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17-04-07, 19:58
Oh lord yes :D

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


We had 2048 / 512

our isp upgrades everyone with that connection for free to 6144 / 1024

then i called them and asked how about a 20480 / 1024 (the highest they can offer for us out here in farmworld)

and she said, that i could do it online, then it would work sometime next week, or she could do it right now for me, and then it would be running full speed by tomorrow.


So practically speaking, I've gone from a 2048 / 512 to a 20480 / 1024 and I'm only paying 140 kr (14 pounds or rougly 8 euro) extra a month for it :D :D :D

<3 <3 <3 <3

Happy Bunnies Everywhere, touches Bunnies here and there, happy happy happy happy bunnies neeeeeee-veeeeeeeerrr feaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!

<3 <3 <3 <3

ashley watts
17-04-07, 20:07
Is that suppost to be Internet speed or somthing o_0, how much is that in megs then i aint no comp tech :p

17-04-07, 20:18
I hate you. :( Denmark should invade the UK and rebuild our internet services (or lack of them) ffs! Balls to BT damnit.

17-04-07, 20:19
Let me get this straight 20meg connection for 8 euros? :cool:

Due to my line length, I can only get 512k, where the average speed in the UK is now 2meg :(

17-04-07, 20:22
The thing is though, in the UK at least you get quoted line speed of whatever. But you rarely get that in actual performance terms - at anything otehr than the dead of night/middle of the day, traffic means that you often perform a lot, lot slower. They need to upgrade the carrying capacity of the network before they start offering faster lines, because quite frankly right now a 20meg line is no better 70% of the time than a 512k one.

17-04-07, 21:21
The thing is though, in the UK at least you get quoted line speed of whatever. But you rarely get that in actual performance terms - at anything otehr than the dead of night/middle of the day, traffic means that you often perform a lot, lot slower. They need to upgrade the carrying capacity of the network before they start offering faster lines, because quite frankly right now a 20meg line is no better 70% of the time than a 512k one.

Its because most ISP's offer piss poor contention ratios of around 50-1. Some as low as 20-1, and some around 100-1.

This means, you POTENTIALLY share that 2mb with 50 other people.

(I sincerely hope I havent misunderstood contention ratios.. has been 4 years since I worked for an ISP)

Dribble Joy
17-04-07, 21:25
There are trials in the UK at current with up to 24 and even 32 meg atm.
Oddly enough the UK infrastructure is actually able to support very high speeds, it's just the rate of roll out has been pathetically slow for various reasons.

Besides, I'm more interested in ping than pure speed.

17-04-07, 22:06
Let me get this straight 20meg connection for 8 euros? :cool:

Due to my line length, I can only get 512k, where the average speed in the UK is now 2meg :(

uh... 2 secs need to calc it.

we had 2048 / 512 for 434 kr a month (43 pounds and 40 pence or 54 euro and 25 cent a month.) which they upgraded to 6144 / 1024 for free.

and now we have 20480 / 1024 for 599 kr a month (59 pounds and 90 pence or 74 euro and 88 cent a month.)

so its 16 pounds 50 pence or 20 euro and 49 cent more.

so I calculated a bit wrong last time, but still, it's way more speed, for almost no extra money.


I could have gotten a LOT more internet at double the price of the new line though, if i lived in the nearest town 3 kms away.

Then I would be able to get 1 gbit / 1 gbit at 1300 kr a month, (130 pounds or 162 euro 50 cent a month), but the other is still cheap and good, considering I live where I do.

17-04-07, 22:17
Its because most ISP's offer piss poor contention ratios of around 50-1. Some as low as 20-1, and some around 100-1.

This means, you POTENTIALLY share that 2mb with 50 other people.

(I sincerely hope I havent misunderstood contention ratios.. has been 4 years since I worked for an ISP)

I believe your understanding is correct.
However we have a few problems here: one is that more and more people use their broadband more of the time. So poor ratios as such show up more. The other is that apparently for both cable and ADSL Max (most people are now on one or the other of these) contention ratios don't apply. But seriously as said, people talk up faster and faster lines, but what we need to make a real difference is the traffic issues sorting.

17-04-07, 22:24
Sorry for danish:..

men hvor fanden bor du :D? Seriøst jeg vil også have den forbindelse ...

btw. you still playing :-D?

17-04-07, 22:25
I started paying £40 for a 1mb, and it has got upgraded for free every year since.
getting it bumped upto 20mb sometime in the next few months

SiL ..:..

17-04-07, 22:59
Sorry for danish:..

men hvor fanden bor du :D? Seriøst jeg vil også have den forbindelse ...

btw. you still playing :-D?

i en forstad til vildbjerg, som er en forstad til herning, som er en by i midtjylland ...

vilbjerg og herning har 1 gbit / 1gbit forbindelsen, or de fleste byer med 10000+ indbyggere har også.

yea, I'm still playing.

Spending my lonely nights in an underground, with some datacubes of drom porn, and the fallen angels mission bps.

