View Full Version : Who is your favourite support staff member?

18-08-07, 10:53
As the title says, who is your favourite support staff member? This an be a GM, Mod, helpdesk worker, technical support person, but not any devs.

My personal hero is Hoder! All of SoKuKo love Hoder, we are not quite sure where our worship began but it has grown and grown. We hope he feels the same, or we'll have to blackmail him into liking us! hehe :p

18-08-07, 11:01

Hoder ftw, we all love hoder :D (We will love you even more if you spawn me a few woc discs...;p)

18-08-07, 11:17

Was a great support GM... gave me Freebies.... nice guy... until he disappeared into his honeypot and was never seen again :p

Oi where is he ?

18-08-07, 11:23
I do like Snowcrash, he makes me chuckle! and Silentium is a legend, and ofcourse Miss Monday! oh i love em all, but i dont think they love me :(

Asurmen Spec Op
18-08-07, 12:04
Krysm :(

18-08-07, 13:26
<3 SILENTIUM, give me cookies :D

18-08-07, 13:29
Nidhogg and Trivaldi.

Cause they're probably the only ones who are going to read this thread, therefore it's my best bet directly licking their butts to make this post worthwhile.


18-08-07, 13:48
Carbie and hoder have helped me out many times. :)

18-08-07, 14:10
Sounds like a suck up thread but....

I do agree Hoder ist ein bestunerest ^^
(excuse my French ^^ :P)

18-08-07, 14:43
Ostara - always made me laff :lol:

18-08-07, 15:31
PlasmaStorm, Carbonite & Moonunit.

It's a shame none of them are still around :(

18-08-07, 15:55
I don't got really favorite GM since i never see them in game....

18-08-07, 16:05
Hoder is my fav support supporter. I like him and he helps me everytime. :)
And the text in my sig means: Nobody laughs without Hoder!.
The "Hoder!" is dobious and if you form the "r!" to a "n" u'll find the answer in German. :D

Mr Kot
18-08-07, 16:10
Krysm :(I miss her too :(

She was so bubbly and loved her work. I remember a few of her events, one notable one being the Neocron Race Championship. She really made it sparkle :)

18-08-07, 16:11
yo powerpunsh,

When you say Hoder helps you everytime, would it be a reason why all R2Ks got WoC3 PAs?


18-08-07, 17:24
Sounds like a suck up thread but....

I do agree Hoder ist ein bestunerest ^^
(excuse my French ^^ :P)

No there IS a reason for this post but I am not going to tell anyone :p

yo powerpunsh,

When you say Hoder helps you everytime, would it be a reason why all R2Ks got WoC3 PAs?


I wouldn't accuse GM's of foul play if I where you. They won those PAs as far as I know at the GM auctions, it isn't that hard to get the stuff, and when you think they can get 25 odd people online, it isn't hard to get all the junk they do. We get about 10-25% of what they do and it's usually just two of us. All about the time and effort you put in, and nothing to do with GM's spawning junk or pa's for you.

18-08-07, 17:49
I miss her too :(

She was so bubbly and loved her work. I remember a few of her events, one notable one being the Neocron Race Championship. She really made it sparkle :)

Every sunday, Krysm came on several hours before the race and together we'd build the course, along with stands for spectators and all sorts of things. Or rather, I'd stand around and try and describe what I wanted, and then run away when she got it wrong and started Xing random bits of the landscape.

Anyway, my favourite is whoever will spawn me stuff if I say them :P

18-08-07, 18:01
Hoder without any doubts..

Dont really like any of the other GMs i have talked to...

18-08-07, 19:56
MJS's rolex ;)

18-08-07, 20:29
Danae is obviously cooler than any other support staff.

18-08-07, 22:32
Well I better say I like them all, otherwise they may do something nasty to me in game. :p

18-08-07, 22:36
PlasmaStorm, Carbonite & Moonunit.

