View Full Version : [OT] What the chuff is going on? (ping)

Dribble Joy
01-12-07, 19:09
My ping of late has been irregular and very high, frequently over 2k.

Decided to do a trace route to the NC servers and got this:

C:\Documents and Settings\User>tracert

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 1779 ms 1556 ms 749 ms
3 185 ms 22 ms 11 ms leic-t2cam1-a-v110.inet.ntl.com []
4 567 ms 813 ms 727 ms cpc3-ches1-3-1-cust237.lutn.cable.ntl.com [82.3.
5 725 ms 448 ms 304 ms lee-bb-a-so-120-0.inet.ntl.com []

6 335 ms 13 ms 13 ms bre-bb-b-so-200-0.inet.ntl.com []

7 626 ms 1505 ms 80 ms
8 1116 ms 1292 ms 910 ms ae-0-52.bbr2.London2.Level3.net []
9 1101 ms 728 ms 85 ms as-0-0.mp1.Hamburg1.Level3.net []
10 1375 ms 804 ms 1546 ms ge-4-2.hsa1.Hamburg1.Level3.net [
11 1662 ms 1167 ms 1107 ms ge-3-0.edge1.ham1.de.inetbone.net [
12 1957 ms 1131 ms 720 ms
13 380 ms 61 ms 32 ms

Trace complete.

What does all that mean? Clearly something somewhere is going very very wrong, but I don't know where.

Mighty Max
01-12-07, 19:19
Between and obviously.

WLAN router or something one might broke into and is now using your line for DLs?
Given that 10.x Addresses are private: is there something on that router which might take up it's resources?

Dribble Joy
01-12-07, 19:36
We are using a splitter in the house, would this affect things? Though we've had it since I got here three months ago without much problem.

Either that or one of my house mates is permanently running a torrent atm.

Also we don't have a wireless router. Though apparently one of the guys has a Mac which has a built in one....

Mighty Max
01-12-07, 20:06
No, a splitter shouldn't have this effect. The splitter is operating on the physical layer only (low/highpass filter).

If the splitter is faulty, you should get syncouts at the *DSL-Modem.

Dunno, maybe some brother/friend running a p2p client recently and using up the whole bandwith leading into delaying packages.