note the plural)

Melee stamina use reduction or auto stamina booster use with melee weapons (equivalent to ammo)

Melee damage increased by 10% (NO more than that)

Melee freq increased by 5% (NO more than that)

Possible one: Make grenades melee so we have some (limited) AoE capability

Trust me, I basically only play on my melee tank now, and I know that this would take away my disadvantages and make me equal to any H-C tank. At the moment, I am always the underdog, which can get very tiresome.

17-12-07, 16:33
First off:
Regular content updates. Regardless of any big projects going on, can we at least have a new mission, or some other form of content added every 2 to 3 months?

Yes please, this would help players have something new to do more often.

Citycom Missions System to be organised more intuitively ie:
Faction -> Research
Repair (?)

Then from that point, select difficulty and then mission. Very fustrating cycling through the current missions system.

Please fix that in-game mail bot or at least remove it, most of the messages are for new characters and have no benifit for runners who have already seen and deleted them countless times.

Would like to see the netcode streamlined for smoother operation.

Faction sympathy missions (TH missions) not restricted to just combat characters ( I've managed to get -100 on a PPU due to an AoE glitch in a chaos cave which a GM refused to fix and subsequently had to wait out the soullight and then grind research mission cubes to attempt to reclaim my sympathy and to be honest I don't subscribe to wait for the resultant of a bug to go away so I can utilise that character).

Something new for monks or at least a point for having psi woc.

Melee viable again.

Agree with StevenJ on that perhaps more furniture available (perhaps lower the price a little too, it's hard for new players to buy this.

Allow us the option to retrieve our backbacks ?

Perhaps extend the Jones missions to help with continuity of leveling a character or have Jones help new runners with what to do next. I.E a datacube with instructions for leveling and images of what to look for. Can be used for reference and provides a visual aid.

Most importantly: Keep the community informed on what is going on more often either by daily or weekly digests in the forum or e-mail. It seems to be a big issue that there is a lack of communication and very sporadic when there is leaving us to think that KK leave the server hamsters running till they collapse in exhaustion.

Edit: perhaps the ability to override the ingame music player with our own music.

17-12-07, 16:34
1. Regular content updates, like every 4/5 weeks

2. More Ingame music

3. Fix the netcode

4. More NPC guards guarding the entry to Neocron

5. More mission types

6. More tradeskill XP

17-12-07, 16:59
I remember one of the NC2 selling points of more 'vertical' space added in the city. Add more! Assuming there isn't a map size issue of course.

Make IndA 1 and 2 have OP-like bonuses for any runner. (old old request)

Give VR a texture treatment to make it more 'shiny' but also a little dirtier like the Plaza/TH textures did.

Missions that raise a specific mainskill would be nice, maybe 80% of the total xp for normal missions.

Missions similar to the 'kill him!" missions that pop up in the epic runs, but can be accepted as independent missions. Accepting the mission could spawn the NPC in some specified zone anywhere in the game world and you would talk to a faction rep to find out which zone. If another runner kills the NPC then it is respawned elsewhere and you would talk to your faction rep again to find out where the NPC has respawned ("Torbin is on the move again! He can now be found in H12.") (if you just couldn't find him the faction rep would inform you of that too) The reward would be a lot of cash and fac sympathy but no xp.

17-12-07, 17:38
Melee damage increased by 10% (NO more than that)

I agree that melee damage should be boosted, but 10% would only cause me to go from doing 80 damage on mobs to 88... not a big increase, while other weapon types can do upwards of 300 :o I think it needs to be a significant adjustment.

ashley watts
17-12-07, 18:04
WoC meele Stuff
WoC Monk stuff
Generally more WoC stuff :p

Will add more if i get chance ;p

17-12-07, 18:35
1. Non-PA setups (For PE's) to be more viable.

I know they are currently possible, but I just can't fathom why someone would use a non-PA setup when the PA equivalent gives you literally double the Con bonus, and gives an additional Dex bonus.

What I propose is this: Underwear gives identical resist boosts to the Con stats as the PA's, but gives no DEX boost. I'd go for a no PA setup if this was the case. However, at present, I don't like the way my char looks enough to do it. Especially when he gets upset, and the bottom lip comes out... :rolleyes:

2. Melee Boost

I don't just mean a massive boost to melee, I mean the implementation of WoC melee. I also mean make the PE able to use some Melee rares. I mean, what good is a Jack-of-all-trades if he is restricted to pistols, rifles and shit drones?

I think maybe a 20% Boost to melee damage is in order.

3. Salvage

Dead-Bodies recent post sums up what I want the Salvage skill to do.

I'm sure I'll think up loads more but I'm really busy at work today.

17-12-07, 19:09
Regular content mini-updates

A patch in the first week of each month which adds a new scenario area to the gameworld, in Neocron, in DoY, in the wastes, anywhere that is accessible to all players of the missions difficulty level, just one a month, that's all.

Should only take a few minutes to create the scenario area in the gameworld by placing some new objects, the time taken mainly would be for the new NPC scripts, here's an example though...

Picture the scene if you will ;)

You arrive in a sector in the swamps and spot a Rhino tank in the distance, wandering over you find it to be smoking heavily near to a tree which has a hover tech buried to the seat (For comedy purposes the driver is impaled on a branch through the middle... upside down :D). Around you are one or two further hover techs, their former pilots dead around the area except for a lone spy cowering in the wreckage over one of his ex-colleagues.

Just to add, areas like this are really cool, they add interest to the game world as finding these little areas should be fun. I really like the dead warbot in the south in its little leafy grave, the sunken reveler near the swamp cave in the north. Things like that are cool!

You talk to him:
"Oh my god, what the hell have they done to you - couldn't they see we are only SCIENTISTS!"
--Woah, dude what happened, are you ok? are you hurt?

--I'm only trying to help, calm down! What happened here?

"Me and my... former, colleagues were on our way to [insert lab outpost] to research these old tech parts. We passed a camp further back of Anarchy Breed and managed to get by unnoticed but they must have organised an ambush as they attacked us and and well.. LOOK!"
--Ok, where did they go and i'll see if i can't get some revenge for you are your friends.

"They headed towards their camp, it's back in [insert sector], be careful though they seemed to be pretty tough they had all sorts of weapons. If you can kill the bastards i'll happily pay you i just can't believe my friends were murdered like this!"
--Ok, i'll see what i can do, i'll make them pay.

##Mission Accepted##
Kill the population of the Anarchy Breed camp (20 Anarchy Breed Aggressors) in sector ## and return to [NPC Name] for your reward.

You then trot off to the Anarchy Breed camp, a few rough tents, sleeping bags and maybe chaincraft bike or two dotted around the place and nuke the AB mobs with a counter like City Com missions for those you kill. On killing 20 return to the NPC.

Talk to him again:
"You made them pay for what they did?"
--They wont be bothering any more scientists, put it that way.

"Thank you, hopefully my friends can rest peacefully, i almost have the tank ready to roll again so i should be fine now. I'm getting back to Tech Haven as soon as i can!"
--Good to know you'll be safe, you said something about a reward though?

"Oh yeah, here, take these tech parts i don't need them anymore my wasteland lab researching days are over."
--Wow thank you, have a safe trip.

##Mission Complete##
Player receives 3/4 unressed tech parts.

There you go, an easy way to make tech hunting fun. You could go hunt warbots for twenty minutes and get some techs or in the same time you can run a special scenario in about the same time and get the same amount of techs. It adds fun and variety and shouldnt take too long to implement.

I'm sure the team could knock one of these things up a month? Even have a contest to design the best story for these sort of scenarios?

17-12-07, 19:41
More items that r basically useless but have a look factor to them, like maybe bring the babesuit back into game? some people dont mind gimping their setup just too look liek a complete muppet.

And also more gambling NPCs :cool: Maybe put one in p1?

17-12-07, 20:10
I'd like Neocron's old Refletions back... Remember walking into your Viarosso apartment and seeing your lovely shiny floor...

Also Casinos or official "NPC casinos"

and I'd like to hear Slade and many a christmas song patched playing in the shops of Neocron at Christmas please. :p

17-12-07, 21:40
- New character models both player and NPC

- Melee boost

- WoC Psi weapons and WoC Strength weapons. No more pistols or rifles as we have too many of them :o

17-12-07, 22:36
More innovative content.


1: Ground based Drones
2: Single use cannons (Like a rocket launcher that fires multiple rockets)
3: Missions that de-activates your ability to gene-rep (Cancel or finish the mission in order to be able to gene-rep again)
4: Ground based drones with no weapons / requirements (For races)
5: Deployable turrets for OPs that needs a gunner (Drop with a constructor and get a tank to use them)
6: Shared apartement hallways at a cheaper cost than regular apartments (Example: 3 small apartments in the same hallway/zone)
7: Mines for OPs, small and cloaked and does not know the difference between allies/enemies
8: Armor clothing with no resists (visible armor/clothes for RP/social events)

- Napalm

18-12-07, 01:47
Can't seem to find the edit button:

More character skins, it's annoying having a lack of character customisation.

18-12-07, 03:18
i'd like to see the old player models back

18-12-07, 10:59
More Player Models
It gets a bit tiring seeing everyone else in the world looking almost idential to everyone else within their same class. Maybe readd the Neocron 1 models back in as well. The ability to color/decal/decorate armor would be a plus as well, but I don't see us getting that one. Hair coloring, facial hair, etc would also be a real positive plus.

Reorganized Plaza 1
How many of you miss the old Plaza 1 with the Yukarma's in Plaza 1, etc? With Plaza 1 becoming the trade center again, need to add some jazz to it, instead of "just another zone". Would be nice to have CityComs accessable close the main trading area instead of having to walk/run down the "street" to get to them.

That's all I can think of right now, I'm sure I'll have more suggestions later.

plz fix netcode :P

18-12-07, 13:56
Here is my personal wishlist as a player.

1. Communication updates. Now that the famous F6 patch is out, what do KK have planned next for Neocron? Are we in for 6 months of no updates because if you do have no updates, all the hard work in getting everyone to come back may as well be thrown out of the window now.

2. Regular patch updates of at least every 4 weeks. It doesn't have to be a content update, but more importantly bug and balance updates. No game is ever bug free or balanced, it's an on goining process that includes WoW, EvE and Neocron.

3. Plaza 2 - Ok it's great that there are fights here everyday at the Plaza 2/Plaza 1 zoneline, I thought the intention of the patch was to stop zone whoring and make Pepper Park 1 the hotspot for street fights. Maybe the copbots need some better guns. ;)

4. Hacknet - This needs a complete re-think. It's got some good bits in it (Like the way you have to get Ionic weapons) but the rest needs a good look into.

5. More trophies items - What would be cool if you could turn some special mob item drops like the STORM lasers, Chaos Queen Flame spells into trophy items.

...and there will be more later!

18-12-07, 14:17
WoC and Camo Melee PA have ATL malus removed

Melee WoC Weapons (note the plural)

Melee stamina use reduction or auto stamina booster use with melee weapons (equivalent to ammo)

Melee damage increased by 10% (NO more than that)

Melee freq increased by 5% (NO more than that)

Possible one: Make grenades melee so we have some (limited) AoE capability

Trust me, I basically only play on my melee tank now, and I know that this would take away my disadvantages and make me equal to any H-C tank. At the moment, I am always the underdog, which can get very tiresome.

Melee stamina use reduction or auto stamina booster use with melee weapons (equivalent to ammo)
Omg do u also want someone who play for you?
Neocron was the best game cause it was hard to play and needed alot player skills (not like wow that is a child game)..
Stop keep ruining this gameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And about this thread, Why dont you just get the old nc1 game, upgrade the graphic, add the new items, and so on? Then you will have the game that 80% of players want.

New ideas.. uhm..
1- remove the implant damage when getting hit
2- as others have said, create a tradeskilling area, but without bonuses or tradeskill pa :O (that's too much and would imbalance)
3- give a WoC poison beam WITH STACKS for apu, and increase atleast abit their frequency
4- Give back HAB to apu and Para to ppu please :'(

That's all, I still like Neocron, but many thingies could be much better.

18-12-07, 14:21
NC 1 Char skins, and the OPTION to change your current characters to those skins.

Yeah, they may look a bit shit, but ffs, they are a million times more original, a million times more atmospheric, well, just plain better.

Currently, everyone looks the same. AND WTF IS WITH MY LIP?

Doc Holliday
18-12-07, 14:37
Op wars.

Amend the rules. Ie get rid of the hacknet layer. 3 levels is enough. Or if it must be kept then let the runner appear, as stated elsewhere on the forum, in the op zone.

Lower the Tech levels of drugs to make them easier to make and sell. rp ;)

Boost vehicles a bit more too. give us a viable rhino again :)

Old models would be nice. if it could be implemented in rokwear ;) wahay if not then offer a choice or give us some kind of holovest to put on to use them :) i dont mind losing all the animations. Also some of the old skins for the guns. PE and CS spring to mind. the rest look sexier now.

18-12-07, 15:09
Have alot more personalisation to rare weapons for constructors and players.

For example, throw a dogtag with a rare build and you can brand it as your own, for example:
"Necpock's Artifact Enlarged Explosive Siletn Hunter Constructed by Make My Day"

Also, a really rare PVE drop, which is a weapon mod. When this weapon mod is used on a rare gun (can only be used on a rare gun) it changes the model and texture to the old one.

"Retro Weapon Customisation Mod"
To make it even rarer, the gun must be full artifact to use the mod on and must have 1 slot free.
**(And maybe add another 5% to damage so fully ati would become 125%)

Maybe also weapons with kill counts on them shown as a bar.
50 kills = 1 bar
125 kills = 2 bars
200 kills = 3 bars
500 kills = 4 bars
1000+ = 5 bars

(they won't add value to the gun so)

18-12-07, 15:31
Provide statistics of who owns and owned which OPs on a web page.

i.e I want to know which clans or factions held a certain OP over the past month, how long it was held onto and when it was lost and who took it over.

A web page with a list of OPs on it that could be clicked on.
Next page details :

2007-01-01 00:34 ClanX owned
2007-01-04 19:20 ClanP owned
2007-01-04 22:15 ClanX owned
2007-01-23 13:43 ClanZ owned

Could be updated once every fifteen mins or so.


PS. Could not find the Brainport forum so posted here.

18-12-07, 15:51
I'd like to see outgame info/stats finally make it on the neocronicle/votr website:

live-worldmap on the magazines
OP List with clan names
Stock-X Info (fix StockX please!)

apart from that:

Bring back the Genrep in OZ9 (Crahn Abbey)
Make TG & FA have their starterapp in TH/the canyon (having your start app were it belongs is more important than the jones quest!)
continue with balancing tweaks!
netcode ..haha ..just kidding :angel:

18-12-07, 15:53
How about an automatic poker for all the new players under level 20 or 15 place themin the Med centre. Everyone knows what it's like to try and fine a poker. This is more for the new player so they don't get pissed off when starting the game.

What about a North American server??? Still on my Christmas List.

18-12-07, 16:18
Do something cool with the Mainsewer zones.

Old models would be nice.

An indestructible beginner's glider of some sort would be useful (think Quad for the air)

Portable citycom of some sort so we can leave messages for people and whatnot without carting ourselves back to a terminal somewhere.

18-12-07, 16:34
Thread merged.


18-12-07, 16:35
If u get rid of hacknet layer keep a 4th but just normal hack. 3 mins to hack an op... no good fights can happen in that time.

Do something to stop ppl from opening and closing the hack term to stop the attackers hacking. Once 1st layer is down only ppl from the same clan as the 1st hacker can open the term? or so u can't close the hack after starting (only ops)

Already been posted many times, custimization for PA/vehicles. Faction names/symbols brought from FSM. Make vchs better then add custimizations like extra turrets, a rhino with 2 30mm cannons on the sides (creates 2 more gunner seats)

18-12-07, 16:37
- More content update (Quest, items, skins, caves ...)

- All WoC weapons/stuffs run should be as hard as the last one (ronin and far6000 are pure joke atm)

- Improve the Hacknet interest by adding more stuffs in the databases, and may be a WoC resurection / Hacknet PA (int based).

