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14-03-07, 20:40
Is the Terminator a viable close-range weapon for a rifle PE in op-fights?

If so, what're the best mods to use with it?

14-03-07, 22:46
All the weapons seem to do reasonable damage in comparison to one another now, not to mention most are no longer bugged either at all or as much as they were, which is good, so I would assume it is indeed a viable option. I never got round to testing the lower end rifles myself though as none of my characters will ever use them.

If you have a decent Terminator I would probably hang onto it for a bit before modding it and wait to see the typical resist setups used by most players if you haven't been paying attention already. But again if you have a 5 slot one you should be able to stick at least two ammo mods on it for easy switching on the fly. It's the resists of the mobs/people you're shooting at that determine the best ammo mod to use. Phosphor is probably still a good option.

Dribble Joy
14-03-07, 22:52
Some of the weapons still need a few tweaks, like the laser weapons, xbow and the like though.

14-03-07, 23:46
laser weapons are fine drib (Atleast most ive seen, since i cant use any high end laser rifles but the HL after tweak) There all pretty balanced in comparison with other weapon types around the same TL. If not id like to know which youve seen bugged so i can do some testing myself. Send me a PMd list.

Dribble Joy
15-03-07, 00:50
So the Creed isn't too powerful then?

15-03-07, 01:40
Creeds a freezer not a laser =P Havnt seen anyone with one yet anyways.

15-03-07, 01:42
Creeds a laser cannon and yeah on the TS it's a bit too powerful (like most laser weapons such as HL now).

15-03-07, 02:26
ahah bad memory your right. Sorry about that brain fart. Was thinking of the breeze thing or whatever its called. Either way still havnt seen anyone with one. Probly shoots slow as hell like the HL.