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View Full Version : Who's in your AREA?

Dead Bodies
09-12-07, 23:20
Well I Ben Looking at the UK Pissup and other posts about get togeathers. I want to know who's in my area. and let u know whos in your area. So you can sit down with your friends / enimeies and dispute over the damage of the creed. while smashed of course!

I am in Phoenix / AZ U.S.A

Where are you from?


trigger hurt
10-12-07, 05:26
Mr. Peepers and Divide live about 2 hours away. Couple guys from NC1 I used to know lived in georgia and florida.

other than that, no idea.

10-12-07, 06:02
All of Dirty Nickel Grinders live in the central New York area.

10-12-07, 16:34
Think there was a thread like this before. I'm in Chichester, West Sussex, UK :)

10-12-07, 18:54
let's just say in live in the area of these 3 Villages in Cambridgeshire/Huntingdonshire:

* Bythorn
* Molesworth
* Catworth

I aint giving my village away since there's only 5 houses and one of you might want to stalk me... (maybe :p)

Dead Bodies
10-12-07, 18:58
I aint giving my village away since there's only 5 houses and one of you might want to stalk me... (maybe :p)

and then u woke up.... :)

Noone close to me so far, might have to AZ piss up myself... lol

10-12-07, 19:15
Im in Tampa FL USA with Chosen and Houston within an hour or 2 from me....lord help their sweet sweet holes.

11-12-07, 09:33
I used to live in Atlanta, Georgia but moved to St. Louis, Missouri a few years ago.

11-12-07, 09:39
Honolulu, Hawaii... afaik only 1 other Neocroner lives within 3000 miles of me. :o

Dead Bodies
11-12-07, 18:26
Honolulu, Hawaii... afaik only 1 other Neocroner lives within 3000 miles of me. :o

Bah so much for lag ... :P

Havok and firebird live 200 miles from me to the south trying to get them to come back too!

12-12-07, 10:34
Honolulu, Hawaii... afaik only 1 other Neocroner lives within 3000 miles of me. :o

I was playing in Hilo, land of rain, on Hawai'i. 250m/s ping was the best I could manage and few peeps around unless I got up early on the weekend. I moved to Gibraltar so that I would be closer to the servers and better timezone! now I have 89m/s and the bloody doors open :lol: (Actually, I moved for a job, but NC was a definate deciding factor. I miss hawai'i :( )

Dead Bodies
14-12-07, 20:42
Well i had my own pissup but its hard to take pics of yourself drunk... so ... still looking for the locals so we can sex the bouncer outside the bar and threaten to pk him if he croesses the zone line.

15-12-07, 07:38
PKin the boucer ftwtbhkthxbai

15-12-07, 07:41
I livin within a fucking hour of Assman, and 2 hours of Clive Tombstone. Im in the perfect fucking spot up here in WA.

Dead Bodies
15-12-07, 18:03
were getting closer...

15-12-07, 18:11
I live like 5 minutes walk from Breakaway