- Each class should have at least one WoC based weapon/tool and PA.

- Add a 120% woc tools for woc tradeskillers

- Add real guns to Copbot ... theirs damage are pretty ridiculous, why don't equip Copbots with the raygun of Doy Guard ?

- Update/Balance the Epic rewards.

18-12-07, 16:46
- Better Quest retrieval system: 1 page for all kinds of missions, ordered by easy to very hard, all stacked from top to bottom. Better rewards - Res missions often don't pay enough to cover Res Substance costs.

- Lom pills less XP loss, maybe a bit of SI ( 5% xp loss, 5-10% SI)

- Vehicle return to depot for a fee.

- Revise Nav-Ray... It fails most of the time.

and others i cba to remember now lol

18-12-07, 16:57
- Better Quest retrieval system: 1 page for all kinds of missions, ordered by easy to very hard, all stacked from top to bottom. Better rewards - Res missions often don't pay enough to cover Res Substance costs.

oh yes.... that would be great :)
Although I'd like to keep the easy->very hard catagories.. but within these, make it a list instead of random picks!

ashley watts
18-12-07, 17:07
Have alot more personalisation to rare weapons for constructors and players.

For example, throw a dogtag with a rare build and you can brand it as your own, for example:
"Necpock's Artifact Enlarged Explosive Siletn Hunter Constructed by Make My Day"

Also, a really rare PVE drop, which is a weapon mod. When this weapon mod is used on a rare gun (can only be used on a rare gun) it changes the model and texture to the old one.

"Retro Weapon Customisation Mod"
To make it even rarer, the gun must be full artifact to use the mod on and must have 1 slot free.
**(And maybe add another 5% to damage so fully ati would become 125%)

Maybe also weapons with kill counts on them shown as a bar.
50 kills = 1 bar
125 kills = 2 bars
200 kills = 3 bars
500 kills = 4 bars
1000+ = 5 bars

(they won't add value to the gun so)

I loved every bit of that except the 125% part for weapons, This should really be considered KK ;D

18-12-07, 18:14
Another idea:

Some sort of alternative suits (Like Santa suit for example). Extremely rare dropping outfits that serve no more of a purpose than to humour other runners ;)

Have alot more personalisation to rare weapons for constructors and players.

For example, throw a dogtag with a rare build and you can brand it as your own, for example:
"Necpock's Artifact Enlarged Explosive Siletn Hunter Constructed by Make My Day"

Not sure I understand what you mean by 'Throw a dogtag with...' but, I do love the idea of being able to edit the names of certain weapons.

Maybe restrict renaming weapons to 5 slot weapons???

Also, a really rare PVE drop, which is a weapon mod. When this weapon mod is used on a rare gun (can only be used on a rare gun) it changes the model and texture to the old one.

"Retro Weapon Customisation Mod"
To make it even rarer, the gun must be full artifact to use the mod on and must have 1 slot free.
**(And maybe add another 5% to damage so fully ati would become 125%)

As Mr Watts said... I like this idea a lot, but I don't like the idea of increasing the damage.

Maybe also weapons with kill counts on them shown as a bar.
50 kills = 1 bar
125 kills = 2 bars
200 kills = 3 bars
500 kills = 4 bars
1000+ = 5 bars

(they won't add value to the gun so)

This I love. Absolutely brilliant idea. It's more incentive not to lose that cherished weapon, and it'll act almost as a trophy.

- Update/Balance the Epic rewards.

It's been said time and time again, but I think this should definitely be on the list of priorities.

18-12-07, 18:22

Change the damn font back to allow lower case names/clan tags to show when you target someone. I have no idea why it was ever restricted to caps - it makes such little sense, and *Should* be such an easy fix.

18-12-07, 18:26
May I quickly add that the last post I did was also thought up by StevenJ while we were discussing on ventrilo (Sorry but I can't take all the credit Steve :P)


Change the damn font back to allow lower case names/clan tags to show when you target someone. I have no idea why it was ever restricted to caps - it makes such little sense, and *Should* be such an easy fix.


Another addition to that (staying in the line of font)

Change the chat fonts and the ingame fonts of people (the target boxes etc)

Or make it user changeable

18-12-07, 18:46
- The ability to delete gene reps from your gene rep list.

18-12-07, 19:04
Ok basically, this idea comes from tradeskilling and shops.

This also takes away the the reason of spamming messages in trade every 2 minutes.

This basically is a "Semi-permi" chat box above your head to advertise goods/services you need or offering.

|WTS Riggers-|
|Dream DM ME|
( )
/ \

The box will appear above your head like chat messages do.

To change what it says, you have to change it through the city com. You can also only display a certain number of characters in the box, so not to fill up the zone with it.

It can only be activated and shown in non-pvp zones (Plaza1, faction HQ's etc and leaves when you leave a safe zone or log out)

To make it a bit more roleplay friendly, this "advertising" should cost money (say 50k to initially set it up and 5k to change it)

Could be able to turn it off and on via city com.

18-12-07, 19:20
Frankly all that would be needed in order to get me to come back to NC2 would be more story. There is one thing that NC2 has over every other MMO I have played, and that is the epics. I've done them all, and it's still the most fun thing I've done in any MMO.

They provided each their own little story that neatly wove into a global story regarding all the factions, so by the end of them you came out a view of the factions as they saw each other and what the stark reality of some were. They gave you meaningful tasks, even if it was just taking something to someone and reading the dialogue, they were more than just 'Go kill 5 *Insert Mob Name Here* and you'll get some credits and/or a reward!'.

I've yet to see an MMO implementing such meaningful and story rich 'epics', the closest they get is a two or three quest chain with no meaningful tasks that really tells you nothing about a global picture, just an NPC's problems. NC2 needs to capitalise on that.

2.3 should be a content update, and by that I don't mean a new dungeon or spangly new weapons, I mean real meaningful quests. New epics, or sets of missions like epics, and I would resub in an instant. You can tweak weapons or add new graphics all you like, but if there isn't anything interesting to do then you'll never get the population back. The Faction Revamp rekindled interest, now lets give returning players something to do other than gank in P1. Something meaningful, something epic (excuse the pun ;) )

19-12-07, 13:33
First and foremost important thing is the netcode, just wanted to say that whether your gonna bother doing it or not.

Next thing I would like to see is you stop using WoC as end game, it's so dumb for a PvP game. So far this has been all the end game you have introduced in around a year so for me I've had nothing to do as I hate the idea of WoC, why would I want to use mordern day weapons when I play a game because it has futuristic elements?

Add real PvP content, think up something new for PvP like control of zones in neocron, when a faction gains majority control of say Pepper Park or Viarosso that factions NPC guards appear and hold control until a new faction takes control.

Basically I'd like to see you all use all that imagination you must have to have created this amazing idea for a game in the first place, WOC IS NOT IMAGINATIVE.

19-12-07, 13:54
In addition to my previous post in this thread/topic:

- More WOC and Regular (futuristic) items
- More NPC's and more NPC Dialog!
- Kami Chips!
- Dual Wielding melee weapons, or ranged weapons...
- Bigger Packs of Research Substance, Construction Grease, Implant Disinfection Gel, et al.
- Random terrorist attacks on NC by anti-NC factions in a similar vein to what happened in the original Neocron 1 offline demo.
- Navray fails sometimes and leads to incorrect locations, like into a wall for at least 2 of the options available. This should be fixed.

More as I think of them...

Dribble Joy
19-12-07, 13:54
Well there's allways this (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=140922) and this (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=139145).

Some other things include ditching SL and going to a purely symp based system. Makes the now more complex faction relations work better.

Dual wield, kami chips.

More missions that explore the factions background and get the runner more involved in activities that they would be doing as a member of their faction (allready PMed Snow about that one).

Accessories, need more stuff to get that cyber punk feel.


One last thing, put the plasma pistol clip size back to 40, the current firing to reloading time ratio is far too small.

19-12-07, 13:56
Ok basically, this idea comes from tradeskilling and shops.

This also takes away the the reason of spamming messages in trade every 2 minutes.

This basically is a "Semi-permi" chat box above your head to advertise goods/services you need or offering.

|WTS Riggers-|
|Dream DM ME|
( )
/ \

The box will appear above your head like chat messages do.

To change what it says, you have to change it through the city com. You can also only display a certain number of characters in the box, so not to fill up the zone with it.

It can only be activated and shown in non-pvp zones (Plaza1, faction HQ's etc and leaves when you leave a safe zone or log out)

To make it a bit more roleplay friendly, this "advertising" should cost money (say 50k to initially set it up and 5k to change it)

Could be able to turn it off and on via city com.

That's brilliant. I really, really like this idea.

Thumbs up dude.

19-12-07, 14:03
Dual wield, kami chips.

Sorry, not with you on the duel wield. Never have been. However, Kami chips were ace, and I would too like to see them return! :)

Accessories, need more stuff to get that cyber punk feel.

It's always been needed. Customisation, including cigarettes and sunglasses :)

One last thing, put the plasma pistol clip size back to 40, the current firing to reloading time ratio is far too small.

Do it. DJ and I were testing clip sizes last night. The judge goes through 2 clips to the 1 clip of the slasher.

Dribble Joy
19-12-07, 14:04
Dual wield purely as a visual thing, not something that would affect balance (and it can be rather easily implemented, the modeling/animation part is the hardest bit).

19-12-07, 15:12
Ok basically, this idea comes from tradeskilling and shops.

This also takes away the the reason of spamming messages in trade every 2 minutes.

This basically is a "Semi-permi" chat box above your head to advertise goods/services you need or offering.

|WTS Riggers-|
|Dream DM ME|
( )
/ \

The box will appear above your head like chat messages do.

To change what it says, you have to change it through the city com. You can also only display a certain number of characters in the box, so not to fill up the zone with it.

It can only be activated and shown in non-pvp zones (Plaza1, faction HQ's etc and leaves when you leave a safe zone or log out)

To make it a bit more roleplay friendly, this "advertising" should cost money (say 50k to initially set it up and 5k to change it)

Could be able to turn it off and on via city com.

Unfortunately walking around with the cyberpunk equivalent of a billboard strapped to my head will do no good unless there is people to see it tbh.

Take for example i'm of farming or levelling i still have trade open and if i see someone selling something i like i DM them.

This may prevent Spam in local but i doubt it on trade channel.

Dribble Joy
19-12-07, 15:19
Rework the regular mission system.

Quick kill missions need to be set to those mobs that the player is going to find around the place. Having CM Raptor missions is a bit daft when you live on the other side of the map and are hostile to TG....

Also, make the mission symp reqs run off personal symp, not clan symp. I have 100 CM symp on my cster but I can't do tl 130+ cst missions.

19-12-07, 15:38
still hope to see any woc2 woc3 items; armor, weapons, any imps maybe..

19-12-07, 19:17
Bring back the Kamikazi chips, but make them have a WoC requirement.
Make the Tank Kamikazi a Con WoC implant
Make the Monk Kamikazi an Int WoC implant
Maybe also make the Rifle and Pistol Kamikazis Int WoC implants, but that would mean that PE's couldn't use it.

19-12-07, 20:28
There is very little defensive benefit of going for lower tl weapons, or offensive penalty for going for higher tl weapons. Without taking healing etc into consideration, choosing a weapon with double the dmg output of a lower tl weapon should surely mean having having to sacrifice half your defense. Finish balancing before moving on to something else

Dribble Joy
19-12-07, 20:57
There is very little defensive benefit of going for lower tl weapons, or offensive penalty for going for higher tl weapons. Without taking healing etc into consideration, choosing a weapon with double the dmg output of a lower tl weapon should surely mean having having to sacrifice half your defense. Finish balancing before moving on to something else
The problem is the very shallow increases of dmg/time for extra point skilled. Swapping a ppr for an offense imp doesn't make much real difference. Hence why you have tanks with ncpd, FF cpu and ppr. Same with the other classes.

Bring back the Kamikazi chips, but make them have a WoC requirement.
Make the Tank Kamikazi a Con WoC implant
Make the Monk Kamikazi an Int WoC implant
Maybe also make the Rifle and Pistol Kamikazis Int WoC implants, but that would mean that PE's couldn't use it.

20-12-07, 01:24
Bring back the Kamikazi chips, but make them have a WoC requirement.
Make the Tank Kamikazi a Con WoC implant
Make the Monk Kamikazi an Int WoC implant
Maybe also make the Rifle and Pistol Kamikazis Int WoC implants, but that would mean that PE's couldn't use it.

why would making it use int woc stop pe's?..... and tbh making it require woc is also pretty lame :wtf:

20-12-07, 01:43
Change the Monk WOC pa, it looks out of place!

Make it pure black, with just red eyes, how awesome would that look!

20-12-07, 06:44
And my final point:
What the heck happened to Irata III? The great trek is nearly 5/6th's of the way there... Give us a resolution or something....

20-12-07, 07:51
And my final point:
What the heck happened to Irata III? The great trek is nearly 5/6th's of the way there... Give us a resolution or something....

Now wait a second...Ironic timing of Black Prophecy? 8|

20-12-07, 10:12
Now wait a second...Ironic timing of Black Prophecy? 8| First thing I thought, but the story line for BP is too different.

20-12-07, 12:36
Bring back the Kamikazi chips, but make them have a WoC requirement.
Make the Tank Kamikazi a Con WoC implant
Make the Monk Kamikazi an Int WoC implant
Maybe also make the Rifle and Pistol Kamikazis Int WoC implants, but that would mean that PE's couldn't use it.

I hate this idea more than I hate Celery.

onero S
20-12-07, 14:01
Bring back the Kamikazi chips, but make them have a WoC requirement.
Make the Tank Kamikazi a Con WoC implant
Make the Monk Kamikazi an Int WoC implant
Maybe also make the Rifle and Pistol Kamikazis Int WoC implants, but that would mean that PE's couldn't use it.

No No No. No more fucking woc as an endgame req. I actualy don't mind more high leval equipment that is hard to get. But don't make it woc for the love of god.

Also, please make hybrids viable as a class again. Balance them all you want, but make them playable.

Also, as somone has already said

Change the Monk WOC pa, it looks out of place!

Make it pure black, with just red eyes, how awesome would that look!

20-12-07, 14:41
I would like to see consistancy in models and textures.

Be it all the models changed to the older ones or all the models and textures changed to NC2 style.

I would like to also see new mob's and a wider range of high level PvE caves which drop suitable, and needed items. DoY tunnels, WoC labs and the worm Tunnels don't cut it for me anymore. New new new!

William Antrim
20-12-07, 17:02
10 second time limit inbetween bursts of stealth tool use please. I (yes I play a spy) want to be able to kill the people who rely on stealth to harass me EVEN if I dont have aoe.

20-12-07, 17:23
10 second time limit inbetween bursts of stealth tool use please. I (yes I play a spy) want to be able to kill the people who rely on stealth to harass me EVEN if I dont have aoe.

Stealth gets me away from trouble too easily.

I play as a PE, and use only Mr Jones Stealthtool, but still - that 3 seconds is fine when i can run as fast as I can. I just flip straight back onto the stealth tool and Im away.

So yeah, I agree. I think 10 seconds is rough though. 5 seconds in my eyes would be fine. That way, it takes a little more skill from the attacker, in that he/they have only 5 seconds to make the kill... if not, they're waiting again.

20-12-07, 17:27
Stealth gets me away from trouble too easily.

I play as a PE, and use only Mr Jones Stealthtool, but still - that 3 seconds is fine when i can run as fast as I can. I just flip straight back onto the stealth tool and Im away.

So yeah, I agree. I think 10 seconds is rough though. 5 seconds in my eyes would be fine. That way, it takes a little more skill from the attacker, in that he/they have only 5 seconds to make the kill... if not, they're waiting again.

it IS 5 seconds at the moment actually...

