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29-03-07, 09:49
Do u guys have some sort of Contract with click2pay or something? If so....when the contract is up is the possibility of going back to worldpay still there or what? Just curious....

awkward silence
29-03-07, 11:03
I think it's more along the lines that click2pay owns (some?) shares from 10tacle that (fully?) owns KK.

Therefore in simple terms... KK is being sodomized and kept in that position not by its sodomizer but its sodomizer's somomizer.

Rude, but that is pretty much just everyday corporate politics and IMHO the best way to describe it. Ofcourse there are other shareholders and stuff and making a diagram is probably the easiest to make it out.

Thus C2P has a pretty solid position. Allthough I dont know the details of the contract.

Wandering to holds shares in C2P...

29-03-07, 13:46
that makes sense, but id like to know from kk themselves. I dont think it'd be THAT top secret just to let us know :\

29-03-07, 14:33
I will not make any statements about existing business contracts. What I can say is that we are now offering several different payment options that should fit everyones needs.

Vid Gamer
29-03-07, 15:42
charging directly to a CC would really help :angel:

29-03-07, 15:44
Paypal can use CC, Not only that but no matter what Paypal can access your moeny

Bank card
Bank Account
Checking account
Credit Card

Also its cheaper than any other method of payment!