View Full Version : Take a look at the people who play longterm,

11-09-07, 03:50
This is going to be short and sweet. Neocron will never be a mainstream hit. It's been 5 years, I think that fact is pretty obvious.
The very specific niche it once had (or was meant to have) is totally lost, and the game is a carebear fest.

Please note - I am not saying this game is dead.

Now on to my wishes:

-Remove safe-zones.
-Remove LE. (Or bring back some sort of negative effects of using it)
-Remove insane damage done by Copbots or DoY guards; let it be closer to the realistic damage a rank 60+ player can do. (let the cities be raidable)
-Add outpost like structures within the city outskirts that are capturable and give bonuses to the holders, their faction, and their pro-city/anti-city status respectively.
(Even outposts in the industrial sectors like in beta would be cool.
Why? Because it brings fighting to Neocron's front door. The fun we had duking it out in IND & Outzone sectors was endless, and there was no safezone nearby to run into before you died.)

Nothing is lamer than the shit that goes on in PP1 right now. People dick around on level 2 and run into Veronique before they die.
Is this what you pictured KK? You know when people die? When they fucking fatal, thats about it. The fact running through PP doesn't even raise my heartbeat anymore makes me sick.

All these things are pretty simple to change. I know you guys are not too far off of saying, "to hell with it" about Neocron. You have a new game coming out, it's been 5 years with no real success, I don't blame you.
Before you go, please just give us what we have been asking for, for what is it now, 6-7 years?

We have lived with the bugs, the netcode and the exploits all this time, it's something to get used to, but please end the Carebear fest taking part in the game that was supposed to be the edgiest, pvp based MMO ever made.
Had you stuck to your guns and said fuck CDV from the start you'd all be millionaires right now. You all said they forced you to implement LE and other carebear changes, but the fact it's all still here proves that was BS.

Thats about it, I have much more to stay, but seriously, it's been so long I know this will fall on mostly deaf ears.

11-09-07, 04:14
funny thing - this is server specific. just to add a sidenote to the post, and to get things straight: since the cookiecutter-setup-dudes went back to whereever they came from, and the folks who compensated their *enterwhateveryouwant* with aimbots and stuff were banned, mars is played the way i (with the emphasis on i) think the game should be played - with a lot of fun, without the need to win every fight nagging in the back of your mind, and with a certain amount of rp to your actions (hell, i just got hired to kill some players... really ! ingame !);
ffs, something i haven't seen on terra the whole 4 months i've been playing: there is folks using setups for the sake of style instead to get the instant "i-win
-button" (some exceptions included - i won't name any names, just can't remember anyone by name...); sorry to hijack this thread (mods, go on and delete this if this sounds too offensive and stuff in your opinion), but before kk takes this side of the medal, and puts the changes into effect globally, i hope they think avout it twice and change it serverside and leave mars like it is, bar the f6-patch that is about to come (better now than tomorrow, seems like some players would be returning just for this...);
open to flame and execution,

11-09-07, 04:38
We as a community agree with the thread creator. However, if you want change, prepare to wait. If they were gonna abandon NC, they would have done so years ago.

I just don't like the fact that 2.2 was catered for the German servers who didn't like high frequency/low damage. I base this on what i have been told on cross server competitions. Makes sense though, German game catering for German players. Not accusing anyone of favouritism, just saying what i'm inclined to believe.

Anyhoo, there is always the possibility that once BP is released they will be able to dedicate a bit more time to improving NC. Fuck the graphics, they're fine (just don't look at the aggies), once weapon balancing can go back to what 2.0 was, then its all good.

11-09-07, 04:40
K breakdown time.

-Remove safe-zones.
-Remove LE. (Or bring back some sort of negative effects of using it)
-Remove insane damage done by Copbots or DoY guards; let it be closer to the realistic damage a rank 60+ player can do. (let the cities be raidable)
-Add outpost like structures within the city outskirts that are capturable and give bonuses to the holders, their faction, and their pro-city/anti-city status respectively.
(Even outposts in the industrial sectors like in beta would be cool.
Why? Because it brings fighting to Neocron's front door. The fun we had duking it out in IND & Outzone sectors was endless, and there was no safezone nearby to run into before you died.)

1. We need a few safezones or tradeskilling will go away completely.
2. It needs some kind of edge. I hate trashtalking players with their LEs in (Rambox lol) but then again some real nice players have their LE's in because they don't like PVP.
3. Um...copbots don't do JACK to me bro, where have you been? I'm a capped tank and I can run around Plaza like its a playground. DoY however is another story, they beat me like a bastardized redheaded step child.
4. I agree, would be fun.

Nothing is lamer than the shit that goes on in PP1 right now. People dick around on level 2 and run into Veronique before they die.
Is this what you pictured KK? You know when people die? When they fucking fatal, thats about it. The fact running through PP doesn't even raise my heartbeat anymore makes me sick.