$ir Mafia
20-12-07, 17:32
na, he´s trying to say that there should be a limitation like "if you´re out of the stealthmode , you have to wait 5 seconds to activate it again"

20-12-07, 17:35
10 second time limit inbetween bursts of stealth tool use please. I (yes I play a spy) want to be able to kill the people who rely on stealth to harass me EVEN if I dont have aoe.

Basically, if you'r talking about people stealthing JUST before they die and they get away, its tough luck. Depending on their stealth tool (duration) you can kill them.

Take a PE for instance, on 1/8th health, stealths and starts running to zoneline. If they are far away from a zonline, they're gonna drop if you follow them.

And also notice there IS already time taken to reapply the stealth after coming out of it, and thats enough to drop them or get a burst weapon aim on them.

If they stealth at half health, then is it really worth worrying about it?

IMO, its fine.

Dribble Joy
20-12-07, 20:58
I'd be more inclined to make it a 5 second delay between firing and the stealth effect coming on. Too many people use it as an LE switch - 'I don't want to continue this fight, I'm off'. It should be a tool to get you somewhere, not to escape.

21-12-07, 02:06
Clothing and accessories to customize our toons further. Not just clothes but tactical gear (i.e. web vests, holsters, grenade bandoleers, etc.). Trench coats and sunglasses anyone?

Dribble Joy
21-12-07, 02:08
Helmetless PA and long desert cloaks.

21-12-07, 02:18
Oh yeah, just thought I'd add: fix the netcode

It's not OK that people can run through walls
It's not OK that people run slowly when they walk over objects
It's not OK that people can shoot you while you can't even see them and then they suddenly appear
It's not OK that people can hit you while they are blatantly facing the other direction to where you are standing

I don't see how this could not be of the highest priority and why you instead of fixing the core problem you spend ages on adding PvE content that is so broken that it never gets used or only gives a couple of hours enjoyment at most. Just look at DoY for example, how long did that city take you guys to build? And now it's a totally useless piece of content and we're back to square one with zoneline fighting in p2. I don't see how the game has gotten much better since NC1 pp1 zoneline fighting.

KK, you had enough content to work with in NC1, you just had to bother making it worthwhile, so for the love of god please stop adding new things and instead perfect the things that are already in game. Just look at your latest patch, I don't think that you've ever got such a positive response to a patch, and it's not because of all the new dungeons in DoY, it's because you've brought everyone back together so that you actually see other players for once. I think if you try to improve the netcode, and do some system revamps like Cmaster has suggested then you'll be taking a massive step in the right direction. Even if you have a lot less resources to use on NC now that you have black prophecy in full development, I'd much rather you focused on stuff that actually matters rather than just adding more useless WoC items.

Sorry if this sounds very negative, but I'm just trying to get a point across to you so that you don't fall back into your old habits.

onero S
21-12-07, 03:08
Oh yeah, just thought I'd add: fix the netcode

It's not OK that people can run through walls
It's not OK that people run slowly when they walk over objects
It's not OK that people can shoot you while you can't even see them and then they suddenly appear
It's not OK that people can hit you while they are blatantly facing the other direction to where you are standing

I don't see how this could not be of the highest priority and why you instead of fixing the core problem you spend ages on adding PvE content that is so broken that it never gets used or only gives a couple of hours enjoyment at most. Just look at DoY for example, how long did that city take you guys to build? And now it's a totally useless piece of content and we're back to square one with zoneline fighting in p2. I don't see how the game has gotten much better since NC1 pp1 zoneline fighting.

KK, you had enough content to work with in NC1, you just had to bother making it worthwhile, so for the love of god please stop adding new things and instead perfect the things that are already in game. Just look at your latest patch, I don't think that you've ever got such a positive response to a patch, and it's not because of all the new dungeons in DoY, it's because you've brought everyone back together so that you actually see other players for once. I think if you try to improve the netcode, and do some system revamps like Cmaster has suggested then you'll be taking a massive step in the right direction. Even if you have a lot less resources to use on NC now that you have black prophecy in full development, I'd much rather you focused on stuff that actually matters rather than just adding more useless WoC items.

Sorry if this sounds very negative, but I'm just trying to get a point across to you so that you don't fall back into your old habits.

It does sound negative and you're yelling at people with no controll over it. Redoing the engine (pretty much what your asking) would require muliple coders months if not years of work. As it is neocron staff does not have the resorces for this. I personaly think that is total bs, but its 10tecal's fault and not neocron's devs. The devs themselves don't code and can do little about the netcode.

(devs feel free to yell at me if you can code, but I think I have the general idea right)

21-12-07, 07:59
some ideas....hope these have not already been said! I didn't read all the pages ^^.

1) Player stats. Kills, deaths, time played, ect. (accessible from citycom by u or anyone.)
2) Chat macros that u can create/edit in game.
3) Vulture trophy, cruncher trophy, crab trophy. (all around more trophies!)
4) Tradeskiller leg enforcement. Gives lots of transport and requires INT. You can recycle it from special parts droped by mobs.
5) Placeable weapons / weapon racks for appartments. You can place weapons on the wall like trophies.
6) WOC tradeskill tool. Performs all the functions....requires all the tools to be converted into a universal tool. need WOC int.
7) Ok this one is kind of big. Faction based "op fighting". Areas in the city where a faction can take over and hold. When a faction holds that area...that faction gets some kind of benefit. For example...a faction can take Industrial lab A and gain a +10ish research bonus and +10ish construction bonus. I think this will appeal to people who like to pvp but cannot because there may not be anyone on to op against or just someone who is not in a clan ect ect. Thats just a really really rough outline...anyone feel free to expand or shoot it down...w/e =0.

21-12-07, 08:04
A decent area to pvp in, plaza 2 is'nt good.

21-12-07, 08:40
Heres my wish.

NEW weapons. And not this WoC shit that keeps flying out of the KK offices. Fuck WoC. Just new rares.

Why dont us Melees just have an enormous sledge hammer that hits slow, but does fuckloads of force? Or even better, a sort of Power Fist item that covers the whole arm of the tank and is basically one huge fucking hydraulic ram.

and what about Revolvers for Pistol chars? And maybe even a revolving rifle for Riflers.

And maybe ground based drones for Droners, that crawl around on treads and fire miniguns that are like a speedgat with 800 rounds or something

21-12-07, 08:59
|WTS Riggers-|
|Dream DM ME|
( )
/ \

The box will appear above your head like chat messages do.

Of all the ideas, this is the single one I liked the most :p
Numerous possibilities of fun and teasing, but use only characters :p

Dribble Joy
21-12-07, 12:56
I went shooting yesterday, and a thought occurred to me when I was back home and was cleaning the shotgun... Why can't I do this in NC? Why can't I maintain my own weapons? Especially since my char is a professional soldier.

I would never suggest that this could replace repairing, but it would help players look after their stuff.

General gist:

New 'tool' - a weapon cleaning kit, with gun oil or similar as gunk.
Regenerates 1% to the first quality number, eg. 100/118 --> 101/118.

Time for the process to be 40 seconds x (Item TL/WEP), so a high tl weapon with 130 odd WEP would take about 30 seconds.

Something to do while waiting for something else or if you're just bored.

21-12-07, 13:06
It does sound negative and you're yelling at people with no controll over it. Redoing the engine (pretty much what your asking) would require muliple coders months if not years of work. As it is neocron staff does not have the resorces for this. I personaly think that is total bs, but its 10tecal's fault and not neocron's devs. The devs themselves don't code and can do little about the netcode.

(devs feel free to yell at me if you can code, but I think I have the general idea right)
It's got very little to do with the world/gfx engine, and I'm directing this at the people who made the game so how am I yelling at people with no control over it? :wtf:

All you guys asking for more useless content, you sicken me and you are an insult to the NC dream.

21-12-07, 14:11
1) Player stats. Kills, deaths, time played, ect. (accessible from citycom by u or anyone.)

Unfortunatly, that could be easily exploited and eventually mean nothing in the game.

21-12-07, 16:26
I went shooting yesterday, and a thought occurred to me when I was back home and was cleaning the shotgun... Why can't I do this in NC? Why can't I maintain my own weapons? Especially since my char is a professional soldier.

I would never suggest that this could replace repairing, but it would help players look after their stuff.

General gist:

New 'tool' - a weapon cleaning kit, with gun oil or similar as gunk.
Regenerates 1% to the first quality number, eg. 100/118 --> 101/118.

Time for the process to be 40 seconds x (Item TL/WEP), so a high tl weapon with 130 odd WEP would take about 30 seconds.

Something to do while waiting for something else or if you're just bored.
another cool idea...

21-12-07, 16:29
here's mine:

Sleep mode for the afkers:p
When the runner stops to respond, or types /set sleep_mode 1
he drops into the floor sleeping :p

When another one pokes him, he wakes him up :lol:

21-12-07, 17:12
runner1 : *pokepokepoke*
runner2 wakes up
runner2 : HEY!


21-12-07, 17:16
WoC "Freeman Industries" Crowbar

Dribble Joy
21-12-07, 18:18
Remove all weapon reqs from combat vehicles.

This would allow PEs (even spies and monks) to gun them. Of course, lower HC/WEP/TC means they wouldn't be as good with them as tanks or HC chars.

William Antrim
21-12-07, 18:43
Op Security gr menu.


21-12-07, 19:07
Remove all weapon reqs from combat vehicles.

This would allow PEs (even spies and monks) to gun them. Of course, lower HC/WEP/TC means they wouldn't be as good with them as tanks or HC chars.

I would have to say i agree. They are mounted on a vehicle for gods sake, not that hard to figure out. But if your proficiency with that weapon type is low, you'll do like 2 damage to something.

21-12-07, 20:34
Remove the strength requirement.

That would be better :)

22-12-07, 06:43
Someone said this in another thread and I thought it would be a great idea:

You should be able to build better stuff with more construct skill! The same as you do more damage with higher combat skills, it just doesn't make sense why they do it this way.

I couldn't have said it better myself. :cool:

- Nytewolf

22-12-07, 07:35
Increase the fucking SL hit for killing people in dungeons. Or reinstate it or whatever the fuck you guys did without anyone noticing.

22-12-07, 12:35
Increase the fucking SL hit for killing people in dungeons. Or reinstate it or whatever the fuck you guys did without anyone noticing.
SL and symp is a massive waste of time already, we don't need bigger hits

22-12-07, 12:55
According to personal wealth as accounted in the game (bank cash), your external appearance is reflecting how wealthy you are. e.g if you have 4k cash, your appearance is dirty, cloth shredds are hanging from you, etc... if you have 20mios +, you got a belly, shiny clean clothes, maybe a cigar and such :p and all variations within... Also, security guards, why can't we hire security guards ? :p

22-12-07, 14:35
According to personal wealth as accounted in the game (bank cash), your external appearance is reflecting how wealthy you are. e.g if you have 4k cash, your appearance is dirty, cloth shredds are hanging from you, etc... if you have 20mios +, you got a belly, shiny clean clothes, maybe a cigar and such :p and all variations within... Also, security guards, why can't we hire security guards ? :p

Man, I love you <3

That really is the sexiest idea ever!

Edit: Maybe increase the money cap on characters? :)

22-12-07, 17:26
SL and symp is a massive waste of time already, we don't need bigger hits

Yes you do. High level players shouldnt be able to run through a dungeon willy nilly and wipe out multiple teams of low level players and have no consequences. Thats bullshit. I say make it so that if you kill someone in a dungeon they are automatically set to -90 symp.

22-12-07, 17:46
Yes you do. High level players shouldnt be able to run through a dungeon willy nilly and wipe out multiple teams of low level players and have no consequences. Thats bullshit. I say make it so that if you kill someone in a dungeon they are automatically set to -90 symp.
The current system is so flawed that the less impact it has, the better. Just keep your LE until your higher level if it's such a massive problem.

22-12-07, 19:07
WoC "Freeman Industries" Crowbar


Good old fast freq pure pierce damage crowbar drawing "no" similarities to the one in a certain game i might love.

Remove the strength requirement.

That would be better

That would also be cool, so if a PE specs enough HC then he can use it without it being too high strenght even with imps.

22-12-07, 21:48
Remove strength requiremnt but keep the heavy combat requirement. That way not just anybody can gun it and it can be gunned by peopel who have specced points into heavy combat.


And woc crowbar please.

23-12-07, 01:44
Yes you do. High level players shouldnt be able to run through a dungeon willy nilly and wipe out multiple teams of low level players and have no consequences. Thats bullshit. I say make it so that if you kill someone in a dungeon they are automatically set to -90 symp.

I agree. What more can be said?

23-12-07, 04:12
So make it really harsh in dungeons, to discourage noob killing of any faction, but keep it the same in all other sectors.

Would be fine in my opinion.

23-12-07, 05:17
Remove strength requiremnt but keep the heavy combat requirement. That way not just anybody can gun it and it can be gunned by peopel who have specced points into heavy combat.
Or, remove the H-C requirement too, that way, anyone can use the gunner spot of the vehicle as a passenger spot. Just as long as H-C still affects how effective the weapon is.

23-12-07, 13:12
So make it really harsh in dungeons, to discourage noob killing of any faction, but keep it the same in all other sectors.

Would be fine in my opinion.
So if I go into a dungeon and try to kill someone, but they kill me, then they should get a big penalty? Or if some unteamed idiot runs into my AoE in a dungeon then I should be heavily punished?

The system is too flawed for big SL hits, with smaller hits someone who consistently acts 'evil' will get bad SL, and not the people who kills someone accidentally every now and then (or who tags someone with a shot or two).

Another thing for the wish list - more accurate client dmg estimation. The bouncing health is really annoying and confusing, can't you just use the same calculation for dmg as the server uses?

23-12-07, 22:43
With the current way of trading between players is very unsafe and I personally dont trust anyone enough to hand over my hard earned equipment only for someone to steal it, or swap a newly 5 slot built weapon for a pre-built 1 slot one. As a result, I'm currently leveling a constructor/repper because I'm so concerned that my stuff will be snatched if I 'trust' someone else. Oh and I am basing this on personal experience with one particular clan leader a few years back...

So mainly I would like to see something which allows a runner to have an item repaired without having to 'give' it to another player first.

With construction, when the item is built can it show in the trade window so it can't be swapped without the other player noticing.

Also something similar with research, so it goes straight into the trade window when ressed.

So please can we have an additional trade option which allows all or some of this to happen.

24-12-07, 00:10
ok but whenever you need anything just ask y repper, jumping bug

24-12-07, 00:47
Been said many times before and would definitely be a useful additional feature:

Change the GR Listing from showing how "Dangerous" an area is into if the GR is open or not

The safety listing is utterly pointless and inaccurate. Saying if a GR is open or closed is very useful, especially if you have just died and want to head to an OP GR, but then end up in your apartment.

24-12-07, 00:59
Change the GR Listing from showing how "Dangerous" an area is into if the GR is open or not Agree with this tbh.

24-12-07, 01:08
Change the GR Listing from showing how "Dangerous" an area is into if the GR is open or not

The safety listing is utterly pointless and inaccurate. Saying if a GR is open or closed is very useful, especially if you have just died and want to head to an OP GR, but then end up in your apartment.100% agreed.

Dribble Joy
24-12-07, 01:09
I'm going to have to disagree. The trade system as it is is fine. It's about finding people that are reliable and forming contacts.

24-12-07, 01:15
Change the GR Listing from showing how "Dangerous" an area is into if the GR is open or not

Awesome idea.......I agree completely!

Plus has anyone noticed the safety of locations hasn't even been updated since the patch? (ie tech haven still says very safe, even though you can now draw weapons/pvp there...............) :wtf:

24-12-07, 02:21
Been said many times before and would definitely be a useful additional feature:

Change the GR Listing from showing how "Dangerous" an area is into if the GR is open or not

The safety listing is utterly pointless and inaccurate. Saying if a GR is open or closed is very useful, especially if you have just died and want to head to an OP GR, but then end up in your apartment.
I'm in favor of that.

24-12-07, 02:40
I'd like to have something simple as a notepad function. Hit TAB and then open a window you can write immediate notes, perhaps as part of some other function like communications.

