View Full Version : Syncs ???

08-08-07, 11:05
Is it just me or is the game syncing all the time ?

08-08-07, 12:42
Yeh thats normally what happens wen u enter another zone :rolleyes: nah im joking lol, it has been quite bad this morning

08-08-07, 16:43
I think its pretty much always bad now for the most part.

08-08-07, 21:18
Well exept for walker getting killed 3 times in p1 because of a shit server (GRd in by accident - died, GRd out - got cought in sync - died, GRd out - got cought in sync - died... but exept for that everything is just perfect :rolleyes:

09-08-07, 03:36
I have fun having 15 second synches

09-08-07, 14:42
Yeah I sync bugged badly yesterday and my tank ended up looking like a psi healing stealthed spy, and later on like a PA-less fully buffed PPU monk...

That and I had to try and log in 3 times to get my character in the game. :confused:

09-08-07, 16:01
Had really bad problems last night, worst night so far. My char inbox has 24 emails from bad syncs, and the game was fataling on random events like someone casting a spell or shooting a weapon. Swiss cheese code ftl :(