View Full Version : [Solved]Help me

11-08-07, 22:54
Hi folks,

Well i'm actually coming back on neocron and i'm actually blocked by one thing :

I have downloaded the game here (http://dome-of-york.com/download/) but it seems that part 27 and 34 are corrupted if anyone have those parts i'm intersted..Gm's or players(if a players have does f%%%%% parts))


ashley watts
12-08-07, 03:26
Hmmm, if i were you dude id download from a different website , all i can think of unless the webmaster fixes it :p

12-08-07, 08:51
Just reinstall.

12-08-07, 12:33
yeah it was that i have retry to extract the game then it work perfectly ^^


12-08-07, 13:15
Hmmm ok then i shall make a random post in here because thats what i do in my spare time i spose, well actually i shall write a short story...

One day an amazing man called cream cracker showed up at the front door of the french museum, "Hello There" says cracker in a very distinguished voice, because at the time he wished to sound very smart and intelligent as he was about to ask the museum curator a very serious question..."Hello Mr Curator sir, i have a fine and dandy question for you, if you was a penguin would you either eat fish or pancake?" Well the curator did not seem pleased at cream cracker and just kicked him straight out. Cream cracker was not very happy at all at this time, but forgot about it as he moped home, but on his way home he was beaten up by the local bullys. Cracker was not having a very good day at all, untill he got home and found a packet of his favorite Jammy Dodgers, oh that brightened up his day amazingly.

I hope you all enjoyed.

12-08-07, 13:30
tracid, glad to see you got things working.

Problem solved, Jammy Dodgers eaten, thread closed.
