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21-08-07, 12:12
We are very excited to present the Black Prophecy Teaser Site (http://www.blackprophecy.com/). We've been wanting to make a space game for a long time, and here it is :) You probably have a lot of questions about Black Prophecy, but there are quite a few things we can't talk about yet. However, we can assure you that, like Neocron, it will be heavily focused on fast-paced action combat, with many options to improve your ship, character and weaponry.
The game will be presented at the Games Convention in Leipzig this week, however it will not be shown to the general public, but only to the gaming press. We'll let you know when we release new material on the teaser site though.

There will also be new information about the Neocron2 content update after the Games Convention.

21-08-07, 12:48
Hmm, cool.
Shame nothing beyond what is on the 10T page - excpet the music and the revelation that the story is by a german scifi author.

Also icky icky flash site. Although not too bad.

21-08-07, 13:03
Very very nice. A couple of questions.

many options to improve your ship, character and weaponry.

Character as in Pilot right? I guess this has to be asked, can you walk around your ship in your character?

When will the gaming press be able to publish anything about Black Prophecy from the Games Convention?

21-08-07, 13:25
I enjoyed Eve, so if this is anything like Neocron/Eeve, i think i have found the perfect game for me :cool: good work KK

21-08-07, 14:20
Please tell us that Reakktor has a completey seperate team working on "Black Prophecy" and "Neocron".

If the same development team is working on both, that would explain a lot.

Asurmen Spec Op
21-08-07, 14:34
fl-tw.com :P

21-08-07, 14:43
I just hope that neocron is not put at a disadvantage...

ashley watts
21-08-07, 15:37
Space action , pfft.

If you re-made neocron with that engine and such, im sure people would flood in to play it.

I want to see more done to neocron to reasure me that BP will be cared about to.

21-08-07, 15:40
TBH - Space game.... gutted
Where's my NC3 with new and improved engine/stability!!


21-08-07, 16:18
I believe KK said in an interview that BP is their main focus atm and that NC has been put on the back burner so to speak, which explains alot :angel:

21-08-07, 17:02
I just hope that neocron is not put at a disadvantage...
You never miss the water until the well runs dry.

21-08-07, 19:07
hmm, sound good. is that an multiplayer homeworld successor ?

21-08-07, 19:09
The way i see it, is instead of making a 'genre defining' game like what a NC3 would be, they're sticking to whats been done and are trying their luck at beating eve and all the other countless space sims. :o

21-08-07, 19:25
The way i see it, is instead of making a 'genre defining' game like what a NC3 would be, they're sticking to whats been done and are trying their luck at beating eve and all the other countless space sims. :o

They wont 'beat' Eve, they'll offer a (hopefully) nice variation of the genre, since their approach is a little different.
While I did find Eve interesting, the click&wait style gameplay put me off completely. Full ship control and fast paced action for teh win!

Mighty Max
21-08-07, 19:27
The way i see it, is instead of making a 'genre defining' game like what a NC3 would be, they're sticking to whats been done and are trying their luck at beating eve and all the other countless space sims. :o

Oh well, eve is a space MMO. Is that enough to tell that BP will only be another Eve? I doubt it.

I didn't read anything about "Skills building up in realtime" or skills at all. I didn't read about pirates and i didn't read about a Level1/2 Item system. Or those "interesting" R&D Missions:D

Ill keep an eye on BP, but to tell what it will be/look like when it goes gold is TOO EARLY for us, and most probably even too early for KK to tell except for the "general shape".

21-08-07, 20:21
Just read abit on features,

So your only planing for 300ppl max fleet battles?

Instances ? Battlegrounds?

22-08-07, 00:15
I have a feeling that this is just going to be like Freelancer, which granted is not a bad game but it does have rather limited game play and features to it. I would be a lot more interested in this if you were able to not only "fly around in space" but also dis-board and actually get out your ships and walk around on the space stations and what not.

imo it would have made more sense to focus KK's efforts on neocron3 where they would then have the chance of adding in space battle and new planets with a lot of new content. I personally think it would be more profitable to everyone but who's ever cared what I thought? ;p

I would definitely give it a try but if it is like freelancer I can't guarentee I will stick around!

