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View Full Version : Community Announcement 05/30

Holger Nathrath
30-05-07, 15:25
We are glad that Neocron 2.2 was mostly received in a positive way. For that I’d like to thank everyone involved, our community, the great GM team and of course also the developers themselves for the good work and the cooperation. The integration of PayPal was also very successful and was well received. Approximately 50% of the players are using PayPal by now.

For the further development we have decided on a way that is supposed to reverse one of our most controversial decisions: When Neocron 2 was released, we divided the factions among two cities. The idea behind this was that “Good” and “Evil” would meet in the Wastelands and fight over the outposts there. Despite the clear goals, this concept didn’t really work out as planned, for different reasons. We heard many voices that wish the initial situation back.

For that reason we will bring the factions closer together again in our next package, to create a more complex gameplay with more variation. Not only will the factions, including HQs and apartments move to Neocron – the sympathy settings will also be reworked to offer a more interesting web of relationships as base for the gameplay.

Even though this package represents a considerable amount of work, as many NPCs, dialogs and missions have to be reworked and tested, we do not consider the changes spectacular enough to call them Neocron 2.3. Therefore they will be integrated in a normal patch and will be prepared through storyline developments. We’d like to invite all of you to participate in those events and to support the GMs through presence and cooperation. All these changes will require about 2-3 months of development time. More precise dates will follow at a later time. Furthermore, as opposed to Evol 2.2, there will be bugfixing patches during this time, as well as some important changes like i.e. an update of the Soullight system.

We hope that this decision meets the majority’s wishes and we are looking forward to reviving the Neocron 1 feeling and the Pepper Park fights.


Addition by Thanatos:

Since the priority is to get everyone settled in their new (old) locations, we haven't reached a final decision concerning the city of DoY yet. The city will be cleaned out and all relevant NPCs will be moved to Pepper Park, Outzone and Industrial, but we certainly don't want to close it. Any additional work on DoY will happen after the move is complete. What to do after that is still up for discussion and we welcome your ideas.

Dribble Joy
30-05-07, 15:31

Though does that mean everyone moving to NC? Or will some people remain in the WL/DoY?

Will you be continuing to work on the balancing? Some of it clearly isn't right yet.

Also, is the implant rework still going ahead?

30-05-07, 15:38
Awesome, like the sound of that. Am off to work in America for a couple months over summer so will be looking forward to seeing these changes when i get back. Perfect timing infact :D

Quick question: If the HQs are moving back to NC, what's going to happen to DoY?

Am also looking very forward to the SL system. Any info on how you're going to update it?

Dribble Joy
30-05-07, 15:44
Am also looking very forward to the SL system. Any info on how you're going to update it?
Hopefully by dumping it alltogether and going with just symps.

30-05-07, 15:46
wuwu restored a little faith in the game I see. Just remember to branch out on ideas abit and not just edit and change around what we already have now. By that I mean consider ideas such as Anarchy Breed and Trader Union factions (if these were the kind of concepts you had in mind, even if they weren't - consider them :cool: ). Will the ideas be open to discussion like the balancing project?

Other than that, this is the best news I've heard in a long time from you guys.

30-05-07, 15:51
We hope that this decision meets the majority’s wishes and we are looking forward to reviving the Neocron 1 feeling and the Pepper Park fights.

30-05-07, 16:00
are we gonna get any new alliances that weren't around in nc1?.. like next/fa or something to mix things up so it's not so red vs blue.. and also with your sl rework could neutrals possibly be neutral instead of an almost ally..

30-05-07, 16:02
im worried...are you moving ALL factions back to neocron?

William Antrim
30-05-07, 16:02
are we gonna get any new alliances that weren't around in nc1?.. like next/fa or something to mix things up so it's not so red vs blue.. and also with your sl rework could neutrals possibly be neutral instead of an almost ally..

Next and FA were allied in nc1.

30-05-07, 16:08
im worried...are you moving ALL factions back to neocron?why are you worried?


I do not want to know the upcoming alliances *now*. Let's have a litte bit surprise ;)

Dribble Joy
30-05-07, 16:09
He means he's worried that ALL factions, even CM, FA and TG, will be moving to NC.

Which would be daft.

30-05-07, 16:13
I think this is good news, although many would like the weapon balance finished and player position clipping looked at before you do this.

If you are changing the faction system then I urge you to find a way to make the factions fluid - ie have the tools in place to change Allied/Neutral/Enemy every week if you so wished, in keeping with the ongoing story.

To complement this change, it would be great to have these 2 features:

- Clan War system working, to allow allied clans to go fight without Soulight loss

- City Merc Contract system, to allow the Mercs to take contracts and temorarily take on the faction sympathies of their employer.

I feel these 3 changes would really refresh Neocron and I hope it comes to pass.

30-05-07, 16:32
Interesting, where will Fallen Angel end up to? Neocron as well? it doesn't fit in too well with the feel of Fallen Angels, Techhaven is our home, both from a RP point of view, and a passionate player point of view.

Also I hope the clipping problem comes under the title of "bugfixing patches", although it would be most welcomed if there was some official comment on the clipping issue.

Dribble Joy
30-05-07, 17:06
- City Merc Contract system, to allow the Mercs to take contracts and temorarily take on the faction sympathies of their employer.
And send every PKer to CM? I'd rather not.

30-05-07, 17:10
CM will stay at the MB, FA moves back to TH, TG moves back to the canyon.

30-05-07, 17:11
Some bold and welcome changes. Being able to declare war with clans in allied factions has been needed for some time and I would think this is the perfect opportunity to implement it.
Congratz on making what was obviously a hard decision.

30-05-07, 17:11
CM will stay at the MB,FA moves back to TH, TG moves back to the canyon.


30-05-07, 17:17

SL rework and a better faction system.

Just please please please sort out the bugs fast. Guns, drones, newbie leveling, rare droprates.


30-05-07, 17:17
We be able to raid TH again or will it still be safezone?

30-05-07, 17:24
Uhm, if the doy factions are coming back to neocron... what of the dome?

... Put a op hackterm in each major sector, and allow players to take control of them. Then we could have some major urban warfare 8|

On a serius note, for allowing paypal you do infact deserve a pat on the back!

30-05-07, 17:28
Interesting, where will Fallen Angel end up to? Neocron as well? it doesn't fit in too well with the feel of Fallen Angels, Techhaven is our home, both from a RP point of view, and a passionate player point of view.

totally agree !!

Tech Haven should become WarZone again, TG should get appartments in the cannyon !!! TH RAIDS <--- <3 OMG !!!!

30-05-07, 17:42
FA moves back to TH

What will happen to the existing Clanapartments? Will they be moved too? What will happen to the cabs and their content / furniture? Are clans allowed to have more then one apartment? Will TH become a warzone again? Do we get our Security Bots (Turrets) back?

30-05-07, 17:43
Tbh i think this patch will bring back more players than 2.1 + 2.2 combined

Nice work KK tbfh

30-05-07, 17:51
What will happen with the existing Clanapartments? Will they be moved too? What will happen to the cabs and their content / furniture? Are clans allowed to have more then one apartment? Will TH become a warzone again? Do we get our Security Bots (Turrets) back?

I think some of the questions i can answer now.
Existing Dome Appartments and their content will be moved to a new (still secret) location in Neocron (except the TH/TG apps). Clans can only have one Clanappartment.

We decided to leave HQs as safezones because actually the population for each faction is too low for defending the HQ. Its no problem to change that later to nonsafe, if there are enough ppl for defending the HQ.

30-05-07, 17:54
Existing Dome Appartments and their content will be moved to a new (still secret) location in Neocron (except the TH/TG apps).

That they'll be moved to neocron was mentioned before - that's why I've quoted "FA moves back to TH" I want to know weather they move back to TH aswel.

*edit* The apartments of course

30-05-07, 18:01
That they'll be moved to neocron was mentioned before - that's why I've quoted "FA moves back to TH" I want to know weather they move back to TH aswel.

Yes, this appartments and all contents goes back to Tech Heaven.

30-05-07, 18:07
Wow.. This is really really good news..

Im.. i really dont know what to say.. much sex to you tbh!

Looking forward to it :D

EDIT: oh yea, what will become of DoY now then? and all the normal (not clans) apartments? same as with clans, they get moved to a secret location?

30-05-07, 18:25
.... TG moves back to the canyon.

OMG, back to the canyon. The good old days. Hanging around yager's in the evening catchin the last sun and laser rays ;)

30-05-07, 18:37
Are there any plans or final decisions made for the DoY area itself? Will it be available to runners similar to Outzone in NC, will it become home to a new group/enemy like Regant and his minions or will it simply be boarded up?

Also, what will happen to DoY furniture? Will it still be available from the Canyon or other places? I hope so, I much prefer the small DoY cabinets to any others.

30-05-07, 18:44
CM will stay at the MB, FA moves back to TH, TG moves back to the canyon.


After all the time they spent creating the DoY area it would be insane to simply board it up. Here is a real oppertunity to make use of it and all the other unused locations.

To Holgar/Niddy/Dev team, would you consider opening up a thread at some point during the early development where we can suggest possible uses for not only DoY but other area's like the unused gaya mines, underground storage areas in the wastes, outzone sectors, maybe even the outzone jail (now that all 3 entrances to NC are gonna be used much more with everyone being in one city)?

You wouldnt have to act on any of the suggestions but there 'might' be some good idea's that would be fairly simple to implement. Who knows?

Anyway nice work, this latest announcement brings real hope to neocron.

ashley watts
30-05-07, 18:44
Great, more fights at PP1 >.>

30-05-07, 18:56
This sounds fooking amazing. Having only been with this game a short while and never having experienced the original alliances etc (which I have been told was SO much better) I am very excited by this! I agree with Jodo in saying congrats for making what must have been a hard decision.

However in the rapture of this announcement it seems that, to some extent, people have forgotten their previous anger at KK for not doing much with the game regarding the balancing. So is it possible for you to shed any light on how this is going and get any sort of guarantee that the balancing will be sorted first?

Even just some sort of statement as to the current situation regarding the balancing project would be great!

An a lighter note, what happens to my TH appt? :p

Anyway, this is still great news! :D

30-05-07, 19:00
Vote for BT -> Doy Sec 10 :D

30-05-07, 19:48
Sounds nice! :D

30-05-07, 19:52
yeah th is the best think to happen in along time <3 kk for once but plz plz plz don't forget about the fact that the balancing isn't finished yet

if you are thinking of incorperating anarkcy breed ect into fractions mby they could of taken over the dome or summing like that...just a thought

30-05-07, 20:09
What is going to happen to the dome of york?

If i may make a suggestion, it could be turned into a sort of high leveling area with doy bots ect roming it! I think that would be amazing, keep every sector as it is, but remove all the current leveling areas, then put spawn zones for doy bots etc within the dome, Just, you could even make the city center something like a woc tunnel!

Though I think WOC and MC5 should be a huge epic quest rather than a stupid single mob. Which just is kinda annoying I could go into a huge amount of detail but i wont.

We are glad that Neocron 2.2 was mostly received in a positive way. For that I’d like to thank everyone involved, our community, the great GM team and of course also the developers themselves for the good work and the cooperation.

Mostly yes...would be nice if you'd finish the "balancing" when your ready though no rush, but do try and have it done by oh say 2110. We'll all be long dead by then but hey better late than never right?

