View Full Version : [CbT]Yet another RPOS question :(

ashley watts
02-11-07, 20:47
Yoyo, After finally getting my Neocron back up and working, i needed a new slimmer RPOS, so i downloaded the AMOX i belive it is, But the actual RPOS works fine , it's the actual health , Stam and PSI bar thats a dull green colour and it doesn't animate correctly, so im getting this Dull green bar even when im at 0 HP, so it isnt giving me much of a warning :(, anyone know how to fix this ?

Would be very gratefull :angel:

02-11-07, 21:01
I got the RPOS which when ur at about 100 health left it says OH NOEZ!!! or summit :cool:

ashley watts
03-11-07, 01:23
nvm , its all sorted, close if needs be :cool:

03-11-07, 02:05
nvm , its all sorted, close if needs be :cool:

Not before more spam :cool:

03-11-07, 02:20
Horray !!

03-11-07, 02:58