This does sound just like a space based neocron anyway. "Clans can aquire their own space stations" etc. Now if KK were to merge the ideas of both Black Prophecy and Neocron it would be one hell of a game! :D

22-08-07, 02:52
Exciting times ahead!

Looking forward to more news soon from the GC, hopefully something will be leaked or will be released by the press :)

But still, keep at it with Neocron as well kk ;)

22-08-07, 02:59
Or I could use a Stealth tool to get into the GC. :D

I'm still waiting for my plane tickets!

General Crazy
22-08-07, 04:06
Thanatos just answer one question please:

Will Planets have more use in Black Prophecy then just artwork?

22-08-07, 05:32
Now if KK were to merge the ideas of both Black Prophecy and Neocron it would be one hell of a game! :D

Black Prophecy + Irata & Mars Colony Storline merger would be epic.

22-08-07, 06:29
Black Prophecy + Irata & Mars Colony Storline merger would be epic.

Would be epic. Better, would be a flying chaincraft! :lol:

22-08-07, 10:18
Are you trying to steal us and stop us from playing other games?

Because I think its working :s

Its looking good tbh, and what I've heard, it could end up being a good game, I certainly will try it out at some point.

p.s. I hope Black Prophecies doesn't turn out to be Black Caffeine ><

22-08-07, 11:18
Please tell us that Reakktor has a completey seperate team working on "Black Prophecy" and "Neocron".

If the same development team is working on both, that would explain a lot.same "guy" yes :D


22-08-07, 15:05
The Prophecy Network (http://www.prophecy-network.com) - a fansite for Black Prophecy is now open - more news in this thead (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=140496).

22-08-07, 19:54
looks very nice, nice graphics and such

Asurmen Spec Op
22-08-07, 22:13
So does that mean you are tossing the cyberpunk?


ashley watts
22-08-07, 23:46
So does that mean you are tossing the cyberpunk?


It does indeed look like that Mr. Assman :--(

Asurmen Spec Op
23-08-07, 00:22
Space is bullocks...

That and you have no chance (fl-tw.com)
Space games arent a niche, you have real competition ya know?

23-08-07, 00:29
im curious how far they are in development, visuals are looking good :)
the graphics look quite a bit like the one of unreal engine 3

if only i was on their Modeling / Animation / Graphic Design team, would be a dream come true..

ashley watts
23-08-07, 02:09
I think another Neocron "Based" game with there new engine and such would be much more intresting, imagine a hooker that actually looks like a hooker :p, space games are just an endless playground with a ship flying all over the shop, like EvE that has to be the best space game out ?, and that is still the most bullshit of a game :p

23-08-07, 11:18
With this news I'm just so much more sorry for neocron ...

Maybe this game will be good, but I'd like a large rewrite of neocron instead !

William Antrim
23-08-07, 11:53
[ edited ]

25-08-07, 16:29
IGN (http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/815/815449p1.html) have a very interesting preview of BP. Well worth a read.


Dribble Joy
25-08-07, 17:13

Asurmen Spec Op
25-08-07, 19:44
So Niddy, I assume theres no coders working on NC anymore?

25-08-07, 20:59
So Niddy, I assume theres no coders working on NC anymore?
You chose poorly. Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now.


/edit - please see my post later on regarding Evolution 2.3

25-08-07, 21:10
You chose poorly. Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now.


If you give me false hope, i shall destroy you :mad: but i must admit tho you are a good man indeed, DONT LET ME DOWN :mad:

25-08-07, 22:11
You chose poorly. Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now.


Say what?

We were told that there would be a consultation phase about what should be in it and such... (see for what I am on about) (http://www.techhaven.org/neocron/news/neocron-2.3-plans-let-slip.html)
Oh well, not a suprise to have KK change things as ever. Esepcially as 2.2 hasn't even done anything that it was meant to...