30-05-07, 20:13
If i may make a suggestion, it could be turned into a sort of high leveling area with doy bots ect roming it! I think that would be amazing, keep every sector as it is, but remove all the current leveling areas, then put spawn zones for doy bots etc within the dome, Just, you could even make the city center something like a woc tunnel!

Ilike the idea of making DOY a leveling area, just think of all the safespots and places you can exploit from tho :(

30-05-07, 20:36
I think the idea to extend the op war scene to DoY city zones would be great. As it is, a lot of the population has never even seen DoY (like me).

30-05-07, 20:48
May i suggest Reakktor open a discussion thread and let the community put some ideas on what we would like to see DOY become with the excellent changes happening.

Just a thought.


30-05-07, 21:08
I'd like to see it become a bloody dangerous place to go with high level mobs of some sort. DoY bots etc would make sense, the current Anti city population wouldn't want leaders of Neocron just walking in and making use of it (though that would be kinda cool too). Some decent NPC smugglers could be dotted around similar to OZ.

Would/should the GR's in DoY stay in place and stay active?

Would/should apartments still be available to buy for DoY?

Should there be one or two zones with no mobs in so PvP can go undisturbed?

Would/should TG or other Anti factions leave some sort of force behind similar to the old HQ's in NC?

If DoY does become a high level area then Tescom Uplink will likely become the next CRP with plenty of Op fights (hopefully).

I really hope something is done with DoY, otherwise it's just NC1 with some different patches.

30-05-07, 21:27
I don't like the idea of DoY becoming a massive leveling spot. As if we don't have enough already. DoY is huge, use it for something fun like PvP. Remember how you said you'd make TG Canyon and TH like glorified outposts with hackterminals... well do that with sectors of DoY like someone suggested. That would be a lot of fun IMO. Just like OP fights but in new interesting setting.

30-05-07, 21:34
Exactly, we asked for years for urban op fights (although you'd have to fix the clipping first!).

30-05-07, 21:44
This is great news, I'm pleased to see some community/dev communication about the direction that nc is heading. Great work you guys.

30-05-07, 22:26
Nice changes. Thanks alot Reakktor. This is really what needs to be done.
I really hope the faction relations are pretty much similar as it was back in NC1, I really liked them.

30-05-07, 22:52
He means he's worried that ALL factions, even CM, FA and TG, will be moving to NC.

Which would be daft.

Im worried because i didnt farking buy NC2 to see a whole city, that was quite well designed to Cyberpunk standards go to waste by moving every single faction to Neocron.

30-05-07, 23:52
They're not all moving to Neocron. They're moving back to their old NC1 homes.


31-05-07, 01:29
They're not all moving to Neocron. They're moving back to their old NC1 homes.


will these homes become save zones ? TH for example ? ( I hope not)

Doc Holliday
31-05-07, 01:30
You guys should keep doy as doy. keep the hqs etc there. black dragon and tsunami already have semi secret bases in nc. i like the idea of tg going to the canyon too. it will populate more of the areas. what about making a new faction for control of the dome akin to what ca does with nc? make em hostile to all pro city factions and even some of the anti ones as well. make it so its gonna be half way step towards the anarchy breed guys so instead of full enemies to all make some factions still green or yellow.

31-05-07, 01:36
I think those bastards over at BT should be kicked the fuck out of the city, they bring nothing but trouble and hassle to our city involving regants and sxr being so damn sexy.

Get to the dome you bastards!

31-05-07, 01:47
I think those bastards over at BT should be kicked the fuck out of the city, they bring nothing but trouble and hassle to our city involving regants and sxr being so damn sexy.

Get to the dome you bastards!
lol too many holes in walls, rubble and rats runnin around in that place :p

I do like this idea though good job KK, fianlly a decision that makes sense that the majority of the community likes :D

Dribble Joy
31-05-07, 02:15
I think someone should have DoY really.

Still going by what I said here (http://forum.neocron.com/showpost.php?p=2077979&postcount=14).

31-05-07, 02:41
Yes, another extremely good move KK!

I'm definitely coming back to NC now, once I get my new PC (if not sooner). The more I see the game progressing towards the players wishes and concepts the more my faith is restored!

31-05-07, 03:00
can i keep the old tsunami sector?

31-05-07, 03:00

this is the first update to nc2 that makes me excited to return and play again. (ironic that its actually more of a rollback, but not surprising ;))

plus the opportunity to do something great with the doy city is something i hope is taken advantage of.

31-05-07, 03:53
since you guys are readjusting factions, Get us NEXT out of the fucking city! Im personally tired of CAs shit, always harrassing our guards and taking our assets just because they are the "Law". I say we build a bunch of fucking Hoverbombers with "stolden" blueprints from some certain FA contacts we have, and blow CA out of the city.

31-05-07, 04:07

i'm beginning to see greener grass and another couple reactivations.

31-05-07, 05:08
I like where this is heading. :)

My only concern is about how DoY will be used now. There were a lot of good ideas in this thread so far.

31-05-07, 07:21
As someone on this forum mentioned before a little while back, I would love to see my glorious faction (NEXT) move out of the city to DRT and become red with some pro factions and green with some anti! :p

We still haven't heard any news on the balancing yet and no news on what happens to my TH appt :D

31-05-07, 07:55
As someone on this forum mentioned before a little while back, I would love to see my glorious faction (NEXT) move out of the city to DRT and become red with some pro factions and green with some anti! :p

We still haven't heard any news on the balancing yet and no news on what happens to my TH appt :D

find the quote button you lazy bum!

But agreed. There should be an underground base at DRT for NEXT to continue its research and developement into vehicles, and it should become a sort of "Free Trader" faction, based in the wastes.

31-05-07, 09:01
While i love the way we are heading now, there's still some issues.

I'd love a new faction and SL system. The earlier, the better.

And it might even bring some of the old people back. But it won't keep any new people playing the game.

So for the love of god, at least fix the worst bugs before doing anything else. Or it will fail. Numbers are constntly going down and i hardly doubt thats because people don't like the faction system. They don't like the bugs. They don't like the completely fucked economy. They want weapon balance, something the latest update was actually based around. So where is out balance?


31-05-07, 09:14
Hmmm sounds good on paper.

You could change NC back to the trade area, and have the unused zones in DoY
and TH for urban op fights...as long as some of the main bugs where fixed i
could see this bringing back alot of the old players.

SiL ..:..

31-05-07, 11:25
I hope you intend to re-populate the dome in some way, perhaps finally introduce a DoY Reminant faction? Yes moving things back to how they were is good, creates some fun, get everyone back battling over old territory and i know there's going to be storyline to support this but please, please, please tell me the Dome isn't going to become empty and be - atleast effectivly - a waste of two plus years of development?

The Dome needs to live on, it's half the game, there needs to be something - someone - in it still. The Dome has always been a ghost town since it's introduction and i was hoping that something would be done to populate it, new factions (unplayable and playable), new shops/brands, new fun things to do (War Games Inn?) not that it would be abandoned entirly.

Some factions i'd like to see in the Dome when everyone else buggers off :)

DoY Reminants (Playable + F6 Presence @ City Centre, TG HQ) - The remaining Dome Of York forces who have been scattered through the wastelands for years, in hiding once their city had fallen and the bomb tests on TG turned sour. These guys would have a leader ofcourse, General Babel who has been sitting in the Wastelands for years now with only a couple of York Troopers for company. Epic mission could be the old 'DoY Faction' temp epic.

Phoenix.NC (NPC Faction + F6 Presence @ FA HQ, Sector 9 HQ) - Always had a presence in Neocron (The Game), have always had some links to something, seem to have or have had a faction HQ in DoY (Sector 9 i think it is). As the Fallen Angels move back to the saftey of Tech Haven to reunite the faction as one again, both scientists and millitants alike, a cell group of the 'new' Fallen Angels stay behind as they no longer want the peace of TH and follow a new presence in the world. They are effectly a small group of elite hackers and fighters who have abandoned their FA bretheran to form their own society and follow no other than HIOB, can be some sort of tie in to the storyline here and there, can also be a place where HIOB can finally set up shop and rest a little. These guys are in control of HackNet and guard some subsystems with their own computer programs.

We have standard HN NPCs, now have some which are sympathy dependant and if you dont like Phoenix.NC they sure as hell wont like you being in their areas of HackNet ;). They also have control of the Phoenix CPU.

Passive Mutants (None Playable + F6 Presence @ Crahn HQ, City Centre) - What happened to the DoY citizens after the bomb, most of them became mutants (Pain, is an example) and now roam trying to simply stay alive. They are mainly passive in nature and will willingly help people out for food, clothing and credits. These guys could be used as rouge information sources for storyline related info as although they themselves do not want to destroy humanity like their more aggressive brothers they do communicate with them and mutants are everywhere in Neocron, everywhere :).

(Basically i remember the passive mutants in Pepper Park 3, they were cool :))

Anarchy Breed (None Playable + F6 Presence @ Black Dragon & Tsunami HQs) - Never understood why AB dont have a presence on the F6 window even though they are not a playable faction they still interwind nicly. They used to have a nice little home in Neocron 1 at what is now the Wasteland Twister Bar and since then have sort of faded a little from the game. Let them take over a HQ in the dome simply for somewhere to gather and hang about. They can be used for information and smuggled weapons to their 'friends' for a price ofcourse.

City Mercs (City Centre, Secondary HQ) - They have a smally HQ in Neocron, so why not? :)

Also from another thread...

Factionless should be where everyone starts but you pick your starting location, everything should be based on faction sympathy, where you can go, who you can join and what you can do.

TG need to go back to the Canyon. FA should go home to TH, NExT should construct a new facility at the racetrack and move there. Some of the other corporations should have their own buildings and offices such as the Trader Union who should have a main building (one you can actually walk into, a proper zonelined interior zone) in Neocron, DoY and TechHaven. Where you can find some traders, discover how the union works, get some delivery/supply missions and interact with the staff of the union. Some store chains should have HQs where you find out about the companies, what they sell and do some collection missions for parts and stuff as well as delivery missions to the stores (Give the Store Managers in some of Neocron's stores some sort of purpose).

Do something with the dome please, even simple NPC factions with a crap load of NPCs to liven the place up will give it some use, make quests where you have to get into the new dome populace and retrieve information, items, kill fugetives.

Just dont empty it and leave it. Please.

L. S.
31-05-07, 13:28
I woke up today and keep smiling because of this great news.

I want to suggest to send a mail to every known (Ex)Runner, cause there are some people for sure who didnt take a look in the forum anylonger.
I think those people would be glad to hear such wonderful news and I'm sure some will return.
Maybe send another mail when the patch is done, as a remembrance mail.
I'm sure you will get more players and we will get more fun.

But as many poeple said before: dont forget to bugfix Evo 2.2, the netcode and bugs in general. Otherwise you maybe win old players but loose new players.

Thanks for that new direction you give neocron in these times.
I'm sure it is the right way.

31-05-07, 15:16
After reading this, I may definately consider coming back. I think this will definately help bring some people back as well as increase the general populations in areas that once constantly had people in them. Thats the one thing I have noticed right now during the trial I made is that theres never anyone around 2/3 of the time. This sounds like a great idea to me.

What will happen to DoY though?

And I agree, an email should be sent out to all the old runners explaining the coming changes. I think it would definately raise some heads.

31-05-07, 17:15
CM will stay at the MB, FA moves back to TH, TG moves back to the canyon.

WE GET TH BACK!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!

Best move KK has EVER made.

