View Full Version : Clan and Outposts help

23-02-07, 16:21
Hi, i've been playing the game for approx 3 weeks and was just wondering about how clans and outposts work. The reason is because me and a friend in-game have a rough plan to finish our current factions epics and then both go off to do two other factions epics and then eventually join the CM and possibly form a clan together. We are both currently */35 and LE'd so we are obviously a way off doing this yet.

What I wanted to know is this; is it worth forming a clan as opposed to joining another one, is it hard to form one when so many already exist? What exactly do clans do? (i kno this is a very general question). How do clans get money? Is there anything sum1 recquires b4 forming a clan? lol, i think that's about it for clans!

As for outposts, i've read the Tech Haven Network guide to outposts so i'm relatively confident as to how they work. What i was more interested in is whether they are particularly hard to get control off and thus keep control off? Are they really hotly contested over or is it quite static? Is there a recommended size that a clan should have before trying to take over an outpost?

Of course i have spoken to a few vets in-game about this but i thought i'd post a thread here as i can get more people's opinions on the matter and (this is the theory) receive a wider range of knowledge on the subject.

Anyway, if u've bothered to read this far, well done! and a reply would be gratefully recieved. Thanx, Matan

23-02-07, 16:46
First on the clan buisness:

To form a clan you need to have completed the Epic for the faction whom you wish to make a clan for (In your case CM) you also need 75+ (Or is it 90? cant remember) faction sympathy in order to buy the Clan key from the Faction Supply Manager.

There is NO minimum requirement of members, you can have a one man clan if you want, with the clan you get a Clan Apartement, its an apartement which everybody in the clan can use so everybody in the clan can use all the cabinets there and so forth.

Clans get money by the members putting money into the clan account (Over the CityCom) or by holding the Outposts.

If you wish to take an OutPost you will need 4 hackers (3 Layers outside and 1 in HackNet) and most likely have a bigger army than the defending clan, so if you make your own clan it will take a while for you to scrounge enough members to take an OutPost, but there IS a satisfaction by saying "MY Clan did this!"

Of course if you want to go straight to the OutPost wars you'll have to join a big clan instead of making your own

I think thats about covers your questions, good luck Runner.

- Napalm

Dribble Joy
23-02-07, 16:58
There aren't many CM clans about really, and none of significant size enough to really make an impact on the OP stage.

Being a merc myself, personally I'm somewhat adverse to CMs going for OPs.
Being a neutral band of guns for hire doesn't seem quite right when you're persuing a political and/or military/territorial agenda.
So while more CMs = good, personally I wouldn't like you going for OPs.

CM life outside OPs if somewhat boring unless you try to RP it, which alas is quite hard to do without pissing everyone on the server off. The mission and symp system doesn't really lend itself to being a true merc.

Personally I am in a semi-permanent hired status for a cirtain anti-city clan, though this only includes large scale fights (OP assistance) and caving. No pking by myself against pros for example. I will try to remain as neutral and open to contracts as possible at all times.

If you really want to go the OP route, I'd suggest (regardless of my personal opinions) joining a bigger clan.
Creating your own takes a long time, especially if you are new to the game and people under you aren't.
Spend some time getting to know people in the game while in a clan, then think about making a new one.

23-02-07, 17:08
What I wanted to know is this; is it worth forming a clan as opposed to joining another one

You will probably be better off joining an already existing clan.

is it hard to form one when so many already exist?

It is fairly hard, a lot of players are already in clans they are dedicated to. Unless you have a decent sized group of friends it would be difficult to manage.

What exactly do clans do?

Clans are groups of people who participate in activities such as pvp, op wars, leveling, completing missions or tradeskilling.

How do clans get money?

Clans can obtain money through a player-run 'clan bank' system. This allows players to deposit money into the clan to share with it's members. A player of any rank can deposit money, but only players above a certain rank number (8?) are allowed to take money from the bank.

As for outposts, i've read the Tech Haven Network guide to outposts so i'm relatively confident as to how they work. What i was more interested in is whether they are particularly hard to get control off and thus keep control off? Are they really hotly contested over or is it quite static? Is there a recommended size that a clan should have before trying to take over an outpost?

To take an OP you must have Hacknet characters to hack 'layers' inside hacknet. While this is going on players in the realworld engage in combat against eachother in any kind of numbers, sometimes it's only a few runners against eachother and other times it can be 10 vs 10 + on either side.

Certain Outposts are more favoured than others, for example clans regularly battle for Cycrow Lab (F12 sector) as this is a very popular zones for runners to visit (it has a popular leveling cave and several good spots for fire mob spawns and in the next zone, F13). Other outposts are less favoured than others, if a clan decides they want this OP and hack it, sometimes the owning clan will not even bother to defend it (this is known as ninja hacking, ninja hacking can also occur when the owning clan does not have enough members of to defend the OP, therefore the attacking clan can take the OP with a minimum of effort. Certain clans participate in ninja hacking more than others, but I wont name names :p )

Of course i have spoken to a few vets in-game about this but i thought i'd post a thread here as i can get more people's opinions on the matter and (this is the theory) receive a wider range of knowledge on the subject.