It's a shame none of them are still around :(

Went to see White Stripes and Weird Al Yankovic with Plasmastorm a couple months ago. Carbonite I haven't seen in a while, although I still have him on MSN. Was supposed to be at our last get together but things fell through. Hoder's great......unless of course your going to a casino and he forgets his I.D. (especially bad since he was driving!) Guy's got a babyface :p

Props to Phase....bringer of much alcohol.

Lavos was also excellent despite his suggestion of video taping me while asleep.

Never ever fall asleep around GM's....evil buggers ;p

18-08-07, 22:57
Never ever fall asleep around GM's....evil buggers ;p
Heh, I'd forgotten about that. ;)


18-08-07, 23:06
I still have the original vid :D

Now if I offered to sell it on Terra.. how much would I get, I wonder?



Mighty Max
18-08-07, 23:25
Let's assume i could somehow get my hands on this tape ...
wouldn't that be a good entry for the memories contest? *g*


My favorite Staff Member might depend on the answer, and 20mio cr in small cashcubes :angel:

*psst* hoder, let's work together to get the best profit. Together we can get more ... more ... MORE

19-08-07, 02:03
Lol I personally think Hoder, just because of one experience we had.

We had glitched through the NEXT clan app window to look down at the bottom of the fall there (Most of you know what im talking about, you fall about where the P2 Gogo and Crytons should be.)

And we where rather stuck, so we started boxing. Out of nowhere, Hoder shows up and asks to join in our Fisty-Cuffs match ^^ After we got done beating the shit out of each other, we actually asked him about what we called him for (Was something about transferring ownership of an apartment)

Was great fun.

Also love Carb and Plasma, just because they where 2 of the main GMs around back in the day that i remember. I think another one was also Sandbender (=D) or something? My memory is shat though.

19-08-07, 02:18
I think another one was also Sandstorm or something? My memory is shat though.

Sandbender ... "-storm" was Ms. Plasma's rear :p

19-08-07, 10:40
Ill have to go with Hoder simply beacouse he whas the first GM to acually help me out when i made a ticket. And ofcourse hes abit of crackpot, runing around doing oddstuff in NC just cus hes bored. Seen him stand around pretending to be a copbot on several ocasions.

Sgt. Thumper is cool too though, helped me get an all acess IF for my appy where Sandbender just gave me a bad lie about how they didnt exist.

19-08-07, 11:35
Sgt. Thumper is cool too though, helped me get an all acess IF for my appy where Sandbender just gave me a bad lie about how they didnt exist.

Maybe he though they didnt exsist lol! I might tally up the votes and ask Chen to spawn a gold cup with the title "Support Staff Member Of The Year" lol

19-08-07, 12:45
Well she may be abit grumpy seing as noone picked her :P.

19-08-07, 12:46
Sandbender ...
Poor him... during the test server phase he spent nights writing the same desperate messages again and again, copping with silly requests and trying to calm down all sorts of flooders and PKers at the Mall, while Hoder and the rest of the team were chilling with a 12 years old Scotch at their personnal villa's swimming pool in Cote d'Azur :eek:

Last time we've heard of him he was an internee in some psychiatric institute due to the PTSD resulting from his volunteer GM session.

My vote must to go to him finally :)

19-08-07, 22:22
Went to see White Stripes and Weird Al Yankovic with Plasmastorm a couple months ago. Carbonite I haven't seen in a while, although I still have him on MSN. Was supposed to be at our last get together but things fell through. :p
Plassy rocks! :D

I think all of the GMs and support staff have done a great job over the years though, the volunteers and the paid staff alike (hmm except maybe one or two bad apples early on.. you probably know who I mean :p), and were it not for their input there would be no Neocron.

Hmm seeing as there are a few old-time staff reading this thread, I have a question to ask that's been bugging me for almost 4 years now..who was Clumpy in beta 4!!. I know it was one of you lot!

