View Full Version : Hi everyone

03-09-07, 13:44
Hi im new to this game and just wanted to say hi and would appreciate any help from the vets in my journey. Im CityAdmin and im a private eye driver and looking for a clan to help me out and to make some friends

03-09-07, 14:36
First of all, welcome!

Second, be sure to ask around if you need any help or advice, be it here or via the in-game help channel.

Also be sure to read the stickies and visit www.techhaven.org for guides, lists and so on (Hope i wrote the URL right)

NeoCron is a big mouthfull, by that i mean there are a LOT of things to learn, so in case you dont know them i'll just cover the basics.

1: more weaponskill gives more damage on your weapon, weapons also need Weaopnlore, the more you have the faster you aim.

2:Get a few points in "Recycle" so you can clone your own ammo, this is very important and will save you a lot of cash and trips to buy ammo, heres how it works:

Right-click the ammo/medkit/booster/drug you wish to clone and select shof info.
Look at the techlevel (We'll say that your ammo is Techlevel 9) (TL for short)
Now you need at LEAST 9 points in recycle and a Recycle tool over TL 9 (The lowest is TL 30)
Ok, now put 1 (one) clip/medkit/drug/booster in the first slot of your processor (F7 i think) then the tool in the second slot, then place trash in some or all of the remaining slots (Trash looks like brown bags when you throw them on the ground, this includes "Limbs" "Eyes" "Chitin Scraps" and so on)

Some trash is better than other, to see how "good" trash is for cloning try taking it to YO's (The all-buyer) the more he will pay the more ammo that piece of trash will make.

So, you COULD go hunting, use the cheap trash to clone with and stock up on the expensive stuff, you'll be able to make an almost infinite number of clips (Or whatever you clone) and still have the good trash for YO's.

With a little planning you can easily make a whole lotta creds early, to optimize your hunting put the "good" trash in your GoGuardian (Gogo / gogu for short) and resume hunting so you dont have to walk to YO's so often.

I got a little sidetracked there, but good luck mate.

- Napalm

ashley watts
03-09-07, 14:49
Hello there ! :p ask on help for me if you need any help with anything :angel:

03-09-07, 15:03
driver wasn't working for me so i switched to assassin