*starts playing NC again*

31-05-07, 18:44
WE GET TH BACK!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!

Best move KK has EVER made.

*starts playing NC again*

agreed, moving back home...its like a dream!

Dribble Joy
31-05-07, 19:38
This will make trading more interesting, no more of the everyone in TH business.

OZ mall or DoY CC for anti trading?

31-05-07, 21:36
oh my god! Punk`s! everywhere Punk`s.

01-06-07, 03:16
So what about DOY?? What are you guys going to be doing with it??

Hmm.... Make the each zone hackable... ah BIG ASS CASTLE City to explore. The City that once was...

01-06-07, 11:39
Since the priority is to get everyone settled in their new (old) locations, we haven't reached a final decision concerning the city of DoY yet. The city will be cleaned out and all relevant NPCs will be moved to Pepper Park, Outzone and Industrial, but we certainly don't want to close it. Any additional work on DoY will happen after the move is complete. What to do after that is still up for discussion and we welcome your ideas.

*added to first post*

ashley watts
01-06-07, 11:55
All this is just insta-cream !

01-06-07, 12:33
It should be the home of Little-Bastard :cool:

My idea > you all

01-06-07, 12:39
I miss Little Bastard.. when are we gonna see that killer again?

Lol think about the dmg it did in 2.1, now think about how much all mobs dmg have been raised.... ouch tbh :D

01-06-07, 15:06
doy = big ass dungeon.... maybe u cud make some new npcs :P

01-06-07, 15:59
Cmon Spike we have enough dungeons...urban op wars for the win.

01-06-07, 16:58
Well DOY could be a mix of urban op wars/dungeon :

- all olders HQs are ops that clan can take over (need hacking and stuff be not 200000 hackers to take the op), when the op is not owned by a clan some badass NPCs are ruling the place (anarchy breeds ? mutants or whatever ?).
- a clan can only control one HQ at the time and after 2 or 3 hours without any takeover from another clan a massive NPC spawn occurs and tries to take the op back.
- if a clan manages to keep one op for 2 turns (from for 4 to 6 hours) it gets a random part to build a reallycoollookingbutnotoverpoweredweapon.
- once a clan has managed to hold each op for 2 turns each he gets to complete the item/weapon.

Just my 2 cents.

01-06-07, 17:02
Ideas For Dome;

1) NPC City - Full of returning Dome Soldiers, allies to some, enemies to some. Quests made involving the use of the Dome. You can still buy DOY homes.

2) Dungeon - Turn the city into one huge dungeon with great rewards and hard mobs!

3) PVP Arena/Op - A huge pvp area and/or outpost, battle for control of the huge city.

4) Dome allience - All factions against CA, still have a semi hq in dome, small areas with a few soldiers and npcs etc. Along with the NPC City idea above.

01-06-07, 17:17
shame cant have each area of dome give bonus to the holding faction would give a meaning as to why to take and keep it maybe a +10 to skills perhaps.

But need to have some sort of reason to take and keep the zone.


more dungeons/specialist dungeons which require key which u need to do a Dome epic to get the key

just some off the top ideas.

New thread packed with idea's would be better than putting them all into this "announcement" :cool:

01-06-07, 17:22
more dungeons/specialist dungeons which require key which u need to do a Dome epic to get the key

Oh no please, let's avoid the wow-like retarded access to onyxia's lair time-consuming quests.

01-06-07, 17:49

I have considerable resources invested in making TH my primary base of operations, for both CityAdmin and City Merc characters, due to its neutrality. I have two or three Level 3 apts, one of which has 28 cabinets filled to the brim of stuff.

Are you now saying that I have to MOVE ALL OF IT if I ever want to access it again without an obliterator?

Are you making any provisions for us to move all of our gear? Are you taking into account the fact that alternate locations may lack the necessary cabinets to fit all of our gear?

You know what you can do with DoY? Turn one zone into a safezone and move all TH apts there, lock, stock, and barrel. Don't even bother to change the styling, just move the apts. Make DoY the new safezone/tradeskill hub.

No - better idea - Move all TH apts to that cylindrical fallout structure in the center of the map and put in a trader to sell keys to those apts. I've always wanted a base of operations near the center of the map but not in the @#$!% mountains.

01-06-07, 18:09
Since the priority is to get everyone settled in their new (old) locations, we haven't reached a final decision concerning the city of DoY yet. The city will be cleaned out and all relevant NPCs will be moved to Pepper Park, Outzone and Industrial, but we certainly don't want to close it. Any additional work on DoY will happen after the move is complete. What to do after that is still up for discussion and we welcome your ideas.

*added to first post*
Although this is good news, i for one would like to see a decision made with feedback from the community on the use of the Dome post Neocron 2.2.5 before this update is made to the game.

As for ideas on the use of it, see my earlier post :p

02-06-07, 13:01
I'd throw my vote in for urban OP wars or something similar (not necessarily using the OP system I mean). I don't see why high level dungeons and urban OP fighting couldn't both be provided, the DoY backstreets are quite cool maps imo.

02-06-07, 14:41
Please consider finishing the balancing project that is 2.2 before you move onto 2.2.1 and changing the cities/factions. A lot of us want the weapon balancing fixed or the server lag/synch problems resolved first!

Although yes I personally would like to see something like this implemented, I do not think it is priority.

I urge you to setup a vote to see what we want doing first before you start this new idea into development.

02-06-07, 14:59
There was a poll......

Let me get a link


L. S.
02-06-07, 18:14
Please consider finishing the balancing project that is 2.2 before you move onto 2.2.1 and changing the cities/factions. A lot of us want the weapon balancing fixed or the server lag/synch problems resolved first!

I urge you to setup a vote to see what we want doing first before you start this new idea into development.

I think KK said that Bugfixing will be done paralell to the new development.

And like silent said, there was a poll for that question.

I hope bugfixing (Balancing, Netcode and so on...) will also be done with the upcomming F6 patch, otherwise people who returned will leave soon after the release of the patch, I fear.

02-06-07, 19:14
I think KK said that Bugfixing will be done paralell to the new development.

I hope bugfixing (Balancing, Netcode and so on...) will also be done with the upcomming F6 patch, otherwise people who returned will leave soon after the release of the patch, I fear.

i totaly agree but i think that we have to except that some of the bugs will never get fixed some may not even improve (the older bugs) but aslong as the new bugs are soughted out then people will not have added things to "not reactivate" for. alltho i do dream of a bug free nc ;)

02-06-07, 21:12
A very productive week runners :)

edit :
I hope bugfixing (Balancing, Netcode and so on...) will also be done with the upcomming F6 patch
They said patches will occure before the so-called "F6 patch" is released. So no worries.

02-06-07, 21:13

03-06-07, 00:13
Perhaps DoY is to be deleted to reduce server load so that less people complain about the sync problems (less zones = faster syncs)?

Only a guess but, with no acknowledgement or official comment to the posts about that issue or the reason behind the change (apart from hearing voices), guessing is all any of us can do. ;)

03-06-07, 01:07
Perhaps DoY is to be deleted to reduce server load so that less people complain about the sync problems (less zones = faster syncs)?

Only a guess but, with no acknowledgement or official comment to the posts about that issue or the reason behind the change (apart from hearing voices), guessing is all any of us can do. ;)

I really doubt it. I think the problems are unrelated to the amount of zones.

03-06-07, 09:28
Awesome! NC1 is comming backy so this means that Neocron 2 was flop :lol: KK should fix all bugs and memoryleaks that players/customers can finally play the game whitout fatal errors and synching.

Gash jackel
03-06-07, 10:25
Why does everyone complain about synching? Theres no problem with this games loading times.

03-06-07, 11:03
Why does everyone complain about synching? Theres no problem with this games loading times.

There is a severe synching problem for substantial proportions of the population and has been since release. I don't want to jump to the conclusion that you're as new to NC as your forum date suggests but your statement does somewhat support that hypothesis.

Doc Holliday
03-06-07, 11:35
Why does everyone complain about synching? Theres no problem with this games loading times.

Random black synchronising screen popping up in the middle of you doing something be it levelling or otherwise mean anything to you gash?

03-06-07, 11:45
Gash could be one of the lucky people who haven't felt the extent of the synch problems.

Until a couple of months ago i lived in Hull were we have our own telecomunications company the only one in England that has its own network (everyone else uses BT lines). All the time using Kingston comunications i rarely had any problems nothing like what you guys are always talking about both ingame and on this forum. Now ive moved to Cambridgeshire i have to use BT lines like the rest of the country, i chose to go directly with BT for my ISP and i have had WAY MORE fre's, long synch's, black screen of death and loss of connection than i ever had back in HULL. From this experience i think all the problems arn't KK's Fault some of the problems come from our own service providers and there equipment etc.

03-06-07, 13:04
Don't know if this is mentioned, couldn't be bothered to read all posts :angel: .

But my idea was if there was a command that you could type - so you didn't lose soullight if you know wanted to fight an ally. And this command could last for 5 minutes - but of course both ''fighters'' have to enable it.

Gash jackel
03-06-07, 22:18
Random black synchronising screen popping up in the middle of you doing something be it levelling or otherwise mean anything to you gash?

I've experienced that once. And even then it was going between zones.

04-06-07, 00:07
well for almost a year i've been playing SWG and it was cool just to sync from a planet to another one or using the shuttles from a location to an other one... but for NC i think that KK should test for a couples of month, how to make this game without syncing from a zone to another... only sync while using GRs...

But i'm looking forward the rollback... Oh! what will become DOY? are you planing to erase it? I'll be upset if you erase the DoY ctiy... i think that i would be great to you to recreate DoY for the anti Faction and let FA to TH, TG to the canyon and the CM to MB.

CM and FA should have a kind of contract with other Faction. I mean CM are really merceneries... and FA is a scientits group so i think that FA should be able to get contracts with all faction and to limit its population, i suggest to limit the number of FA scientits. CSTs and Researchers.

04-06-07, 07:31
i think that i would be great to you to recreate DoY for the anti Faction and let FA to TH, TG to the canyon and the CM to MB.

CM will stay at the MB, FA moves back to TH, TG moves back to the canyon.

But i'm looking forward the rollback... Oh! what will become DOY? are you planing to erase it?

Since the priority is to get everyone settled in their new (old) locations, we haven't reached a final decision concerning the city of DoY yet. The city will be cleaned out and all relevant NPCs will be moved to Pepper Park, Outzone and Industrial, but we certainly don't want to close it. Any additional work on DoY will happen after the move is complete. What to do after that is still up for discussion and we welcome your ideas.

I can't see how you expect them to make seemless zoning as this needs to be implemented when they start to design the game, it's not something they can add later (as far as i am aware anyhow)

04-06-07, 08:33
I can't see how you expect them to make seemless zoning as this needs to be implemented when they start to design the game, it's not something they can add later (as far as i am aware anyhow)

I certainly wouldn't think so, and if you could, it'd probably be easier to just start from scratch. Zonelines aren't a problem, the current lag issues are though.