Use case: Since my return to the game, I've been helped along by many people going out of their way as tradeskillers and giving me free stuff. Today I pissed one of my earlier helpers off by not recognizing/remembering his name when I was looking for tradeskillers. It is already too late to start a comprehensive list but oh boy did I wish I had one when this happened.

Windows notepad is fine only if you can guarantee me that Alt+TAB doesn't crash the game.

24-12-07, 02:47
great idea with the genreps. Also i think there should be a "clan apartment" rep location along with a "appartment" location. Perhaps clan leaderse can permit members to gr to the apt?

24-12-07, 04:00
great idea with the genreps. Also i think there should be a "clan apartment" rep location along with a "apartment" location. Perhaps clan leaders can permit members to gr to the apt?

I agree, I don't know how many times I've had to fight my way though people to get to my clan appt :/ Not that I have to fight (or can) with the LE chip in, but still...

That genrep idea is also a good one :)

- Nytewolf

24-12-07, 05:54
I really wish that I could GR to my clan apartment.

24-12-07, 15:29
AoE weapons and drones - a few of the types (mainly grenade launchers) show an animation of the shot going one place, but the actual damage is done another place, if it wouldn't take too much effort it would be nice to have this fixed to increase the amount of usable weapons/drones

24-12-07, 15:53
I can never over emphasize .. MORE CONTENT PLEASE

We want new zones, with new design, textures and enviroment.

New creatures that arent an overpowered replica of an allready exisiting one.

How many times have we seen new content comming of allready exisiting designs (example ceres labs which consists of OP underground and some harder DOY Replicants)

KK are on the right track giving us new weapons and new PAs. I personally like the Reagent dungeon. It is creative and plays well with the storyline. We want such content to come every couple of months. (I know its hard for KK to do so, but thats the way to keep customers hanging into the game.. OP fights gets boring after a while)

My other point is having OP fighting more rewarding than acknowledgment by your opponent and a couple of bucks put in the clan bank. Maybe create a reward system in which players record of how many OP fights they have fought, how many players have they killed protecting an OP, how many hacks have they hacked in which they get rewarded with various Items and equipment once they reach a certain target. Also, top 3 high scorers of each category can unlock rare equipment (Armor or guns) and can use them until someone beats them to their rank.

and Zone hoping between underground and OP just makes OP fighting lame. Why couldnt it be as good as the old times when players had to run from one OP to another to protect it.

William Antrim
24-12-07, 16:28

Hopefully I am allowed to do this - link to another thread I mean, if not mods please edit. Be warned its a long post but I wanted more input on the idea and so thought it deserved its own thread.

Thank you.

24-12-07, 17:37
Hi guys,

I don't know if it's been discussed already but I really feel like KK needs to boost vehicles, because since the 2.2 patch, they are useless for OP fights and this is sad that this side of the game was removed....I'm more specifically talking about the Rhinos and the Reveeler chaincraft....maybe some others that i cant think right now.

The Damage output and frequency needs to be higher, cause right now, a Creed does more than a Rhino....


24-12-07, 17:39
Hi guys,

I don't know if it's been discussed already but I really feel like KK needs to boost vehicles, because since the 2.2 patch, they are useless for OP fights and this is sad that this side of the game was removed....I'm more specifically talking about the Rhinos and the Reveeler chaincraft....maybe some others that i cant think right now.

The Damage output and frequency needs to be higher, cause right now, a Creed does more than a Rhino....


I agree, you never see anyone bringing a rhino or reveler to OP's anymore. Would be fun to see them back.

P.s hoverbomber ftw

24-12-07, 17:40
Forgot to mention,

With the fact that we see no more of those vehicles, Anti-vehicles rocket launchers are more useless as well, driving subskill is not really as appreciated as well (im sad i have a driver) and people dont go group hunt in firemobs zones really anymore like we used to see a lot.....and which was getting poeple out of normal caving places which was nice for PvP as well.


Doc Holliday
24-12-07, 17:43
G grand theft posting :)

Good afternoon.

Since the patch I have been doing lots of fighting in Plaza 2 and I have loved it so far. However one thing is lacking in Neocron for me at the moment and I wonder how to fix it. Even though the whole population has been moved into one city (and we were at 20% last night) everyone seems to be crowded back into Plaza 1. Now I realise that in some ways this is good advertising for the new guys and stuff but I think it would be better if we could spread the population out a little over the zones. The only people who seem to use hqs are tradeskillers doing their missions and what not, but wouldnt it feel more like a city if more people actually passed through the hqs.

I would like to see KK implement some form of small (no more than +10) faction skill bonus for being in a faction and in its HQ or the zone the HQ is in. For example a Biotech runner might get a +10 implant bonus in Via Rosso 1 or Tangent might get +10 Cst in Via Rosso 2 etc. City Admin could probably get a +10 health or hitech combat bonus for example in Via Rosso 3 (I say this due to NCPD building, rather than CA hq which is Plaza 1).

The Tsunamis might get a +10 barter (gambling and all that stuff) in their zone, Black Dragons perhaps +10 Recycle (those crack houses have to come in for something useful) and TG might get +10 hitech combat for defending the homeland in the Canyon. Crahn would obviously get +10 PPW in Pepper 3 I would expect or somesuch useful skill for them. Protopharm likely would get +10 research if in the lab or something.

Obviously this is a rough draft of an idea - it came to me out of the blue as it were today tbh and I realise not all factions are tradeskiller friendly and not all are combat friendly but it would go someway to individualising the different factions and making them unique from one another.

It would also give people a small incentive to leave the sanctity of Plaza 1 (while also having safety inside faction hqs) but it would give people who are enemy to a particular faction an element of risk if they wanted to deal with an individual from that faction. You might even want to make P1 unsafe again if this idea works I dont know. I was only here for about 6 months in NC2 originally before Unreal tournament lured me away so I dont remember what the call was to make P1 "safe" again other than the constant ganking I heard about.

Anyway, more people moving around the city imo would be better as it makes it feel more alive. Obviously some people could still play it safe by gen-repping everywhere but thats just the same as it is now anyway. I think this idea would work because it helps the newbs (+10 research to research your own weapon is just as important at level 4 as it is iding mc5s at level 60 odd).

Anyway, its just the beginnings of an idea, if anyone wants to flesh it out or tell me its been posted before go right ahead.

THis needs to be read, read and reread and mr antrim needs some credit. its a brilliant idea and would really add depth to the game and factions and encourage some more people to be around there home zones etc and spread out some more.


ps. im not nickin the idea im just "hollywoodizing" it all bud :)

24-12-07, 17:50
Sorry, forgot again to mention that :

The fact that the vehicles arent used no more for hunting + OP fighting also affect the tradeskillers that were making good business out of vehicles CST + sell. It also affects the faction NEXT that could probably have more runner vy having this significant point if it was more usefull.

OK enough said....hope KK puts VHC better than they are now :)

24-12-07, 18:15

Hopefully I am allowed to do this - link to another thread I mean, if not mods please edit. Be warned its a long post but I wanted more input on the idea and so thought it deserved its own thread.

Thank you.
I really like that idea, especially if it would mean making Plaza Sec-1 unsafe, other than the protection from Copbots.
It would help get the fighting spread elsewhere from the P1/P2 zone-line.
What I'd like is the feeling that you come across an enemy and attack them, not that everyone goes to the P1/P2 zone-line to kill each other.

Honestly, at the moment, Pepper Park seems like one of the safest places in Neocron!

Forgot to mention,

With the fact that we see no more of those vehicles, Anti-vehicles rocket launchers are more useless as well, driving subskill is not really as appreciated as well (im sad i have a driver) and people dont go group hunt in firemobs zones really anymore like we used to see a lot.....and which was getting poeple out of normal caving places which was nice for PvP as well.

Well, since firemobs are like one of the only sources of unressed techs now, I'd say that firemobbing is going to be making a comeback.

As for vehicles, I think it would be awesome if we could fight wars with vehicles, like in the history of Neocron.
There would need to be a way to differentiate between enemies and friendlies though, maybe show the names, clans, and factions of the runners inside of vehicles above the vehicle.
I can imagine seeing a row of rhinos facing another row of rhinos, both with a few scattered revelers, hoverbombers and hovercarriers overhead, and then assault gliders and airguards swoop in. That would be so awesome, much more immersive and exciting than a bunch of super-powered runners, running around shooting each other.

26-12-07, 04:22
Clothing and accessories to customize our toons further. Not just clothes but tactical gear (i.e. web vests, holsters, grenade bandoleers, etc.). Trench coats and sunglasses anyone?

I'm curious to what you guys think about some of my ideas, all characters look too similar I feel. Can anyone think of anything cooler?

26-12-07, 05:02
I'm curious to what you guys think about some of my ideas, all characters look too similar I feel. Can anyone think of anything cooler?

Problem is there is already a lot of stress on the engine to tell each client how each person has customised his character. They seem to have taken away colouring of clothes due to how it can slow down clients, so I reckon giving characters more customisation like ciggars, sunglasses etc, will just lead to more FRE's, crashes and lag which frankly this game doesn't need more of.

It would be nice, but there are better things that I believe should be worked on.

(I doubt that letting us use the old NC1 models would lag it though, as these are still in-game, and used by many NPCs.)

26-12-07, 14:24
As a PE I hate how you can only win fights againsts spies or tanks if they suck too bad to hit you, otherwise you drop like a fly. And yes, I have tried playing tank and I beat my brother every time, usually with half health or over, even though with our equally matched PEs we win about 50/50 each. Also, PPUs still have too big an effect on the outcome of a fight, it takes sooo much longer to kill someone with PPU buffs, even though the aim of 2.2. was to do so that someone who can beat someone 10/10 times without a PPU could still beat them 10/10 when they do have a PPU.

Balance it, or just go back to 2.1 because the game was more fun and balanced back then

26-12-07, 14:48
As a PE I hate how you can only win fights againsts spies or tanks if they suck too bad to hit you, otherwise you drop like a fly. And yes, I have tried playing tank and I beat my brother every time, usually with half health or over, even though with our equally matched PEs we win about 50/50 each. Also, PPUs still have too big an effect on the outcome of a fight, it takes sooo much longer to kill someone with PPU buffs, even though the aim of 2.2. was to do so that someone who can beat someone 10/10 times without a PPU could still beat them 10/10 when they do have a PPU.

Balance it, or just go back to 2.1 because the game was more fun and balanced back then

what is the point of having a ppu's buffs if its not going to have any effect to the outcome of a battle???? 10/10 without buffs sure but then if you go against a low lvl char does this still mean its a draw on who dies?
Imo depends on rankings weapon and skills as well as the skill of the player on outcome of fights. PPU's should be able to change the balance in favour of the buffed toon and there are ways of changing that balance as well.

How i look at it is 2 tanks v 1 tank the one tank will lose, same for 1 ppu 1 tank versus the single tank will also lose but if its 2v2 then its balanced.........cant be bothered to type more as im enjoying xmas.........Hope you lot are 2


PS my b/day in 2 days :D

26-12-07, 17:13
what is the point of having a ppu's buffs if its not going to have any effect to the outcome of a battle???? 10/10 without buffs sure but then if you go against a low lvl char does this still mean its a draw on who dies?
Imo depends on rankings weapon and skills as well as the skill of the player on outcome of fights. PPU's should be able to change the balance in favour of the buffed toon and there are ways of changing that balance as well.

How i look at it is 2 tanks v 1 tank the one tank will lose, same for 1 ppu 1 tank versus the single tank will also lose but if its 2v2 then its balanced.........cant be bothered to type more as im enjoying xmas.........Hope you lot are 2


PS my b/day in 2 days :D I think it's stupid to balance PPUs for 2vs2 though, they should be balanced for bigger teams than that.

edit: Should ask players outside this forum what they think too, Nidhogg has banned most of the people who got outraged when reakktor decided to shove loads of content into the game instead of balancing it, so now the only people who are left are the ones screaming "omg we want more WoC items and dungeonz plx".

26-12-07, 18:36
-Round the decimals on implants and armor, it's really unnecessary and confusing

27-12-07, 03:23
I'd like to see an option to label our furniture:


Labeler Tool

Insert tag of xxxxx characters on certain items - like cabinets.

Tag is of personal choice of course...

Would help tremendously ;)

27-12-07, 09:05
I'd like to see an option to label our furniture:


Labeler Tool

Insert tag of xxxxx characters on certain items - like cabinets.

Tag is of personal choice of course...

Would help tremendously ;)

KK, take note! Tis a damned good idea

27-12-07, 10:42
I'd like to see an option to label our furniture:

Labeler Tool

Insert tag of xxxxx characters on certain items - like cabinets.

Tag is of personal choice of course...

Would help tremendously ;)
You honestly can't just remember which cabinet is which? I used to have a large collection of techs and I never had a problem remembering where each of the different types of part went...

27-12-07, 11:43
Not rly. I already have too much on my mind to remember, let alone everything i have ingame.

Besides, i got tons of stuff spread around several MMO's...

And close to 1 million files, about 100K folders on my Home PC....

And then there's my work PC with another couple hundred folders, and cabinets full of papers...

Then i got my vast Mp3 collection, from hundreds of different authors...

The mind can only take so much information... O.o

William Antrim
27-12-07, 12:33
You honestly can't just remember which cabinet is which? I used to have a large collection of techs and I never had a problem remembering where each of the different types of part went...

No offence but some people have like 5000+ rare pool collections, armour, spells, implants and blueprints of all of the above. A labelling tool is a brilliant idea and anyone who says otherwise is just daft.

Also, please make armour stackable in the gogu - not the power armours ofc but the regular armour should be: collars, helmets, legs and vests etc.

27-12-07, 14:12
Not that i think to make armor stackable in gogo is a bad idea but every piece of armor got his own specs of condition depending on the wearing so I can't hardly understand how you could stack many pants if they all have different condition (exemple : 10/120% , 56/120%, 56/112%) ??

Besides of this, tagging cabinets in appartments is an awsome idea.

27-12-07, 14:16
Another idea for KK,

Everytime i play my Apu, it remembers me how much im missing old frequencies on spells....though since it seems KK don't want back in game faster frequency (even if lowering damage is required), I would still love to see WOC items for Apus, such as bringing back some stackable poison beam and/or stackable Fire Apoc.....or any new spell maybe some stackable Xray spell maybe? Or some Psi Attack spell that would be worth something to use in pvp more than the actual shit holy psi attack...


William Antrim
27-12-07, 14:30
You know Vegah I thought of that after I posted it. I guess the work around would be items of the same quality, or this is probably the reason why theyre not stackable now.

The long and short of it is, I just want more gogu space.

27-12-07, 14:35
Yeah i guess the same could apply to drones with the same condition : exemple : 249 stack of brand new Revenges ready to blow up the entire map in a single gogo slot!Lawlercake

27-12-07, 14:47
Just got back from NF and the Hybrid malus is indeed there. Don't really understand why, but please remove it. Hybrids are even rarer to see that melee tanks. I've even seen H-C PE's but no hybrids. The class has been killed. :(

Oh and Cabinet Labeler ftw!

27-12-07, 14:55

27-12-07, 16:41
Reduce PPU requirements on spells.
This makes it viable to spec a PE towards psi specialization [another option, rather than high damage/low resists or vice versa done purley through resist chips.
Won't overpower hyrbids as they have many, many other nerfs.

onero S
28-12-07, 01:49
I'd like to see an option to label our furniture:


Labeler Tool

Insert tag of xxxxx characters on certain items - like cabinets.

Tag is of personal choice of course...

Would help tremendously ;)

Bump for a FANTASTIC idea. Would also help clan apps a ton.

Ps, let people tag clan apartments as "clan app".

onero S
28-12-07, 01:51
Reduce PPU requirements on spells.
This makes it viable to spec a PE towards psi specialization [another option, rather than high damage/low resists or vice versa done purley through resist chips.
Won't overpower hyrbids as they have many, many other nerfs.

Sorry for the double post, but yea, agreed.

Also please adress apus/hybrids/melee tanks being underpowered to the point of being pointless.