I miss her too :(

She was so bubbly and loved her work. I remember a few of her events, one notable one being the Neocron Race Championship. She really made it sparkle :)

Yep, she was an awesome person. Funny, positive, intelligent full of life, & one of the nicest ppl I've come across in all my years of gaming. I wonder what she's up to now?

19-08-07, 22:30
Sprite and NoGravity tbh... :lol: Carbonite was pretty awesome too!

20-08-07, 11:14
PlasmaStorm and Hoder

Both have helped me throughout my NC life. Somehow, even though I remember putting a ticket in for help, Hoder (being the quirky person that he is) still manages to appear when im not expecting it and scaring the crap out of me. :D

20-08-07, 11:26
Tough one. I would say Odin, Carbonite and Snowcrash.

Odin because he came to IRC and laughed me out because I had forgot to log off neocron in my other apartment really really far away and I needed me kicked from the server and Carbonite because he sent Odin and Snowcrash because he is.. snowcrash!

20-08-07, 12:58
Ah I miss Carbonite, though I have to say Hoder is not that bad, especially after that DM in Plaza 1.

Sorry again Hoder =(

But he did find my Quad after that :D hes a pal.

20-08-07, 15:27
We've had many wonderful volunteers throughout the history of Neocron/Neocron 2. Not just regular support staff, gm's, and mod's but also loads of great people who have made fan sites and tools for the community. All of the people who have selflessly taken time to help others in this game deserve a pat on the back in my opinion ;)

20-08-07, 15:31
We've had many wonderful volunteers throughout the history of Neocron/Neocron 2. Not just regular support staff, gm's, and mod's but also loads of great people who have made fan sites and tools for the community. All of the people who have selflessly taken time to help others in this game deserve a pat on the back in my opinion ;)

I'd love to take a pat on my back from you danae ... *duck*

ouch that was a bad one :P

20-08-07, 15:53
Hoder ftw...spawn me rares pls!? ;)

20-08-07, 16:14
Depends on what kind of tools they made for the community tbh... :rolleyes:

Dribble Joy
20-08-07, 16:24
Niddy, failing that 'Nae or the now sadly departed BDFC Kirja. Honeypot was also rather fun, if evil :p.

20-08-07, 18:02
Jack Red! omg he was so funny, he gave me 20,000 nc for helping in some VIA 3 events... I died 5 times :'(

(I wish there were more random events :cool: )

Dribble Joy
20-08-07, 18:40
HA! I got 35k for helping fight off the H.I.O.B. bots :p.

20-08-07, 18:56
Jack Red! omg he was so funny, he gave me 20,000 nc for helping in some VIA 3 events... I died 5 times :'(

(I wish there were more random events :cool: )

I also recall the mass sexing of jack red after he was rescued from H.I.O.B apt thing. :D

18-09-07, 11:40
Went to see White Stripes and Weird Al Yankovic with Plasmastorm a couple months ago. Carbonite I haven't seen in a while, although I still have him on MSN. Was supposed to be at our last get together but things fell through. Hoder's great......unless of course your going to a casino and he forgets his I.D. (especially bad since he was driving!) Guy's got a babyface :p

Props to Phase....bringer of much alcohol.

Lavos was also excellent despite his suggestion of video taping me while asleep.

Never ever fall asleep around GM's....evil buggers ;p

You never answer my msg's though =p

18-09-07, 13:17
Danae ffs!

edit: damn already posted before, I suck.

18-09-07, 15:03
I like Wingthor.
I' m ready for a remach anytime (sadly my characters weren't working correct in motu II)

ashley watts
18-09-07, 23:04
I love em all, because i have yet to be told off by any of em ( im a good boy :angel: ) :p

19-09-07, 01:30
Whoever that GM was that Strife killed in beta and looted his artifact weapons (at that time they were some crazy shit). He went ape-shit, and it was very funny.

He got them all back of course, but lets just say we had some copies for ourselves.

