View Full Version : I'm back after god knows how many years :-)

30-11-07, 18:19

Just thought i'd say hello, i've come back to the game to check it all out again, and hopefully re live some of the good times i had here.

In game name is sevenoffive, so feel free to drop me a /whisper (sorry been playing WoW for far to long!

Hmm on my long lost account i was known as psynet_NEO or Brickwall as some came to know me (dount anyone remembers thou)! :rolleyes:

Was hoping to catch up with a guy called "Cmaster" as well on my visit back here... i was in a guild.. whoops i mean clan with him ages and ages and ages ago :p

Anyway nice to be back,

William Antrim
30-11-07, 18:21
Your name rings a bell. You werent Neo-eye or something along those lines were you?

30-11-07, 18:32
Welcome Back runner! And Cmaster is still around :p

Doc Holliday
30-11-07, 21:34
i remember your first char psynet but not the other and yes cmaster still hangs around the forum at least dunno about playing.

30-11-07, 22:24
Welcome back! Always good to have old vets return.

You might wana read all out 2.2 changes, there's quite some dramatic changes to note.

30-11-07, 23:15
Your name rings a bell. You werent Neo-eye or something along those lines were you?

I had a droner spy i seem to recall.. he was called something like "Neo_spy"
He mostly hung out in MC5 farming parts...not exploiting anything honest! :angel:

Thanks for the welcome :)

Dribble Joy
01-12-07, 05:11
Saw you ingame earlier untill the ping my ISP seems to have deemed sufficient made play intolerable. Then I had to go to work.

Good to see more people back.

William Antrim
01-12-07, 05:22
Yeah i remember neospy.

01-12-07, 14:58

OK, how did I skip over this thread earlier?

How you doing dude? Long time no hear from!
Hmm, if you are back, I may be forced to reactivate as well.

Oh, and contact account@neocron.com. They may be able to help you get the Brick Wall account back. Didn't you have that pimped to hell BD epic appartment?