View Full Version : the Neocron Evolution 2.2 Trailer

12-03-07, 19:20


12-03-07, 19:21
It's poop

12-03-07, 19:22
i know it juts saves people downloading it

12-03-07, 19:25
Thanks for that Napper now I know for a fact the trailer shows nothing that has anything to do with the 2.2 patch. :P

12-03-07, 19:39
There's not really much point putting a trailer together for you guys now is there? :p The intention is to use this to attract people not familiar with the game, and I think it does that quite nicely (apart from the grammatical error in "worlds" ;))


12-03-07, 20:29
The trailer rules.
Only complaint is its somewhat big size.
Other than that, put this thing on mmorpg, and just watch people influx.

Clive tombstone
12-03-07, 21:25
woulda been cool if you coulda featured the "Ingame" model of Regent in there. Woulda went with the current storyline. That or HIOB

12-03-07, 21:28
Yeah. The trailer rules. My friend wants to try NC. He will probably do the trial at our Easter-break.

12-03-07, 21:44
The trailer was cool , defo injected the neocrack into me! Downloading client now !.

ashley watts
12-03-07, 21:52
Put it on T.V Noobs ! :p

12-03-07, 22:08
seriously, splurge and put it on like adult swim or something... haha you'll get like 1000000 more people.

lack of advertisement is rediculous

12-03-07, 22:12
Trues... put it on the tele!!!

12-03-07, 22:30
i swear 2 god the neocron music makes me piss my pants...i fuking LOVE ITTTT!!! it reminds me of wen i first started playing like ages ago. trailer could be better tbh i dano.

12-03-07, 22:44
Why not hire PvP comic, Penny-Arcade, or GuComic to do a mini-series of comics about Neocron?

Well, in PvP comic's case, it'd be a repeat, but I don't know how many people saw that.

12-03-07, 23:00
Me and Clive were working on a comic but Clive pulled out.

Think i might still have the old writings for 'em somewhere

Dribble Joy
12-03-07, 23:02
I'm doing a webcomic about NC...... in about 5 years when the other one's finished.

I'm also liking the new menu background.

13-03-07, 00:13
I've started to see World of Warcraft on TV
They've made the advert to make out it's a great game... it made me feel sick !


Clive tombstone
13-03-07, 01:24
Damnit Hell... okay how about this, my quarter break is comming up man, I PROMIS illl get any 2 strips done by in that week you write. I really mean it. Ill admit I pulled out of the project because I wasnt happy with the current level of skill I possessed as an artist, and well... I still am not =P, but Im confident enough to not be totally ashamed of it at this moment =D. I really wanna make that up to yeh buddy.

And back on topic, the trailer wasnt "bad" it just seemed pretty similar to the original 2.1 trailer man (I actually liked the 2.1 trailer a bit more, simply for its action and theatrics really).

Quick Critique (Hey Im a game artist, I can say my piece right?)
Things that bothered me-
1.Taking into account the previous trailer, it seemed very similar to the original.
2.The trailer didnt really display anything "New" other than neocron as a "new" subject to people who never have seen it before. (as niddy stated)
3. No real theatrics besides (Neocron 1 came 2002, yada yada yada) or story telling (were trying to present this game to a "new" line of players right? tell a little story =P).

Things I liked.
1.Well I honestly say that music never gets old, Its a really powerful track (I really also liked the older track for Neocron 1 or 2, I forget, the one that had the bitchin "scratching and grundge rock" parts in it (this trailerNeocron 1 trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJt66_EBGRg&mode=related&search=) )
2. Good ammount of diplay of areas (yeah I know none of thats really new, but it was presented much better than the last trailers)
3.okay, the display of combat wasnt so bad, but Honestly tiny cuts like those dont get the message accross too well (just what my Visual storytelling teacher says).

I forgot the last thing I was going to say but Ill do so later.