Takes ages, erasing the fallen angels tl 150 missions so i can put some more drom porn on it.

3xFA TL 150 BP = 27000 credits earned after expenses.
3xdrom porn datacubes = 90000 credits earned after expenses (they need extra "lube") :p :p :p


SIL !!!!!!!

<3 SanityIsLost <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 *touch* <3

Bunnies <3 SiL <3 Naimex <3 Bunnies

17-04-07, 23:09
I got 24/2 mbit at the moment. Planning on downgrading to 20 mbit / 3 mbit instead. If I would move 20 minutes from here I could get 100/100 mbit :rolleyes:.

18-04-07, 00:45
I been on 8MB long time, its... nice. Its actually been getting cheaper for me, started out at something like £30 for 512k, went up to 1mb for umm, £26, then 2mb for £20, then free upgrade to 8mb and its still £20!

I'm only posting coz naimex had an orgasm and Sil posted :P

18-04-07, 00:49
Long time no see Lexxuk :)

18-04-07, 00:51
I played a little in beta, but I been elsewhere, the yes yes yes yes yes drew me back like umm, something to a something else :D nice to see ya again too ;)

18-04-07, 01:06
I know that Virgin Media are about to upgrade their 10 meg line to 20 meg and are only charging £37 per month. They also have plans for a 50 meg line sometime in the future.

Asurmen Spec Op
18-04-07, 01:16
for $45 Im getting a 25mb both way line...

18-04-07, 01:34
I know that Virgin Media are about to upgrade their 10 meg line to 20 meg and are only charging £37 per month. They also have plans for a 50 meg line sometime in the future.

Except currently on an NTL (virign) line I am getting a ping of 600 to Neocron and a speed test just clocked me in at
Date 18/04/07 00:33:25
Speed Down 265.30 Kbps ( 0.3 Mbps )
Speed Up 224.09 Kbps ( 0.2 Mbps )
So upping to 20meg means sweet fuck all. Also a bit more upstream would be more useful than more downsteam in all honesty.

18-04-07, 07:27
I played a little in beta, but I been elsewhere, the yes yes yes yes yes drew me back like umm, something to a something else :D nice to see ya again too ;)

Oh my holy fucking god of sexyness!!

I found a Holy LexxUK summoner spell :O

<3 Lexxy :D

18-04-07, 07:58
Damn you all, DAMN you all and your fast connections!! :(

1024/512 line here.. 200kr per month..

18-04-07, 15:10
Oh my holy fucking god of sexyness!!

I found a Holy LexxUK summoner spell :O

<3 Lexxy :D

Yay, I'ma pokemon!! <3 :D

Richard Slade
18-04-07, 15:12
Gz naimex :)
Now you're welcome over to Lund, we're we get 100/100mbit lines for free
*COUGHCOUGH* :angel: :angel: :angel:

Edit: And gimme back me Lexxuk damnit, ain't good for him to masturbate over cables so much O_o

18-04-07, 15:12
Singapore have residential 100Mbps. Europe lags behind. Pun intended.

Richard Slade
18-04-07, 15:15
Singapore have residential 100Mbps. Europe lags behind. Pun intended.
Capital of Sweden and another town provides 1Gbit lines nowadays you know.
Cheerio mate :lol:

18-04-07, 16:19
Gz naimex :)
Now you're welcome over to Lund, we're we get 100/100mbit lines for free
*COUGHCOUGH* :angel: :angel: :angel:

Edit: And gimme back me Lexxuk damnit, ain't good for him to masturbate over cables so much O_o

No! The froggy is chasing me down again >.< you evil person! :p :angel:

18-04-07, 16:22
Singapore have residential 100Mbps. Europe lags behind. Pun intended.

You should read the whole thread before making those statements ;).

Dribble Joy
18-04-07, 16:27
Singapore has a new (relative) dedicated system though. Most of Europe (apart from other dedicated areas like parts of Sweden) is still running off much older infrastructure.

18-04-07, 16:34
If you go here (http://www.samknows.com/broadband/) and find your exchange, it will let you know when they expect to move you over to the 21CN, with speeds of upto umm, 24mb apparently. I'm Q3 2009, though TalkTalk appear to be LLU my exchange one day, but TT suck.

18-04-07, 16:48
Let me get this straight 20meg connection for 8 euros? :cool:

Due to my line length, I can only get 512k, where the average speed in the UK is now 2meg :(

Dont worry brammers we can download slower than everyone else together :(

18-04-07, 19:16
I been on 8MB long time, its... nice. Its actually been getting cheaper for me, started out at something like £30 for 512k, went up to 1mb for umm, £26, then 2mb for £20, then free upgrade to 8mb and its still £20!

I'm only posting coz naimex had an orgasm and Sil posted :P




18-04-07, 20:15
Rawr @ naimex and lexx! :D :D

SiL ..:..

18-04-07, 20:53
And that just proves how crap internet in the UK really is.

/set kill_BT 1