25-08-07, 22:42
You chose poorly. Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now.


Hang on is the faction changes now being called 2.3, when it wasn't going to, or is there something else you not telling us? ;)

Mighty Max
25-08-07, 22:52
When naming details become more important then any actual info :rolleyes:

I wouldn't hyperventilate just because that "2.3" and "next bigger patch" is used inconsistently in here. It's only making yourself feeling sick tbh.

25-08-07, 23:35
Reakktor has around 50 people who've been working on Black Prophecy for seven months.
that should answer a lot of questions.

26-08-07, 01:17

I believe Nidhogg is going by that:

Holger Nathrath
CEO, Reakktor Media
Black Prophecy
I think Games Convention and the developer conference are great events that form a very good platform to meet people, exchange thoughts and ideas, and present your work. This year, we will present our current development project, the next-gen action space MMO Black Prophecy, and I'm really looking forward to doing so. It is always a great moment to show a new project to the public for the first time. The presentations will probably take most of my time, but of course, I'll try to see as much of the other products as possible.

I'm also looking forward to meeting some members of the Neocron community, and to discussing our latest Neocron 2 add-on, Evolution 2.3, with them. We are going to release this free update in fall 2007.

26-08-07, 01:22

I believe Nidhogg is going by that:

Well that was rather sneaky.

Dribble Joy
26-08-07, 04:18

Meaning a forum discussion or am I going to have to fly to Germany to get drunk again?

Asurmen Spec Op
26-08-07, 08:58
You chose poorly. Oh, and NC Evolution 2.3 is still scheduled for an Autumn release, not too far now.

I hear that alot, but if 2.3 is just the faction changes and its that long, then I guess I assume rightly ;)

27-08-07, 00:00
your going to give oldschool neocron beta testers and players a heads-up on a closed beta for BP right? ;) ;) ;)


Chosen One
28-08-07, 13:06
Great job...I guess....

I still dont understand why a whole new game, Neocron has so much potential to become a better game.

Just fix the bugs and netcode, aka scrap it from the new game.

ugh... :(

29-08-07, 16:55
I made a boo boo, guys. We're releasing a new content update with all the features previously discussed (e.g. faction relationships etc.), it's just not going to be called Evolution 2.3. That's what I get for not double checking my information before posting. So the name has changed, but the aim remains the same. Sorry about that, and I hope I didn't upset anyone whose lucky number was 2.3. ;)


29-08-07, 17:20
if someone wants to throw stones at nidhogg

.... then DO IT!

*takes the first one and throws at nidhogg*

(thats for deleting my xbow thread ^^, now i got a real reason)

Dribble Joy
29-08-07, 17:38
I knew that allready.

Any vague ETA on the next patch? Also what about the announcement that was said would be coming after the GC in Germany?

29-08-07, 17:55
Ok if I got this straight, the faction changes is a seperate package as already planned (Let's call it NC2.2.5), while Holger Nathrath is talking up Evo NC2.3, due in fall 2007.

Me thinks KK have been working in stealth mode again!

30-08-07, 23:11
Looks interesting..... and will be a change if this turns out to be realtime gameplay as neocron is. I just hope it dont have problems that neocron has had.

Question: Did I read in the IGN article that only 300 ppl can fit in the game? I would have expected alot more in it? Is the game that demanding that it cant handle more then 300 ppl at once?

I still like the cyberpunk game neocron is, would have likeg to see a overhaul in the game with a new engine to start with (only can wish cant I).

30-08-07, 23:15
Question: Did I read in the IGN article that only 300 ppl can fit in the game? I would have expected alot more in it? Is the game that demanding that it cant handle more then 300 ppl at once?

You can find some clarification on that over at The Prophecy Network - Here's the thread http://www.prophecy-network.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=49

01-09-07, 03:14
Wouldn't it be awesome if we could have a Neocron / Black Prophecy merger? NC for the planets / ship sieges, and BP for all things space related!

We could call it....Black Prophecron!

Think about it, no other game would offer you such an amazing experience (and no, Star Wars: Jump to Lightspeed does not count).