04-06-07, 16:25
well I dont know about those ppl that dont seem to have synch probs.
What I do know is that within the last 2 months I lost not only all GRs again (3rd time), but also about 11 mill cash, 3 lvl 3 appt keys and our entire stock of all rare drones, apu and ppu spells (at the time 42 items), plus the entire content of my gogu (which was 3 stacks of BPs, all tl 150 tools, 2 stacks of res lube, 2 stacks of tl 150 res missions and a few odds and ends. If u figure the monetary value of these items it is a rather large loss.
All I got back was 10 grs, one of them the wrong one.
Also, the KK employee who redid the GRs for me used my char without me logged in on it, got me killed, lost a 3 slot all arti RoG and logged me off in Battledome as well as reset my main Gr appt from TH to our clan appt.
That took an hour to fix trying to get back to TH as the most hated tradeskiller on the server.
All in all not a pleasant experience.
I am however looking forward to the promised changes and to FA finally moving back to our rightfully owned and loved TH :angel:

04-06-07, 16:31
Also, the KK employee who redid the GRs for me used my char without me logged in on it, got me killed, lost a 3 slot all arti RoG and logged me off in Battledome as well as reset my main Gr appt from TH to our clan appt.

That GM made me rofl

ashley watts
04-06-07, 17:49
well I dont know about those ppl that dont seem to have synch probs.
What I do know is that within the last 2 months I lost not only all GRs again (3rd time), but also about 11 mill cash, 3 lvl 3 appt keys and our entire stock of all rare drones, apu and ppu spells (at the time 42 items), plus the entire content of my gogu (which was 3 stacks of BPs, all tl 150 tools, 2 stacks of res lube, 2 stacks of tl 150 res missions and a few odds and ends. If u figure the monetary value of these items it is a rather large loss.
All I got back was 10 grs, one of them the wrong one.
Also, the KK employee who redid the GRs for me used my char without me logged in on it, got me killed, lost a 3 slot all arti RoG and logged me off in Battledome as well as reset my main Gr appt from TH to our clan appt.
That took an hour to fix trying to get back to TH as the most hated tradeskiller on the server.
All in all not a pleasant experience.
I am however looking forward to the promised changes and to FA finally moving back to our rightfully owned and loved TH :angel:

Ouch lol, i think you need a word with em :p

04-06-07, 18:02
That's just......harsh. Can't think of a word that does it justice really! :p

On the upside, I'm looking forward to NEXT being allied to FA, good clans in FA and I've always thought it made sense for NEXT and FA to have an alliance going on.

Still no word on what happens to my TH appt, if anything at all happens. :(

04-06-07, 18:43
Well Matanius, "harsh" does not really describe it tbh.
However I like to say that my post is only a statement of facts,
not a criticism.
But overall, yes very very upsetting, I almost quit the game over this latest

04-06-07, 19:51
I know 'harsh' doesn't even begin to describe it, was just the best I could think of lol:

Can't think of a word that does it justice really!
And tbh, I'm not surprised you almost quit. I would have been damn close myself!

04-06-07, 23:48
Sure, grouping people closer together (for now) will certainly give you the impression that more people are playing.

Although, the faction relations and soul light have a heavy impact on combat, if the combat itself is not working properly, i fail to see the advantages of this new change.

05-06-07, 01:12
Dunno NC 1. Maybe F6 changes can get things livelier without too much hurting the Dome. I like the Dome, Tiki Club, Electric Vibes Club, lotsa li'l nooks and crannies, levelling spots hardly anyone knows about. Gonna miss that distinct goth/cyberpunk feeling, furtive steps of other runners, Mr. Norwood jumping unsuspecting appa buyers. So much different from the
stuffy puffy uptight NC shmucks. Ah well, if a move is in the making, careful, careful with them crates, some runners did collect quite a hoard , do I get to take my mice along ? ;)

05-06-07, 01:13
What ways are the combat system not working at the moment? This isn't going to affect OP wars, so thats a different topic of discussion. Classes seem to be the most balanced i've ever seen them in my opinion. Spies, though weak in con can take on hc tanks pretty well (especially with WoC). PE's the same, altho they almost REQUIRE WoC. PPU's are kept busy, not easily killed, but they ARE killable. APU's require PPU support and could do with a little tweaking (i don't have any 2.2 experience with APU tbh). Melee tanks are pretty balanced. Can quite easily take on spies, hc tanks and pe's on and have equal chance in winning, although anyone with shields and heal from ppu, a melee tank does no overall damage to (trust me i have tried many times). I don't believe they need anything more than a 5% damage boost, if at all. I'm happy with how they are.

Anyway if thats what you mean as the combat system, then i think its fine. If not, then i don't understand how you say the combat system is not working properly.

05-06-07, 03:06
The problem with monks is that instead of nerfing one aspec of the class to make it balanced, the dev's had a heyday with them and nerfed their damage, their frequency, and to put the final stake in their coffin, they gave them a reticle. :lol:

05-06-07, 04:52
The problem with monks is that instead of nerfing one aspec of the class to make it balanced, the dev's had a heyday with them and nerfed their damage, their frequency, and to put the final stake in their coffin, they gave them a reticle. :lol:

well, they boosted the damage and nerfed the frequency. and yes the reticle was a biggie, but i like it :D

as for everything else with f6 and the move. i like it :D hope they make the only safezone th2 for tradeskillers ect and the rest back to warzones :D

05-06-07, 05:01
The problem with monks is that instead of nerfing one aspec of the class to make it balanced, the dev's had a heyday with them and nerfed their damage, their frequency, and to put the final stake in their coffin, they gave them a reticle. :lol:

thank fuckin god, monks got a coffin like the rest of us have had for years! :lol:

05-06-07, 07:09
I think that the DoY should be used for a huge, epiccer than epic mission that will take a really long time to do.
This mission would of course reward you with a WoC disc.

05-06-07, 08:11
I think that the DoY should be used for a huge, epiccer than epic mission that will take a really long time to do.
This mission would of course reward you with a WoC disc.
I like the general idea of having quests to do for most rare stuff.

Hard quests that take more than 30 minutes (stupid piss easy woc gun quests...) and that can't be repeated as often as you want.

So you can choose between running the quest or farming the woc labs. Sounds pretty fair to me.

It's not like woc was a rare thing anyway. :lol:

It's quite funny that there's so many people complaining on the forums about the droprates yet at least 2 out of 3 spies and pes i meet are using woc guns. Now where did they all get those discs from? o_O

05-06-07, 11:56
What ways are the combat system not working at the moment? This isn't going to affect OP wars, so thats a different topic of discussion. Classes seem to be the most balanced i've ever seen them in my opinion. Spies, though weak in con can take on hc tanks pretty well (especially with WoC). PE's the same, altho they almost REQUIRE WoC. PPU's are kept busy, not easily killed, but they ARE killable. APU's require PPU support and could do with a little tweaking (i don't have any 2.2 experience with APU tbh). Melee tanks are pretty balanced. Can quite easily take on spies, hc tanks and pe's on and have equal chance in winning, although anyone with shields and heal from ppu, a melee tank does no overall damage to (trust me i have tried many times). I don't believe they need anything more than a 5% damage boost, if at all. I'm happy with how they are.

Anyway if thats what you mean as the combat system, then i think its fine. If not, then i don't understand how you say the combat system is not working properly.

Balanced...? hmm so why is it that the only way to beat a good xbow PE 1 on 1 is with another xbow PE..?
Seriously, xbow PEs are WAY overpowered.. When im on my xbow PE (yes i DO have a xbow PE), and not having a shit day, nothing can even get close to beat me 1on1..
And thats not balance tbh :rolleyes:

Hybrids in 2.1 were more balanced that xbow PEs is in 2.2 IMO

05-06-07, 12:42
Balanced...? hmm so why is it that the only way to beat a good xbow PE 1 on 1 is with another xbow PE..?
Seriously, xbow PEs are WAY overpowered.. When im on my xbow PE (yes i DO have a xbow PE), and not having a shit day, nothing can even get close to beat me 1on1..
And thats not balance tbh :rolleyes:

Hybrids in 2.1 were more balanced that xbow PEs is in 2.2 IMO

Its on now bitch :P and aye xbow PEs do need a serious nerf + also a few weapons that deal basically the same amount as WoC weapons because as tivckles said for a PE you kinda NEED woc to be as good as the others....

05-06-07, 15:44
Hmm........where did all those disks come from?

Maybe you should ask those that kept harvesting even after the ceres labs were supposed to be closed. I could list some names, but thats not my job.

I have been down there many many times and never got a disk.

In regards to monk nerving, I can handle all the changes pretty much with the
exception of the frequency changes. They should have left those as they were. :angel:

05-06-07, 16:31
Its on now bitch :P and aye xbow PEs do need a serious nerf + also a few weapons that deal basically the same amount as WoC weapons because as tivckles said for a PE you kinda NEED woc to be as good as the others....

Lol <3

Well there is some pretty good weapons that PEs can use, but they just arent that good compared to xbow..

My other PE uses Desperado and sometimes the ionic rifle, and both are pretty good weapons against everything but xbow PEs..

Btw why the hell arent more ppl using Desperado? o_O

05-06-07, 17:00
I was using one on ma spy earlier and they fucking own ^^ but i have no intention on LOming any of my alts to rifles

05-06-07, 19:11
Balanced...? hmm so why is it that the only way to beat a good xbow PE 1 on 1 is with another xbow PE..?
Seriously, xbow PEs are WAY overpowered.. When im on my xbow PE (yes i DO have a xbow PE), and not having a shit day, nothing can even get close to beat me 1on1..
And thats not balance tbh :rolleyes:

Hybrids in 2.1 were more balanced that xbow PEs is in 2.2 IMO

Hmm i grant you that, Xbow PE does seem a little overpowered but hc ion cannon tanks can take xbow PEs quite often. I reckon its freq should be reduced tbh. Don't like it's rapid fire. What about the other WoC pistols? With a decent setup they seem pretty balanced to me.

Gash jackel
05-06-07, 23:41
Dunno NC 1. Maybe F6 changes can get things livelier without too much hurting the Dome. I like the Dome, Tiki Club, Electric Vibes Club, lotsa li'l nooks and crannies, levelling spots hardly anyone knows about. Gonna miss that distinct goth/cyberpunk feeling, furtive steps of other runners, Mr. Norwood jumping unsuspecting appa buyers. So much different from the
stuffy puffy uptight NC shmucks. Ah well, if a move is in the making, careful, careful with them crates, some runners did collect quite a hoard , do I get to take my mice along ? ;)

I personally think Neocron city is a lot more cyberpunk than the Dome. If only because Neocron has the CityAdmin who are a very cyberpunk themed dictatorship type goverment (Yet they are also a commercial company? o_O)

05-06-07, 23:56
Next should hack into the CA shiznit and rob the CopBot plans and then declare war on cityadmin

06-06-07, 00:07
A nice move you have a really big chance to do something meaningful and unprecedented with the Dome, so please don't ignore it.

The old Faction alliances returning makes for more interesting game play, and you have a large series of zones for possible RP/PvE/PvP(OP)/PvP(FFA) urban usage (You can do all of these if you're careful enough!), which is something you've never really had "completely free" to use for before anywhere.

Make the most outta this KK, it's an excellent idea, and a great chance.
Think well, but get the clipping/bugs sorted.

Yes I'm still lurking :)

06-06-07, 00:39
Yes I'm still lurking :)
There's a blast from the past. Good to see you. :)


06-06-07, 01:29
This change is really for the best... The old HQs, Pepper Park, and in-city pvp, hmmm... what about copbots and guards? They are currently designed to prevent pvp in the city..

Anyway, I'm excited.. :)

06-06-07, 05:47
Think well, but get the clipping/bugs sorted.

That's not possible. :(

Wow, welcome back QD! ;)

06-06-07, 11:58
This is incredible news.