19-09-07, 01:50
I love em all, because i have yet to be told off by any of em ( im a good boy :angel: ) :pMe too, but I'm being honest :angel:

Especially the support staff who were terribly sympathetic - though unmoved - at my pleas to have our tech app restored after the leader deleted his char :(

19-09-07, 02:16
Danae ffs!
Guys are you aware that she's married ? Oh, she's got children too. That's at least one useless "F" in "FFS".

Besides, she barely ever edit any offensive/spamming post, drastically reducing the interest of showing her some sympathy if you like to post random shit or flame your beloved comrades all day along here without having to worry about the moderation (I swear I don't !) ; not to mention she's obviously an opened-out female therefore hardly represents an IG revengeful-hidden-pvp-char threat.

And, I'm pretty sure that any attempt of flattering her ego is just slipping on her skin although her role at KK's certainly still means a lot for her.

No, really, why bothering on supporting her anymore ? Be realistic, your best bet is to vote for some REAL MAN at KK (who likes to spawn stuff and will probably be a leader at BP's support staff in a near future).


19-09-07, 04:02
(who likes to spawn stuff and will probably be a leader at BP's support staff in a near future).


Damn lil bastids. Id hate to meet one of those fuckers in space :D

Easteregg in BP much?

19-09-07, 15:50
Guys are you aware that she's married ? Oh, she's got children too. That's at least one useless "F" in "FFS".

Besides, she barely ever edit any offensive/spamming post, drastically reducing the interest of showing her some sympathy if you like to post random shit or flame your beloved comrades all day along here without having to worry about the moderation (I swear I don't !) ; not to mention she's obviously an opened-out female therefore hardly represents an IG revengeful-hidden-pvp-char threat.

And, I'm pretty sure that any attempt of flattering her ego is just slipping on her skin although her role at KK's certainly still means a lot for her.

No, really, why bothering on supporting her anymore ? Be realistic, your best bet is to vote for some REAL MAN at KK (who likes to spawn stuff and will probably be a leader at BP's support staff in a near future).


Everyone at KK does their job, does what they are supposed to do, and does it well, whether men or women. Not exactly clear on the purpose of your rant, but if it makes you feel better you can hold my wonky end table steady and you can be my favourite support person.

20-09-07, 00:12
Everyone at KK does their job, does what they are supposed to do, and does it well, whether men or women. Not exactly clear on the purpose of your rant, but if it makes you feel better you can hold my wonky end table steady and you can be my favourite support person.
At your service Madame, truly yours :)

21-09-07, 08:49
My favorite is lear.... oh wait... uhhh... I GOT THE JOB? omgosh... this is so... :cool: :rolleyes: im blushing.... When do I start guys?

21-09-07, 08:53
My favorite is lear.... oh wait... uhhh... I GOT THE JOB? omgosh... this is so... :cool: :rolleyes: im blushing.... When do I start guys?

Right now! Making coffee is a good start. We need lots of coffee! :D

21-09-07, 08:54
Well, If i have a place to crash, and I can sip on the coffee too, I'M IN! :angel:

p.s. i work for food/shelter.

15-10-07, 00:20
Lupus was my all time favourite...

After that, I'd probably say Nidhogg, but then... I don't think he ever liked me :D

William Antrim
15-10-07, 09:09
Callash was my favourite, and the other geezer who used to do the stories whos name i cannot remember. He got taken off the story board in the end and noone knew why.

Other than that I used to love QD coz he thought he was staff the way he carried on. Hilarious how people would brown nose.

Finally I loved MJS for having the balls to come onto the forum and tell us neocron was not bugged and he NEVER got fatal errors. Awesome. :lol:

15-10-07, 09:29
Neocron is not bugged and I do not ever have a fatal! :p

Do you love me now too? :D

William Antrim
15-10-07, 10:45
Neocron is not bugged and I do not ever have a fatal! :p

Do you love me now too? :D

attention whore.


15-10-07, 19:28
snowcrash =]

$ir Mafia
15-10-07, 19:45
Black Ivory , was always there for me <3 :P

oh and Silentium,before he got that fancy KK Clantag