Clive tombstone
01-09-07, 20:58
<--- jumps on the Prophecron bandwagon :D

General Crazy
01-09-07, 23:48
Question: Did I read in the IGN article that only 300 ppl can fit in the game? I would have expected alot more in it? Is the game that demanding that it cant handle more then 300 ppl at once?
You can find some clarification on that over at The Prophecy Network - Here's the thread http://www.prophecy-network.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=49
To clarify the 300 players thing:
The big PvP space battles will be instanced, we are aiming support get up to 300 players per instance.

The real question is if the PvP Objectives are going to Persistent like Clans Owning OPs in NC or Something that resets over and over?

03-09-07, 02:58
:rolleyes: Just an Eve Clone...So much for NC.. :wtf:

03-09-07, 04:34
Its a shame to be promoting another game, before the one you have been workin on for years, has barely reached 1/100th of its potential :(

03-09-07, 22:34
Its a shame to be promoting another game, before the one you have been workin on for years, has barely reached 1/100th of its potential :(

Hey now! There's no room for logic in the computer gaming industry.

04-09-07, 10:33
KK 4eva

06-09-07, 23:26
pretty neat.

09-09-07, 03:26
Black thingy so what??? how many time have KK past on this new game??? nc 2.3???? i even din't saw the 2.2.1 the 1 mean ebd of the balancing thingy... How many ppl are actually in NC dev team? Please put a list of the coders and etc...

09-09-07, 05:44
Black thingy so what??? how many time have KK past on this new game??? nc 2.3???? i even din't saw the 2.2.1 the 1 mean ebd of the balancing thingy... How many ppl are actually in NC dev team? Please put a list of the coders and etc...



We dont appreciate drunken posts :wtf:

Btw, Could get get a few more ship screenies? Maybe some...Capitol ships? :D :D

09-09-07, 11:24
lol, sorry, was pissed off and drunk sorry!!! I really wanted to know the names of the current time of KK that are working on NC...


09-09-07, 16:47
Me thinks KK have been working in stealth mode again!yep but they are lost in stealth or in space

10-09-07, 01:03
They are, btw your signature is in violation of the forum rules, firstly Garfield comics are banned here, secondly its higher than 100 pixels, which i know since i got mine removed a few years ago for being 101 pixels high... :wtf:

10-09-07, 02:06
They are, btw your signature is in violation of the forum rules, firstly Garfield comics are banned here, secondly its higher than 100 pixels, which i know since i got mine removed a few years ago for being 101 pixels high... :wtf:

forum rules regarding signature limitations have changed...

... noob! :cool:

10-09-07, 04:16
I got bored so I got blackprophecy.org maybe I will use it lol if I'm not to lazy

10-09-07, 21:10
You know... I wonder...

Will subscribers to Neocron get a few free months of Black Prophecy when it comes out... and will subscribers to Black Prophecy also get an extra month past the free trial and one month from the box to Neocron 2?

That would be incredible...

But it's Neocron forever for me, I'm afraid, I guess.

10-09-07, 22:26
You know... I wonder...

Will subscribers to Neocron get a few free months of Black Prophecy when it comes out... and will subscribers to Black Prophecy also get an extra month past the free trial and one month from the box to Neocron 2?

That would be incredible...

But it's Neocron forever for me, I'm afraid, I guess.

hehe people who play nc prob will not even get into beta.. There to good for us :(

10-09-07, 22:48
i must admid that after being away from nc in almost 1/2 year now i'm a bit disapointed..
Not by nc but other online games..
Nothing beats nc, and i'm most certain that i will return to nc IF!! a nc3 was made.. not based on the old engine and all that.. but it all were to be remade..
i'm not so sure i will return to nc2, i might do if i can convince my irl friends to return with me.. it's not many, but hey 3 people is more than nothing :lol:
and for gods sake, do some advertising. it's no wonder it's getting killed by lack of players or what ever..

Greetings from an old veteran nc warrior ;)

11-09-07, 00:17
You know... I wonder...

