View Full Version : Forum Archive

William Antrim
25-10-07, 17:13
Have all of the old nc1 forums been archived away forever or deleted, never to be seen again.

I thought it would be good to look through a few old threads as I needed to clarify a few names for something but I dont seem to be able search anything that far back. Is it all "gone" now?

25-10-07, 19:16
Which forums do you mean? A lot of posts during the Neocron 1 era were posted in Comm Talk anyway so may still be about. If you mean things like Brainport, any Beta forums, the Off Topic forum etc, then its hard luck I'm afraid. Those forums have been purged forever to reduce the forum database overheads, as I understand.

William Antrim
26-10-07, 11:59
There was a thread entitled uranus legends from waaaaaaay back, Prolly mid 2003 actually (I know it - it hurts just to think that far back) and some earlier. Discussing the story lines behind the Laurent Hoverbombers and such like. I wanted to just dip my toe into the rivers of time and the seas of history as it were so that I could drink of the inspiration of yester year.

Basically I just wanted to get my facts straight as to what happened in those good ol dayz. I can't really say too much without spoiling anything.


26-10-07, 12:24
Given that Lodar wrote the archives were deleted, then you can write what you like :D

William Antrim
26-10-07, 13:10
Given that Lodar wrote the archives were deleted, then you can write what you like :D

This thread was in community talk... he said that community talk is still there. However, thank you for your interesting and witty input. It enhanced the thread greatly.

Hang in there sunshine, youre special.

26-10-07, 15:18
deleted from the database it was said... no doubt they have backups stored somewhere tho. ;)

William Antrim
26-10-07, 15:53
Yeah I searched the old threads, found a few priceless ones. They brought back some awesome memories. Didnt find the droids i was looking for though.

26-10-07, 16:50
FYI the oldest thread on these forums I can find (Comm Talk that is) is from around August '03.

PS: If anybody wants to go rummaging around old threads, please remember not to bump them. If needs be, create a new thread linking to the old thread. Thanks :)

William Antrim
26-10-07, 17:15
Yeah the story line stuff i was looking for was April of that year I think. I started playing in the January and the Laurent story line was a few months later. There was a thread around the same time but it seems to have gone the way of the Laurent hoverbombers - ie extinct.

26-10-07, 19:37
I know which thread you're talking about, and it isn't there anymore, but all other similar ones that used to pop up when i searched are.. weird.