And perhaps take a look at spys/tanks as being too good, in relation to PEs which seem to be the "balanced" class atm.

28-12-07, 02:45
No offence but some people have like 5000+ rare pool collections, armour, spells, implants and blueprints of all of the above. A labelling tool is a brilliant idea and anyone who says otherwise is just daft.

Just split the different types of techs into different categories (pistol, melee etc) and put the cabs containing the same category items in rows or next to each other. There's a limited number of tech part types per category so after a while you can just stack the techs up to 249 each anyway.

It's not that it wouldn't be nice to have, it's just that there are better things for KK to do right now.

onero S
28-12-07, 02:47
Just split the different types of techs into different categories (pistol, melee etc) and put the cabs containing the same category items in rows or next to each other. There's a limited number of tech part types per category so after a while you can just stack the techs up to 249 each anyway.

It's not that it wouldn't be nice to have, it's just that there are better things for KK to do right now.

its strikes me as somthing patheticly easy to do and tbh, would make running a clan TONS easier.

Dribble Joy
28-12-07, 03:10
Just split the different types of techs into different categories (pistol, melee etc) and put the cabs containing the same category items in rows or next to each other. There's a limited number of tech part types per category so after a while you can just stack the techs up to 249 each anyway.

Say someone asks me for an SH tech, I go to my high-tech rifle cab and check the TP techs in there. I won't have to search through more than about 5 items.

My HT pistol cab is on top of the LT one, next to them is the HT rifle one on top of the LT rifle one, next to them is the HC.... etc. It's not hard to remember where things are.

onero S
28-12-07, 07:35

Say someone asks me for an SH tech, I go to my high-tech rifle cab and check the TP techs in there. I won't have to search through more than about 5 items.

My HT pistol cab is on top of the LT one, next to them is the HT rifle one on top of the LT rifle one, next to them is the HC.... etc. It's not hard to remember where things are.

Again, thats all good and fine. But think of the benifit for clans. And heck, its a nice feature that would be easy to implement and would make the game more accecable to noobs.

The question here really is why not. I can' t imagine it would take any real time to implement.

28-12-07, 09:55
Under the evil idea category:

A new skill under dex would be created called thieving. Also the weapons on a runner's back or hip would be made targetable. A spy skilling all dex points in thieving would have say a 20% chance of grabbing the weapon off someone's back, the victim would recieve a notification in the red 'killed by' message text that a thieving attempt was made and by who, or was successful. Copbots would react to failed thieving attempts, successful ones would have to be acted on by the victim (and his friends).

No I'm not drunk or high. :D

William Antrim
28-12-07, 10:16
Under the evil idea category:

A new skill under dex would be created called thieving. Also the weapons on a runner's back or hip would be made targetable. A spy skilling all dex points in thieving would have say a 20% chance of grabbing the weapon off someone's back, the victim would recieve a notification in the red 'killed by' message text that a thieving attempt was made and by who, or was successful. Copbots would react to failed thieving attempts, successful ones would have to be acted on by the victim (and his friends).

No I'm not drunk or high. :D

UO made a system similar that worked very well. However I think in NC (as most of those weapons are stored in a "safe" slot) that it should be a random item from the inventory/Quickbelt (not armour or implants for the physical impossibilities of it).

28-12-07, 10:18
It could just be made so if the weapon displayed is in the player's safe slot, the thieving attempt will always fail.. that would add another hazard to being a thief (it shouldn't be easy in the slightest..) though I think a random quickbelt item works too..

28-12-07, 17:36
Regant mobs used to drop techs, now they only drop junk. They are tough mobs, not many can hunt them, so i think something valuable - as in usable - should drop from them... something different, like bio parts that can be used to make special items - drugs or smtg...

Ceres tunnel mobs also dropped techs, now removed, so only drop junk and wocs. Perhaps the odd tech should be allowed?

Warbots... Well i loved to hunt warbies, and they dropped tech's alot. Now its 3 rares in 20 warbies, and not many places have them anymore. MB was a sweet spot for hunting, also for stealing, but the balance seemed fine.

Perhaps make warbies tech drop they way it used to be, now that they have been removed and the spawn seems to be decreased..?

As i was told on other thread, firemobs are the way to go for techs. It makes no sense tho. Part of the fun of getting techs goes by hacking a robotic mob, and getting parts from their circuits that then get turned into weapons or implants.

Regant mobs should drop items other then junk - maybe introduce new items.
Warbots are THE mob for tech's - please make them as they were.
Firemobs should drop implants and armor, etc...

Just a thought.

28-12-07, 22:55
With the patch, Plaza 2 has once again become the spot where people go if they want some instant PvP action. Some people don't like it, or approve of it, but it's happening and it keeps people entertained.

The only thing I see detracting from it is that the copbots intervene. They are just plain annoying. Some people seemed to have managed to get them into the swimming pool for a while, but then some others thought it would be funny (or worth the exp) to kill those copbots making them reset back to their annoying original position.

I'd like to see the ones on the Plaza 1/Plaza 2 borderline in P2 completely removed. Keep the others, they're fine and do their job.

We're always going to have zone-whoring, especially when one side is much larger than the other (I'm Tangent so there pretty much is still a red vs blue scenario) so lets make it as fun as possible.

29-12-07, 03:23
I'm very fine with the zoning pvp , it's very entertaining ;)

However I think it would make WAY more sense to do it like NC1: at pepper park... those dark streets are fit to mayhem !

Make plaza 2 safe again so that it doesnt feel so strange going from plaza 1 with many people to plaza 2 with nobody but pvpers at the zoning ...

onero S
29-12-07, 05:05
No, making plaza 2 safe is not the way to spread out fighting more.

Make in city opps that work by faction not clan. That will give people a reason to fight over zones like pepper park.

29-12-07, 05:44
I'm very fine with the zoning pvp , it's very entertaining ;)

However I think it would make WAY more sense to do it like NC1: at pepper park... those dark streets are fit to mayhem !

Make plaza 2 safe again so that it doesnt feel so strange going from plaza 1 with many people to plaza 2 with nobody but pvpers at the zoning ...


29-12-07, 05:53
No, making plaza 2 safe is not the way to spread out fighting more.

Make in city opps that work by faction not clan. That will give people a reason to fight over zones like pepper park.

thats actually an interesting concept. Buildings like TT HQ with hackterms on the top floor, maybe 10 levels up, and large industrial like sectors in areas more like PP3 and the such.

29-12-07, 07:19
... basically, you are suggesting 1-2 safe city sectors for the tradeskillers and market area, urban warfare with outpost bonuses for the PvP minded, outpost zones for the PvP minded with tradeskiller friends or alts and the rest of the world for PvE and leveling ?

Or did I totally misunderstand the concept you are trying to brew up?

Sharper Blade
29-12-07, 07:56
I think tanks should have a pulselaser cannon like the slasher and the disruptor exept for a tank

29-12-07, 08:39
Under the evil idea category:

A new skill under dex would be created called thieving. Also the weapons on a runner's back or hip would be made targetable. A spy skilling all dex points in thieving would have say a 20% chance of grabbing the weapon off someone's back, the victim would recieve a notification in the red 'killed by' message text that a thieving attempt was made and by who, or was successful. Copbots would react to failed thieving attempts, successful ones would have to be acted on by the victim (and his friends).

No I'm not drunk or high. :D

I was thinking about this some time ago. The success of the theft should be roughly equal to the success of hacking the belts of those with a high SL...

Should not be able to steal with your LE in, and others should not be able to steal from you with your LE in...

I'm very fine with the zoning pvp , it's very entertaining ;)

However I think it would make WAY more sense to do it like NC1: at pepper park... those dark streets are fit to mayhem !

Make plaza 2 safe again so that it doesnt feel so strange going from plaza 1 with many people to plaza 2 with nobody but pvpers at the zoning ...

I Agree. What more can I say?

29-12-07, 12:03
Okay, honestly, I think REC needs to be revamped at least a little. It's cool as it is but it's just so limited! And the usefulness of the salvage tool has yet to be demonstrated because the return on any item seems to be just far too low to merit its existence.

Here's my concept- the recycling tool reduces any item in the game into its component chemicals and stores them in chemical pods. These might be the preexisting chemicals that we have currently or they might be something else (my original concept was it'd break them down into component chemical elements; carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc).

From there, you're gonna get a veritable buttload of chems from any particular item. Then you can use these chems as you please, or perhaps we could have a series of new recipes that require the salvage tool (basically put to the old REC tool's use) and create some special items that only (or largely only) exist by recycling (probably due to expense of traditional CST).

Basically, I'd like to see REC not just be some silly hobby or a way of making field-expedient ammunition and medkits.

29-12-07, 15:57
I think tanks should have a pulselaser cannon like the slasher and the disruptor exept for a tank

I think H-C tanks have plenty to play with. They don't need more.

Melee tanks and hybrids on the other hand....

William Antrim
29-12-07, 21:31
Make Doy an area where you can sort your soullight out also please. Put in some low end dungeons in certain zones along with citycoms in other zones so that people who get negative soullight can go there too.

30-12-07, 03:51
That would also increase the PvP in DoY due to the NCPD low SL hunters would see people out there and go and try to kill them for their belt/fun etc.

Nice idea.

30-12-07, 12:51
Change Filter Hearts. Is it just me or is the existance of these two heart implants just pointless? I bet it's just me :lol:

I think it is the Body Health malus that makes them unsable. A bonus of 7/7 in the resistances doesn't make up for the loss in Body Health (roughly 3%-4% resistance gain against 100 Hit Points loss - according to NSkill).

So for example instead of the Body Health malus, maybe use the same as the Strengthen Heart malus?

30-12-07, 13:43
Dunno about you guys but my setups deviate between strengthen heart 2 and filter heart 2. I'm pretty happy with them. The other heart implants are utterly pointless tho. Who wants a heart that gives endurance?? :confused:

30-12-07, 14:10
Aye that's a good point. I only ever use Strengthen Heart's and don't even consider the others as they're all pointless.

30-12-07, 14:31
I'd like to see epic items re-done. I ranted about this in another thread about them, most epic items are a joke, So a review of them would be nice.

WOC weapons, yes you added in some more pistols and rifles. very nice... NOT There is one cannon which is almost useless since it fires directly at your feet.
no mc, apu, ppu, drone or trade skilling woc items. So I think they should be added in ASAP.

I'd love to see a classic style mini-gun weapon for HC.

A review of vehicle weapons the revelers cannon is a joke not sure about other vehicle weapons though probably the same.

A review of some of the implants, I think that some of the implants like the synapse soldier mod, marines cpu needs to be re-done, as I am not sure they match implants like the mini-pprs etc. For example the HERC is a good implant for a HC tank, but it shouldn't be, there should be something that is better than it from a HC point of view, like a rare HC SWAT the marine isn't good enough to be it, and it's not HC nor MC.

Other than those things I am quite happy with things as they are.

30-12-07, 14:45
I have a new idea!
I think this will be good to give new purpose to opfights, involve more clan PvE activities and add tactics to opfights.

Right, time to start.

I'm now going to talk about eggs. You get the eggs of a/the mob you killed but only the highest level of its species so to speak of the desired mob.

They drop rarely but the more of your clannies you bring to kill them, the faster it takes to collect these eggs ^^

Right so yeah blah blah blah eggs...

Right now, these eggs can be placed by clan members above rank 12 in and around the opzone (in accordance to the turret placing rules)

When these eggs are placed, the egg "hatches" (although you don't see that) and sets a spawn point for that mob you looted the egg from.

3 further points at this stage:
1) The spawned mobs arent the same as their parents. They are 20 levels below the parent's level and they drop different items when killed (no more eggs)
2) There is a spawn time on newly placed eggs. Either instant if no one is in the zone, or 5 ingame hours for the mobs to spawn if people are in the zone.
3) There is a limit to the amount of eggs of a single species that can be spawned (I think 3 is a good number although it can be determind by how hard the mobs are (damage/HP))

(P.S. I've just thought of another bit to expand on)

If you pick up a "freshly looted egg" and place it in an op, the offspring will be a "mob" faction and attack everything as normal mobs do

But.... If you take it to a lab and go into the UG, give the egg to a terminal that will genitically modify the offspring and raise it up so it becomes friendly with the lab owner's faction and only attack enemies to the lab owners faction. (this process takles 10 minutes waiting time per egg)

To clear a few things up...
If a friendly runner shoots an allied mob offspring, it will behave like a normal mob and attack back.
Once the offspring is dead, it won't respawn until a new egg is placed.
If even 1 egg is placed at an op, no turrets can be spawned.
They can't be healed by players, but they sheilds and DB does affect them.
To make this work best would be to determine a droprate which would be rare yet frequent for PvE'ers
If you get an egg from say a Grim persecutor, the offspring would be 20 levels lower and be called "Baby Grim Persecutors". The physical size of them would be the same.

Origionally this idea was to give a few things back into the game.

1)Another rare drop from PvE that could be worth alot to PvP'ers
2)Let PvE based clans take ops and labs and because of their PvE nature, help defend against attacks
3)Add another dimension to PvP
4)A really rich PvE clan could even host their own "PvE events" at an op they own
5)Bring in more storyline and roleplay to PvP'ing and PvE'ing
6)Adds another purpose to captuing labs
7)Adds tactics to the PvP front

And probably many more pro's, and yet I can't see 1 con =)

30-12-07, 15:39
To further the idea of hackable and controllable inner city zones, can't KK do something with places like the Outzone and Industrial zones ?

It bores me to tears that all PvP is done on the Plaza 2 zoneline, and there's acres of zones in NC itself not being used for anything, pretty much.

Can't KK take advantage of these two things ?

William Antrim
30-12-07, 19:56
To further the idea of hackable and controllable inner city zones, can't KK do something with places like the Outzone and Industrial zones ?

It bores me to tears that all PvP is done on the Plaza 2 zoneline, and there's acres of zones in NC itself not being used for anything, pretty much.

Can't KK take advantage of these two things ?

Industrial Zone should have 2 hackable terminals. Once hacked by a specific hacker from a specific faction (unclanned can hack also but NOT if youre le'd) and the zone switches to give a bonus to THAT faction for the remainder of the NC day.

The bonus is Construction and Research (Both and +15 of each).

Sharper Blade
31-12-07, 09:21
Industrial Zone should have 2 hackable terminals. Once hacked by a specific hacker from a specific faction (unclanned can hack also but NOT if youre le'd) and the zone switches to give a bonus to THAT faction for the remainder of the NC day.

The bonus is Construction and Research (Both and +15 of each).
I don't know about the construction and research but depending on each zone and what the zone is used most frequently for i think that should have something to do with what the bonus would be, I think this is a really good idea and would make more than one zone for pvp, all the zones would have a purpose after this.

31-12-07, 14:17
OK I'm writing back some of my already-said ideas in the past and some new:

1) OP fight:
- All UGs should have the same look as the UG at RedRock Mine so noone can ever clip around forever since it's in the floor
- There should be a bigger timer delay between when you hacked the first layer at an OP and the time when you can take the second layer, which would give defending clan a bit of time to get ready to fight if they are all splitted over everywhere and would avoid fast hack OP taking that removes all chances of a good fight.
- Also had this idea that the first layer could be a door that is locking the OP at entrances and when hacked, opens after a certain delay of time, so defending clan can get up top the UG ready to fight besides of getting AoEed to fuck when many enemies...this one might be harder to put in game, was just a thought.

2) WoC:
- We need monks WoC items (already suggested stackable poison beam or stackable Fire Apoc for apus and maybe antipoison sanctum or usefull not bugged soul cluster with special color for ppus)
- We need tradeskillers WoC items ( i don't have tradeskiller but i think it's still missing in the game for those who loves tradeskilling)

3) Personnal feelings:
- I feel with 2.2 there is less diversity in game and less possibilities of multiple spec setup. Example: hybrids monks, hybrid tanks(before to make hybrid tanks again, there is big to do for melee tanks), HC PEs, melee PEs, anything that added something different. For spec setup, i used to be able to recycle easily on tank + run fast and repair on my ppu + run decently fast and gun a Reveeler on my spy(HC) + driving scorpion trike + droning........all these little kind of things that made NC life funnier with wicked setups that were possible.