Will subscribers to Neocron get a few free months of Black Prophecy when it comes out... and will subscribers to Black Prophecy also get an extra month past the free trial and one month from the box to Neocron 2?

That would be incredible...

But it's Neocron forever for me, I'm afraid, I guess.

People that buy BP should get a subscription code to NC2 so they can play for like a month (Redeemable at any time, because they will probably play BP for a few months straight if KK Does it like they did NC.) that way, they can try out NC too. and if their impressed with BP, other games made by the same company cant be too horrible can they? Hell, some of us have been here 4-5 years.

11-09-07, 20:08
Sorry if its already been asked but will it be possible to play as a pirate? You know yarr and stuff :o

11-09-07, 20:54
Sorry if its already been asked but will it be possible to play as a pirate? You know yarr and stuff :o


12-09-07, 20:22
It's much more blob-online.com


Another space mmorpg would always be nice. Eve is too old to get into that game now.

14-09-07, 04:15

Yes I play it I have 3 accounts, one my main who is a -10 pirate 2 alts one industry skilled and flys my ships into lowsec, the other one is my scout for probing people and stopping me from running into ganks ^^ Oh I'm very interested in BP :)

But you still didn't answer my question

It's much more blob-online.com


Another space mmorpg would always be nice. Eve is too old to get into that game now.

Nope wrong, sure the older players can fly more stuff etc but a new player can get good at something pretty fast and be just as good and kick an older players arse. It took me 3 - 4 years to get my character where it is now being able to fly many different races ship types but if I fly lets say a raven which I'm pretty damn well skilled in. A 6 month noob also in a raven with the correct training could be beat me easly if he had a better setup and used his head.

Compare that with other games like WoW where you actully have to grind for your levels and if its your first time playing its probably going to take 6 months ? But in EvE you don't have to lvl, its done afk and even if you are offline, you just have to set the skill and as for making isk to buy skills and ships there are many many ways to do that and they are all quite fun activites.

14-09-07, 06:04
Nope wrong, sure the older players can fly more stuff etc but a new player can get good at something pretty fast and be just as good and kick an older players arse. It took me 3 - 4 years to get my character where it is now being able to fly many different races ship types but if I fly lets say a raven which I'm pretty damn well skilled in. A 6 month noob also in a raven with the correct training could be beat me easly if he had a better setup and used his head.

The first thing i did when i joined Eve on my main was start training skills for ships =P I can fly all races up to Battlecruiser, and i can fly Minny and Gallente BS. I also have been trying to get my hands on a Machariel. Hawt ship.

15-09-07, 07:09
Oh man, I cannot wait for this game to show its face on my computer. :)

PLEASE tell me you guys are going to combine the awesome large-scale-ness of Eve with your own combat system? Everyone knows KK has their shit together when it comes to making an addictive fighting game. :)

Awesome to hear KK! I was getting worried you guys were down and out. Put the soul of NC into this game and I think you'll have a winner.

The Mysterious
16-09-07, 12:23
Ok, i'm not so interested in Black Prophecy. :p
Please, do not leave NC behind! Start by fixing the errors and bugs. :angel:

20-09-07, 16:32
fl-tw.com :P
The demo (ICP) runs in Wine without a hitch.

20-09-07, 22:59
but if I fly lets say a raven which I'm pretty damn well skilled in. A 6 month noob also in a raven with the correct training could be beat me easly if he had a better setup and used his head.
Help me out here, are you a poor player, a noob, or just dumb? :p


20-09-07, 23:57
<3 ererere re

Chuck Norris
22-09-07, 04:03
black prophecy looks very disappointing, watched my friend play the beta he let me mess around on it some.

There any plan to release another FPS at all?

22-09-07, 04:55
black prophecy looks very disappointing, watched my friend play the beta he let me mess around on it some.

There any plan to release another FPS at all?

What beta.

22-09-07, 05:37
^^ I call bullshit.

22-09-07, 05:42
^^ I call bullshit.