Yeah, but what can you really do about it? They just moved from Plaza 3-Pepper 1 to Pepper1-Club....same zoneline fights bro.

All these things are pretty simple to change. I know you guys are not too far off of saying, "to hell with it" about Neocron. You have a new game coming out, it's been 5 years with no real success, I don't blame you.
Before you go, please just give us what we have been asking for, for what is it now, 6-7 years?

Maybe they will let us run some NC servers, or maybe they will kill off the game and thats all. Who knows? Lets ride it out.

We have lived with the bugs, the netcode and the exploits all this time, it's something to get used to, but please end the Carebear fest taking part in the game that was supposed to be the edgiest, pvp based MMO ever made.
Had you stuck to your guns and said fuck CDV from the start you'd all be millionaires right now. You all said they forced you to implement LE and other carebear changes, but the fact it's all still here proves that was BS.

Never heard anything about this.

11-09-07, 04:58
I meant to add I love TH as a neutral zone.
Maybe make a feature where apartment owners can specify safe zone or not for their apartment for the tradeskillers. (I swear I wrote this years ago)

11-09-07, 11:38
1. We need a few safezones or tradeskilling will go away completely.
2. It needs some kind of edge. I hate trashtalking players with their LEs in (Rambox lol) but then again some real nice players have their LE's in because they don't like PVP. no, we need NO safezones at all, if there is a single safezone ingame, THATS where the pvp will be, zonewhoring into wherever that safezone is.. the only solution is no safezones.. hopefully this won't put an end to pvp (lol) i'd hope people weren't really that carebear and just do it cause everyone else does

and just because they don't want pvp action, doesn't mean they should be able to avoid it using an ingame tool, you avoid pvp.. by.. avoiding pvp? at the moment most of the pvp happens around a few areas, as long as you don't run around not paying attention and end up running thru the middle of a fight, it's really easy to avoid getting pk'd.. and if you don't pay attention, it's a quick way of teaching you to, and adds a lot of atmosphere to the game

also public tradeskillers won't be ruined they can advertise from their apartments like a few do already, and learn who they can trust to trade safely with.. then again imo there shouldn't even be any need for public tradeskillers, if everyone was un-LE'd they'd be more inclined to join a clan.. so as long as every clan has someone with tradeskill alts it's fine. there would actually kindof be safezones for clans who hold op's they can lock their undergrounds so only clan can get in =]

Dribble Joy
11-09-07, 11:59
Re: Safe-zones and the LE.

Removal of either/both would only work if the symp system worked and had a meaningful impact on people's playing habits.

Asking for them to be gone without that only makes you appear as someone who can't get enough of ganking people with no possibility of defending themselves and with no repercussions.

fap fap fap omfg im so leet i pwnd u


I'm not a carebear in the slightest. If I'm running about in a non-safe-zone, unbuffed, not keeping my wits about me and I get killed, that's my own stupid fault and I'm not going to have a go at them.
The point being is that (depending on the zone type) I'd want them to suffer the subsequent loss for doing it where it may be applicable and for that loss to be of a tangible nature.

11-09-07, 12:26
i would appreciate it, if there were no safezones at all.

but u cant remove all safezones, when there are no players at all, for example to defend the HQs and so on. whats up when especially new players want to find a trader, but there isnt any trader place in the whole city.

11-09-07, 12:33
Neocron is hugely carebear now anyway and it wont change so why the thread?

If your going to remove save zones and le's WHY THE FUCK keep ppus? PPUs can move so fast that you need a team to take them down now, unless they are shit at their job. KK have bored me to death with pvp since every time I fight there are always ppu's there. Take Brammers Neocronical raid. Eight of us went in. NO ppu. One soldizer tank turned up with two, then a few minutes later THREE ppus, for just him. It was such a joke because we all got slaughtered, every time we hurt him he just ran back to his ppu bitches behind a wall of Plaza 2 guards.

I think if you removed all safe zones then people like clan doy traders would leave due to folks like *cough*lego*cough* You know the 14 year old junkies who only get off killing harmless traders. Clan doy is one of the servers biggest trading clans, they can prove it with the numerous auctions and the fact that they are close to if they dont already have a billion credits, the fact that they have almost ten thousand rare parts. etc etc. If that clan quit because of being ganged by jackasses all the time, the server would really suffer a loss.

But I do agree that as long as there is a safe zone then people will just zone whore into the safe zone, hell I do it when I'm in pepper, but I don't go in often. Stealth is another carebear feature fighting some tanget at mb and all they did is stealth when I got in range, then try and snipe me. In the end we all got bored and left, both the tanget and us. If you don't want a total carebear game;

Remove PPUs

Lower Mobs accordingly

Remove all safe zones BUT make apartmens safe zones.