The amount of times i have re-subbed to this game only to come back and be frustrated by the fact that it's not the game i remember, in that the factions are a joke...

I think KK have sussed the PvP now - very decent, and well balanced. The only thing holding back the game from being great is the faction situation.

On a side note.... do we get Nc1 character skins too? :D

06-06-07, 16:18
Weeeee....look who's back! wb

06-06-07, 16:28
Hey welcome back Loki :angel:

06-06-07, 16:58
The psychic emanations from this announcement are reaching lots of old NC players it would seem. :P

06-06-07, 17:09
The psychic emanations from this announcement are reaching lots of old NC players it would seem. :P

indeed it is

06-06-07, 17:18
This thread should be called the returning vets thread. :p

06-06-07, 17:24
This thread should be called the returning vets thread. :p

Fear my join date! :cool:

(And yes, I know you weren't referring to me, I'm joking)

06-06-07, 17:46
Great news to hear about a faction reshuffle, but all I can think is how many things are going to be broken in the process. One thing though: allow us to kill negative SL runners in all but levelling sectors without penalty. It takes the piss not being able to without being penalized. [removed]
The amount of times i have re-subbed to this game only to come back and be frustrated by the fact that it's not the game i remember, in that the factions are a joke...

I think KK have sussed the PvP now - very decent, and well balanced. The only thing holding back the game from being great is the faction situation.Are you serious? I thought you returned for 2.2 and played it? The game is far from balanced at the moment because of the selection of overpowered weapons.

06-06-07, 22:56
Wow. All the big changes to Neocron happens while I'm gone. :(

But, seriously, a very momentous change, and fraught with danger.

The Dome of York cannot disappear, far too much has been invested into it. I have to ask - why even move the apartments? With appropriate smugglers tucked into safer places, it could be quite appropriate. For people that want to wash their hands clean of factions, sympathies, or hiding out from the authorities, the Dome could be a perfect refuge. Hell, keep the current epic and mission NPCs in the Dome. Make the "tougher" faction runners work for their money. The reason that the Villages never quite caught on as hiding places for anarchist runners (figuratively speaking, not Anarchy Breed), was the Villages had no significant resources to provide a compelling reason for runners to stay in the Villages.

Also, I strongly agree that NExT should re-open its overt alliance with the Fallen Angels, this was a strong bond between the technologists and the industralists.

06-06-07, 23:30
With major changes in the pipeline going on and alot welcoming these changes it seems might yet be another population boost!!
Just hope the poor hamster(s) dont die keeping them servers running.
Maybe time for some hardware upgrade? Squirrels better than hamsters i guess :lol:
But the most talked about bugs do need addressing close to the time of the faction changes, and some nice Reakktor Announcments on progress would keep us all (most i guess) happy that something is being put in progress.

**Wild guess**
with the synch i would imagine its something to do with the info servers (player/item stuff) giggling at the game world server(zones) when its asking for something :lol: assuming its more than one server running the show?
**/Wild guess**

Well lets hope in the coming weeks we can get Chenoa to give us some more roleplaying interaction involving the changes perhaps?

Anyway thanks all at Reakktor for not giving up on Neocron!!

07-06-07, 00:09

KK actually doing something that's a good idea (that hasn't been in the works for years already, so the balancing project doesn't count)! That's a turn up for the books. Next they'll be announcing that they're revamping op wars by getting rid of the UG and re-opening all the GRs!

Be interesting to see what happens - could make me consider resubbing again.

My biggest concern is with this moving of apartments. Will all apartments and contents by moved? Or will there be a transfer period and we have to move stuff ourselves (given the way we had to do things when we transferred to NC2 from NC1)?

What will happen to all the apartments currently in TH?

PS. With regards to synching issues, making NC "zoneless" (or "less zoned" atleast) would definitely require a major engine rewrite.

07-06-07, 09:10
Last week my boss called me of Fool, crazy, mad or whatever... because I usually create severals tasks while doing others and i keep overworking... Maybe KK are as crazy as my Boss think that i am!! i loved the idea to move FA to TH, TG to canyon, but KK didn't finish the balancing stuff.

But i would like to see an announcement like "NEW 3D Engine and new Graphics stuff" or "New Client bug free"... OR new trade skills something like that i used to play Star wars Galaxies that had about 32 Professions (trade skillers and other things) for any kind of char... Please before announcing something like rollback to NC1 please make a new NC world without sync lines or whatever.

I'm a really big fan of NC and I really want this game to be repopulate... but don't mess up with the actual pop, ok?

thank you

07-06-07, 10:29
And good to see KK plugin the news around several gaming sites.


That's 4 that my Google Alert picked up today.

07-06-07, 15:46
Last week my boss called me of Fool, crazy, mad or whatever... because I usually create severals tasks while doing others and i keep overworking... Maybe KK are as crazy as my Boss think that i am!! i loved the idea to move FA to TH, TG to canyon, but KK didn't finish the balancing stuff.

But i would like to see an announcement like "NEW 3D Engine and new Graphics stuff" or "New Client bug free"... OR new trade skills something like that i used to play Star wars Galaxies that had about 32 Professions (trade skillers and other things) for any kind of char... Please before announcing something like rollback to NC1 please make a new NC world without sync lines or whatever.

I'm a really big fan of NC and I really want this game to be repopulate... but don't mess up with the actual pop, ok?

thank you
So you're saying you'd rather they went away and built a new engine (which will probably take atleast 3 years, if not more) than looked to see what they can change about the current system to improve the game?

Isn't that just a bit silly? Beyond the cost and time of rewriting the engine, which they've got to get from somewhere (money doesn't grow on trees, and would you invest in KK right now, looking at the current state of their game? I certainly wouldn't) there's the fact that the current subscribers don't want to feel like they're effectively paying for something other than the game they're currently playing while the game they're currently playing gets neglected.

I highly suspect that they'll actually be doing both at the same time, which is the better idea - make what improvements you can using the current engine and take note of what it can't do so you can improve your next generation engine. While I may disagree with many of the game play changes that KK made to NC2, I personally don't think anyone can seriously deny that the game engine wasn't improved.

I think it's going to be interesting to see what they do engine wise with Black Prophecy and if that will impact on Neocron at all. (Completely speculative: Could they be using Black Prophecy to build a new engine, which they'll migrate Neocron to after the release of BP?)

08-06-07, 06:56
well you are right about how they are trying to improve the current engine... I'm not necessary talking about building a hole new engine from zero they can use a middleware like Project Darkstar ( http://www.projectdarkstar.com also this engine is GPL) or Gamebryo ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo ).

The Project Darkstar is developed by Sun Microsystems not a little company... and it's multiplatform ^^.

they just need to adapt it without releasing NC libs code to public that's all...

08-06-07, 09:30
well you are right about how they are trying to improve the current engine... I'm not necessary talking about building a hole new engine from zero they can use a middleware like Project Darkstar ( http://www.projectdarkstar.com also this engine is GPL) or Gamebryo ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo ).

The Project Darkstar is developed by Sun Microsystems not a little company... and it's multiplatform ^^.

they just need to adapt it without releasing NC libs code to public that's all...

As far as MMORPGs go, I believe Dark Age of Camelot and Project Entropia are based on older versions of this engine. It works well. Obviously there are games such as TES IV: Oblivion based on a newer version of it as well, but an MMO and single player game are built a lot differently, even with the same engine core.

Also, it takes quite a lot of work/time to add things specific to Neocron on top of the engine, but the main problem today is the core of the current engine anyways.

It's too bad KK said they will never ever use a different game engine though. :( It basically guarantees we will never see a bugless and capable NC. People clip all over the place and it's obvious the game just can't handle even the (relatively) few amount of people that are on these days. The servers seem to be fast enough, it's the software code of the engine that seems to be the main problem now.

08-06-07, 10:49
well you are right about how they are trying to improve the current engine... I'm not necessary talking about building a hole new engine from zero they can use a middleware like Project Darkstar ( http://www.projectdarkstar.com also this engine is GPL) or Gamebryo ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebryo ).

The Project Darkstar is developed by Sun Microsystems not a little company... and it's multiplatform ^^.

they just need to adapt it without releasing NC libs code to public that's all...
A quick bit of research shows that Project Darkstar was only released in 2006 and the only reference to any known commercial company using it is NCSoft using it for prototyping new games.

For those wondering how the GPL works in cases like this... if the code is server side only, it's never released outside the company and therefore any company using this code would have no obligation to release the code to anyone. Basically if you don't have access to the binary of a GPL application, you have no right to access the source code either.

08-06-07, 11:05
Ah, I see you edited your post, Athlon, so I will edit out my quote for you then.

However, Gamebyro looks a lot more attractive anyways, IMO.

But this discussion is pointless... KK will never go for it.

08-06-07, 11:10
Ah, I see you edited your post, Athlon, so I will edit out my quote for you then.
Yeah, I forgot about the access to code / binary restrictions, which do make it possible to use GPL code on the server side without having to release your code.

Really, with an ideal MMO engine, it wouldn't matter if your client is GPL because it would be simply a viewer for the world, and absolutely everythimng would happen on the server side. Unfortunately, if you want to provide a smooth gaming experience, this isn't really realistic yet.

Mighty Max
08-06-07, 11:42
This is not even a good idea if really everything possible is implemented serverside in an optimal way.

The client side has still got decissions to send to the server (unless the user has no control over his chars) and there are a lot of situations where a program can do these decisions faster more precise and generally better then the user. This will gain one side an unfair advantage.

Also the representation of data has allways to be a compromise between carrying the data to the user, the prettyness and the logic (i.e. Walls usually are nontransparent, a char isn't 3 meters high) this again lets the user gain unfair advantages.

So no, the situation you described is not possible unless you remove the right tof the user on his decissions (thus client decissions). But then it wouldn't be a game anymore.

08-06-07, 15:36
i think that if KK wanna improve that much NC ,without making it from scratch, they could use any of those opensource middleware and even using this kind of open softwares they don't need to release their code at all. I work with linux all day long many of my clients are always asking if they must pay something to use an opensource Software... For me it's sad to see those guys who work as database manager or developer of some software making those questions.

But let's see what KK will do with NC as they are say...

08-06-07, 15:44
i think that if KK wanna improve that much NC ,without making it from scratch, they could use any of those opensource middleware and even using this kind of open softwares they don't need to release their code at all. I work with linux all day long many of my clients are always asking if they must pay something to use an opensource Software... For me it's sad to see those guys who work as database manager or developer of some software making those questions.

But let's see what KK will do with NC as they are say...
Oh yes, because changing the middleware won't have any effect on anything else, will it?</sarcasm>

And it's certainly still not something they could do relatively quickly - they'd need to evaluate the different options open to them, find the one they want to use, make any changes to it (because nothing fits the bill perfectly) and then migrate to it.

And all this would inevitably delay other major projects (ie. a major engine rewrite).

At the end of the day, I know enough about game development to know one thing: Virtually no one here will know enough to create any useful discussion in changes to Neocrons code base - that's really only something that KK themselves can do, so this will be my last word on the issue for this thread.

08-06-07, 15:48
I agree ^^

Gash jackel
10-06-07, 12:30
I don't think they like the idea of using something thats free. And your forgetting they have to mesh it with all their currently existing systems.

