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William Antrim
20-11-07, 19:06
It would be nice (IMO) to have plasma wave pistols and rifles for pes to use. I am thinking pes because the judge is bs at present and beam weapons seem to be the best. I would like it to be around the same tl/reqs as the judge but a beam weapon (so like a poor mans beam of hell basically) and easier to use.

It is an idea that just came to me so I decided to post it before I forgot.

Any thoughts?

20-11-07, 19:26
Tangent epic pistol wouldn't do it? You can trade out dex imps for pistol/agil imps and get more damage.. then again, I know naught about the Pistol PE.

William Antrim
20-11-07, 19:53
damage is crap and its 25 tls lower than the judge.

20-11-07, 19:54
Yeah I know.. you can't make some of it up with offensive imps?

Dead Bodies
20-11-07, 19:57
i noted the pitstol pe is a bitch now to lvl and get good damage outside of woc TC i hope the patch fixes dam so i can lvl my non TC pe to woc... the liberator doing 15 damage per shot to an launcher cyclops is bullshit!


Dribble Joy
20-11-07, 20:06
It would be hard, like with the laser and plasma wave cannons, to create a real difference between them. Higher rate of fire is allready there in the form of the pulse laser weapons. Lower rof is possible, but otherwise you just have TL distribution as a differenciator.

William Antrim
20-11-07, 20:33
I agree DJ, damage and RoF are the only major differences but it would hopefully create variety for tech pes. The low tech pes are a whole other matter.

I hear your comments Glok but unfortunately, none of the epic weapons are any good atm, not in high end pvp anyway.