Increase minimum password length to ten and make it have to include numbers and letters. OR Give syncing up a time limit of say thirty seconds so you can't just run up to your apartment. (Like the time it takes to call the lift to you)

Remove Le's on all but one server. (this allows those people that WANT to play with LE in have a CAREBEAR server.

Remove most of the guards from Neocron and lower the damage they do to just below rare level.

And probably some other stuff I cant think of.

11-09-07, 12:40
I'm against removing the LE, as there would be too many people ganking the non-LE players.

We need to visit Neptune again.

I know I was against removing the LE on Neptune, because there was no safe zones planned there at all, until KK sneaked a change in. That change was making Plaza 1, MB Center and DoY sector 6 a safe zone.

So keep the LE for Terra, Mars and Mercury, remove it on Neptune after rank /30, and keep Plaza 1, MB Center and sector 6 a safe zone.

Talking of Neptune... whats happening to that server KK?

P.S. Have to agree with MrTrip, since when did gaurds do insane damage in 2.2? Granted if you get 4 of them on, you will be toasted, but you could dance with a single copbot all day if you wanted!

11-09-07, 12:49
just as good as a reply... look at the latest comic, says nearly everything there has to be said :)


11-09-07, 19:05
P.S. Have to agree with MrTrip, since when did gaurds do insane damage in 2.2? Granted if you get 4 of them on, you will be toasted, but you could dance with a single copbot all day if you wanted!

Not even, I can dance with at least 4 copbots and a few city admin guards for a considerable ammount of time before I have to hide, heal, and even if one sneeks into the shop and hits me a few times I'm still good.

Its nowhere near dangerous, hell I am more afraid of warbots and spiderbots then I am copbots.

11-09-07, 19:45
Safezones and LE chip are a very bad way to stop ganking because it doesn't stop it, it just moves the ganking to another area of the game while closing alot of other areas from real PVP. It also encourages zonewhoring which i'm guilty of but so is everyone else because no one likes to lose and get killed and have to get repoked. But imo the game would be far better without safezones so long as theres a good system in place to reduce ramdom pking, as DJ said the F6 system would be a perfect replacement.

What they could do and I'm sure I've said this befor, is insanely boost faction gaurds and have them shoot on sight faction enemys and also anyone with a faction standing lower than zero. They could put faction gaurds in lvling areas then really the need for the LE chip would be gone, the pker would not make it through the first room of the aggies if there was 4 faction gaurds or what ever in there. Now when I say insanely boost I'm not sugesting it should be impossible for a bad guy to move through the city areas and get a sly stealthly kill in. I'm saying if they was standing there picking thier nose while getting shot at they would soon be dead but at the same time nothings stopping them from having there fun if they wish to play that way.

Just make players suffer the concicences for there crimes so that they are serverly restricted in the places they can go in the game if they want to be the badass pker then make it so -100sl and KOS everywhere.

11-09-07, 20:59
Safe Zone = Zone whoring which I hate! :D

ashley watts
11-09-07, 22:09
Jack, personally, i love your post but this is being biased on a PvP note, not everyone wants to PvP, so tradeskillers etc should still have safe zones.

I think a little more thought about Non pvpers should be of concern (quite frankly i want more players :p) but i think even tradeskillers should come across some danger.


11-09-07, 22:19
neocron 1 !!! nuff said argh i just miss it(mostly the backpack`s laying around everywhere) ;)

11-09-07, 22:40
Your sig makes me want to drown things

11-09-07, 23:18
lol... I really did hate that show. It was so depressing.

woot ding 500!

11-09-07, 23:41
sorry. nonsense. stop playing and start dreaming of neptune, the server no one really wanted to play on. because a setting like this is boring.

here is my counter-proposal. remove LE, remove fighting inside cities (safezones or more copbots), let SL drop by 100 to make sure theres no allied killing. in fact neocron dried down not because of missing PvP, but because of missing non-PvP-content.

what you are suggesting is reducing the game to one style of playing. instead there should be lots of different styles of playing. in parallel. just like different opinions.

12-09-07, 07:39
funny thing - this is server specific. just to add a sidenote to the post, and to get things straight: since the cookiecutter-setup-dudes went back to whereever they came from, and the folks who compensated their *enterwhateveryouwant* with aimbots and stuff were banned, mars is played the way i (with the emphasis on i) think the game should be played - with a lot of fun, without the need to win every fight nagging in the back of your mind, and with a certain amount of rp to your actions (hell, i just got hired to kill some players... really ! ingame !)You forgot "and with an average of 20 people on the server."

When mars actually had a population, the same shit as seen on terra was happening. There's no differences in the servers really, it's usually just people pretending "their" server is better than the others.