4) Drugs:
- I'm not really a specialist of NC drugging setups but all I can feel right now is that there is a need for a runspeed cap, since right now every single bad pvper can attempt to call himself good by popping up 8 drugs to run like a retarded mofo and avoid getting shot and that's just stupid....having a runspeed cap would probably as well get back what i just talked about for adding more spec possibilities like repair + run fast or stuff like that.

Allright, waiting for your feedbacks guys....also, it's fun to get runners feedback but I wonder if KK can manage to give feedback on something as well and/or use our ideas for real and put them in game...


31-12-07, 14:27
Forgot to mention one big thing about Neocron:

I'm pretty sure the reason why whatever modification happens in game, all we see and will always see is still zoneline whoring PvP (which i happen to do as well) and ppu buttplugging (and yes i play ppu) pvp is the following:
- people fucks implants

Make it when you die to not drop a belt or not fuck up your implants and i promise you will see people everywhere in this city in all zones pvping at all points without zoning in safezones....BUT the question is : do we love more to have fight everywhere without zoning or do we love more the fun to hack a belt after u killed someone?..You can't ask someone to volountary go suicide himself in the middle of a zone when he's alone vs 4 enemies when he knows he will drop his rare gun he paid 5Millions and took 2 weeks to get...

That's my opinion.....what's yours?

William Antrim
31-12-07, 15:53
I don't know about the construction and research but depending on each zone and what the zone is used most frequently for i think that should have something to do with what the bonus would be, I think this is a really good idea and would make more than one zone for pvp, all the zones would have a purpose after this.

Industry though mate. Thats the angle I was taking. I think that having something like this for the tradeskillers would bring the pvpers along. If clan wanted to hack the "zone" for example and benefit from it then they should bring some protection along to keep them safe.

Vegah I love your ideas about not losing stuff, I think this would be much better but people would whine like crazy that they couldnt get the "reward" from another players belt. These are unfortunately the same people who go running for the zoneline on half health.

31-12-07, 16:00
Vegah I love your ideas about not losing stuff, I think this would be much better but people would whine like crazy that they couldnt get the "reward" from another players belt. These are unfortunately the same people who go running for the zoneline on half health.

Could this be a good idea that instead of losing an item in the belt, we could drop a % of our money so this way it's still fun to hack belts and gives still a challenge to not die?

31-12-07, 16:47
Make these hackable zones in industrial and outzone sectors have the same zone rules as ops.
Make all connecting zones have city sector zone rules, then just make sure that there is not a single outer connecting zone that is a safezone.
Thus during pvp if people can make it to one of the op zones they wont drop a belt, yet it means that their attackers can still follow them into those zones and finish them off.
Yet while players are making their way to these op style zones they have to travel through zones where belt drops are active thus there is still the chance of getting ambushed.
Also it means that in most cases if you are attacked or attack someone and your losing, it going to be a long run to the nearest safezone.

02-01-08, 09:32
Some more thoughts:
- Enemies who use weapons should drop those weapons and maybe some ammo, as seen in the neocron 1 offline demo. It's logical, and more realistic.
- All of the Military base sectors bar the storage rooms should be safe zones.
- Make a more severe penalty for killing allied faction members.
- Remove the copbots from the wastelands and place them at the entrances to Neocron to protect the city, as they should. Might be better to replace them with S.T.O.R.M bots.

ashley watts
02-01-08, 10:04
I'd like to see a % cash drop when a runner dies , would be kool for non hackers, so other non hacking classes don't miss out.

02-01-08, 11:23
I still like the idea of recycling 5, say, dogtags of someone and getting a mini trophy of their class to place. Hovering over the trophy would say "Trophy of Marksman Watts", or whoever.

02-01-08, 11:45
I'm sure this idea has come up many times, but please change the font to a more readable font.

It is not funny getting mixed with numbers 5,6 and sometimes 8. (5 and 6 are the worse numbers for not being clearly to read ingame on items)

02-01-08, 14:37
I still like the idea of recycling 5, say, dogtags of someone and getting a mini trophy of their class to place. Hovering over the trophy would say "Trophy of Marksman Watts", or whoever.

Lawl that's awsome. That means i could have SOO many trophies of Biz also called Julie Fatale....dunno who would want to buy that though... lol :)

02-01-08, 17:14
i'd like to be able to RENAME GR LOCATIONS on my teleporter menu... and have option to delete them as well.

02-01-08, 17:35
Some more thoughts:
- Enemies who use weapons should drop those weapons and maybe some ammo, as seen in the neocron 1 offline demo. It's logical, and more realistic.

I agree with this as well it would make Recycle/Salvage wayyyy more fun.

02-01-08, 18:13
how about faction trophies. Each faction has its own trophy that you can do a mission to obtain.

03-01-08, 02:39
I still like the idea of recycling 5, say, dogtags of someone and getting a mini trophy of their class to place. Hovering over the trophy would say "Trophy of Marksman Watts", or whoever.

Good idea!!!
.....only thing I can say is make it more like 20 or something because 5 might be a little too easy to get, especially for people who are in p2/op fighting a lot ;)

03-01-08, 03:48
We should have mutant Goats...

Roaming the wastlands. would be a great idea...

Imagine, mutant Pink Goats!



Dribble Joy
03-01-08, 04:05
I'd like to see a % cash drop when a runner dies , would be kool for non hackers, so other non hacking classes don't miss out.
Or just make belts like mobs. Loot rights to highest dmg dealer, hackable after their rights expires.

Sharper Blade
03-01-08, 04:18
Some more thoughts:
- Enemies who use weapons should drop those weapons and maybe some ammo, as seen in the neocron 1 offline demo. It's logical, and more realistic.
- All of the Military base sectors bar the storage rooms should be safe zones.
- Make a more severe penalty for killing allied faction members.
- Remove the copbots from the wastelands and place them at the entrances to Neocron to protect the city, as they should. Might be better to replace them with S.T.O.R.M bots.

I like that idea, like grim chasers and such should drop psi spells, maybe really low quality rare spells and anarchy breed should drop the highest tl non rare gatling guns, etc. makes is alot more realistic and gives noobs/non rich people to get a highish lvl weapon without paying millions for it, it would just take alot of effort to kill the high lvl mobs

03-01-08, 13:51
Yes i do agree as well that having normal mobs to drop the weapon they use would be really good idea to make it more attractive to hunt them....maybe to make it more interesting the mob should not drop everytime the gun but only once in a while? so you get the fun to hunt and find that gun


04-01-08, 10:09
I would like to see the removal of the frilly bits around the edges of each window on the hud. Also to shorten the Armour box at the bottom, there is a huge amount of space unused down there, a scroll bar can always be added if required.

04-01-08, 10:25
I would like to see the removal of the frilly bits around the edges of each window on the hud. Also to shorten the Armour box at the bottom, there is a huge amount of space unused down there, a scroll bar can always be added if required.Here they are. (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=137751) :)

I happen to like the frilly bits, a little transparency goes a long way.

04-01-08, 12:14
I'd like to see the Hypercom list revised....

1 - Revise Buddy list. Add a business field.

- Buddy
- Business

In Business, add an option that allows to edit the person details to specify which kind of business it is. Like a bullet menu with the tradeskills. Like a tagger of sorts, so when u hover with mouse over name, it says which tradeskill it is.

Either that, or under Business, make 1 field for each tradeskill.

Faster business, more people happy.

04-01-08, 15:48
What about the return of Kamikaze chips? :cool:

Dribble Joy
04-01-08, 15:57
Indeed, gimme back me kami...

Anyway, idea about beds/recreation units/regeneration units.
Make them like chairs. Chairs force a the player model into a position and locate it at a point in the chair model. surely the same could be done with the beds, except the forced position would be the 'dead' one.

04-01-08, 16:15
Anyway, idea about beds/recreation units/regeneration units.
Make them like chairs. Chairs force a the player model into a position and locate it at a point in the chair model. surely the same could be done with the beds, except the forced position would be the 'dead' one.Yes! It has always irritated me that you click them and you get the construction noise and some health ticks back.. O_o

04-01-08, 17:22
I'd be really keen on the return of Kami chips. I never had one, i never used one, but anything that brings more variety to the game and individual setups is a bonus in my book.

Sharper Blade
04-01-08, 23:56
i had a kami back in the day, it was nice if you ask me

Mighty Max
05-01-08, 00:00
anything that brings more variety to the game and individual setups is a bonus in my book.

The Kami would just do the oposite.
The big bonus at one skill and the complete loss of the others would reduce each class for which a kami exist to one setup only.

William Antrim
05-01-08, 00:27
The Kami would just do the oposite.
The big bonus at one skill and the complete loss of the others would reduce each class for which a kami exist to one setup only.

Then fights would last the whole of 3 seconds. The Kami chips nerfed the fuck out of your resists. I dont think you would see op fights lasting too long with them and forget p2 fights, as soon as you zoned you would be dead pretty much.

Dribble Joy
05-01-08, 01:56
The Kami would just do the oposite.
The big bonus at one skill and the complete loss of the others would reduce each class for which a kami exist to one setup only.
Not necessarily. And even if that would be true, that's still an extra setup per sub-class on top of all the setups we have now.

05-01-08, 03:01
The AK47 is extreemly overpowered... please sort it out. I dont stand a chance against any other runner with an AK47 against my Healing Light. Why am I being FORCED to get WoC just to make it against someone else who has WoC.

WoC should NOT be a pre-requisite for PvP/OP wars!! Yet it clearly is! Look at the AK47 and the XBow for example...

Let me explain why I see the AK47 as overpowered:
Here is one of the shots from the damage log from the AK47 fired by a runner called Komie who was "extreemly" fast and I admit I was unable to hit him back due to the speed he was moving, but he wiped me out in a matter of seconds and according to the log file each shot does not do that much damage (I have 808 health pool).

Local Player: HitZone verification result TORSO

Local Player:Damage() - Damage processing statistics!
Damage: 20.033 Target Piercing HitZone 1 - Part 0
Damage: 14.311 (Reduction: 5.722 - 28.563 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by shield
Damage: 12.576 (Reduction: 7.457 - 37.226 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player armor
Damage: 7.094 (Reduction: 12.939 - 64.589 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player skills
Results of this target: Damage 7.094 (Reduction: 12.939 - 64.589 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.800!

Damage: 20.033 Target Poison HitZone 1 - Part 1
Damage: 14.023 (Reduction: 6.010 - 30.000 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by shield
Damage: 11.246 (Reduction: 8.787 - 43.862 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player armor
Damage: 9.778 (Reduction: 10.255 - 51.188 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player skills
Results of this target: Damage 9.778 (Reduction: 10.255 - 51.188 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.800!

06-01-08, 13:09
I think almost everyone will agree that turrets have no place at an opfight, other than for clans with too much cash. They are pretty useless at killing people and they can be destroyed by players from a greater distance than the turrets range.

So how about this idea.

Remove NPC turrets, and instead create man-able turrets, I'm sure that idea was brought up before.

The idea is this

A turret that is more powerful than normal HC weapons like say 10-15% ontop of the current best of the same type. Obviously both the turret and the player can be attacked. The reason for the damage bonus is two fold, one if it wasn't better why do it? and Two since your sitting still your more likely to get hit.

The only issue I can think of is, how to decide who mans the turret. It would probably be impossible to make it "clan only" or some such. So spawning a turret could be a good OR bad thing if anyone could get in it.

This idea also raises a secondary point. Constructers used to deploy turrets would have a reason to go to opfights. Drop a turret for tanks to hop into. Also Some of the turrets should be reachable by PE's thus helping generate a reason to have a HC pe.

Also on a side note, HC/MC PE's are not really viable they need to be altered so they are. Perhaps lowering the regs for the Balastic and herc? So they are closer to being a more viable solution PE's should beable to get to around 90-100 str. max. Maybe enough strength to use the Ravanger (with drugs) but not enough to use cursed soul.

06-01-08, 13:19
The AK47 is extreemly overpowered... please sort it out. I dont stand a chance against any other runner with an AK47 against my Healing Light. Why am I being FORCED to get WoC just to make it against someone else who has WoC.

WoC should NOT be a pre-requisite for PvP/OP wars!! Yet it clearly is! Look at the AK47 and the XBow for example...

Let me explain why I see the AK47 as overpowered:
Here is one of the shots from the damage log from the AK47 fired by a runner called Komie who was "extreemly" fast and I admit I was unable to hit him back due to the speed he was moving, but he wiped me out in a matter of seconds and according to the log file each shot does not do that much damage (I have 808 health pool).

Local Player: HitZone verification result TORSO

Local Player:Damage() - Damage processing statistics!
Damage: 20.033 Target Piercing HitZone 1 - Part 0
Damage: 14.311 (Reduction: 5.722 - 28.563 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by shield
Damage: 12.576 (Reduction: 7.457 - 37.226 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player armor
Damage: 7.094 (Reduction: 12.939 - 64.589 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player skills
Results of this target: Damage 7.094 (Reduction: 12.939 - 64.589 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.800!

Damage: 20.033 Target Poison HitZone 1 - Part 1
Damage: 14.023 (Reduction: 6.010 - 30.000 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by shield
Damage: 11.246 (Reduction: 8.787 - 43.862 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player armor
Damage: 9.778 (Reduction: 10.255 - 51.188 Percentage) -
Damage reduced by player skills
Results of this target: Damage 9.778 (Reduction: 10.255 - 51.188 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.800!

I dont think the "CAR-47" is overpowered anymore than any other weapon. I think you just have a crap setup against pierce/poison damage? lol I do not fear the car-47 in combat to be honest I fear the cursed soul, creed, ionic shotgun, ceres and freeman before I fear the car

06-01-08, 14:03
Not necessarily. And even if that would be true, that's still an extra setup per sub-class on top of all the setups we have now.

What are the skills the Kami chip offers again ???
Question with the Kami chip would it be possible to neally cap a the dmg on a weapon or is that still not the case?


06-01-08, 14:53
Did no one tell you there's no caps anymore napper? :p

Dribble Joy
06-01-08, 17:06
What are the skills the Kami chip offers again ???
Question with the Kami chip would it be possible to neally cap a the dmg on a weapon or is that still not the case?

Still no dmg cap.
Kamis added enormous combat effects with the downside of a huge energy nerf.
The problem is that the dmg/skill increase is so shallow no that if a kami took say.. 30 htl off, you'd need something like +100 or more pc/rc to fully counter the loss in defence.

06-01-08, 18:22
I dont think the "CAR-47" is overpowered anymore than any other weapon. I think you just have a crap setup against pierce/poison damage? lol I do not fear the car-47 in combat to be honest I fear the cursed soul, creed, ionic shotgun, ceres and freeman before I fear the car

My tank gets mowed down when i fight AKs, even with Viper King, poison armor and some good underwear. It really sucks!

(I can nearly kill them as well with my TT epic though :D Thing is awesome, all HCPEs should use one)

06-01-08, 19:30
Yep i agree, the AK is definitely overpowered. It's like the xbow, both do more damage than they should, but they're not THAT bad. They piss me off a lot but you can setup against them. If the freq of both was toned down a bit, i would be happy.

AK is worse than CS is my opinion.

06-01-08, 19:44
(I can nearly kill them as well with my TT epic though :D Thing is awesome, all HCPEs should use one)That gun is bugged I swear. Hoverbots run away from my hcpe! I feel like one of the old 118/112 uber hybrids from early NC1 with that gun.

06-01-08, 21:08
I just wanna see the apu spells more powerfull, it's pretty hard to lvl by my own... and i really want to see new/old skins ingame.

06-01-08, 22:32
My tank gets mowed down when i fight AKs, even with Viper King, poison armor and some good underwear. It really sucks!

(I can nearly kill them as well with my TT epic though :D Thing is awesome, all HCPEs should use one)

Well they do piercing damage too :) I have no trouble with cars so i dont think they are over powered tbh.

onero S
11-01-08, 06:36
Please Please Please kk, make hybrids viable. Atm they are really really bad.

