View Full Version : Nc F2p?

04-03-07, 21:36
First things first, this idea isn't originally mine, I picked it up from the help channel (I think) in-game from a guy called X.....something or other (sorry I can't remember your name) and was discussed by a few people too.

The idea is this; What if NC was free to play as well as pay to play? The free to play people would be limited to their respective cities (DoY/NC) and would (possibly) be restricted to tradeskill classes. This would help the (from my experience) deficit in certain tradeskill areas. I think they would obviously have to have some sort of cap lower than the paying clients otherwise they would drain the trade from them. It may also help in boosting NC populations. As someone said in the help channel when I saw this being discussed, how long will the non-paying players be able to handle seeing all the paying customers going off and PvPing, having OP wars and doing all the other fun stuff already in NC without thinking 'Hey....I wanna do THAT!' and immediately sign up as a paying customer.

Like I said this wasn't my idea originally and I'm only really putting it here to see what other people think of it, whether it would work or not etc. Of course I don't expect KK to do anything about it and I'm just putting it here as something to do whilst they fix the servers.

So what u think?

04-03-07, 22:00
I was in on this conversation saying that it is a horrible idea, sorry to say =/

04-03-07, 22:03
lol, no need to be sorry. Like i said, not my idea and not sure where i stand on it either. Just wanted to get a new thread going (that Nid won't close!) whilst the servers are down.

So, why you think it's a bad idea, would you care to elaborate my friend?

04-03-07, 22:10
it is a great idea :)

It'd be nice to see a much higher population... even if they're stuck inside the cities, and it'll get more people OP war'ing and such !

I dunno why KK don't do it :p

04-03-07, 22:11
Maybe if it was limited to the newbie mc5 area........

04-03-07, 22:14
That'd be pointless, no incentive to continue !

04-03-07, 22:24
That'd be pointless, no incentive to continue !

Its supposed to be a free introduction, not a free ride.

Otherwise everyone just uses it for free CST/RES/REP alts.

04-03-07, 22:29
maybe make it so that you can only have either paying OR free? wudnt know if this is possible at all tho

04-03-07, 22:31
Otherwise everyone just uses it for free CST/RES/REP alts.

Where's the problem with that? People get more pvp chars, everyone has a trader to fall back on and even if you don't have a trader, someone else always will.

Not saying I agree with the idea though, I'm not sure.

04-03-07, 22:35
The only problem is that the initial mc5 area isn't exactly a fantastic advert of what the game does offer.

Perhaps the free accounts could be allowed in with all of their implant slots locked (although with the option to remove their LE) and limited solely to the PE class. There's no way they could ever be truly viable for PvP (edit- or step on the toes of proper tradeskillers), but the flexibility of their class would let them try out different aspects of the game and get a proper feel for it. It might be just enough neocrack to get them to become fully fledged paying customers.

04-03-07, 22:41
Well....maybe if LE only , and cap their class skills at 20%.... so they can get to rank /20 or so

eg: Free play monk gets:

PSI 20
INT 20
CON 11

After they hit those caps they get a msg saying "you cannot progress more until.....give us money :p"

(but everyone will still use them to do mr jones missions..so maybe disable him also)

04-03-07, 22:53
Maybe they can't use rare/epic items (including implants)? But still be able to cap characters.

04-03-07, 22:58
well as i said, we would have to put a cap on them. I would suggest a relatively low one so that if they did decide to go full and pay they wouldn't have to do too much of the same thing all over again with a new char

05-03-07, 10:24
how about a new slot is opened seperate from current implants. there is always an implant in there. and when ur a subscriber its turned off...

the free chip. reduces exp by 50% increases SI by 45%i think that would give u 45% lower stats all the time forever. not sure. so even when u hit lvl 100 u would only be lvl 55. you could still neofrag and war games. but u wouldnt have a licence to leave the city and in doing so invincable copbot's would spawn and kill you (tracking beakon in your chip) also genreps would be disabled untill you subscribed =]

each time your subscription runs out your character should be transported back to the center of your chosen city, fraction supply managers should be out of the question, peoples only option for leveling will be in the city. then update all the screens to show epic battles outside the city. and vhc's that are being driven around. maby add a wargames map with a vhc spawn point where people can show of there rhyno nuking a few city noobs.

see subscription as a hacking tool to disable your chip temporarily =]

=] thats a idea how to impliment it... that said as of yet. i dont know if it would be a good idea or not. proobably not

*edit. just thought. SI at low lvls will be fucking over there starting skills. =\ maby less si... not sure what that perfect value would be but the fact that there is si would stop them constructing and reserching especialy as they wouldnt beable to use a lab since they cant leave the city*

05-03-07, 10:30
What's that? LEs play free?

Sweet. I don't think KK will miss my $550/yr.

05-03-07, 17:58
What's that? LEs play free?

Sweet. I don't think KK will miss my $550/yr.Dude you aren't normal! 8|

Is that 5 accounts paid monthly or more accounts paid semi-monthly??