View Full Version : [Terra] To any soldierz.

22-08-07, 20:10
Sedyk here, before i get back home i want the TS/Vent server info gonna drop in and get the updates.

This is an open message because i dont know which one of you monkeys check the forums enough ;)

IM this account.

cheers, SEDYKAAA

(Closage is in order since its just a shoutout to soldierz and there are no need for reply's other than Private messages)

22-08-07, 20:26
Sorry to say it but Soldierz died a little while back, all their members split up into different clans like blood queen went to Overlord? eXL have Mystic Crusader/Drakor Trent/Resident and a few others are still around im sure

22-08-07, 20:29
Sorry to say it but Soldierz died a little while back, all their members split up into different clans like blood queen went to Overlord? eXL have Mystic Crusader/Drakor Trent/Resident and a few others are still around im sure

I know blood queen left(he was absent for a medium amount of time), i know mystic and drakor went (that was about 5 weeks ago, tsk tsk), resident hasnt been in the clan for a long time i dont know him very well.

Sure holidays make people get off and relax but im sure spike and other clanmembers are still alive and kicking?

22-08-07, 21:49
spike disappeared under a cloud of man love, any others r, afaik, r in ad/exl or hells.

and i love u sedyk !! make sexy talk to me plx.

22-08-07, 23:41
i will come in your speaker and talk dirtyy :>

ashley watts
22-08-07, 23:50
Yer soldierz died a long time ago as i can remember :p

07-09-07, 15:28
boo... no soldierz? hmm must have been because i left nc :P

soldierz better be back in november or whenever the next patch is because i won't be back until then probably.


P.s Ish is teh sex

P.p.s so is Sed

p.p.p.s Sed you still owe me remember :angel: (only joking)

07-09-07, 16:49
lol ye i do hehe, soldierz isnt dead, we just shrunk and we just aint big enough YET ;)

07-09-07, 17:32
Soldierz aint dead yet ;) , due to unavoidable circumstances we went inactive throughout the course of the summer. Most members went to other clans. With luck and organisation we should be back and fighting within a few weeks. We are also currently recruiting, so feel free to DM me for sedyk (or anyone else in clan) for info.

09-09-07, 13:26
please don't go OTT like last time tho ;x