There are multiple posts on this but just a quick rundown of suggestions: (Not all ment to happen at once, just different ideas)

-Remove Apu/PPU malus

-Buff Apus (indirrectly boosts hybrids)

-Increase effectivness of selfcasting the higher tl sheild on a hybrid, atm they are considered forign cast.

-raise the resist cap on a hybrid from 75% to somthing higher depending on PPU points speced

-Hybrid Powerarmor, Some APU and PPU

-Boost effect of hybrid heals, atm tl 40 nanites outheal a hybrids selfcast blessed and even holy heals.

Anyways, those are just a few quick ideas. Some are mine, some are not. Some are ment to work with others, some would work better standing alone. One thing that is clear though, is hybrids and APUs both need work. I say start small, tweak the numbers. If you do it slowly there is little risk and it should be relitivly easy to balance them.

Oh yea, and fix melee while you're at it.

11-01-08, 12:01
Some more thoughts for the brainport:
- Fix Melee, Add more Melee weapons, and some that do more damage...
- Increase the viability of Hybrids.
- Fix the missions for the incredibly hard to find mobs.
- Improve the aim on rocket launchers.
- Do something about the random blowing up of the observer prototype... I don't know how many times I've had them blow up on me. :( Good thing I have a resser and a conster, but still :lol:
- Reduce the reliance on team based combat, since there seems to be few players, though scaling mobs difficulty to how many runners are in the area would be sweet...
- More weapon, item and armour models (some of the early nc ones were sweet)

11-01-08, 13:21
Please Please Please kk, make hybrids viable. Atm they are really really bad.

There are multiple posts on this but just a quick rundown of suggestions: (Not all ment to happen at once, just different ideas)

-Remove Apu/PPU malus

-Buff Apus (indirrectly boosts hybrids)

-Increase effectivness of selfcasting the higher tl sheild on a hybrid, atm they are considered forign cast.

-raise the resist cap on a hybrid from 75% to somthing higher depending on PPU points speced

-Hybrid Powerarmor, Some APU and PPU

-Boost effect of hybrid heals, atm tl 40 nanites outheal a hybrids selfcast blessed and even holy heals.

Anyways, those are just a few quick ideas. Some are mine, some are not. Some are ment to work with others, some would work better standing alone. One thing that is clear though, is hybrids and APUs both need work. I say start small, tweak the numbers. If you do it slowly there is little risk and it should be relitivly easy to balance them.

Oh yea, and fix melee while you're at it.

Amen to that. Please do fix Hybrids. Hybrid PA is another good idea.

11-01-08, 20:40
1) Fix charactermovement, damagecalculation and solidify objects so there's no more clipping or bouncing health. Rework all physics to include stray bullets that deal damage, instead of just bouncing off whatever they hit.

2) Rework and optimize maps, so that the number of zonelines can be reduced.

3) Rework the whole combat system from scratch, remove the target-boxes and give models a complete framework of damage-zones, just like every FPS today.

4) Content, fix the broken classes, add new things to fill the gaps.

5) Remodel the current player models to actually look like people, instead of the current anorexic anime characters.

6) Update the old world textures, all of them, to fit the new shiny playermodels.

7) Fix the mission system in the Citycom. Currently, getting a mission's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. And when you're out of your favorites, you go postal.

Extreme? Yes. Necessary? :rolleyes:

onero S
11-01-08, 21:12
1) Fix charactermovement, damagecalculation and solidify objects so there's no more clipping or bouncing health. Rework all physics to include stray bullets that deal damage, instead of just bouncing off whatever they hit.

2) Rework and optimize maps, so that the number of zonelines can be reduced.

3) Rework the whole combat system from scratch, remove the target-boxes and give models a complete framework of damage-zones, just like every FPS today.

4) Content, fix the broken classes, add new things to fill the gaps.

5) Remodel the current player models to actually look like people, instead of the current anorexic anime characters.

6) Update the old world textures, all of them, to fit the new shiny playermodels.

7) Fix the mission system in the Citycom. Currently, getting a mission's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. And when you're out of your favorites, you go postal.

Extreme? Yes. Necessary? :rolleyes:

Wow thats quite the list. While I agree with everything on there, some of the stuff is just not going to happen (or a least soon)

4) Content, fix the broken classes, add new things to fill the gaps.

5) Remodel the current player models to actually look like people, instead of the current anorexic anime characters.

7) Fix the mission system in the Citycom. Currently, getting a mission's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. And when you're out of your favorites, you go postal.

Are all nice, also some sort of a clipping fix, though understandably I doubt KK has time for a full physics rework atm.

The whole list is great, and we SHOULD see all these changes eventualy.

12-01-08, 00:45
Aye, it's very unlikely we'll ever see any of these changes, to be honest. That's why they call it a wishlist ;)

12-01-08, 11:15
Make NC free - has saved a few dying mmo's.

Introduce a ingame shop, real money for mc5's, woc discs, woc pa's, slotted rares w/e.

Watch the population go though the roof and u still make money.

- still have to fix the netcode, apus and melee tho. ;)

William Antrim
12-01-08, 15:59
Find a filter to stop people posting so much about current issues and actually SUGGEST NEW IDEAS to make nc great again.

I swear about 30 people have said "fix apus or fix melee" in this thread.

We go now to Barry Pepper reporting live for Neocron News Network (NNN) in Plaza 2 amidst a full scale riot outside Rocco's sea food diner...

Studio host "So what can you tell us Barry?"

Barry Pepper "Well it seems that since the year dot the people here have been campaigning for melee to get fixed and apus to have better damage. I had to fight my across the zoneline huggers to get an exclusive interview with one runner. He asked not to be named for legal reasons however, but when I spoke to his friends they all repeated the same mantra, parrot fashion. It SEEMS everybody wants melee and apu damage fixed and theyre making damned sure we know about it.... Back to the studio".


12-01-08, 16:38
I thought this thread wasnt just about ideas, it was about peoples wishes too. And it seems alot of people wish melee and apu were improved, personly I dont think apu is all that bad a class, it is still playable and there are still some very good people playing it. But melee is ridiculously underpowered its damage is laughable.

One thing imho that would improve the game for all players, especialy noob characters trying to level, is simply improve the citycom mission screen. Only seeing 3 possible missions at a time is an absolute timewaste, especially seeing both tradeskill and combat missions, perhaps a tradeskill/combat filter would be usefull. BUt it would deffinately be usefull to display more than 3 missions per page.

12-01-08, 19:03
Its been almost 4 years since i posted this. Still would like to see something like this: http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=102061&highlight=treasure+hunt

And scripting capabiliteis like we had with Mightys "ItemGFX". I know, ancient, but i loved to have logging capabilities for cabinets, and ways to connect to databases from inside neocron.

onero S
13-01-08, 01:34
[QUOTE=Reaction77 personly I dont think apu is all that bad a class, it is still playable and there are still some very good people playing it. But melee is ridiculously underpowered its damage is laughable.[/QUOTE]

There are some people good at playing APUs, they generaly can beat bad players on other classes, put up an ok fight against normal players on other classes, and get rocked by people who are very good with other classes.

Just because some people are very skilled doesn't mean a class is fixed or ok. APU have a disadvantadge in almost every situation, as far as I can tell there is no reason to play the class. Thats not balanced.

As for your comment about citycoms, agreed, also, have somesort of NPC in faction HQs who will advise you on places you could be fighting depending on your lvl. So for instance if a /15 talked to him he might suggest the aggie cellers and tell you how to get there.

It would also help noobs figure out how to lvl up without being quite so "lost".

17-01-08, 11:30
Some ideas I've had, added into a list, a fair few have already been posted by me. It's a work in progress and I'll add more as I think of them.

Click here to view (http://nightwolfslair.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!A94BFCD5ABABD181!318.entry)

19-01-08, 14:22


Any of the following is fine;

1. Drop the "Woc Temple Cost" of getting woc 3 PA, increase the chances of getting GOLD through events etc, perhaps allow GMs to hand it out in the way that medals are.

2. Make WOC pa epic so that it is worth the cost.

3. Increase the bonuses or REMOVE the negative effects.
EG: Give WOC pa better resists like +30 xray for tank, +30 energy for spy or something like that. Or reduce/remove the negative effects.

Alter the Tank pa's visor I hate it being black, make it err red or something.

WOC Weapons

There are plently of woc rifles/pistols, but I have noticed the following, all of the rifles are low tech. Only one of the pistols is hi-tech.

There is one useless BUGGED HC weapon that fires at a 45° angle towards your feet. Not sure if it's damage output matches the moon striker.

So I'd like to see the following, a total of;

5 Lowtech weapons for each class (apu, ppu, mc, hc, rc, pc, drone.)
5 Hi-tech weapons for each class

I'd love to see a minigun like the current style (by the hip).
Autocannons, single shot cannons etc etc.

Something for trade skillers - WOC tools that do any of the following;

1. Decrease chance to break/fail an item.
2. Increase chance for a slotted item.
3. Give a chance for an additional slot.
4. Increase the amount you get for savlaging/recycling
5. Decrease the lube used.
6. Decrease the time a process takes.
7. A new implant for barters that again gives a little bonus maybe +5 int, +5 barter, +25 transport. (unless the additional barter would break the barter barrier.


All of these I think and seemingly alot of people agree need tweeking.
Just something to look into.


I'd love to see some new furniture come into game, also trophies, how about a new master of a juggernaught fighting off soul clusters? Or a bunch of city merc guards fighting twilight guardians etc? Special faction trophies, BT vs Tanget, TS vs BD, Crahn vs FA, etc. Different types of trophies like Warbot 1 2 and 3. Doing different things, one like the current, another firing a missile etc, mutant trophies, dog trophies etc.

Also I think CM need a new appartment; Officers quaters, something a grade above the standard appartments, for generals etc.

New plants and some small trees would be nice, TVs, steros, hi-fis, etc etc.

Epic items
Need looking at DRE give you a rat infested crap-hole to live in... Shouldn't they offer the BEST appartment in all of neocron?

The only epic items I think are any good are the Reveler (which needs it's gun fixed) Protopharm resistor. Review the epic items and make them worth having, maybe remove all the weapons and replace them with something non-combat. EG: Tsunami could give you a really hot choice of strippers, maybe even a completely nude stripper who does a special kind of dance, unless you can place them because they need to be NPCs, in that case just a very hot stripper who can maybe act as a recreational unit. TG could give you a cool vehicle or something, like a new kind of glider or something? Biotech could give the moveon still but tweek it so it's better, maybe make it give ath/agil/health. (endurance is a pointless skill which no on specs so ignore it, specially since you just use boosters, imo REMOVE the skill it's a waste of type/effort and confuses new players cos they think they need to spec it).

Black Dragon could also offer a cool appartment better than that crap dome one that looks as if it got hit by the Ion cannon out of Command and Conquer. Make a cool pepper park appartment for them. Tanget could offer a choice of eyes or something that are a little better than the normal eyes, or a special droner pa? Fix the Tacyium glove so it's worth having make it better then the CAG 3 because other wise WHY USE IT? Geeze.... The epics the hardest one out there and the item is useless other than for a paper weight.

City mercs could get err.. well I dunno a new rhino style vehicle? Maybe a hover tank that'd be cool... or some sort of armour of your choice HC PC or rifle.

Add in gogus in the ceres tunnels for players to put junk in.
Add in gogu in regants, main room and boss room.
Add a ASG at regants so you can despawn your vehicle, often people drive there, then have to walk back because their vehicle either got destroyed or despawend.

Work on some bugs, like the vehicle bugs,

Rhino going invisible for certain people after zoning etc.
Blue screen of death after zoning.
Taking damage after zoning, to legs.
Stamina drain after zoning into sector with water in it.

Fix weapon AMMOs. add in ionic cannon ammo and ionic pistol ammo instead of them using rifle ammo. Increase the ammo for the grenade launchers, assault rifes, smgs, gatlings etc. Because they go through ammo so quickly 10 clips of gatlin ammo last alot less than the ammo for an energy cannon, it's also heavier so you can't carry as much, the result? While a person with an energy cannon can last say 20 mins with 5 clips, a gatling cannons 10 clips may only last 4 minutes or so. (no figures are accurate just an example off the top of my head). So increase the ammo EG: instead of a grenade clip holding errr 8 rounds? Make it hold say 36. This is the AMMO not the gun. So although you still reload as often, the ammo lasts longer (Do not change the weight as they usualy weigh more anyway.)

Finally work on what 2.1 or was it 2.2 was supposed to be. a Graphical


... I think

19-01-08, 21:11


Any of the following is fine;

1. Drop the "Woc Temple Cost" of getting woc 3 PA, increase the chances of getting GOLD through events etc, perhaps allow GMs to hand it out in the way that medals are.

2. Make WOC pa epic so that it is worth the cost.

3. Increase the bonuses or REMOVE the negative effects.
EG: Give WOC pa better resists like +30 xray for tank, +30 energy for spy or something like that. Or reduce/remove the negative effects.

Alter the Tank pa's visor I hate it being black, make it err red or something.

WOC Weapons

There are plently of woc rifles/pistols, but I have noticed the following, all of the rifles are low tech. Only one of the pistols is hi-tech.

There is one useless BUGGED HC weapon that fires at a 45° angle towards your feet. Not sure if it's damage output matches the moon striker.

So I'd like to see the following, a total of;

5 Lowtech weapons for each class (apu, ppu, mc, hc, rc, pc, drone.)
5 Hi-tech weapons for each class

I'd love to see a minigun like the current style (by the hip).
Autocannons, single shot cannons etc etc.

Something for trade skillers - WOC tools that do any of the following;

1. Decrease chance to break/fail an item.
2. Increase chance for a slotted item.
3. Give a chance for an additional slot.
4. Increase the amount you get for savlaging/recycling
5. Decrease the lube used.
6. Decrease the time a process takes.
7. A new implant for barters that again gives a little bonus maybe +5 int, +5 barter, +25 transport. (unless the additional barter would break the barter barrier.


All of these I think and seemingly alot of people agree need tweeking.
Just something to look into.


I'd love to see some new furniture come into game, also trophies, how about a new master of a juggernaught fighting off soul clusters? Or a bunch of city merc guards fighting twilight guardians etc? Special faction trophies, BT vs Tanget, TS vs BD, Crahn vs FA, etc. Different types of trophies like Warbot 1 2 and 3. Doing different things, one like the current, another firing a missile etc, mutant trophies, dog trophies etc.

Also I think CM need a new appartment; Officers quaters, something a grade above the standard appartments, for generals etc.

New plants and some small trees would be nice, TVs, steros, hi-fis, etc etc.

Epic items
Need looking at DRE give you a rat infested crap-hole to live in... Shouldn't they offer the BEST appartment in all of neocron?

The only epic items I think are any good are the Reveler (which needs it's gun fixed) Protopharm resistor. Review the epic items and make them worth having, maybe remove all the weapons and replace them with something non-combat. EG: Tsunami could give you a really hot choice of strippers, maybe even a completely nude stripper who does a special kind of dance, unless you can place them because they need to be NPCs, in that case just a very hot stripper who can maybe act as a recreational unit. TG could give you a cool vehicle or something, like a new kind of glider or something? Biotech could give the moveon still but tweek it so it's better, maybe make it give ath/agil/health. (endurance is a pointless skill which no on specs so ignore it, specially since you just use boosters, imo REMOVE the skill it's a waste of type/effort and confuses new players cos they think they need to spec it).

Black Dragon could also offer a cool appartment better than that crap dome one that looks as if it got hit by the Ion cannon out of Command and Conquer. Make a cool pepper park appartment for them. Tanget could offer a choice of eyes or something that are a little better than the normal eyes, or a special droner pa? Fix the Tacyium glove so it's worth having make it better then the CAG 3 because other wise WHY USE IT? Geeze.... The epics the hardest one out there and the item is useless other than for a paper weight.

City mercs could get err.. well I dunno a new rhino style vehicle? Maybe a hover tank that'd be cool... or some sort of armour of your choice HC PC or rifle.