On topic...NC is gonna die. Changes are not gonna come. :( And as much as i would like more hardcore pvp rules, they wouldn't change a thing about pvp.

It would still be lame, just in a different way. People would either stealthwhore or plug PPUs up their asses. And those carebears that are still around (and thats a lot more than you would think) would leave.

Harsher rules just bring out the worst in people. Look at eve online. If you lose a fight, your ship is gone. And there's a chance you're gonna lose your clone too. Death - especially with one of the cool ships - is extremely expensive and a massive timesink.
And because of that you don't see fair pvp in eve. People engage in a fight if they will win, otherwise it's just not gonna happen.

Neptune showed it. Everyone and their mum was whoring the cheap and overpowered setups or PPU buttplugs. PvP was just about ganking others without a chance to drop. So people left again.

12-09-07, 08:13
You forgot "and with an average of 20 people on the server."

When mars actually had a population, the same shit as seen on terra was happening. There's no differences in the servers really, it's usually just people pretending "their" server is better than the others.

On topic...NC is gonna die. Changes are not gonna come. :( And as much as i would like more hardcore pvp rules, they wouldn't change a thing about pvp.

It would still be lame, just in a different way. People would either stealthwhore or plug PPUs up their asses. And those carebears that are still around (and thats a lot more than you would think) would leave.

Harsher rules just bring out the worst in people. Look at eve online. If you lose a fight, your ship is gone. And there's a chance you're gonna lose your clone too. Death - especially with one of the cool ships - is extremely expensive and a massive timesink.
And because of that you don't see fair pvp in eve. People engage in a fight if they will win, otherwise it's just not gonna happen.

Neptune showed it. Everyone and their mum was whoring the cheap and overpowered setups or PPU buttplugs. PvP was just about ganking others without a chance to drop. So people left again.

sure, the pops are low. and that post wasn't meant as a comparison which server is better, it's just different playstyles. and yes, as long as as mars had the same pop, it's been nearly the same. thats what i meant with "now that everybody is gone..."; and yes, the pops are decreasing steadily, but in my opinion, that doesn't mean that the same rules have to apply to every server - that way people would have a choice where they'd like to play, and with which style. not the worst thing, i think... ;)

12-09-07, 08:38
Personally, I dont think people really appreciate the wider implications of what they ask for.

If the window for pvp is made even bigger then more ganking and griefing will happen.

Ganking is bad, the only thing is accomplishes is that the margin of people who can pvp is made smaller and smaller every time you gank someone. The person you ganked is now X more mins away from capping and actively seeking pvp or joining a clan and op waring.

People gank and scam without any thought of the wider more permanent affects of their actions; people want more pvp, they want more people playing, they want more opwars but at the same time make an active effort to stop all of those from happening by shrinking the margins of people who can pvp even more.

Like you said, people on eve only fight when they know they can win.

To an extent you basically see the same thing here.

The vast majority of people do not remove their LE until they are capped (I do this too) and by vast majority I dont mean the 3 or 4 people who will inevitably chime in here with "I remove my LE at 0/2" instead I mean...the vast majority.

In order for more open pvp to happen several core changes must be made to the games mechanics, such as killing people will affect your symps but not your SL but some sort of timer would have to be implemented otherwise people would inevitably go back to SL/symp exploiting.

Something like, you cannot get symp changes from anyone who has been alive less than 15 mins, you cannot get symp changes from someone you have killed in the last hour and you cannot get symp changes from someone who is say 10 lvls below you.

Furthermore one of the reasons I believe more open death match like pvp has not been implemented is because constant warfare and ganking are not what the devs envisioned when they made this game.

If this game was more like planetside with only combat 24/7 I believe that the frustration threshold of the average player would of been breached years ago, under the current neocron technology marketing this game as a PVP focused everything else secondary product would be a serious mistake, constant clipfests at jericho would be entertaining for awhile but eventually the burnout rate would exceed the new player intake because of the flawed technology.

Neocron is a PVP enhanced game, hence things like the different factions, the different cities, the npcs, the mobs, the quests.

Personally one of my favorite things about neocron is how many different combinations and options there are for setting up your character (there are many options, there are very few viable options).

Some of the things that sets neocron apart from the other MMOFPSes is that the opportunity to hang out in places like plaza and viarosso comes along fairly often. The Neocron world is also pretty cool (has anyone been to the sewers under neocron city, the big one? took me like 5 hours to get out) I think that the Dome is pretty awesome and they only reason its not populated is because of the low overall population.

Ive been playing planetside since it came out, Ive got Sniper Platinum BR 24 Cr1 (if anyone knows what that means) and basically the single reason I dont play planetside as often is because it becomes very repetitive, its basically opwar 24/7, its still fun but it doesnt have "substance" like NC does, taking over a base means nothing, half the time I dont even notice if we are winning or losing (I play New Conglomerate on Markov)(we lose slower than we win).

