View Full Version : How to lower ones SL

15-10-07, 17:07
I'm bored running around without any bad SL. Whats the best way of lowering now that I cannot kill trader NPCs? I really enjoyed killing these innocents out in the OPs. Its this or killing low level runners and I don't like being that nasty, although the negative SL hit would be a worthy penance :D

15-10-07, 17:47
Eh.. Just kill allies..? Or did i miss something here? O_o

I usually dont have any problems loosing SL.. ;)

15-10-07, 19:09
well judging by him needing either an npc or a low level runner, maybe he's just accepted he's so damn bad at pvp he has no chance of killing an ally of similar level it's not even worth considering :lol:

(note: i don't know him this isn't personal or meaningfull in any way <3)

but yes the simply gank some allies, killing people in certain cave areas also lowers it pretty quickly

15-10-07, 21:53
Shit at pvp: I spend most time lying next to my QuickBelt.

16-10-07, 14:56
You can loose SL killing allies indeed but the faster way is to come Pepper Park 1, AOE your ally and wait for bad SL.

If the fight is intense, you'll drop allies for sure even if you don't want to