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View Full Version : WTF? I got disconnected from the server and can't log back in.

14-12-07, 16:46
I was in the middle of hunting and suddenly I got to a black screen where it says "synchronizing," and now ever time I try to log into the server it won't let me. What is going on?

14-12-07, 16:52
can you log other chars?

if so,

- write a ticket with one of your alts and request your char to be moved into a diff. zone.
- run a filecheck in the launcher

if not,

- run a filecheck
- read and follow the connection FAQ (see the support dropdown menu on top of this page)

14-12-07, 17:30
Restart your client, or log off and log onto another character. Now log off that character and you should be able to log back onto your first character. Will take a min or two to wait for each char to disappear.

15-12-07, 18:29
I don't have another character...........is there another way?

Whatever is wrong, it is on Neocron's end, because I have not altered any setting on my computer which would cause this to happen. I checked the connection faq, but none of that stuff applies, I've been using a firewall and router since I started playing NC, and it has always worked up until now.

15-12-07, 19:10
how about you create another char? :)

where exactly does NC act up? before or after character selection?

15-12-07, 20:11
Try deleting the folder C:\Program Files\neocron2\defs\Terra(ENG) (or whichever drive you have NC installed).


15-12-07, 20:52
how about you create another char?

I can't create another character because I can't even get on the server. Everytime I press "enter" to log on to server, it won't let me in, and it just keeps going back to the username/password part.

Try deleting the folder C:\Program Files\neocron2\defs\Terra(ENG) (or whichever drive you have NC installed)

I don't see how this is going to work, I founder the folder but the game ran all this week fine without me having to delete it.

This is really annoying, how the game suddenly blocks you from logging on for no apparent reason. It is pointless for me to continue paying for it if I can't access the server and play.

15-12-07, 21:02
I don't see how this is going to work, I founder the folder but the game ran all this week fine without me having to delete it.
What's the point asking for suggestions and then not even bothering to try them? Good luck getting your problem solved.

Thread moved, incidentally.


15-12-07, 21:11
How in the heck is deleting your NC folder going to help the game run? That doesn't make sense. The suggestions given so far have been worthless.

I can't create another character because I can't login, and I checked the help faqs. I wish this had happened during the 10 day trial so I could have canceled and saved my $37 bucks!

OMG, where do I go to cancel my membership? I'm not going to keep paying my membership, having the game do this sucks and then no one can give you any tips that actually work. :mad:

15-12-07, 21:24
I took the advice, and deleted the NC folder, and just as I predicted, it didn't work......it deleted the .exe file, and now when I click on NC on my desktop to open, it can't find the .exe file. I knew that was bad advice.

In any event, I just went to Paypal and canceled the subscription......so it doesn't matter at this point.

15-12-07, 21:25
C:\Program Files\neocron2\defs\Terra(ENG) is not the entire Neocron folder, it is a folder where some character info lives, it's possible one of those files has become damaged due to packet loss etc. Once deleted the folder will be re-created with fresh information once you connect to the server.

Failing this please e-mail helpdesk@neocron.com as this is the Official route of support, not the forums.


15-12-07, 21:34
I took the advice, and deleted the NC folder, and just as I predicted, it didn't work......it deleted the .exe file, and now when I click on NC on my desktop to open, it can't find the .exe file. I knew that was bad advice.

In any event, I just went to Paypal and canceled the subscription......so it doesn't matter at this point.

:rolleyes: oh god... the advice was perfectly right... you should've read it tho'. Somehow I'm suprised you didnt format C:\ alltogether.

16-12-07, 00:53
Ok, everyone makes mistakes. Is it all still in your Recycle Bin?


16-12-07, 09:53
I have had this problem many times, Log off, give it 10-20 minutes RL and not just 30 seconds claiming it's 20 mins. Then when you logon, logon on a different character, if that works, you should beable to log back onto your orginonal character.