Neocron has a lot of "substance" to it, when I go to PP1 I actually feel compelled to try and help Pro city as much as possible, the background story reels me in, In planetside I only want the guy next to me to be alive so I can use him as sniper bait.

Some of you will discount what I say soley because im a stealthwhoring kacknoob. If thats the basis for your judgment I invite you to revel in your own ignorant bliss.

But if Neocron was pow pow pow no one is safe pow pow pow kill everyone all the time pow pow pow quake 3 clone It would have died years ago.

Died from the pulverized frustration threshold brought on by the crappy code or murdered by the people who worked hard as hell to get into a position where they can pvp and then work even harder to keep anyone else from getting to that same position.


I think one way of addressing zone whoring would be to make it so you can only draw poke tools in a safe zone, no heals, no shields or nanites.

and if you zone in with shields, heals or nanites they are neutralized

I just thought of this, haven't really played devils advocate with it or know if its even possible.

12-09-07, 10:17
Great post crush0r. :)

but the zonewhoring idea wouldn't work. Opfights were impossible that way because you could easily gank anyone coming up an UG or out of a genrep. :(

The Mysterious
12-09-07, 10:24
Do not remove safe zones or LE, this has nothing to do with the popularity. :angel:

12-09-07, 12:41
I think one way of addressing zone whoring would be to make it so you can only draw poke tools in a safe zone, no heals, no shields or nanites.

and if you zone in with shields, heals or nanites they are neutralized

The second part wouldn't really be needed if you couldn't buff in safe zones anyway.

Great post crush0r. :)

but the zonewhoring idea wouldn't work. Opfights were impossible that way because you could easily gank anyone coming up an UG or out of a genrep. :(

UG's arn't safe zones and he didn't say remove all buffs every time you zone.
It's actually not a half bad idea.

Eternal Pink
13-09-07, 01:59
A lot of LE's are peeps learning the game so how about just give them a expirary, i.e at cap or near it it comes out, that way nibs can level in peace without getting ganked.

While i don't want ppu's gone because there cool at op fights perhaps they need a good nerfing so that there effects are based over longer time and so they don't stack so whether you have one ppu supporting a team or half a team full of ppu's dont matter, since its not the ppu char that ruins fights in that people bring so many of them.

Ya could remove safe zones but since you'd need a safe place to meet/tradeskill how about fixing the SL system so that if ya gank in a trade zone ya just get hunted down like a criminal by every guard in the zone/city? ( I.e like what would happen in real life if ya pulled a gun in a city center and shot someone dead ) that way would discourage peeps, especially if ya couldn't exploit ya SL back up

13-09-07, 17:35
I think If the game is still Running by early 2009, that will be the only time when things MAY start improving...

With the release of Black Prophecy hopefully being successfully released by then, KK getting more money = HOPEFULLY more staff for Our game !

so I dont think you should get your hopes up of KK doing anything until then and the appearence of new staff/coders !

19-09-07, 17:11
CrushOr said a lot of what I was going to say.

Neocron attacts psychopaths, always did. I'm talking about the clinical definition of a psychopath: a condition characterized by lack of empathy or conscience.

What happens with no LE or safe zones is simply this - players max out their character, get a whole bunch of rare weapons, and spend all their time killing noobs... because they can. People can not be trusted to play fair, or give a cr*p about other players or even give a cr*p if their action directly effect the popularity of the game.

Anyhoo, I'm thinking of signing back up at the end of the week. If LE's and safe zones weren't still in the game, I wouldn't bother. I guess that makes me a "carebear" lolz. :D

19-09-07, 19:13
With the release of Black Prophecy hopefully being successfully released by then, KK getting more money = HOPEFULLY more staff for Our game !

do you really think that will happen? Because if i was the CEO of KK, i'd drop NC to make sure that BP has more recourses...

Asurmen Spec Op
22-09-07, 03:39
This is going to be short and sweet. Neocron will never be a mainstream hit. It's been 5 years, I think that fact is pretty obvious.
The very specific niche it once had (or was meant to have) is totally lost, and the game is a carebear fest.

Please note - I am not saying this game is dead.

Now on to my wishes:

-Remove safe-zones.
-Remove LE. (Or bring back some sort of negative effects of using it)
-Remove insane damage done by Copbots or DoY guards; let it be closer to the realistic damage a rank 60+ player can do. (let the cities be raidable)
-Add outpost like structures within the city outskirts that are capturable and give bonuses to the holders, their faction, and their pro-city/anti-city status respectively.
(Even outposts in the industrial sectors like in beta would be cool.
Why? Because it brings fighting to Neocron's front door. The fun we had duking it out in IND & Outzone sectors was endless, and there was no safezone nearby to run into before you died.)