11-06-07, 05:03
[ edited ]

11-06-07, 06:18
It basically guarantees we will never see a bugless and capable NC. People clip all over the place and it's obvious the game just can't handle even the (relatively) few amount of people that are on these days.
Not everything that looks wrong is a bug. I believe the "clipping bug" is a design choice and not an unwanted defect. Why would they do it?

Typical FPS shooters have fairly accurate client-side prediction of enemy movements, but they can use a lot of cpu time and bandwidth. High ping or packet loss can degrade the experience very quickly. On top of that those costs usually rise exponentially with player count, for example on server with 40 players calculating prediction for one player could be 2 times slower than on server with 30 players. Throw in enough players and physics/prediction can become one of the biggest bottlenecks in your engine, both on server and clients. This is all manageable in standard fps games but MMO programmers need to resort to a lot of dirty tricks to keep the game playable. Letting the predicted players clip through things is one of them as you don't have to run expensive physics much/anymore.

Now, I agree that this clipping "bug" is bad, and made even worse by seemingly low update rate combined with exploiting on purpose. However, if they don't have resources to run more accurate prediction, or their implementation of prediction with clipping is even worse (ie too slow & rubber-banding/teleporting effects all the time), using this simplified no-clipping prediction could make sense.

While some "bugs" will stay because of the nature of multiplayer or engine design, as long as they have access to the engine source, I don't think that we'll never see a "bugless" NC. Give them couple good programmers and most of the bugs could be fixed or made way less annoying within couple months. Judging by their website, they need (http://www.reakktorweb.com/index.php?id=410&type=3) them, both entry and pro level. So if anyone qualifies, think about it please.

PS: Good idea with that move, I loved beta4 PP1.

12-06-07, 09:21
Now, I agree that this clipping "bug" is bad, and made even worse by seemingly low update rate combined with exploiting on purpose. However, if they don't have resources to run more accurate prediction, or their implementation of prediction with clipping is even worse (ie too slow & rubber-banding/teleporting effects all the time), using this simplified no-clipping prediction could make sense.

While some "bugs" will stay because of the nature of multiplayer or engine design, as long as they have access to the engine source, I don't think that we'll never see a "bugless" NC. Give them couple good programmers and most of the bugs could be fixed or made way less annoying within couple months. Judging by their website, they need (http://www.reakktorweb.com/index.php?id=410&type=3) them, both entry and pro level. So if anyone qualifies, think about it please.

PS: Good idea with that move, I loved beta4 PP1.
KK never really changed anything yet the clipping got worse and worse. And for a pvp orientated mmorpg the state it's at right now can't really be tolerated anymore. It's just insane.

And about those jobs, i hardly doubt NC is gonna be brought over to the xbox. It's their new project, one that gets all the money and people while there's probably 2 guys left that are forced to keep NC running. :mad:

Janos Blake
13-06-07, 17:42
*prods his download*
Move faster! Gah my hacktool must've got rusty sitting in that drawer for so long. JB and Kendo Averly send their regards to plutonians and shall be visiting shortly *wink*

13-06-07, 17:45
*prods his download*
Move faster! Gah my hacktool must've got rusty sitting in that drawer for so long. JB and Kendo Averly send their regards to plutonians and shall be visiting shortly *wink*

OMG It's Janos Blake, welcome back!

Janos Blake
13-06-07, 17:47
Ahh Brammers my good man! I thought you'd still be here *grins*

Kendo Averly
13-06-07, 18:04
We're all here somewhere Janos.

13-06-07, 18:11
Guys being negative: You're wrong. This is not the death of Neocron. This is the rebirth. KK are not oblivious and can see they made a mistake, they're correcting the damage. Sure, there's a bunch of wasted dev time (but it's not a waste, anyhow) but this move is a good thing, not a bad thing.

KK, I love you. You've got my subscription back. And how 'bout DoY becomes a couple of outposts, eh?

Kendo Averly
13-06-07, 19:03
I loved fighting DoY outside the gates. That was fun.

"Ahhh gonna kill me in two hits ahhh"

14-06-07, 15:36
This is very very good news! I consider a return with the NC1-F6 situation. As stated by others in this thread: please don't make the Dome unpopulated!

Leaving some (secret) HQ's there would make sense, also CM with a secret HQ would be nice. DoY with General Babel as leader to take over the Dome might be the solution. Phoenix, Mutants and AB as factions populating The Dome should be considered imho.

NEXT at DRT would also rock!


14-06-07, 15:40
How to make Neocron's happiest man even happier!


14-06-07, 16:35
Leaving some (secret) HQ's there would make sense, also CM with a secret HQ would be nice. DoY with General Babel as leader to take over the Dome might be the solution. Phoenix, Mutants and AB as factions populating The Dome should be considered imho.
The happiest man likes my idea, surely that's a sign? :p

Gash jackel
14-06-07, 17:25
a mutant faction would be cool. There is obviously some organisation with them.

14-06-07, 19:32
I would like those changes to be applied as soon as possible. ^^ KK i don´t want see ppl leave this game... T_T

14-06-07, 20:52
The happiest man likes my idea, surely that's a sign? :p
I like your ideas! Crahn HQ to C_6 also is a big winner!

15-06-07, 01:57
This might actually bring me back to this damnable game.

Way to go :D

15-06-07, 19:48
The return of PP PvP?

Hell yeah.

17-06-07, 20:03
CM will stay at the MB, FA moves back to TH, TG moves back to the canyon.

I don't fully understand the move of TG back to the canyon. How does that bring back the Neocron feel? I'd prefer the way it is now. For FA, I say just blow the wasteland facility up and move it to DoY underground.

Fallen Angels could simply move to DoY just as simple as all factions moving TO DoY and FROM DoY, right? HackNet routes could be changed also, I guess. Does this mean Hacknet will be changed?

17-06-07, 20:06
a mutant faction would be cool. There is obviously some organisation with them.

17-06-07, 20:31
CA: Neocron
BT: Neocron
TT: Neocron
PP: Neocron

TS: Neocron & York (Neocron main)
BD: Neocron & York (York main???)

TG: York
FA: York

NEXT: everywhere (Neocron main)
Crahn: everywhere (York main)

CM: Wastelands

Not all factions are in Neocron, which I think could be better for those just wandering around the city.

NC CITY DESIGN: Neocron has all these factions and York has less. We can assume the city with more factions will be bigger and prettier. However, it is not. Neocron feels smaller than York. Neocron must be polished and enlarged! - York can shrink! :p

SYMPATHIES: NEXT will be neutral and favored by all. NEXT will allow transportation from City to city and such. This costs, though. It could also have limitations and other kind of restrictions e.g sympathy restriction, shuttle passenger limit, shuttle queues, shuttle delays. NEXT will be favored mostly by factions traveling long distances (BD, TS, TG, FA and CS).

17-06-07, 22:17
For FA, I say just blow the wasteland facility up and move it to DoY underground. Fallen Angels could simply move to DoY just as simple as all factions moving TO DoY and FROM DoY, right?

Over the cold, dead bodies of most FA members... ;)

17-06-07, 23:26
Tikuto, blame on you with your ideas for HQ and for the elves...

First Tech Haven was, isn't, will be FA HQ and home, Next should be at DRT, BD and TS should have secret HQ in NC but their Main HQ should be at DOY. TG should come back to the Canyon as it was in NC 1.

NC CITY DESIGN: Neocron has all these factions and York has less. We can assume the city with more factions will be bigger and prettier. However, it is not. Neocron feels smaller than York. Neocron must be polished and enlarged! - York can shrink! :p

SYMPATHIES: NEXT will be neutral and favored by all. NEXT will allow transportation from City to city and such. This costs, though. It could also have limitations and other kind of restrictions e.g sympathy restriction, shuttle passenger limit, shuttle queues, shuttle delays. NEXT will be favored mostly by factions traveling long distances (BD, TS, TG, FA and CS).

WTF? transportation from DOY to NC???? Would you be pleased to have an access from your house to the prison?

Please don't say any more please...

17-06-07, 23:32
NC CITY DESIGN: Neocron has all these factions and York has less. We can assume the city with more factions will be bigger and prettier. However, it is not. Neocron feels smaller than York. Neocron must be polished and enlarged! - York can shrink! :p

For the record:

Dome of york Zones
Doy 1-9
5 HQs
2 clubs
= 16
Countless leveling zones throught the 9 main DoY zones.

Neocron Zones
Via Rosso 1-3
Plaza 1-4
Pepper Park 1-3
Outzone 1-8
Main Sewers 1-9
Industrial Area 1-2
6 HQs
Con Centre
Job Centre
3 Abandoned HQs
BD office
Bump Asylum
Outzone Station
2 clubs
Countless levelling zones.
Pepper Park Maze
=49 zones (and I probably missed off a couple,

Its just that in the dome all the space is in maze-like main zones that you have to go to. Neocron is undoubtably the bigger city, but you have to go looking for it.

18-06-07, 09:38
For the record:

Dome of york Zones
Doy 1-9
5 HQs
2 clubs
= 16
Countless leveling zones throught the 9 main DoY zones.

Neocron Zones
Via Rosso 1-3
Plaza 1-4
Pepper Park 1-3
Outzone 1-8
Main Sewers 1-9
Industrial Area 1-2
6 HQs
Con Centre
Job Centre
3 Abandoned HQs
BD office
Bump Asylum
Outzone Station
2 clubs
Countless levelling zones.
Pepper Park Maze
=49 zones (and I probably missed off a couple,

Its just that in the dome all the space is in maze-like main zones that you have to go to. Neocron is undoubtably the bigger city, but you have to go looking for it.Nice list.
It always felt like the dome was way bigger than NC but it seems i was wrong all the time. :)

NC really is huge. :lol:

18-06-07, 15:04
Never though that someone would be mad enough to list all the NC sectors.... lol


18-06-07, 15:38
The main doy sectors themselves are much bigger and ramified then the nc city sectors but nc has much more side sectors as you see in the list above.

18-06-07, 20:20
Tikuto, blame on you with your ideas for HQ and for the elves...

First Tech Haven was, isn't, will be FA HQ and home, Next should be at DRT, BD and TS should have secret HQ in NC but their Main HQ should be at DOY. TG should come back to the Canyon as it was in NC 1.

WTF? transportation from DOY to NC???? Would you be pleased to have an access from your house to the prison?

Please don't say any more please...

I was just thinking of ways of not being in the same city locations all the time and instead be able to travel from City to city. I believe this easy access and variety pleases any player's mind.

Consider the situation of mutants inside Neocron. Arn't they worse than access from house to the prison?

18-06-07, 20:25
For the record:

Dome of york Zones
Doy 1-9
5 HQs
2 clubs
= 16
Countless leveling zones throught the 9 main DoY zones.

Neocron Zones
Via Rosso 1-3
Plaza 1-4
Pepper Park 1-3
Outzone 1-8
Main Sewers 1-9
Industrial Area 1-2
6 HQs
Con Centre
Job Centre
3 Abandoned HQs
BD office
Bump Asylum
Outzone Station
2 clubs
Countless levelling zones.
Pepper Park Maze
=49 zones (and I probably missed off a couple,

Its just that in the dome all the space is in maze-like main zones that you have to go to. Neocron is undoubtably the bigger city, but you have to go looking for it.

I don't think I actually meant to say it is small. I meant to say it FEELS smaller. In other words, areas in DoY seem all very similar (Textures and stuff). Neocron has one extreme to another, and the prettier places are safer than the places that are not. I think this contrast of quality of areas, that seem fewer than DoY's 'pretty' areas, makes Neocron feel smaller as we confine ourselves to the 'prettier', safer and resourceful areas.

