View Full Version : Question to KK regarding PVE

31-03-07, 14:52
Something has been bothering me for a long time...

When I play my tank with ravager on firemobs, he does different damage when the mob got his armor.

But once it's broken, what I do is : 3 x 205 damage. Never more, never less wether I'm shoting a 60/60 Raptor or a 120/120 Grim Chaser.

So I wonder... if weapons have no cap now, why do mobs get a damage cap from weapons ?

31-03-07, 15:11
Erm what?
When the mob's armour is broken, you do the direct damage from the weapon, with no reduction by armour. I don't see your logic here...

31-03-07, 15:27
so after armor everything takes the same damage be it 60/60 mob or 120/120 mob ? if i understand u correct

31-03-07, 16:39
Yes weapon damage is not capped, but I think you will still have a maximum amount of damage you can deal determined by your own setup. And for all mobs to receive that same amount of damage once their armour is gone...it seems kinda logical to me.

31-03-07, 17:27
Well if it works like that I understand why it takes me ages to kill a 80/80 copbot... Those have no skin under the armor. It's just an armor under the armor...

Mighty Max
31-03-07, 18:41
']Well if it works like that I understand why it takes me ages to kill a 80/80 copbot... Those have no skin under the armor. It's just an armor under the armor...

I think i remember a design post on the PvE (by Thanatos?), where the "Techmobs" where planned to become the most armored/difficult to kill class of mobs. However i can't find the post right now.

31-03-07, 21:37
I know the robots are supposed to be the hardest mobs ingame (160-205 on a grim chaser and 70-95 on a copbot with my ravager)

But anyway if a mob with its armor broken is supposed to take the same damage from rank 1 to rank 127 then something is definately wrong with its HP.

I understand I have to shot a few ravager clip to kill a grim but I don't get why I have to shot 3 or 4 ravager clip to kill a hoper 68/68. Those mobs should be no bother for me... (or 2 clips max)

Mighty Max
31-03-07, 21:41
Well once the armor is shot down for the damage you do, there is just the health left.

That's what differences the lvl120 mob from the lvl80 mob. It might need a better curve tho (less increase of HP in the lower range, higher increase on HP on the upper range) for the techmobs.

31-03-07, 22:30
i agree with max here, they should adjust the curve a bit for all mobs. I avoid Hoppers now after trying to kill one with my SH.