View Full Version : Situation point

04-07-07, 08:23
I'm afk from neocron since 2003-2004, anyway before DoY.
I've always followed this game on website/forum because it is still in my heart.
I was a ppu, plutonian ppu in the tangent technologies and I still remind big friends as:
- tupac
- nemesis2k
- sid
- apumaster
- blackmamba
- snipo
- eldiabloz
- kheldar

I'd like to comin' back, but I'd like to know if Neocron, the Neocron i used to play, is still here. If that atmosphere is still here. If that adrenaline-pvp is still here.

I've played so many mmogs: extetically perfect, almost bugless. But so empty like gameplay.

I don't care about de-sync, or crash, or crap-graphics. I just want to know if Neocron has still its charming gameplay.

Let me know guys.

04-07-07, 09:29
Lots of things have changed, few new features are ingame and the balance has shifted completely. It's still far from balanced though, its just other classes that completely dominate pvp these days.
Bad thing is that the netcode is a lot worse than it was.

And i think none of the people you mentioned are still playing. At least i haven't seen any of those names ingame for ages.

But Neocrack is always worth another try. :)

04-07-07, 12:27
What has the netcode?
What's the wrongest thing around?

I've never been used to see Neocron balanced, but just a "funny game".
The problem of new games is that they are a WORK, not just a GAME.

Is there still a chance to gank, to make the bastards in small groups, to pk everywhere, to kill every1 for every reason? Is there still a chance to loot the belt, to make big wars and to flame and blame and whine?

That's all I need.

ashley watts
04-07-07, 13:29
If your coming back just for the PvP, save your money, unless you like hearing only xbows, ion cannons and laser cannons :p

04-07-07, 18:00
Not really different from when I played.
Always: holylightning, plasmacannon and so on.

But this is a problem for me. The taset of pvp it is its freedom. I want freedom in pvp. Not to be closed in a stupid arena.

I just want to know if neocron is still a open-wide ganking pvp game. And if pvp is still its basys!

ashley watts
04-07-07, 21:24
Not really different from when I played.
Always: holylightning, plasmacannon and so on.

But this is a problem for me. The taset of pvp it is its freedom. I want freedom in pvp. Not to be closed in a stupid arena.

I just want to know if neocron is still a open-wide ganking pvp game. And if pvp is still its basys!

Well your not going to be restricted i must say, but the population will stop you "Freedom PvPing" OP wars still go ahead though, maybe people at CRP somtimes, but most of the PvP happens at pepper park 1 which sucks wank stein tbh.

04-07-07, 21:56
few peps?

17-07-07, 08:22
Hey crow I dont play anymore mate, playing wow mainly now if u dont mind me asking who u were on pluto again mate :)

Tupac x

01-08-07, 09:18
omg a wow player.Go hang youself tbh

01-08-07, 13:10
omg a wow player.Go hang youself tbh

Well that was just nasty :(