View Full Version : Why did KK never put this ingame?

19-11-07, 14:16
We, Neocronians, need to have placeable and gunnable turrets for Outposts, or hell, even general hunting.

I mean, it can't be that difficult to snip the gun turret from a jeep, hotwire it onto a regular turret's base, then we've got something that runners could use.

I mean, sure, it'd still require CSTskill to place, but that really isn't so much of a problem, right?

Plus, it sort of helps allievate the problem that some outposts have, namely, being too small for, or access cut off to proper vehicles.

All I ask is the minimum - a machine-gun mount, and a grenade-launcher mount.

19-11-07, 15:55
What you smoking heavy? if this is going in then i put Player shops back on the table :angel:

19-11-07, 16:54
I think taking a turret you can man yourself may be a little overkill and a waste of time. Instead of getting a CST'r get a driver and make use of a Rhino.
As for having them at OP fights, that just doesn't seem very PvP to me. No skill involved in killing or indeed someone killing you. Isn't that what PvP and OP fights are about?
Granted, there are already turrets that can be placed but it doesn't remove a player from the battlefield.

19-11-07, 16:54
Hehe, nice one. But good idea for consters. (pvm)
Apartment-Security System... kk.....? (on a very old list)

20-11-07, 18:54
I think taking a turret you can man yourself may be a little overkill and a waste of time. Instead of getting a CST'r get a driver and make use of a Rhino.

Wow, Jodo, way to completely miss a crucial I made in the original post.

Dribble Joy
20-11-07, 19:00
It's an idea that I at least (and many others I am sure) have had over the years.
The problem is that the turret and the player controlling it would be very vulnerable as they can't move.

Better to make vehicles PvP viable again.

Dead Bodies
20-11-07, 21:09
What you smoking heavy? if this is going in then i put Player shops back on the table :angel:

Its primo... want some..... ill hook u up... even throw in a Nightspider,

20-11-07, 22:42
Its primo... want some..... ill hook u up... even throw in a Nightspider,

Nightspider is son 2005 dude, grab some X-beast its all the rage these days!!

Dead Bodies
20-11-07, 22:56
Nightspider is so 2005 dude, grab some X-beast its all the rage these days!!

Oh X-beast i herd about that thats the beeze knees... but you know whats the tits now tho? minion essance.... sends u sky high.

21-11-07, 00:03
Wow, Jodo, way to completely miss a crucial I made in the original post.

Nope, nothing missed. I still stand by my opinion.

21-11-07, 17:19
Oh yes, you did miss an important point.

I said that there are several outposts that are too small or can't let vehicles inside the walls.

There is definitely a place for supra-handheld-strength weaponry. Turret AI are very crude and it is just a bit too easy to take them out.

Plus, there are a couple weapon types that'd be so perfect. The artillery turret comes to mind - if we can't have grenade launchers, give us artillery mounts we can control. That'd add so much to OP warfare it'd be incredible. The machine gun, of course, is simply necessary. We need something stronger than gatling cannons, and yoinking the gun turret from a jeep is perfect for that.

There needs to be an option to trade lethality for vulnerability. And considering that you don't like automated turrets, consider this - these controllable turrets are still turrets as considered by the outpost's security network, which means they take up the available "slots" on the network. The more controllable turrets and players gunning them, the less automated turrets that you so depise. That's only a good thing, isn't it?

21-11-07, 21:25
I never claimed to have anything against the normal turrets.

I also believe that battlefields should be different inspiring different tactics and perhaps even a couple of different thoughts in a players head.
I really haven't missed any point you were trying to make, not all battlefields should be the same and its good that there are some OP's that don't allow for vehicles.
Indeed, I would like to see OP's that produce different energy fields where Labs could maybe prevent the use of Psi and Fortresses could prevent the use of Stealth and Mines prevent the use of Energy weapons or something to that effect.
This would cause each battlefield to be much more unique and challenging than just a (in most cases, slightly) different layout.

21-11-07, 21:56
Maybe KK should put in Neocron dreams which should be small movies of ingame events like killing mobs or something when you go AFK or sleep on a chair or bench around Neocron.