Nothing is lamer than the shit that goes on in PP1 right now. People dick around on level 2 and run into Veronique before they die.
Is this what you pictured KK? You know when people die? When they fucking fatal, thats about it. The fact running through PP doesn't even raise my heartbeat anymore makes me sick.

All these things are pretty simple to change. I know you guys are not too far off of saying, "to hell with it" about Neocron. You have a new game coming out, it's been 5 years with no real success, I don't blame you.
Before you go, please just give us what we have been asking for, for what is it now, 6-7 years?

We have lived with the bugs, the netcode and the exploits all this time, it's something to get used to, but please end the Carebear fest taking part in the game that was supposed to be the edgiest, pvp based MMO ever made.
Had you stuck to your guns and said fuck CDV from the start you'd all be millionaires right now. You all said they forced you to implement LE and other carebear changes, but the fact it's all still here proves that was BS.

Thats about it, I have much more to stay, but seriously, it's been so long I know this will fall on mostly deaf ears.
I agree, cept we need one safezone, cept it should only be a one way entry so you cant zone whore, you can jump in and tag the GR and gr out.

I miss OZ :'(

22-09-07, 04:49
I agree, cept we need one safezone, cept it should only be a one way entry so you cant zone whore, you can jump in and tag the GR and gr out.

I miss OZ :'(

Im sorry assman =P Did i remind you we existed? :D

Also, OZ will be fun again with fact changes.

Asurmen Spec Op
22-09-07, 05:27
Im sorry assman =P Did i remind you we existed? :D

Also, OZ will be fun again with fact changes.
Yes, yes you did.

22-09-07, 06:43
Why was white chocolate invented?

The person that can answer this, will earn a duel versus me :D

22-09-07, 06:45
Why was white chocolate invented?

The person that can answer this, will earn a duel versus me :D


22-09-07, 06:54
Noooo... i want to gank everyone i dont know in every zone, and theire vhc's :D

Love making ppl angry..
(sorry KK i dont like the carebear shit you try to force us to, so.. KILL everyone -> ALLWAYS!!!)

22-09-07, 10:35
Noooo... i want to gank everyone i dont know in every zone, and theire vhc's :D

Love making ppl angry..
(sorry KK i dont like the carebear shit you try to force us to, so.. KILL everyone -> ALLWAYS!!!)


Doc Holliday
22-09-07, 15:27
the threads gone way off topic from reading page 1 then page 3. however. for all those cryin for no safezones where were u when neptune got up.

The Mysterious
22-09-07, 15:37
Neocron wouldn't be user-friendly or newbie-friendly if safe-zones wouln't be there. Go to wasteland, PP, NeoFrag or better, start a raid into NC or yet better, DoY. :cool:

And the carebear thing, it's for the best of all of us, grown players. :angel:

Flame Bait
10-10-07, 18:29

I agree same old song and dance from the same idiots who destroyed the game.

10-10-07, 20:51
I agree same old song and dance from the same idiots who destroyed the game.

Couldn't agree more.
If they'd given out a jar of ritalin* with every box & download it would have helped so much.

*from the end of 2003 onwards.

Doc Holliday
11-10-07, 15:51
Couldn't agree more.
If they'd given out a jar of ritalin* with every box & download it would have helped so much.

*from the end of 2003 onwards.

amen. so totally agree. lots has changed in this game but i would take the community back then and all its flaws over the community now.

11-10-07, 15:58
Why was white chocolate invented?

The person that can answer this, will earn a duel versus me :D

I would answer but probably get banned :cool:

William Antrim
11-10-07, 16:28
I would answer but probably get banned :cool:

We live in hope. :D

11-10-07, 21:15
I can't see why apartments can't be the only safezones. It should be easy enough tradeskilling from apartments. I haven't played for quite a while now, but weren't there at least talks of tradeskill apartments a while back? Are these in game? (apartments with trade skill venders)

I played on neptune originally, capped my char, got all the stuff I needed for PvP (inc replacement weapons), took my LE out and realised I'd have to wait for everyone else to cap in order to have any fun on the server. So, like a lot of people I stopped playing for a while. When I came back to it population had vastly dropped, possibly for the same reason. LE on neptune = biggest mistake on the server in my opinion.

ashley watts
11-10-07, 22:33
I would answer but probably get banned :cool:

Haha same xDD

Wow Doc, and william sure do hate you bobbins haha

12-10-07, 14:56
funny thing is probably way more people hope THEY would get banned lol

William Antrim
12-10-07, 15:29
Lol, the thing is it aint gonna happen.