Hope I made my point about Neocron feeling smaller now. :)

EDIT: It also looks smaller on the big map! o_O

General Crazy
18-06-07, 21:41
Plaza, Via Rosso and Pepper Park have the feeing of small well used City / Business sectors where the DoY Zones all seem really large maze that has a lot of empty unused areas for the most part.

18-06-07, 22:39
I don't think I actually meant to say it is small. I meant to say it FEELS smaller. In other words, areas in DoY seem all very similar (Textures and stuff). Neocron has one extreme to another, and the prettier places are safer than the places that are not. I think this contrast of quality of areas, that seem fewer than DoY's 'pretty' areas, makes Neocron feel smaller as we confine ourselves to the 'prettier', safer and resourceful areas.

Hope I made my point about Neocron feeling smaller now. :)

EDIT: It also looks smaller on the big map! o_O

My point was that NC doesn't need to be made any bigger. Just more of it needsto be put into regular use.

19-06-07, 00:24
I think that DoY should be taken back General Bane and his troops but as main DoY city Ruler as CA is at NC. Next seems to be quite neutral for both city, they lost their underground transportation to CA... Even CA says that they have put more "security". So i vote Next should be moved to DRT. FA back home at TH so we can have peace in our corridors. TG should be at the canyon which is a great place though... And for TS and BD, i've no clue, maybe secret HQs at both city and a HQ at MB?


19-06-07, 14:02
My question is:

Will we Fallen Angels get our former beautiful and peaceful HQ back in TH ?


L. S.
19-06-07, 14:13
My question is:

Will we Fallen Angels get our former beautiful and peaceful HQ back in TH ?

As KK allready said, yes you will! All factions are going to return to their NC1 HQ's.

20-06-07, 09:32
I've been thinking (yes really :D )

Maybe BD should be left at DoY. They could be the faction to cooperate with general Babel (Dome Admin) to let them in to get rid of Tsunami and let General Babel and his troops take over control of the Dome. This would force TS to relocate their HQ to PP and TG to to the Canyon. This would also be a justification for TG and TS to become hostile towards BD (old F6).

CS and FA should be given the choice to stay in the Dome or leave. FA will leave to TH and CS will build a new Underground HQ at Tawnkeen.

There should be a new (nonplayer) faction called Phoenix Company with its goal to rebuild the Dome. Secret HQ's of TS, TG, FA and CS at DoY. And perhaps some other (non-)player factions at the Dome?

NEXT will have their new HQ at DRT.

Non-player Mutant Factions: Regant Mutants HQ at Regants Legacy, Anarchy Breed (no HQ, but meeting place) at Sherman, Trader Union HQ at Old Greycore (underground route to TH).

Well those are my thoughts...

20-06-07, 09:55
I've been thinking (yes really :D )

...2-3 months they said - not a year or two ;)
Some ideas kinda interesting.. but ... to complex. Requires new mapping n shiznit.. wont happen.

20-06-07, 12:36
...2-3 months they said - not a year or two ;)
Some ideas kinda interesting.. but ... to complex. Requires new mapping n shiznit.. wont happen.
I know, I know. Nevertheless I keep dreaming...

Richard Slade
20-06-07, 13:48
Sweet sweet love, we needed this.

Might be time to make DoY an enemy to unite against.. Possibly having a Event team run out and attack OPs and stuff from there,
also allowing Some to join DoY.. (And leave NC behind once again) so there's still the Good Vs Evil, there's still the old close quarters combat AND there's some real bad guys (Who are real in the sense of actually doing stuff too!)

I dunno, it would just be cool and add alot of flavour.

Obviously noone should be able to start as DoY, nor should DoY have any real epic for now.

20-06-07, 22:42
I hope the shops in NC are reverted back to NC1 aswell or else a noob Tsunami starting in PP will never be able to get T-C ammo as its only sold in Viarosso sector. Likewise a CA APU will find it hard getting psi equipment if PP has Tsunami and BD guards in again.
Then there is TH which currently has no ammo anywhere. When FA return, i'd assume they'd bring back the ammo vendors in TH1 and TH3 instead of stupid clothing changers/VentureWarp.

Just a thought........ ;)

20-06-07, 23:31
I would only hope that DoY would become an end-game leveling zone. As mentioned, fill it up with guards, mutants, some crazy flying shit and throw in some Kamikazi CPU drops at the ceres disc rate (they seriously need to come back to bring more setup dynamics back). Then add a few more Level 3 Ceres tunnels so that the actual tunnels in the Wastelands link right back into the city.

The clubs up there should also get a new addition: a lift with a buyable "club suite" apartment. You can buy the apartment from an NPC in the club and then anyone with the password can access it...

Er, were ACLs (Access Control Lists) ever implemented? There was talk of that on apts ages ago...

Anyway, this apartment could be decorated, would have a gogo, gr, etc. You should be able to hear the club thumping outside and maybe even see part of it out a window.

Get some more gambling games setup in these clubs as well - I'm sure people would gladly blow a couple mill playing Texas Hold 'em.

Anyway, the dome should be the new home of high-level content methinks.

21-06-07, 00:07
zomg - it's FN :o

any chance to see you back on zeh servers some time? :angel:

21-06-07, 07:14
Er, were ACLs (Access Control Lists) ever implemented? There was talk of that on apts ages ago... [...] Anyway, the dome should be the new home of high-level content methinks.

Hmmm i like your idea :cool: , well i mean yes i've heard about the ACLs back on NC1 but never though that could real 8| ... I've only saw it on SWG :p . That was cool thought ppl could have pass but not be able to get in the apt :angel: ....


21-06-07, 09:22
I would only hope that DoY would become an end-game leveling zone. As mentioned, fill it up with guards, mutants, some crazy flying shit and throw in some Kamikazi CPU drops at the ceres disc rate (they seriously need to come back to bring more setup dynamics back). Then add a few more Level 3 Ceres tunnels so that the actual tunnels in the Wastelands link right back into the city.

The clubs up there should also get a new addition: a lift with a buyable "club suite" apartment. You can buy the apartment from an NPC in the club and then anyone with the password can access it...

Er, were ACLs (Access Control Lists) ever implemented? There was talk of that on apts ages ago...

Anyway, this apartment could be decorated, would have a gogo, gr, etc. You should be able to hear the club thumping outside and maybe even see part of it out a window.

Get some more gambling games setup in these clubs as well - I'm sure people would gladly blow a couple mill playing Texas Hold 'em.

Anyway, the dome should be the new home of high-level content methinks.

*Bows down* All hail the return of FN!

21-06-07, 10:14
I would only hope that DoY would become an end-game leveling zone. As mentioned, fill it up with guards, mutants, some crazy flying shit and throw in some Kamikazi CPU drops at the ceres disc rate (they seriously need to come back to bring more setup dynamics back). Then add a few more Level 3 Ceres tunnels so that the actual tunnels in the Wastelands link right back into the city.

The clubs up there should also get a new addition: a lift with a buyable "club suite" apartment. You can buy the apartment from an NPC in the club and then anyone with the password can access it...

Er, were ACLs (Access Control Lists) ever implemented? There was talk of that on apts ages ago...

Anyway, this apartment could be decorated, would have a gogo, gr, etc. You should be able to hear the club thumping outside and maybe even see part of it out a window.

Get some more gambling games setup in these clubs as well - I'm sure people would gladly blow a couple mill playing Texas Hold 'em.

Anyway, the dome should be the new home of high-level content methinks.Good ideas, all of them!

But there's still no ACLs. You can buy generic doo openers though or use chairs to get through closed doors (at least you could in some apts). :)

21-06-07, 17:07
There's lots of cool ideas. I just would like the developers to make the best decision for everyone to enjoy Neocron more. :)

21-06-07, 18:27
Yes they are cool ideas, but I still think making any place for high end characters should include a place for pvp, ie Outposts within the city. There hasn't been a new outpost to capture since the game launched.

21-06-07, 18:59
*Bows down* All hail the return of FN!
I don't even own a PC anymore, so no returning for me :( At least not until I reinstall Parallels on my MacBook Pro ;)

Shame about the ACLs, I hoped that had made it in by now. You know, that and Playershops, lol

Dribble Joy
21-06-07, 19:20
Player shops turned out to be a coding nightmare, near impossibility without hadrcore base re-coding. Personally I like the black market mechanics of current trading, without TH as trading centre this will make it even more so, requiring you to seek out people willing to trade across faction divisions and build up contacts.

As for the Dome, I'd like it to be more than a giant leveling spot. Urban OPs and other stuff needs to go in too.

On another note, I hope CM remains neutral, rather than returning to it's NC1 faction relations.

21-06-07, 20:41
someone brought up another good point, stores. heres hoping yakarma makes a comeback.

Player shops turned out to be a coding nightmare, near impossibility without hadrcore base re-coding.
well. thats their excuse, anyway.

21-06-07, 22:49
well. thats their excuse, anyway.

...and you surely have a background of OOP on large scale projects combined with extensive network and database application knowledge... not to mention you do have an idea of the structure NC is based on - which in turn entitles you to make suggestive statements such as the above.

KK said it cant be done - not in terms of theoretical technical boundaries - but based on real facts, which include their very own limitations.

Playershops wont ever see the light of retail with NC 2.x ...I wish people would get over it already. No use beating a dead horse.

22-06-07, 00:04
Playershops wont ever see the light of retail with NC 2.x ...I wish people would get over it already. No use beating a dead horse.

Agreed. It was something KK themselves wanted but have discovered too many problems. You can't fault them for wanting to try new things only to find out they're not possible.

22-06-07, 06:53
...and you surely have a background of OOP on large scale projects combined with extensive network and database application knowledge...
no. im simply disinclined to believe anything they say. the root cause of that being the main reason no one plays this game anymore.

i see the possibility it isnt as hard as they say, the possibility it is (and they are certainly responsible for that difficulty then), and the somewhat implausible story of marketing and selling a product around a feature and only a year after its released notice it isnt possible to implement.

though as far as dead horses go, i agree. i just think neocron is primarily composed of them. the best announcement in years is basically a step backward toward nc1. theres quite a few similar backward steps you could make that would bring equal approval.

22-06-07, 12:07
Get some more gambling games setup in these clubs as well - I'm sure people would gladly blow a couple mill playing Texas Hold 'em.i even know someone that would (and has said before) reactivate if that was added :P

22-06-07, 12:11
Thank you for all your feedback. Some of the suggestions are simply technical not possible but others, especially the ideas with the Dome as a high level dungeon and pvp zone, are ideas that will be taken into consideration.

The content team is currently very busy with preparing the faction sympathy changes for the content update which will be presented with ingame events and articles in the Neocron webzines. All I can currently say is that we are not going to just warm up a cold soup but definately will orientate the new relations at the old Neocron 1 relation settings.

22-06-07, 22:00
Snow, what i find curious is that we're still technically testing 2.2. How about some clarification on that part? Or does company policy prevent you from mentioning anything about such things?

Asurmen Spec Op
02-07-07, 22:09
Have my babies, please.
Snowcrash, lets make babies

03-07-07, 00:55
Fantastic news!! Will add a dimension of gameplay I have felt missing since the move to the dome.