My ppu got stuck once with this bug, I kept trying to relog and it did nothing, so I logged off, knowing that my character stays on the server for a longer period of time than I see, I got my mate to try logging a different character about 7 minutes later he said "runner is already online with another character" I was pretty sure that no one had my password since only my mate and me have the password, and he's trust worthy. So I just waited, browsed the forums etc. Then went back, logged on a different runner on the same account and it worked, I then relogged back onto my ppu.

16-12-07, 12:39
I have had this problem many times, Log off, give it 10-20 minutes RL and not just 30 seconds claiming it's 20 mins. Then when you logon, logon on a different character, if that works, you should beable to log back onto your orginonal character.

pay attention to what he already posted (although he aint exactly posting it in a useful way): he doesnt even get to character selection. It would be interesting to know wether he gets to the server selection or fails at the first login screen - I *guess* he cant even get to server selection, which makes me think its either fragmented RAM, some other tasks interfering with NC or his Firewall acting up.

16-12-07, 14:39
I just checked the account and it is fine. I can log the character successfully.

It sounds like one of these unfortunate ISP hiccups that I used to get all the time. Then the next day all is well. Strange.

I can't even get on the server. Everytime I press "enter" to log on to server, it won't let me in, and it just keeps going back to the username/password part.May be a weird suggestion, but completely retype your username and pass. If you were disconnected while hunting, you may have typed wwwwasd or something into the username field. I know i've done that. On weird occasions, the actually red error message telling you why it won't let you in doesn't always show.

If the deleted folder isn't in your recycle bin, you can always reinstall. I'm sure there's a way around this.

16-12-07, 21:22
i have been getting the same thing also .. when i try to zone i get stuck in the sync page then i get kicked out and it says request for new world failed then when i try to log in it wont connect to server..

i made sure all the ports are open its not my firewall stoppin it and its not my router stoppin it. nothing is stoppin nc run other than nc its self can anyone sergest anything i could try.. ?

16-12-07, 22:41
i have been getting the same thing also .. when i try to zone i get stuck in the sync page then i get kicked out and it says request for new world failed then when i try to log in it wont connect to server..

i made sure all the ports are open its not my firewall stoppin it and its not my router stoppin it. nothing is stoppin nc run other than nc its self can anyone sergest anything i could try.. ?

a) make sure absolutely nothing else runs that isnt essentially necessary for nc to work.

b) enable v-sync for neocron in your gfxcard settings

c) if you have a multi-core processor, try asigning a single core to NC or use the amd dualcore optimizer (if you have an amd cpu ofc)

...also, see if any entries in the error.log are being generated when the syncs fail.

17-12-07, 00:57
hi there .. thanx for the advise

but am not sure really how to do that..

I have an amd dule core cpu and a Nvidia card.. but there is no place i can find in nc where i can do that..

Could u Email me at miney72@hotmail.com on how to do what u said?.. i run Xp and i can over clock both cpu and graphix card..

any help would help me out alot

17-12-07, 18:09
I took the advice, and deleted the NC folder, and just as I predicted, it didn't work......it deleted the .exe file, and now when I click on NC on my desktop to open, it can't find the .exe file. I knew that was bad advice.

In any event, I just went to Paypal and canceled the subscription......so it doesn't matter at this point.
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17-12-07, 18:56
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17-12-07, 19:34
I hardly think flaming new users is a good way to have them stay to play the game. Please try to be as helpful as possible to all new users.

Also, Project-2501 have you tried removing the C:\Program Files\neocron2\defs\Terra(ENG) folder for it to be redownloaded if you are having the same issue.


17-12-07, 21:37
yes i tryed that after i read your post befor.. but i still have the same problem but even the client loader has trubble connecting to the update fpt server, other times it connect so fast i dont c it happen lol.. but i still cant connect mos tof the time i cant even get to pick terra server...

i want to runa tracert for Nc so i can send KK the report to c if there is a problem there but i dont know the info to do the tracert in cmd.. if u know this info can u post it plz ie what address i need to tracert

17-12-07, 22:24
The game server IP you can find in your updater.ini file. tracert to