Add in gogus in the ceres tunnels for players to put junk in.
Add in gogu in regants, main room and boss room.
Add a ASG at regants so you can despawn your vehicle, often people drive there, then have to walk back because their vehicle either got destroyed or despawend.

Work on some bugs, like the vehicle bugs,

Rhino going invisible for certain people after zoning etc.
Blue screen of death after zoning.
Taking damage after zoning, to legs.
Stamina drain after zoning into sector with water in it.

Fix weapon AMMOs. add in ionic cannon ammo and ionic pistol ammo instead of them using rifle ammo. Increase the ammo for the grenade launchers, assault rifes, smgs, gatlings etc. Because they go through ammo so quickly 10 clips of gatlin ammo last alot less than the ammo for an energy cannon, it's also heavier so you can't carry as much, the result? While a person with an energy cannon can last say 20 mins with 5 clips, a gatling cannons 10 clips may only last 4 minutes or so. (no figures are accurate just an example off the top of my head). So increase the ammo EG: instead of a grenade clip holding errr 8 rounds? Make it hold say 36. This is the AMMO not the gun. So although you still reload as often, the ammo lasts longer (Do not change the weight as they usualy weigh more anyway.)

Finally work on what 2.1 or was it 2.2 was supposed to be. a Graphical


... I think/signed

21-01-08, 20:33
Had briefly mentioned this in a op-war complaint thread, but here is my fleshed out idea for a change to op wars. Disclaimer: My knowledge of how op wars currently operate is from the forums only, since I haven't been in any since I've been back.

Right now, there is nothing to stop a clan from ninja hacking the entire map. Or even legitimately taking and holding it. But I think both are a problem. Here is my suggestion, that the amount of ops you can hold and hackers needed to hack an op will scale as the clan size.

The scaling will use the total number of members. So without further adieu, here are my numeric suggestions. The numbers I provide are mostly irrelevant, and mainly meant to give flesh to the idea.

< 5 members: Unable to take an op. This would prevent people from creating small clans of one hacker to supplement their larger clan and let them take more.
5- 9: Able to take one op.
10-14: Able to take two ops.
15-24: Able to take three ops.
25-49: Able to take four ops.
50-74: Able to take five ops.
75+: Able to take six ops.

It'd be nice if op scaled to hackers as well.
First op: Two hackers, three layers.
Second op: Three hackers, three layers.
Third op: Three hackers, three layers.
Fourth op: Three hackers, four layers.
Fifth op: Three hackers, four layers.
Sixth op: Four hackers, four layers.

Or something to that effect.

Why - Diversity of the map can only be a good thing. When two or three clans own the entire map, you are relying on them to be for a fight. But when the map is split between 8 or 10 clans, you have multiple options for op fights. Also, key ops will have a greater appeal. Certain out of the way ops with little to no appeal can be left alone and not be taken just to prevent your main enemy from having it.

Side Idea: Increase the number of ops by making several in city "ops". For example, the Main Sewers could be divided into two or three ops. The Outzone and Industrial could have a couple of key locations for ops. Mainly because rushing to the Main Sewers to defend an op sounds amazing. :P

22-01-08, 10:36
This is only minor, but please make the heavy kevlar belt researchable, I think it's the only kevlar belt that cannot be researched. :)

I forgot to add this to my neocron improvement post on my blog, but this idea just came to me while I was browsing the forum, hehe.

22-01-08, 13:19
This is only minor, but please make the heavy kevlar belt researchable, I think it's the only kevlar belt that cannot be researched. :)

I believe that NO heavy belts can be researched.

Man some of these ideas have been talked about for years :p and then some i see that are new i really like Keep then coming and maybe once Black prohecy is out of the way we'll see a secret Neocron 3 project !!

22-01-08, 13:24
I believe that NO heavy belts can be researched.

Man some of these ideas have been talked about for years :p and then some i see that are new i really like Keep then coming and maybe once Black prohecy is out of the way we'll see a secret Neocron 3 project !!

The heavy deflector belt is researchable, it's used on the FA Epic.

@Jest, I do like your op holding idea. Holding and taking ops is something that does need a good look at imho.

22-01-08, 13:33
The heavy deflector belt is researchable, it's used on the FA Epic.

I stand corrected :p was thinking of like the fire/energy/Poison belts i have in my time tried to res lol

22-01-08, 13:34
Holding an op should cost money.
And you should have the ability to let other people use the facilities for a charge.

22-01-08, 20:48
[Reposted from the latest OP war thread and elaborated on cause now I don't think it's such a crazy idea (even though no one replied or commented on it..)]

The current system of hacking 4 layers is kept. After the 4 layers are hacked, the prior owning clan members get flagged. To fully take the OP 10 kills must be made (even 10 of the same runner), by anyone, within 1 half game day (3 hours) giving a money reward to the killer, after which the OP changes hands. Otherwise the previous owning clan regains full ownership of the OP and the flags drop.

If the clan has members online and chooses not to defend properly, they will be targets wherever they are on the map, if they don't have anyone online (or just a few poor suckers who have to log off) the clan regains the OP shortly.


No offline ninja hacks could take place, with the effect of gaining OPs, although they could take place anyways just to flag members, but that is part of the hazard of owning an OP under this system.

No one clan could hold the whole map or even 'many' OPs, they would be constantly flagged, and losing their OPs in the process.

This system would 'encourage' clans to defend their OPs because if they don't they will be targeted anyways and defending gives them the chance to hack the OP back before it is taken, and avoid the flags.

It's hardcore. 'Bring the war to your enemy..'

-A possible flaw that should never happen, a clan that takes many OPs and then every member quits the game for good immediately. I suppose a safeguard of some kind could be put in to counter that, but I really don't think it could happen, if it did it's banning time and KK could reset the affected OPs or something.

22-01-08, 20:57
the lab and factory outposts should have some kind of equipments that helps to research or construct that gives better stats or stuff like that and for the researcher and constructor should do lower stats without the use of these machines/equipments....

22-01-08, 21:06
Like lifting the quality cap by 1% per factory owned? Maybe quickening research times for labs. That would be neat. :)

22-01-08, 22:24
Like lifting the quality cap by 1% per factory owned? Maybe quickening research times for labs. That would be neat. :)

encourage ppl to form huge clans and zerg all factories, rather than get your share of the ops and let other clans fight for some too?

...sounds like a plan.

22-01-08, 22:50
encourage ppl to form huge clans and zerg all factories, rather than get your share of the ops and let other clans fight for some too?

...sounds like a plan.Couldn't happen if KK implemented my OP war system. :p

edit: And it happens now anyways. -.-

25-01-08, 20:00
My Proposal[/thread]]Under 2.2, despite it's many flaws and lack of a truley level playing field, the majority of combat classes have found a role and space for themselves. The exceptions being un-conventional PEs (HC/Melee/Psi) and APUs/Hybrids, the latter of which will be discussed here.

The traditional vision for APUs has been that of a maximum damage, low resistance role, typically referred to as a "glass cannon". Practically however, to many neocron players, it makes sense that Tanks, with their huge shoulder mounted weapons should be the ultimate combat class. Added to this is the relative impracticality of playing a glass cannon - in PvE it just means constant death, while in PvP it makes solo fighting largley impractical, even with the improved ability to heal these days from nanites and survival kits.

Instead, I feel we should model the APU's role on that of the PPU. Monks should be at heart a support class. This means, that rather than having highly damaging spells, APUs serve to reduce the combat effectivness of enemies take, a mirror of the PPU that improves the combat effectiveness of friendlies. As such, we place into the hands of the APU the existing spells of damage boost, anti-shield spells (although removing holy unprotector) and anti-heals. We also bring in some additional new de-buffs for the APU. An NPC-only paralyse to add more tactics to PvE (say freezes mobs for 5 seconds). Spells that perhaps reduce weaponskills of a targeted player slightly, or even just nerf their total damage output slightly. Any other negative but not crippiling debuffs we can think of.

In return for all these new abilities, the damage dealt by APU weapons should be reduced somewhat. While it makes sense that they can continue to do damage, this is no longer their primary role, and should not be one they excel at.

The hopeful results of this idea is providing a valid role within a team environment for the APU, and also making the class somewhat more interesting toplay - in fact opening up a whole new playstyle to NC which has previously only been touched on by para-spamming PPUs. At the same time we avoid a return to monk-o-cron because a monk-only team would be quite incapable of dealing the damage required to effectivley kill enemies, while APUs themsevles are still physically weak and relativley easily killed.

Hybrids of course, remain much as they have always been - a halfway house between the two. Able to hurt enemies slightly, and defend themselves slightly, but neither to exceptonal effectivness. Spies especially, and PEs to a lesser degree now have an alternative for what to do with their psi.

The other thing I want to raise, and to my mind more important, is that the next big focus should be on revamping the way systems work. That is to say missions. That is to say OP wars. That is to say item aquisition. That is to say even tradeskills. The things that stick out as not being quite right. Those features that were never really implemented. The things that underline what there is to do in Neocron, yet don't really work. (eg Op Wars rely on people being nice to each other to even happen - if you just want the op, its easy to have, missions aren't really that useful to most people in any real way). For some of my previous musing here, read this thread.

Sharper Blade
26-01-08, 07:35
fix the netcode = FTW
and the idea of monks being only ppus is shit, i hate ppus. a monk is a skill less class and doesnt even need to aim

26-01-08, 15:21
Dude apus have had a reticle for ages. I've been playing my apu and now it plays just about like every other class, just weaker and no range. The nice thing is a full lock does fuck yeah! damage. :)

29-01-08, 14:26
Cashcubes. Cashboxes. Money pots. items where you can store cash. pls?!

Also option to store credits in GoGo.

Oh and about furniture:

Make it so that when placing furniture, 1 long click reset the piece position, 1 short click rotates the piece in 45º.

It takes ages to line stuff up when placing furniture in app lol.

29-01-08, 15:12
Customizable Paintings and Posters (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=102316)

and player shops. Or have i missed them somehow?

29-01-08, 18:22
Customizable Paintings and Posters (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=102316)

and player shops. Or have i missed them somehow?

Apparently there are limitations with the code preventing player shops from being implemented.

29-01-08, 21:06
Apparently there are limitations with the code preventing player shops from being implemented.

Actually there are limitations of the engine, coding and staff for Reakktor and Neocron. See a large team can do good work in a short amount of time. A small team can do a small amount of work in a reasonable amount of time.

Reakktor either are told or choose to try and do a large amount of work in a short amount of time. Reakktor do not have the resources to make Neocron what it could be. Maybe because they'd have to rebuild NC from the ground up, maybe their staff don't have the skills needed. What ever the reason I doubt very much that we can expect things like "net code fixes" or no lag, or clipping to be solved. Sad but a fact of life :) Don't have enough staff where I work either :D

Now some more suggestions I have.

Tell the people who say computer games warp kiddies minds and make them bad people, the following: "Why don't you go outside and play; hide and go fuck yourself with a rusty corn cob holder!?"

Next bump up Neocrons age limit to 18 or 21, then Make strippers nude like those screen shots... NC porn? (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=1498995&postcount=18)

Give us more closes and furniture too, and while your at it make Female PA with boob slots.

Alter characters so we can be fat, tall, short, skinny, busty, "athletic" add in some nice things like glasses, tatoos, piercings, and those funny hats with propellers.

Also re-think drugs. Remove the annoying flash. instead give drugs a negative effect to stats after a while EG:

A combat drug might leave you shakey afterwards eg:

+20 HC could turn into -10 HC. If you take another pop you end up with only +10 then after it wears off -20 hc. This means the longer more drugs you take the worse things will get. Or some such.

29-01-08, 22:28
Heres idea that could make it easier to gather ppl for OP defenses (often the "ninja" accusations we see, are met with replies of "well gather some ppl and fight us") ...so I though of a way this could be realised swiftly.

So the suggestion is....IF you are a member of a clan that owns an OP, then your team-mates are automatically given the same OP setting as you, for those OPS you own, regardless of their faction/clan.....thus they will GR to the UG beside you.

So basically , your team mates become pseudo-clan members and vice versa.

So for an example:

Clan A has 4 online, Clan B attacks with 12 ..... Clan A could call for friends/allies , perhaps gathering 4-5 additional help. They can then add those runners to their team, and suddenly they have effectively 9 members who can GR to the UG and defend the OP together.

Too easy? I dunno.....I think most attackers would be pleased to see extra bodies, and a bigger fight.

29-01-08, 23:41
First of all, without starting a massive argument, I have to say that i think what you said about PPUs is complete crap sharper. You said monks are a skill-less class. I dont have a PPU myself, but I have great respect for the PPUs in my clan and the job they do. You ever tried keeping 5 half dead spies alive in an OP, while also constantly rebuffing yourself so you dont die? Trust me. PPU is easily the hardest class to play well.

Anyway back on topic. IMO I agree that it is unrealistic to ask KK to fix netcode/bugs/engine. It just isn't gonna happen. I think even somthing as simple as new outfits (as someone suggested) or new PA's, would keep me happy. I think a good idea would be this; if you have a 5 slot rare weapon with all artifact stats, you can pay 5million or somthing like that, and rename the weapon, and also rewrite the 'story' behind it (you know like the backstory thing you get with most rares). I think this would be interesting and make 5 slots more special. You could also make it that, for an extra 5-10million you can change the colour of the 'swirly' (5 slotters only). So we could see Cursed Souls with red swirlys and slashers with green swirlys. Im not an expert on the game engine, but I cant see this as a major technical feat to implement. Anyway thats my suggestion. Im sure somthing like this has been suggested before, but I just wanted to post in case it hasnt been brought up.

30-01-08, 16:41
Anyway back on topic. IMO I agree that it is unrealistic to ask KK to fix netcode/bugs/engine. It just isn't gonna happen. I think even somthing as simple as new outfits (as someone suggested) or new PA's, would keep me happy. I think a good idea would be this; if you have a 5 slot rare weapon with all artifact stats, you can pay 5million or somthing like that, and rename the weapon, and also rewrite the 'story' behind it (you know like the backstory thing you get with most rares). I think this would be interesting and make 5 slots more special. You could also make it that, for an extra 5-10million you can change the colour of the 'swirly' (5 slotters only). So we could see Cursed Souls with red swirlys and slashers with green swirlys. Im not an expert on the game engine, but I cant see this as a major technical feat to implement. Anyway thats my suggestion. Im sure somthing like this has been suggested before, but I just wanted to post in case it hasnt been brought up.

I like that idea. To be honest tradeskillers need a bit of loving and you guys definitely feel proud of the work that you do and all the effort you put in.

I was thinking that five slot weapons could also be made placeable in your appt so you could show it off. It would come with a target box which would say the writing that you designate it when you place it. Not sure if you place it and then pick it up again and use it though. Would involve two different types of items turning into each other.

Would be sweet making a 5 slot Zsusun and then placing it on your wall or on a shelf etc. Would bring a new dimension to customising your appartment.

30-01-08, 17:18
Anyway back on topic. IMO I agree that it is unrealistic to ask KK to fix netcode/bugs/engine. It just isn't gonna happen. I think even somthing as simple as new outfits (as someone suggested) or new PA's, would keep me happy. I think a good idea would be this; if you have a 5 slot rare weapon with all artifact stats, you can pay 5million or somthing like that, and rename the weapon, and also rewrite the 'story' behind it (you know like the backstory thing you get with most rares). I think this would be interesting and make 5 slots more special. You could also make it that, for an extra 5-10million you can change the colour of the 'swirly' (5 slotters only). So we could see Cursed Souls with red swirlys and slashers with green swirlys. Im not an expert on the game engine, but I cant see this as a major technical feat to implement. Anyway thats my suggestion. Im sure somthing like this has been suggested before, but I just wanted to post in case it hasnt been brought up.

I like it, would make things somewhat more interesting and it would actually present an option that would make me consider actually going out and making some cash, the one game I played in which something like this was implemented was Diablo II in the crafted items. It was always quite cool to have your own personalized equipment.