04-07-07, 00:17
i fucking hope that this all goes well !!!! im holding back my temptation to scream at every one "ARE YOU SURE" but i'll let it go and hope for the best xxx

Asurmen Spec Op
04-07-07, 05:07
They day bd is in NC, I buy a 1year sub(or 2 accounts for 6months :P)

05-07-07, 05:22
They day bd is in NC, I buy a 1year sub(or 2 accounts for 6months :P)

Took ya long enough ya fooknob ive been waiting ages for your ass to get back

06-07-07, 18:10
The Dome consists of many different sectors, enough that is an entire city. With that in mind, there is a lot that can be done with that many zones.

New Faction
Fallen Angels have Tech Haven ,City Mercs have MB, TG have the Canyon
I suggest a new faction that lives inside the dome. Possibly in city center or another location, including apartments and a simple noob experience. This would give value to some of the resources already in place in DoY as a new-player-area. Also those odd players that wish to stay in the Dome can join this new faction.
(edit: Anarchy Breed? :D similar to outzone in beta)

The DoY apartments are an issue, with factions leaving I suggest that all apartment lifts and apartments be left inside of DoY. I have two apartments in the Dome including the BD-epic one which is full of my gear. Clan Apartments are another issue, I suggest a clan-key trade done by GMs to allow players to switch clan apartment locations as they sort out their cabinets; possibly done by npcs in new HQs.

The rest: The rest of the Dome can be converted into Dungeon zones, PVP areas, and odd vendor locations (high level vendors, similar to the ones in Canyon; those vendors encouraged players to visit the location), encouraging players to make the trip back to DoY while not dividing the population between two major cities.

06-07-07, 18:41
I suggest that all apartment lifts and apartments be left inside of DoY.

It has already been stated, that all doy appartments (including their content) will be moved to the respective "new" faction locations.

12-07-07, 00:58
woohoo.. bout time. I'll be there :p

12-07-07, 08:26
The rest: The rest of the Dome can be converted into Dungeon zones, PVP areas, and odd vendor locations (high level vendors, similar to the ones in Canyon; those vendors encouraged players to visit the location), encouraging players to make the trip back to DoY while not dividing the population between two major cities.
I still like my idea for the Dome to be the host for a colossal mission, where you get a WoC Disk as the end result.

25-07-07, 11:00
just depatch it back to 160ish bring back hybrids, completely remarket the game make it on 1 server until populations get to big and release it under a different name.

25-07-07, 11:46
just depatch it back to 160ish bring back hybrids, completely remarket the game make it on 1 server until populations get to big and release it under a different name.
NC was shit back then. Fatals, bugs, exploits, balance, all was worse than now.

It was a higher population and the people simply were a lot more enthusiastic about the game.

Going back to NC1 won't bring back the NC1 feeling. Simply because of the lack of people and enthusiasm these days. You can not bring that back.

People need to stop whine about NC1 being far better than NC2. :rolleyes:

25-07-07, 12:07
2.1 was ALOT more balanced that it is now IMO..

I could kill hybs, xbow PEs, APUs, you name it - on my sexy judge PE (when i got Walker to WoC it got alot easyer to kill though), and could do the same on my xbow/slasher spy (hybs and xbow PEs was kinda a bitch on my spy though ;) ).

And i HATE that theres so many useless weapons now.. give me my damn judge and slasher back ffs!

And even worse, i HATE that no-PA PE setups suck so much now :mad:

25-07-07, 13:55
Rollback to 2.0 before the heal nerfs and I'll be happy with neocron again.

25-07-07, 14:10
Rollback to 2.0 before the heal nerfs and I'll be happy with neocron again.

Weren't the heal nerfs at some point in 2.1?
Come to that, why do you want to go back to before heal nerfs? PPUs as gods was your kinda game?

25-07-07, 15:19
2.0 and the nice models before 2.1 tbh, ppus were not gods good ppus were.

25-07-07, 17:19
About content additions, I was thinking...

- How about more stripper models? I suppose NOW would be the time to toss female runners a bone and put up a couple beefcakes (Please, no speedos, please for the love of Crahn). I want a couple full-on-nude female strippers, though. And fire-crotch redheads. For the love of Crahn, put in a couple fire-crotch redhead strippers.

- Trees for apartments? I miss them, and a couple runners probably STILL have a couple trees in their apartments from NC1. Please, please, bring back placeable trees. Cacti and shrubs aren't enough anymore.

- This is a game with pretty heavy post-apoc cyberpunk aesthetics. So why aren't there more cyber jinglejangles for our apartments. I mean... citycom terminals aren't cutting it by a long shot. WHERE ARE OUR FUCKING PLACEABLE HOLOGRAMS?!?!?!

- Also, for that matter, there really should be more stuff to "hang up" on the walls. Large paintings of abstract art? Propaganda posters? Like Lioon Reza or Yager posing like Che Guevarra and hollering "Viva La Revolucion!"? Or posters of hot Copbot on Copbot porn? Or, ooooh, posters of vehicles? Like the posters of cars or airplanes that so many teenage boys have? I would LOVE to have a poster of a hoverbike!

- WORKING DYNAMIC LIGHTING FROM PLACEABLE LAMPS!!! This is ridiculous. I put a lamp in a dark room and it is still stinkin' dark in there! Not to mention, where are our working friggin' headlights on our vehicles? I mean, shit, shoot an AoE weapon and everything in the zone brightens up, but get in a vehicle and it practically goes dark. I hate.... hate.... HATE driving at nighttime in the wastelands. Before you say anything, there isn't anything pretty about nighttime in the wastelands if you can't see fuckall.

- Color palettes for our clothes. The Outfitters get little enough use, I suspect.

- More plant mobs. There's only the one species, isn't there? How about trees that bend over to eat you if you come close? Like, uhhh, these trees from Mortal Kombat? Hollering all the time and looking mean?

- Uhh.. that's it for the moment, I suppose. Oh, and before you guys jump all over me... art dept does not work on coding, so for the aesthetics thing, I hardly think that it would significantly delay the next content patch, sheesh. Especially for stuff that were ALREADY implemented in the past, i.e. trees in apartments.

edit - P.S. I nearly forgot! How about placeable bloodstains, two types, one for ground and one for walls? You know.. for the somewhat bloodthirsty among us? I know I would be putting them all over the place, especially behind the wall trophies. Like I just chopped off animal heads and nailed them to the walls. MmmmMMMMmMmmMMMmmMMMm!!!

ashley watts
25-07-07, 21:47
Id like to see customiseable PA's like clan logo's on them or somthing, or mods to change your bullet colour, like a blue converter mod on the CS launches sexy blue blobs rather than green, same goes for red, yellow, pink :angel: etc, would look kool, pretty much all hightech weapons could be modded with them :p

EDIT: Porker that post was funneh D:

25-07-07, 21:58
I wud fucking love a PA with CRACKER slapped on the front with a party hat and a drawn on smiley face on the front of my PA, i wud fucking rock!

Dribble Joy
25-07-07, 22:42
Helmetless PA ftw.

ashley watts
26-07-07, 03:01
Helmetless PA ftw.

Reminds me of warhammer for some reason :p

Dribble Joy
26-07-07, 03:44
Helmetless PA, a big cloak, dual wield Judges and a kami and I would be utterly content :p.

26-07-07, 12:01
Helmetless PA, a big cloak, dual wield Judges and a kami and I would be utterly content :p.

Alright then Dribble meet me at Heathrow Airport in half an hour and we'll fly over to KK HQ storm the building and take control. Put in duel pistols, customizable PA, vehicles. Just imagin a hoverbomber with "DEATH FROM ABOVE" painted on the bottom? or a rhino with "WIDE BOY" written on the back? How ace would that be? Gliders with a hot chic and "Lady luck" written on the bottom, hell witha glider you need it sometimes ;)

Reminds me of the other day when I kami'd my glider into an LE'd noob scared the shit out of em hahaha!

Also this reminds me of when I used to play MW4 online, I had a decal that said "If you can read this your about to die." I used it on a MadCat Mk II which had powerful but close range weapons I used to switch my radar off which ment it was hard to detect me, creep up on someone from behind and blow em away before they knew I was there. Funny as hell :D In a clan battle I once racked up five kills with a single life before I got taken down and it was pretty much three at once then two at once. Granted the rest of my squad was keeping them busy and I did ******** them from behind but still it was impressive.

Dribble Joy
26-07-07, 13:38
MCMk2s are rubbish.

Fafnir with four Ultra AC10s is where it's at.

27-07-07, 12:26
Now this would make me come back :D

27-07-07, 13:18
a stupid question 8| ... IF kk moving the aparts from Doy to TH, will they add more cabinets in the smallest aparts? o_O the noob apart holds 4 cabinets, th smallest apart holds just 2 cabinets? :confused:

27-07-07, 14:26
They mean literally moving. Your dome appartment will not become a TH appartment. It will be a dome appartment, just got to from a lift in TH. Or indeed in Pepper Park. Yes, it will look and feel very wrong.

27-07-07, 14:28
you'll have a cool skyline when looking thru one of the many gaps tho :D

27-07-07, 17:02
They mean literally moving. Your dome appartment will not become a TH appartment. It will be a dome appartment, just got to from a lift in TH. Or indeed in Pepper Park. Yes, it will look and feel very wrong.

It will, but there is a way around that.

Just replace the textures for the zone with TH blue stone textures. Whether KK will have the time and resources is another matter.

P.S. Hmm a DoY clan apartment textured as a TH apartment would look very cool! :cool:

28-07-07, 19:35
agreed =0

14-08-07, 06:42
I say, keep DOY unoccupied by players, other than a few apartments in choice areas, if you must, but no HQ's, etc. Make it levelling spots on the outer areas that you would have to fight through to get to the inner areas. Make the inner areas the new ops, shops, and quests/nnpcs. Definitely a few ops, though.

As for monsters in DOY, no more mutants. Regents is enough, as well as outside areas. Go high-tech. I wanna see hoverbombers outside the dome, and if there's an open enough spot, possibly inside, with dome Y-bots and warbots running the corridors! Smaller spider bots for some areas, a few turrets borrowed from tech haven thrown in for good measure. Have to add a few flying mobs to kick out the exploiting areas. Make most of the high-tech stuff be high-level, and not TH oriented (why duplicate it? Kinda against the point.) What new menace could have installed such high-tech hardware in such a short time? Possibly the same one that reactivated the warbots en masse previously? An AI bent on world domination? Dome of Japan invasion? Reeza back from the dead, chased from NC by his own staff, now planning to conquer NC from without to reclaim his throne? Who knows?

Secondly, have an area that is now controlled by a returned DOY population, non-playable faction (like anarchy breed) that is hostile to everyone.

Thirdly, have the dome become "haunted" by those killed by the bomb. The soul clusters could be modified to become haunting spirits (jack up their damage, life, etc.) This could salvage an old monster. All of these would force the factions to abandon the Dome of York.

You could also have a small section overrun with the soul surviving spider queen and her brood. They'd have been holed up in an undiscovered maintenance area or something and have now come out to claim the dome as a new lair.
Hell, do a combination of these ideas, and breathe life into DOY.

21-08-07, 19:52
I think a real Trader faction should be available and would satisfy many people.

moving back FA to Tech haven is really a good idea I think, it would end the fact that TH being a "market place".

The dome could be home for the trader faction,

having a pepper like we knew in the past would be nice.

30-10-07, 23:55
OMG this will be amazing if it goes to plan.....fingers crossed!!
I just hope plaza 1 will be allowed to be a trading place again...NC 1 Saturn was awesome!!

Elle :angel: