View Full Version : [OT] We decended from apes...

27-07-07, 19:11
I'm sorry to spamz0r teh forums once again now that I'm back from Jap land...


But watching this... The only thing I could think about was that we MUST have come from apes... especially with human behaviour such as this...

God knows what language they speak...

ashley watts
27-07-07, 19:26
The first level was when Nobby found out he did a ladyboy :p.

27-07-07, 22:33
The title screen of the movie is in either danish or norwegian but i think that theyr really just mindlessly gibbering during the movie rather than speaking an acual language.

TBH doom 3 whas horible. The levels where so dark most of the time i didnt have the slightest idea where i whas going and only knew i whas being atacked beacouse the enemies would scream like rabid teenage girls at a T-shirt sale whenver they jumped out at me. Thank god for the ducktape mod that acually gave me a hint of a chance to see what i was shooting at... well untill i had to reload anyways.

Edit: Found this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArA39oGJUOk) one in the related box and its mutch better aswell as being less of a poor act.

27-07-07, 23:46
TBH doom 3 whas horible. The levels where so dark most of the time i didnt have the slightest idea where i whas going and only knew i whas being atacked beacouse the enemies would scream like rabid teenage girls at a T-shirt sale whenver they jumped out at me.
5.1 is your friend ;)

28-07-07, 01:41
I only played Doom 3 for bout a week after it whas released. Played it on a Geforce 2 with no graphics at all and with godmode as a musthave setting cus id get a 30 second hang whenver a mob spawned meaning id be dead once my graphics cought up. Played it abit after i got my 8800 alot smoother and on top graphics aswell. Lost the install in one of my many rerolls and the disk has gotten sundamaged in the meantime.

Ill give updating a try soon as i salvage an image of disk 3 though.

28-07-07, 10:46
I was heavily disappointed in the game...
Not because of the gameplay tho... More disappointed with myself personally.

I had 5.1, Top notch running equipment for the game... But...

I never found it scary.... Never found it frightening... It never even made me jump once...

My two mates would come round to watch every minute of me playing it, they even said one night, they shit their pants on the way home when a cat ran infront of them... (The game's fucked us up Sean !)

I found the game... kinda exciting and fun playing with the chainsaw, but other than that... I was disappointed with myself for not being scared of it.

Played Fear however, that did kinda scare me ...

Can anyone explain why I didn't react in the "correct" to this game ? :(

28-07-07, 13:17
Maybe it takes a creepy lil girl to scare you. Heck it freaks me out everytime i see a movie with one in it.

Doom is creepy at times but i cant see why anyone would react as violently to it as some of the people in the youtube video's.

I will never enyoy a scary game as mutch as i do crawling up and grabing hold of the ankles of people watching or playing one though. Specially chicks watching a scary movie in the midle of the night, although its always wise to wear earplugs if you do so.

28-07-07, 14:01
FEAR scared me a lot more then Doom did. Great use of camera angles and ambient noise in FEAR.

28-07-07, 15:29
I was heavily disappointed in the game...
Not because of the gameplay tho... More disappointed with myself personally.

I had 5.1, Top notch running equipment for the game... But...

I never found it scary.... Never found it frightening... It never even made me jump once...

28-07-07, 17:58
I tougth we decended from hercules. O_o

John Bushido
28-07-07, 22:01
from all those games, stalker scared me the most, much better than doom3 and Fear

28-07-07, 23:58
But stalker isnt really meant to be scary...

ashley watts
29-07-07, 00:09
But stalker isnt really meant to be scary...

It is with full graphics, dark room and you hear mutated boars in caves ;)

29-07-07, 17:55
I never played through stalker but i found it more depressing than scary. Playing it made me feel sad, place is jus one big ruin.