Forums are generally a better support route for in-game information, as people on the help channel don't always give details answers.

Being a member of a clan and OP warring is probably the best aspect of Neocron, not only do you make some good friends along the way but you get to participate in the most intense pvp action that very few games can live up to ;)

23-02-07, 18:12
Cracker gets very angry when people say you need your factions epic complete to form a clan! YOU DONT!!! just buy the key or get ur mate to buy it if u dont have 90 symp and activate it. It works!

23-02-07, 18:17

The THN. Learn to love it. :P
(althoug there are some minor inaccuracies in that guide)

Nevermind, just saw that you had read the guide. Forming your own clan can be fun, but you'll have an easier ride generally if you join an existing one.

24-02-07, 01:32
Well thanx for all that! helps alot. Seem to be finding myself in a bit of a predicament here! The reason i want to join CM in the end is because the whole political side to neocron is a big part of the reason why i joined the game and CM is the faction i feel i would fit into best as i don't particularly want to side with either NC or DoY and like the idea of being a merc. However another big part is the PvP element to the game. I've quickly come to realise that this is possibly the games strongest point in many respects, particularly PvP centered around OP's, and i really want to be a part of it.

My predicament is that i totally agree with Dribble's point about the CM's getting involved with OP's, although i didn't realise it till he pointed it out. It totally conflicts with CM's political stance of neutrality. Now i feel torn between choosing either joining CM or joining in on the OP fun! lol. However, this is all a long way off yet so i wont trouble myself with it, i'll cross that bridge when i come to it!

Given what i've heard from you guys then i have another question; would it perhaps be best to join a clan of some kind whilst at the other factions i wish to join before CM and stay with them for a little while and get a taste of the PvP and OP scene aswell as getting to know people before i consider forming my own clan? If so, how feasible is it to leave a clan once you've joined it?

Once again, thank you for your help so far and any more answers you can give will be gratefully received.

24-02-07, 02:34
I would say join up with an existing clan and see how things are done, every clan is different and does things differently from other clans. Its easy to leave a clan once you've joined, people do it all the time. There are some people here that have bounced around in just about every clan out there :)

Dribble Joy
24-02-07, 04:39
Before moving to CM (if that's your intended goal), I would suggest joining another clan (or two depending of how you feel).
The real issue here is experience. OP fights aren't necessarily something you learn over-night, especially from a command perspective.
The game (as you may have allready gathered) has a steep learning curve, even after 3 weeks of play, the details of the game world, may not be apparent.
Take your time learning how things work, and along the way forge friendships and other relationships. The experience and skills learned from a few weeks in a main clan will be invaluable if you want to forge an individual path.

As for CM... well I just hope our mission/symp system gets sorted. I so want to play a real merc, but things at current prevent me.

24-02-07, 15:57
I hope for the symp thing to be sorted too, at least by the time i get there anyway!

And i'm well aware that i'm still a noob in this game and that it has a steep learning. I do realise that all this OP and PvP stuff is a way off for me yet.

This has, however helped me start to form a rough plan in my head. One of the factions i want to complete epics for b4 i join CM is FA and i just so happen to be getting to know a certain FA Clan leader rather well atm. So may join them when i get round to it.

Still miles ahead of myself tho will just carry on doing what i'm doing and enjoy the game.

Btw, mt in-game name is Matan and i'm Terra server (just in case u wanna say 'hi' for any strange reason! lol)

I would also like to say that the community on this game has been amazing and want to thank all of you for your help.

24-02-07, 16:21
Regarding joining FA first, its currently very difficult to change from a pro-city to a doy faction , since the npcs will all be shooting you while your trying to get into the faction office to talk to the faction change npc there......

It can be done with a PPU help , but you have to be fast, know you way around and probably get ressed 5-10 times in the process. (your basically going into a hostile faction HQ....with turrets/guards spamming you with dmg....while trying to talk to the faction change npc inside)

But if you have a FA clan willing to help you with this then it should be ok.


The only realistic way to change from pro-city to doy , is to change to CM first.....then from CM to FA etc ....so you are no longer kos to the FA guards in doy.

24-02-07, 21:40
Having recently done just this, on a character that can stealth, it's not too bad. I still have to do it on my Tank and PPU, not exactly looking forward to those two...

24-02-07, 23:55
well i've spoken to my 'contact' at the FA clan and she's said that once i'm ready she will arrange for me to join the clan.

I am a spy/infiltrator and also have stealth tool so that may be an option. will obviously need to lvl up a bit first tho. But as i've said this is all quite a way off yet so i'm sure i will be appropriate level by then.

Btw, what skills do i need to make the stealth tool last longer (apart from buying a better stealth tool of course! lol)

25-02-07, 00:05
Btw, what skills do i need to make the stealth tool last longer (apart from buying a better stealth tool of course! lol)

Well as you say yourself, you need a better stealthtool.
Imo stealth2 is the best one, dont need to spec too much to use it: 90 T-C (Slasher/Exec is 88 T-C)

Doc Holliday
25-02-07, 09:11
so what do those npcs in tech haven do then. there are faction representatives for all factions. dont they swap u over to anti city factions or pro ones?

25-02-07, 09:26
No, they just give you +5 sympathy in the related Faction by doing hard but fun missions (you need to kill 20x harassors or aggressors)

25-02-07, 09:39
Cracker gets very angry when people say you need your factions epic complete to form a clan! YOU DONT!!! just buy the key or get ur mate to buy it if u dont have 90 symp and activate it. It works!
Matan, what he says, as I was reading the post I was wondering how come people never mentioned you DONT need to do faction epics, which btw are a lot easier when you have played the game a lil more.

Join a clan by picking either DoY or Pro city, avoid CMs as they dont have many clans that are active in CM. If you are Pro, check the map and this will tell you which are the active clans on the map atm that do OP fights. Contact those clans by directly asking their member that are online or people you somehow know. If you dont know anybody, then pick a couple of tradeskills, like the most important to begin with is Hacking (in order to hack OPs), so every clan needs to have hackers.
Another one is pokers, for when your buddies have lost the fight and need to get poked, then is repairers and last is barters. These secondary skills always help big clans, due to low populations atm.
1. hackers
2. pokers
3. Repairers
4. Barters
All these are spies properties, and have nothing to do with pvp. As you gain knowledge you can also make fighter characters too usually Apus in 2.1...

25-02-07, 10:55
well thanx.

I'm a spy atm and use him for both fighting and other sub-skills. The only tradeskill i have is Hacking really which i have 90 in and working on it. I have enough in REP/IMP/CON/RES for basic stuff which i did at the beginning.

I also have good INT and VHC and have a 4x4 chaincraft atm. (btw are vehicles used when taking OP's?)

I'm still only 34/36 and am not thinking of taking my LE out till i'm atleast */45ish.

As for the epics, i'm quite happy doing them anyway. I wanna at least do my current one which is TT, then NEXT and BT before i think about going anti. I may go from pro to CM, to anti and then if they sort the SL problem out with the mercs i may go back to them.

Anyway, still having lots of fun teaming with peeps and killing mobs atm. need to find some ppl who are willing to try cave-levelling but cant find a decent PPU to come with me!

25-02-07, 11:54
Spies are good for supporting, but they are not good for fighting, at least not until your char is fully capped, with very special equipment at hand, in terms of implants/weapons.

If you want to to gain fast levels with a spy I recommend adjusting your con to all Poison, wear a medium poison belt plus a basic resist 2 and going in the cave close to Gravis OP. Con points + belt prot + BR2 should be more than 100-110 to have chances, also some good health will help. Also put some in force as well (more than or equal to 50 no more than 75). In that cave, maybe only def3 psi spell helps and a good TL10 healing module.

You may also consider making a new hybrid monk, which gets good protection, levels fast and is a ... monk ;) Monks use AoE spells, which multiplies gained exp to the max. Drones also do the same thing, so a spy droner in general also levels faster than other spies...

Don't pull LE out, unless you are being offered an invitation to a good clan

25-02-07, 14:12
Wasn't planning on taking it out till then anyway.

As for that cave, will take me a while to get my Resist Poison up as i haven't put any in that yet! Any other good places to level on my own or with one other person?

I am also aware that Spies aren't all that in battle, which i was quite happy with when i chose Spy/Infiltrator. I wanted to be OK in battle and recon type stuff but be versatile enough to do other things aswell (such as basic Psi, Hacking and Vehicle use).

Something else i wanted to ask.... The spy i'm using is my main character and i wanted to keep him my main one. I haven't started using any alt chars yet and was just wondering wot alt characters i should try using to support my current character.

25-02-07, 14:20
only one way to level psi on a spy is by doing missions. its a matter of 2-3 hrs until you complete them all along and have capped psi. You definitely need psi if you want to level fast, so start doing missions starting from the very easy ones according to sympathy and moving up. you go to p2 by the terminals in there, and then to the aggie cellars. Or, if your sympathy is too low, you go first in p1 and do ants/bees missions

Try all characters one by one, don't just stick to one class only. Also as a newbie I recommend you play at least a Pistol Private eye. More or less, spies are designed to support others. In general though, you need constructor and a researcher. Also a repairer is not a bad idea

25-02-07, 14:37
kool, constructor and researcher were wot I was thinking of. Wot's the best way to level those guys?

As for Psi with my spy, i already have basic Psi modules. Have heal, deflector and the one that makes me do more damage with a pistol.

25-02-07, 14:50
kool, constructor and researcher were wot I was thinking of. Wot's the best way to level those guys?

As for Psi with my spy, i already have basic Psi modules. Have heal, deflector and the one that makes me do more damage with a pistol.
try making a droner spy, and use ONLY store bought drones- no need for psi, no need for ammo, plus AoE weapons, means fast leveling... but also boring ...