I dont hate any of you. I have no hatred for anyone. Its just a fact of life. Hate is for children and teenagers. As an adult you learn to just let life roll way over your head. I will add a comment if I feel the need but at the end of the day when I turn off my monitor none of you guys exist. So what is to hate?

I have to admit it would be cool to meet a few of you in real life though.

In four years of using this forum on and off I have never been banned and I think been edited once or twice in over 1500 posts. I have prolly been warned like twice in that time too. So if you cant stand what I have to say put me on ignore. It is simple.

Flame Bait
12-10-07, 16:16
These were the days.... :(

Flame Bait
12-10-07, 16:31
In four years of using this forum on and off I have never been banned and I think been edited once or twice in over 1500 posts. I have prolly been warned like twice in that time too. So if you cant stand what I have to say put me on ignore. It is simple.

I have been suspended, edited and stalked by forum monitors in just about every game played. Even got a suspension in WoW for telling someone they should have been aborted at birth. That was considered profanity which IMHO is total bullshit. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then that's exactly what im going to call it.

But im always nice to the ladies and that's all that really matters on the interweb. :lol:

Eternal Pink
12-10-07, 23:03
Dude ya do know that 99.99% of the female chars in any MMO are guys don't ya? :)

13-10-07, 00:30
Dude ya do know that 99.99% of the female chars in any MMO are guys don't ya? :)

Yay, im a minority, now I feel special :)

13-10-07, 05:06
oo its fun to smash myths..


Who Plays Games Online?

* Fifty-eight of online game players are male.
* Forty-two percent of online game players are female.

13-10-07, 10:20
[ edited ]

13-10-07, 12:01
[ edited ]

14-10-07, 23:13
"Who Plays Games Online?

* Fifty-eight of online game players are male.
* Forty-two percent of online game players are female. "

Of the 42% of females who play online, i'm willing to bet 90% of them are on Second Life or The Sims online. You know, social games where they can pretend to be the temptresses they are clearly not.

16-10-07, 14:23
Of the 42% of females who play online, i'm willing to bet 90% of them are on Second Life or The Sims online. You know, social games where they can pretend to be the temptresses they are clearly not.
firstly... numbers. shutup you dont know anything
Female gamer websites:
Team Abuse (http://www.qgirlz.com/)
GameGirlz (http://www.gamegirlz.com/)
GameGal (http://www.gamegal.com/)
GrrlGamer (http://www.grrlgamer.com/)
Quake Woman's Forum Female Models/Skins Section (http://www.planetquake.com/qwf/q2skins-models.html)
Chiq, an FPS game skinning site ran by an all-female crew (http://www.chiq.net/ego.htm)
Hazel's Women in Gaming Page (http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/5135/hazel.html)
Hazel's Women in Gaming Room (http://www.livejournal.com/community/hazels_room/)
Mary Jo's Gaming Page (http://web.archive.org/web/20010815095011/http://www.dogpatch.org/general/gaming.cfm)
United Female Gamers Forum (http://www.angelfire.com/mo/dawnlynette/)
Womengamers.com (http://www.womengamers.com/)
Tender Fury's Starcraft page (http://www.angelfire.com/sc/starcraft1998/)
Babydeath Online (http://babydeath.formoza.ru/)
Barbie (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/1729/)
Ivy's World (http://home1.gte.net/poisoniv/index.htm)
Kismet (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/5839/)
Marie's Quake Page (http://www.fondation.com/marie/quakeeng/)
Michelle's Realm (http://www.maelstrom.org/mischief/spint/quake/)
MistressBec's (http://www.crosswinds.net/~mistressbec/index2.html)
QuakeII's Temptress (http://come.to/thetemptress)
Rebecca's Quake Page (http://www.calpoly.edu/~rwentzel/quake.htm)
Ripley's Place (http://members.xoom.com/cnews98/)
SheenaKat (http://www.sheenakat.com/)
SheLivith's Chaotic Realm (http://www.angelfire.com/va/SheerDarkness/)
Sunny (http://www.davalkyries.com/Sunny)

All-female gaming clans:
Bad Girls Clan (http://www.badgirlsclan.com/)
Bambi Clan (http://mgsa.rutgers.edu/~lussier/bam1.html)
Femme Fatales (http://femmefatales.dacaur.com/)
Girlz of Destruction (http://www.lvcm.com/g0d)
Italian Female National Team (http://ifnt.freegames.it/)
Starsiege Sisters (http://home.earthlink.net/~fakeplastictree/)
Fallen Angels Clan (http://www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/Mall/2984/)
Lax Addiction (http://www.laxad.de.vu/)
Nimble Little Minks (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Fortress/8177/)
No Damn Clan (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/7861/quake.html)
Clan PMS (http://www.clanpms.com/)
Pyro Maidens (http://www.pyromaidens.com/)
Quake Girlz (http://www.qgirlz.com/)
Quake Sisters (http://www.quakeclan.net/qsisters/index.html)
Rail Girlz (http://members.tripod.com/railgirlz/)
Revolutionary Girls (http://www.revolutionary-girls.de/)
Schrot Kommando (http://www.schroet.de/)
Sisters of Battle (http://website.lineone.net/~miraculous/SoB)
Switchblade Kittens (http://www.switchbladekittens.co.uk/)
Team Finest Women Division (http://www.teamfinest.com/tf_women_division/)
Violent Femmes (http://www.gamegirlz.com/vifem/)

secondly [ edited ]:

'Debunking the Myth', an editorial by Aurora, editor of GameGirlz.com (http://www.gamegirlz.com/about_gamegirlz.shtml)
Since moving my passion for gaming to an online venue, I can say that experience has taught me that girl gamers are usually portrayed as anything but what they really are; women from all walks of life who just happen to enjoy sitting down, relaxing with rocket launcher in hand and having fun gaming online.
There it is again. It is this whole 'girl gamer myth, and how we are perceived' thing. After chatting a bit more, I came to realize that as a girl gamer, people really do expect me to be different than 'other girls'. I'm apparently supposed to be socially inept (as so many people in forums and e-mail tell me). I'm supposed to be misguided and spend more time thinking about upgrading my video card than purchasing beauty products. Geez, I wash my hair just like all the other girls do, you know! I also feel a little nice inside when I go nuts in a bath and beauty store just thinking of how luxurious and relaxing my next bubble-bath is going to be.
So, you see… not all girl gamers are lesbians, over-weight, or a social mishap, as we are often thought to be. Some of us are just ordinary everyday girls - who just so happen to enjoy a virtual world full of big guns, aliens, and commanding an army.


16-10-07, 14:32
[ edited ]
By this I assume you mean Americans are stupid? Are we allowed to rip on people simply because of where they are from now?

Flame Bait
16-10-07, 14:43
I honestly could care less if its a guy or a girl but IMHO girls know how to have FUN. Guys are to busy trying to stroke the ego to understand what games are all about. There are a some guys who enjoy gaming for the fun rather then the ego. Its just the majority would prefer to hack and cheat or find some secret advantage rather then face a real challenge.

daughterolilith you need not prove anything to anyone but yourself and a jury of twelve if you ever had to stand before one. :)

I just got the American crack im disappointed by that.

16-10-07, 15:18
By this I assume you mean Americans are stupid? Are we allowed to rip on people simply because of where they are from now?
No, we're not. I was editing while you were replying. :p


16-10-07, 16:41
I just got the American crack im disappointed by that.sorry but he asked for it

Nidhogg how come bitchy sniping is allowed but you aren't allowed to confront them when they do it? you edited my reply to him but not his "You know, social games where they can pretend to be the temptresses they are clearly not."

16-10-07, 17:04
Nidhogg how come bitchy sniping is allowed but you aren't allowed to confront them when they do it?
Because his comment, though ill-educated, was a generalisation and not specifically aimed at anyone. Your comment was an out and out insult against Americans (and a specific poster) which has no place on these forums.

Please use the "report post" button in future. Thanks.


/edit - Oh, and you forgot Frag Dolls. :p

16-10-07, 17:36
insulting Americans is a generalisation too, why is it ok for him to make sexist generalisations but not that?

16-10-07, 18:08
insulting Americans is a generalisation too, why is it ok for him to make sexist generalisations but not that?
Like I said, he made a, at most, bitchy general comment whereas you specifically insulted him. If you want to discuss this further please PM me.


Flame Bait
17-10-07, 02:39
insulting Americans is a generalisation too, why is it ok for him to make sexist generalisations but not that?

Because all Americans are not created equal and everyone knows this. :D

20-10-07, 16:26
Personnaly, i believe if you remove all safe zones, in order to make sure people are PVPing a lot, you will need as well to remove belt drop when you get killed. I'm pretty sure thats why people keep fighting at the zonelines, to not drop good items....

Guys, remember the PVP server that once existed....why did it die?

The VegzoR

20-10-07, 16:32
If pops really are in the toilet, it can't hurt to bring up a no-LE server and see how many people play on it. We all know Neptune was a joke.

I'm guessing this hasn't been done because the "servers" are really just individual tables in a very large database, so it's not possible to remove the LE from any server's table. I could be wrong.

20-10-07, 18:01
how about we bring up an LE server, and make the rest non-LE, why should the majority be the one's that move.

20-10-07, 22:20
Edited for flaming.

23-10-07, 09:43
Edited for flaming

23-10-07, 10:11
Mister Sam and Miss Lilith rather calm down or will get a few days off the forum to relax a bit.

Back to topic, please.