I already did. :lol:

22-09-07, 06:33
I already did. :lol:
NC or nothing.. FUCK BP!!! give me a working NC ffs :mad:

22-09-07, 06:47
NC or nothing.. FUCK BP!!! give me a working NC ffs :mad:

Patience is a virtue Mr. Bredahl. If BP does well, KK will get more funding and may once again breathe life into NC.

ashley watts
22-09-07, 14:59
NC or nothing.. FUCK BP!!! give me a working NC ffs :mad:

/signed =D, imagine neocron with that Engine , physics, models , textures etc. I think i would cream.

22-09-07, 16:13
black prophecy looks very disappointing, watched my friend play the beta he let me mess around on it some.

There any plan to release another FPS at all?
I didn't believe you with the "looks very disappointing" bit, but the rest of it turned into comedy gold. Don't play those games around here. k?


22-09-07, 18:53
nid, where can i sign up or get in for beta? I'd love to try it! Private message if need be!

22-09-07, 21:11
nid, where can i sign up or get in for beta? I'd love to try it! Private message if need be!
There is no beta yet!


22-09-07, 21:28
ok, any estimated date for closed beta and will it be on the bp site?D:DDDDD

23-09-07, 16:02
it looks a simplified version of Eve more based on the actual ship than in Eve though........interesting......but im still an active member in Neocron.........NC 4 ever but with this seems NC will start to fade then time to release the server code hehehe

Anyway in all honesty good luck with the new MMo



24-09-07, 04:03
i think BP looks good, but not my sort of game so i'll be staying on NC ive played it since 2002 and ive never got bored of it

so for me it's NC FOREVER !!!! :)

L. S.
12-07-08, 14:32
Will Black Prophecy presented this year again on the Games Convention?

12-07-08, 18:34
I'd really like some information on BP considering its what all the resources i pay for are being put to use on.

12-07-08, 18:40
[ edited ]

15-07-08, 10:07
[ edited ]

I'm not allowed to say what every1 knows, has said for years and even most of the GM;s say??

15-07-08, 10:55
I'm not allowed to say what every1 knows, has said for years and even most of the GM;s say??

If your statements are based on facts then yes. If it is just for trolling then no.

15-07-08, 11:07
KK have never given out info when ppl ask for it... that is a fact.

15-07-08, 22:52
KK have never given out info when ppl ask for it... that is a fact.

No that is not fact so yes this would be what we call "trolling".

16-07-08, 05:03
I would like to try it but i dont think i will last long i was on eve for about a hour before i give up and went back to my good old NC

16-07-08, 05:20
It will be more like Freelancer from what we know, Napper. Its an FPS type thing, not a click to move game like Eve.

16-07-08, 05:23
It will be more like Freelancer from what we know, Napper. Its an FPS type thing, not a click to move game like Eve.

But still its a Space game i would rather stay with my feet on the floor lol

16-07-08, 05:28
Not me. I'm going to get the biggest fucking ship i can and blow up entire planets/asteroids/stations/anything else :D

16-07-08, 10:12
If there would be somthing like that xD

A mixup of 2 games would be great ^^

greetz *Neill*

Asurmen Spec Op
16-07-08, 11:31
No that is not fact so yes this would be what we call "trolling".
When I asked when I would get droms in my apartment all I got was nothing :( you people don't even care about us! *cries*

16-07-08, 13:04
Freelancer was boring!

Still, would like to be a fast crafty pirate.

and in the game.....

16-07-08, 18:35
When I asked when I would get droms in my apartment all I got was nothing :( you people don't even care about us! *cries*

I seriously wouldn't want to know what you did with those droms in the cold dark night alone by yourself *shiver*

16-07-08, 18:58
Freelancer was boring!

Still, would like to be a fast crafty pirate.

and in the game.....

...Do i know you? 8|

16-07-08, 20:32
I seriously wouldn't want to know what you did with those droms in the cold dark night alone by yourself *shiver*
Stroke them to make them look pretty :)

16-07-08, 20:45
Depends where he strokes them :rolleyes: